Why all the lies?


The BBC News is running an expose on Britain’s former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and his “testimony” to an investigative panel setup in Parliament on the causes of British involvement in the Iraq War. 

The article, entitled Blix: Straw ‘gave incorrect answers’ to Iraq inquiry, tells us that the U.N.’s man on the scene at that time, Hans Blix, finds the answers to be untrue.  Here is an excerpt from the opening paragraphs:

“Former British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw gave some incorrect answers to the UK’s Iraq war inquiry, former UN weapons inspector Hans Blix has said.

Mr Blix told the BBC he was “puzzled” by some of the evidence that Mr Straw gave to the panel.

He said that Mr Straw had been incorrect to suggest, in 2002, that UN weapons inspectors were not being allowed access to certain sites.”

Once again we have top level world leaders lying their asses off relative to the Western initiation of brutal war in western Asia.  Why are these people, on both sides of the pond, allowed to get away with bold-faced lies in the face of serious investigations concerning wars that never should have happened in the first place?  Why are they not being held accountable?

Where is the long held gold standard of Western politics here, i.e., a clear and precise explanation to the voters and citizens of the nation as to what happened and why it happened?

How about all the dead, on both sides of the issue here; don’t we owe their families honesty at the very least?  How about the maimed, the injured, the crazy, the dispossessed, the impoverished, the broken, the faithless that have been crushed by these debacles that we conveniently refer to as “wars” ?  Don’t we owe them a clear explanation for Western actions at the very least?

What has happened to the basic credibility issues involving Western governments actually representing their citizens and not the powers-that-be behind the scenes, pulling the strings to use government armies and navies to enrich the elites?

Where is our honesty when questioned about what our governments have done relative to the taking of human life?

What was this all about?  And why all the lying about it now?

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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