United Kingdom False Flag Forecast, Summer 2011


By Abu Salem sofyan, Islamic Intelligence and Captain Eric H. May, Iconoclast Intelligence


WEDNESDAY, 6/22/11 — The often unspoken and officially unspeakable fear overhanging Europe this summer is that Israel will carry out a new 9/11 attack against it. The announcement last month that Interpol had created a nuclear terror unit inspired more fear than faith.

London intelligence insiders, speaking on condition of anonymity, inform us that Mossad is planning a false flag operation against the city’s new Olympic stadium for mid-August. August 12 is a day to mark, they say, since it will be one year before the 8/12/2012 opening of the London Summer Olympics. They add that young Pakistanis living in the poorest parts of London will be blamed, and that Scotland Yard has already prepared a long list of suitable suspects.

Like all good false flag plans, this one offers prizes to perpetrators, bounties to betrayers and fodder to fascists — all necessary to keep the cabal in cahoots. The Israeli Interlopers are already in Britain’s backyard, posing as guard dogs, while authorities pretend to be deaf dumb and blind about it all. It’s strikingly similar to 7/7 and 9/11:

London is Israel’s laboratory for 2012 summer Olympics

The current issue of Private Eye reports that Heathrow Airport will have shiny new equipment for screening passengers installed with the help of several Israeli firms as part of preparations for next year’s Olympic Games. The sporting event affords an opportunity to run a “live test” on the Total Airport Security System (TASS).

The Israeli false flag plan may include both the UK and the US simultaneously. The American government faces financial default in mid-August, and would welcome a major distraction. It may even be that a London false flag attack is part of a late-summer world war plan — the last two world wars began in late summer, after all. Multinational, multifaceted and multipurpose false flag operations aren’t rare, and have occurred in recent memory:

7/11/06: Half a day after the Mumbai train bombings, there was a train bombing scare in Chicago. A thousand terrified commuters thought that they were under attack, and more than a hundred were sent to area hospitals. On the same day the Bush Family and its retainers were assembling in Houston, ostensibly for Ken Lay’s funeral, The next day, while they praised and buried their crooked crony, Israel invaded Lebanon. The plot could have come right out of The Godfather.

10/18/07 started with a false flag alert to the Houston area petrochemical industry, followed four hours later by a nearby Dow Chemical explosion. Portland’s KBOO radio confirmed the news. They were interested because it was their last day in the ominous TOPOFF-4 radioactive bomb exercise, in which their city was ground zero. The first assassination attempt against Benazir Bhutto happened between the Dow Chemical explosion and the KBOO news broadcast. That afternoon Houston’s petrochemical area was closed off for four hours because of a radioactive accident. At the same time Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff appeared in Portland to command the dirty bomb drill. It soon began to go live when a bomb alert from Chertoff’s entourage forced a downtown evacuation. In the middle of it all came a stark warning from Capitol Hill:

United States Democratic Congressman Slams Bush

“The truth is, Bush just likes to blow things up in Iraq, in the United States and in Congress!” — Representative Pete Stark, 10/18/07

Global military operations were certainly in action on both days. They included options for false flag attacks against Chicago, Houston and Portland as provocations for pulling the U.S. deeper into the quicksand war in the Middle East, probably beginning with an attack against Iran.

London is the primary UK false flag terror target. Secondary targets are:

  1. The Dover-Calais Passage: ICTS is the Israeli security company involved in both 9/11 and 7/7. French president Nicolas Sarkozy, identified as a Mossad Jewish sayan (helper) by the major French newspaper Le Figero, last year awarded ICTS the security contract for the Port of Calais in the North of France. This means that the English Channel cities of Calais and Dover are likely factors in any Israeli false flag plans against Northwest Europe.
  2. Southampton: One of the biggest ports in Northern Europe for shipments to and from the United States, it’s an ideal place to smuggle, store and finally ship nukes or dirty bombs to U.S. East Coast cities. Or to look at it the other way around, Southampton is a natural target for a U.S. East Coast false flag operation (cleared by the British government, of course) to engage an expendable UK city.
  3. United Kingdom Muslims: The outcome of Queen Elizabeth’s May visit to Northern Ireland has been a renewal of troublesome times in the Emerald Island, and a general rise in Irish/English tensions. Under ever-expanding “national security” and “anti-terror” powers, ethnic conflict is a fine trigger for domestic despotism. Did the queen’s Irish campaign aim to provoke the troubles of late spring in order to train forces for something more dire in late summer?

If the false flag happens expect these results:

  1. Reduction of Christian/Muslim relations.
  2. Repression of United Kingdom Muslims.
  3. Reneging on Muslim Olympics contracts.
  4. Restriction of Muslim Olympics workers.
  5. Revitalization of anti-Muslim jingoism.
  6. Retaliation against Pakistan and/or Iran.

What kind of devils prepare, perform and profit from such inhumanity against humanity? The same devils who have always done so. We described them as tyrants of terror and merchants of menace in our last article, in which we designated Chicago, Houston and Portland as the top three false flag targets in the USA.

God willing, we’ll post our next article Thursday or Friday. It will examine the German false flag danger, so worrisome that a German attorney recently officially filed: Warning Nuclear Terror Attack June 26, 2011, Berlin Olympia Stadium, FIFA Women`s Soccer World Cup.



“And We gave (clear) warning to the children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the land and be elated with mighty arrogance (And twice would they be punished)!”


The authors dedicate this article to the memory of anti-warrior Brian Haw, who kept a lonesome vigil for his slumbering country. Requiescat in pace.


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