Study: Detroit 9/11 Terror



By John V. McDermott for VT

Has the Metropolitan Detroit area demonstrated any greater connection to domestic terrorism events and developments than have other metropolitan areas?
Which persons from the Metropolitan Detroit area have figured most prominently in terrorism related events and developments?
Have any of those same domestic terrorism events been so-called ‘False Flag’ events intended to mislead public opinion by falsely implicating people who were not wholly responsible for the events?
Are there any demonstrable relationships between or among those persons from Metropolitan Detroit who have figured prominently in these terrorism related events?
Were Carl Levin and Arthur Radford Baker in communication between March 2001 and September 11, 2001?  Did Carl Levin receive information about the Gomel Chesed Cemetery informant from Arthur Radford Baker?  Did Arthur Radford Baker receive instructions from Carl Levin to reject or discourage the Gomel Chesed informant?  Why would the FBI assign a Congressional Affairs Liaison to respond to an informant from Newark alleging a terrorism threat?  Was Baker assigned to the Gomel Chesed matter by the Administration’s transitional FBI hierarchy or by the fiat of Carl Levin?
Why did Carl Levin seemingly interrupt the questioning of Richard Myers by another Senator on September 13, 2001?  Was there some collusion between Levin and Myers regarding Myers’ confirmation?  Was there some collusion between Levin and Myers regarding the apparent NORAD stand down on September 11, 2001?  Was Myers’ confirmation as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff a quid pro quo promised by Levin or others for Myers standing down NORAD on 9/11?
Was Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin one of the principal planners of the 9/11 attacks?
Michigan native Terry Nichols is a convicted accomplice in the 1995Oklahoma   City bombing which claimed the lives of 168 people.  Nichols met his future co-conspirator Tim McVeigh during a brief stint in the U.S. Army.   In 1994 and 1995, Nichols and McVeigh practiced ammonium nitrate bomb making at or near a Nichols’ family property in eastern Michigan’s Thumb region.
No fewer than 24 witnesses saw Timothy McVeigh, just before and after the explosion, with a man who could not have been either Terry Nichols or convicted accomplice Michael Fortier. The FBI refused to release the many security camera videos from nearby properties which would have captured images of this other unidentified suspect.
Ret. Brigadier General Ben Partin in 1995 prepared technical reports and made public presentations demonstrating why the Murrah Federal Building bomb damage was obviously inconsistent with a single external truck bomb explosion.

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  At least one already exploded device and at least one unexploded device were found within the Murrah Federal Building and removed by the Oklahoma City bomb squad.  Several Oklahoma City broadcast and newspaper reporters reported the discovery of the multiple explosive devices as verified by the local and Federal law enforcement officials at the scene.
One of those many Oklahoma City television newsmen who reported multiple explosive devices was Devin Scillian   Scillian then transferred to Metro Detroit’s Channel 4 NBC affiliate where he has been evening news anchor since the 1990’s. The Metro Detroit television affiliate of NBC is sometimes described as NBC’s single largest local affiliate in the Nation.
An October 2000 conversation spoken in Hebrew and overheard in Newark’s Gomel Chesed Cemetery alarmed a witness sufficiently that he e-mailed a warning to Attorney General Ashcroft.  One of the three men speaking in Hebrew allegedly said “The Americans will learn what it is to live with terrorists after the planes hit the twins in September.”
According to the informing witness’ account, on February 9, 2001, approximately seven months prior to the airplanes being flown into the ‘twins’, he sent an e-mail to then Attorney General Ashcroft informing the Attorney General that he had important terrorism-related information.
The U.S. Department of Justice did not directly respond to the source. DOJ apparently forwarded the e-mail to the FBI. Shortly thereafter, on March 28, 2001, the source received a letter from FBI Congressional Liaison Unit Chief Arthur Radford Baker informing him that if he had information to share, he should contact the FBI Newark Division
The witness then attempted persistently to contact the Newark FBI Office as instructed by Baker.  However, the Newark FBI’s apparent lack of a satisfactory response caused the informant to write a letter back to FBI Congressional Liaison Unit Chief Arthur Radford Baker on May 21, 2001.  In this letter, the source reiterated that he had important information to share with the government, but would need a guarantee of protection by the FBI before he could disclose all that he knew.
On June 26, 2001, the informant received another letter from Arthur Radford Baker.  Also on June 26, 2001, two Newark FBI Agents Robin Gritz and Andrew Stengel finally paid a visit to and conducted a three hour interview of the Gomel Chesed informant.
See  to read an account of these pre-9/11 events.
Partially legible images of Arthur Radford Baker’s two FBI letters to the Gomel Chesed informant can be seen briefly within this linked documentary diatribe:
Detroit FBI Special Agent Arthur Radford Baker Jr. was admitted to the Michigan Bar November 22, 1993. P#48852.  He used the Detroit FBI’s Michigan Avenue address as his Bar Directory address until 1998 when he used a residential address in Macomb County’s Clinton Township where he owned a home.   In 1999 and 2000 Baker used his Ellicott City residential address in Maryland’s Howard County as his Michigan Bar Directory address.  The April 2001 Michigan Bar Directory lists Baker’s address as ‘FBI – Congressional Affairs Office,935 Pennsylvania Avenue.’  Not until the 2003 Bar Directory did Baker identify himself as ‘Unit Chief – Legislative Counsel, FBI Congressional Affairs.’
The Detroit FBI’s offices occupy several floors (19-23) in theMcNamaraFederalBuildingat477 Michigan Avenue Detroit.  United States Senator Carl Levin’s Detroit office isSuite1860,McNamaraFederalBuilding,477 Michigan Avenue.
During his years of tenure as a Detroit FBI Special Agent, FBI Congressional Affairs Unit Chief Baker must have met or encountered Senator Levin and his Detroit staff rather regularly in the McNamara Building.
From 1993 to 1998, Card was President and Chief Executive Officer of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA), the trade association whose members were Detroit’s Big Three – Chrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation. The AAMA dissolved in December 1998. From 1999 until his selection as President Bush’s Chief of Staff, Card was General Motors’ Vice President of Government Relations. Card directed the company’s international, national, state and local government affairs activities and represented GM on matters of public policy before Congress and the Administration.
Chief of Staff Andy Card whispered to the seated President that a second plane had struck the second World Trade Center Tower, but did not interrupt the children’s reading, did not remove the President from the classroom and did not immediately provide communications equipment to the President.
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin presided September 13, 2001 at a confirmation Hearing for Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Richard Myers’s nomination to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Besides being Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, on September 11 General Myers was also Acting Chairman due to the Chairman’s overseas travel departure that morning.
Armed Services Committee Chairman Levin seemed to shield General Myers from critical 9/11 questions by interrupting another Senator during Myers’ Sept. 13 Armed Services Committee Hearing.
Richard Myers was commander of NORAD from August, 1998 to February, 2000 before becoming Vice Chairman of JCS.  Myers and NORAD have given a variety of conflicting accounts of the 9/11 events:
Richard Convertino was a federal prosecutor in the Detroit U.S. Attorney’s Office. Convertino was the lead Assistant U.S. Attorney in the “Detroit Sleeper Cell” prosecutions which resulted in the Nation’s first post 9/11 terrorism convictions.   However, the U.S. Department of Justice subsequently removed Convertino from the case and asked courts to dismiss those convictions, on the grounds that Convertino had failed to disclose exculpatory evidence to which the defense was entitled.  Deputy Attorney General James Comey made an unusual public apology in Detroit for Convertino’s conduct and the Department of Justice’s prosecution of the matter.
Former AUSA Convertino was indicted by Federal Grand Jury with conspiracy to conceal possibly exculpatory evidence from the defense and lying to a Federal Judge. Harry Smith III, formerly a U.S. Department of State investigator who had testified in the terrorism case prosecuted by Convertino, was allegedly part of the conspiracy.
A jury in Detroit acquitted Convertino and Smith on October 31, 2007.
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (also known as Umar Abdul Mutallab ), popularly referred to as the “Underwear Bomber“, is a Nigerian man who at the age of 23 confessed to and was convicted in Detroit of attempting to detonate plastic explosives hidden in his underwear while on board Northwest Airlines Flight 253, en route from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day, December 25, 2009
Earlier on Christmas Day 2009, Abdulmutallab had traveled from Ghana to Amsterdam, where he boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route to Detroit. He had a Nigerian passport and valid U.S. tourist visa, and purchased his ticket with cash in Ghanaon December 16.
Flight 253 passengers Kurt and Lori Haskell told the Detroit News that prior to boarding the plane they witnessed a “smartly dressed man” possibly of Indian descent, around 50 years old, and who spoke “in an American accent similar to my own” helping a passenger they identified as Abdulmutallab onto the plane without a passport, apparently posed as a Sudanese refugee.
The Haskell’s observations suggest the Underwear Bomber may have been placed on the plane by the Government itself.
The false flag Federal prosecution of the Hutaree Militia involved Detroit FBI placement of a paid informant within the group who then provided material support and encouragement to group members to commit violent anti-government acts.
The Detroit FBI’s paid confidential informant wound up exposing his own personal troubles during the Hutaree trial.  The FBI’s paid informant was cross examined about a shooting incident involving his wife, a knifing incident in which he stabbed himself in the gut with a 14-inch knife and initially blamed his wife, his battle with alcohol abuse, and his failure to pay taxes on the $30,000 he earned as an FBI informant spying on the Hutaree.
In a sharp rebuke, U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts on March 27, 2012, acquitted the seven members of the Lenawee County Hutaree Militia group of plotting to overthrow the U.S. government with weapons of mass destruction. Judge Roberts said federal prosecutors failed in five weeks of trial to prove that the Hutaree had any specific plan to kill a police officer and attack law enforcement personnel.
LEVIN – McCAIN sponsored National Defense Authorization Act of 2012
Section 1021 of the NDAA bill of 2012 allowed for the “indefinite detention of American citizens without due process at the discretion of the President.” Section 1021 has been challenged as a violation of constitutional principles and the United States Bill of Rights. The indefinite detention clause has been broadly denounced nationally and internationally. It may very well be the only thing that has true bi-partisan support. The Act was strongly opposed by the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch, and The Center for Constitutional Rights, the Cato Institute, Reason Magazine and The Council on American-Islamic Relations. It was criticized in editorials published in The New York Times, Al-Jazeera, and The Guardian

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Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth –
Pilots for 9/11 Truth –
Consensus 9/11 Best Evidence Panel –
Asner on WTC #7-

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Corbett 9/11 Conspiracy Humor –

[youtube I7XS6OtsSOk]

…It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth… 11/19/63


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