By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

Mr. Cheney, while you and those around you were being kept safe during the Vietnam War, I was fighting in Vietnam.  I wasn’t fighting for you.  If I had known who you were, I would have thrown you in a well in a New York minute.  Like generations before me, I hoped my own children wouldn’t have to sleep in mud day after day and see their friends blown apart beside them.  Now I have to listen to your endless whining about how Americans should think nothing about how important it is to be safe, safe, of course, because we are sending the children we fought to protect out to die for us.  If I have to be kept safe in my old age, seeing our kids and grandkids die, many of them husbands, parents, it just isn’t worth it.  If real killing and dying has to go on to really protect America, something some of us aren’t so sure is the case, I will go right now, but I am dragging your bloated hulk with me.

Alot of us who fought in Vietnam will go.  We deserve it.  We were supposed to build a world for our children and grandchildren to grow up in and we failed.  We elected crooks, we took too much and gave too little and we had our head in the sand while our freedoms were taken away from us.

People like Cheney, Bush, Rove, Limbaugh, Reagan, Gingrich, Ashcroft, Rice, Delay and Lott told us the world owed us a living.  Too many of us believed you and mortgaged our future to pay for a party we were never invited to anyway.  We have nothing left but our kids and you are asking for them too.  I say no.  We are going to pay our own way.  We aren’t like you.

We have it coming.  When it was time to come home from war and build a better society, we, instead, let cheap crooked politicians take over.  We stayed out of politics.  It was too dirty for us, beneath our honor.  What took over, of course, was a generation of phony heroes, Bush the “war fighter” whose service records are classified for a century and an endless series of lying war profiteers, war mongers, torturers and scumbags.

I want every stinking one of them with me.  They can walk in front.  I will keep them moving.  This is what boots are for.  With Cheney, nobody would ever stand behind him anyway, if he had a gun in his hand.

What I find most offensive is that we can fight war after war because we have soldiers who have no other job than to be in the military.  They are trapped, the jobs they should have were shipped overseas, the money to build a real economy wasted on phony wars and our kids are supposed to die around the world, not saving us from tyranny but working for thieves and cowards.

More sickening still, we lie to our kids, call them heroes, give them medals, make up imaginary enemies for them to hate and manipulate them by telling them how scared all of us are and how grateful we are for them keeping us safe.

We could have taught them better but we were too busy shopping, watching the “big game” and telling war stories down at the Legion hall. .

Don’t fight for me.  Don’t defend me.  I don’t want anyone captured, questioned, tortured or killed in my name.  Don’t put anyone on trial in a military kangaroo court so I can fly to Paris for a weekend without some malcontent with a box cutter getting in my face.  I am an American.  I will deal with it myself, thank you very much.

The worst thing a parent can do is outlive one of their children.  I know this first hand.  Many American parents know this first hand.  Simply because we have become a generation of cowardly bloated former yuppies is no reason for us to glue ourselves to Fox News waiting for the daily terrorism outlook.

One of the most sickening experiences of my life is hearing people say, “He kept us safe.”  The “he” they were pointing at, of course, was a reprehensible coward and liar who started two personal wars to fatten his Wall Street friends while tearfully recognizing the sacrifice of “the warriors that gave all for freedom.”

Every time I saw him, I could also see thru the act.  He would crawl back into his helicopter, wipe the tears from his eyes, and announce:

“I hope that holds the suckers for awhile.”

VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.