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Obama’s Gold – 94.6% Pure, Bomb Grade Plutonium

...the country very nearly lost the state of South Carolina. Those deadly Plutonium cores were jerked out of those three big Duke Power reactors so fast it would make your head spin.

Kill One Kill Twelve Kill Millions Kill Billions

The cause of the proximate murder of most, if not all, humans on Earth is a complicated tale of corruption and sabotage by more than one person surrounding the brutal meltdowns and explosions ....

Israel, US Divided Over Iran Nuclear Issue

While Iran and the world six powers wrapped up their talks on Thursday in an atmosphere apparently meant to resolve the nuclear issue, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and top negotiator on Iran Wendy Sherman rushed to Tel Aviv to brief the Israeli officials on the new nuclear developments and "reaffirm our [US] unshakeable commitment to Israel's security."

Balancing the 9/11 Account- The Military

I don't want to spoil the surprise...a few hundred stokes and heart attacks, a few car accidents, an airline crash or two, isn't that the way it's usually done?

Fukushima: How Many Chernobyls Is It?

"The reactors are releasing as much as a Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Company) measured 10 Quadtrillion (10,000 Trillion Bq) radioactive counts per second of deadly radioactive smoke particles into the Earth’s atmosphere."

Japan’s 9.0 Earthquake Equal to One Million Kiloton Nuclear Weapon

... The deadly 9.0 earthquake was the energy equivalent of 31,250 combined Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atomic Bombs.


Former President George W. Bush planned to invade Iran in 2007, even though America's military was exhausted and overstretched by two unsuccessful wars. His own popularity, at a real 8%, was the reason, that and the economic collapse that he was trying to push back until he left office. He believed a war would have saved his presidency, buried the $3 trillion dollars stolen by his friends and given him a legacy to be proud of, even if every family in America suffered.


Radiologically and chemically slaughtered, fetuses don't survive until birth. The result is plummeting Fertility in men and women. Hungary can not recover.

Nichols on the Jeff Rense Show – GI’s Brains

“With us tonight to talk about a superb article and an incredibly important one is author Bob Nichols, who has been on the program a number of times. He has written an article about Depleted Uranium and what it does to the brain.” - Jeff Rense

UPDATE NO 2: Evacuate H-Bomb Factory Areas Now

Mayak in Russia or Rocky Flats in the US - what's the difference? Both are H-Bomb factories. Both are National Sacrifice Zones, contaminated Forever and a Day.

BOB NICHOLS: The War on Sperm in Iraq

Each isotope is prized for its illness and death dealing properties, but none more than those that affect human Germ or reproductive cells: Sperm in men and the ovaries full of eggs in women. Same for you "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" Queers - no one is exempt or immune, radiation is a perfectly equal opportunity Zapper.

Poison Gas Kills Iraqi Sperm then Spreads

For a national population to stay even, women must average 2.1 to 2.3 births apiece.

US War Plan: Talk about Thermonuclear Bombs But Use...

Do the leaders of all these countries know they are in a Nuclear War?

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war

There is a Middle Eastern country that requires all 18-year-olds to join national service for several years. This country even has a roughly comparable health care system to America for a population of 7,233,701, according to the CIA World Factbook. The country is Israel.