Uri Avnery – Netanyahu’s Re-Election Counterattack


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 … by  Uri Avnery,   … and Gush Shalom, Tel Aviv


Uri as a squad leader in the 1948 war
Uri as a squad leader in the 1948 war

[ Editor’s note: Uri has one of his split personality moments on this piece. He starts out as an apologist for the Jihadi Paris shooters, a sympathy pitch of what “conditions” could have pushed them off the path to being a doctor, lawyer, or high school history teacher. 

But then he goes into his detailed historical exposé of all things Israel, the personal things he knows because he was there, which is why we like his work and feature it here.

His spilling the beans on how the Algerian Jews turned on their brethren Algerians when the price was right is a classic Uri Intel dump.

And yes, we like his thought provoking, because we also do that here at VT — challenging the audience to not get carried away with how these terrorist events are steered by controlled media and their Intel buddies, and sometimes even foreign Intel buddies.

These three dead Jihadis, whom French Intel should have been living next door to for several years… have turned Europe on its anti-terrorist ear and incited the Muslim world as no other act has in years. This was not a random act, but a grand stage psyops, where we are already peeling the layers off.

And the clowns of the French government — you just can’t make this stuff up — they were not smart enough to refuse Bibi’s plane landing rights, or let a Likud get anywhere near a terrorist memorial event. They then begin to laud the Charlie Hebdo crowd, when that bunch has all the signs of an ongoing psyop, the kind you dispose of on the last day of your contract with them.

Dieudonne's quenelle has become an instant gesture to support resistance
Dieudonné’s quenelle has become an instant gesture to support resistance

And to show they have completely lost their minds, Hollande’s government begins exploiting the event, à la Bibi, by arresting Leftists and then Dieudonné on the most frivolous charge, all while pitching themselves as standing up for free speech and the press, when their version of it is clearly a sham. No wonder the Bibi-meister wanted to get in on the action.

France is a country where, if you disagree with the “official” version of WWII history, despite wars having a long history of being a mountain of lies, you can get five years in prison, even if you have archival proof that what you claim is true. 

And what’s worse, you cannot submit your archival evidence in your defense as the courts have ruled that “truth is no defense” against “denial” of history charges. Many people do not believe me when I tell them this, but they will not accept my bet for a $1000.

US media has 100% censored this nasty little tyranny from public discourse because it was the result of Jewish Lobby terrorism on the European public. 

Down south, in Israel, Jews can challenge any damn thing that they want. The Israeli Knesset is often the political version of an American tag team wrestling ring, as you can watch the take-no-prisoner slugfests that go on there. The Knesset once had to pass a ruling with a list of names the Zios could not call each other on the floor… which turned out to be a small dictionary.

But for the rest of us lesser beings, they reserve the right to deny us free speech, so that they can protect themselves from being challenged as the lobby changes our laws to make it illegal. If anyone does not think that was an organized and subversive terrorist act, you are dead weight in terms of helping to fight back.

Uri, being an old Irgun guy, has to know better about how these “terrorists” are being manipulated by the usual suspects, including Israel’s magical, jihadi-like travel agency, with its invisible diplomatic passports for terrorists to go anywhere they want to go.

With Uri’s deep historical background, he should be able to see the hand of Gladio in all of this — something that is not a big secret. Gordon takes that old crowd on in his new article today, so be sure to read it — another classic from him, and he is on a new year roll… Jim W. Dean ]


– First published  …  January 17, 2015 



The three Islamic terrorists could have been very proud of themselves, if they had lived to see it. By committing two attacks (quite ordinary ones by Israeli standards) they spread panic throughout France, brought millions of people onto the streets, gathered more than 40 heads of states in Paris.

They changed the landscape of the French capital and other French cities by mobilizing thousands of soldiers and police officers to guard Jewish and other potential targets. For several days they dominated the news throughout the world.

Three terrorists, probably acting alone. Three!! … For other potential Islamic terrorists throughout Europe and America, this must look like a huge achievement. It is an invitation for individuals and tiny groups to do the same again, everywhere. Terrorism means striking fear.

The three in Paris certainly succeeded in doing that. They terrorized the French population. And if three youngsters without any qualifications can do that, imagine what 30 could do, or 300.

Frankly, I did not like the huge demonstration. I have been in many demonstrations in my time, maybe more than 500, but always against the powers that be.

I have never participated in a demonstration called by the government, even when the purpose was good. They remind me too much of the late Soviet Union, Fascist Italy and worse. Not for me, thank you.

Powers that Be comprise the secret shadow oneWorld government
Powers that Be comprise the secret shadow iWorld government

But this particular demonstration was also counterproductive. Not only did it prove that terrorism is effective, not only did it invite copycat attacks, but it also hurt the real fight against the fanatics.

To conduct an effective fight, one has to put oneself first into the shoes of the fanatics and try to understand the dynamic that pushes young local-born Muslims to commit such acts. Who are they? What do they think? What are their feelings? In what circumstances did they grow up? What can be done to change them?

After decades of neglect, that is hard work. It takes time and effort, with results uncertain. Much easier for politicians to march in the street in front of the cameras.

And who marched in the first row, beaming like a victor? Our own and only Bibi. How did he get there? The facts came out within record time. Seems he was not invited at all.

On the contrary, President Francois Hollande sent explicit messages: please, please don’t come. It would turn the demo into a show of solidarity with the Jews, instead of a public outcry for the freedom of the press and other “republican values”.

Netanyahu came nevertheless, with two extreme rightist ministers in tow. Placed in the second row, he did what Israelis do: he shoved aside a black African president in front of him and placed himself in the front row.

Once there, he began waving to the people on the balconies along the way. He was beaming, like a Roman general in his triumphal parade. One can only guess the feelings of Hollande and the other heads of state – who tried to look appropriately solemn and mournful – at this display of Chutzpah.

Bibi elbowed his way up to the front row

Netanyahu went to Paris as part of his election campaign. As a veteran campaigner, he knew that three days in Paris, visiting synagogues and making proud Jewish speeches, were worth more than three weeks at home, slinging mud.

The blood of the four Jews murdered in the kosher supermarket was not yet dry, when Israeli leaders called upon the Jews in France to pack up and come to Israel. Israel, as everybody knows, is the safest place on earth.

This was an almost automatic Zionist gut reaction. Jews are in danger. Their only safe haven is Israel. Make haste and come. The next day Israeli papers reported joyfully that in 2015 more than 10,000 French Jews were about to come to live here, driven by growing anti-Semitism.

Apparently, there is a lot of anti-Semitism in France and other European countries, though probably far less than Islamophobia. But the fight between Jews and Arabs on French soil has little to do with anti-Semitism. It is a struggle imported from North Africa.

Algerian War of Independence saw Algerian Jews side with France in return for citizenship
Algerian War of Independence saw Algerian Jews side with France in return for citizenship

When the Algerian war of liberation broke out in 1954, the Jews there had to choose sides. Almost all decided to support the colonial power, France, against the Algerian people. That had a historical background.

In 1870, the French minister of justice, Adolphe Cremieux, who happened to be a Jew, conferred French citizenship on all Algerian Jews, separating them from their Muslim neighbors.

The Algerian Liberation Front (FLN) tried very hard to draw the local Jews to their side. I know because I was somewhat involved. Their underground organization in France asked me to set up an Israeli support group, in order to convince our Algerian co-religionists.

I founded the “Israeli Committee For A Free Algeria” and published material which was used by the FLN in their effort to win over the Jews. In vain. The local Jews, proud of their French citizenship, staunchly supported the colonists.

In the end, the Jews were prominent in the OAS, the extreme French underground which conducted a bloody struggle against the freedom fighters.

The result was that practically all the Jews fled Algeria together with the French when the day of reckoning arrived. They did not go to Israel. Almost all of them went to France. (Unlike the Moroccan and Tunisian Jews, many of whom came to Israel. Generally, the poorer and less educated chose Israel, while the French-educated elite went to France and Canada.)

What we see now is the continuation of this war between Algerian Muslims and Jews on French soil. All the four “French” Jews killed in the attack had North African names and were buried in Israel.

Not without trouble. The Israeli government put great pressure on the four families to bury their sons here. They wanted to bury them in France, near their homes. After a lot of haggling about the price of the graves, the families finally agreed.

It has been said that Israelis love immigration and don’t love the immigrants. That certainly applies to the new “French” immigrants. In recent years, “French” tourists have been coming here in large numbers.

They were often disliked. Especially when they started to buy up apartments on the Tel Aviv sea front and left them empty, as a kind of insurance, while young local people could neither find nor afford apartments in the metropolitan area. Practically all these “French” tourists and immigrants are of North African origin.

When asked what drives them to Israel, their unanimous answer is: anti-Semitism. That is not a new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of Israelis, they or their parents or grandparents, were driven here by anti-Semitism.

Herzl's diaries show him to be an narcisist and nut case.
Herzl’s diaries show him to be an narcissist and nut case.

The two terms – anti-Semitism and Zionism – were born at almost the same time, towards the end of the 19th century.

Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, conceived his idea when he was working in France as a foreign correspondence of a Viennese newspaper during the Dreyfus affair, when virulent anti-Semitism in France reached new heights.

Anti-Semitism is, of course, a misnomer. Arabs are Semites, too. But the term is generally used to mean only Jew-haters.

Later, Herzl wooed outspoken anti-Semitic leaders in Russia and elsewhere, asking for their help and promising to take the Jews off their hands. So did his successors. In 1939, the Irgun underground planned an armed invasion of Palestine with the help of the profoundly anti-Semitic generals of the Polish army.

One may wonder if the State of Israel would have come into being in 1948 if there had not been the Holocaust. Recently, a million and a half Russian Jews were driven to Israel by anti-Semitism.

Zionism was born at the end of the 19th century as a direct answer to the challenge of anti-Semitism. After the French revolution, the new national idea took hold of all European nations, big and small, and all of the national movements were more or less anti-Semitic.

The basic belief of Zionism is that Jews cannot live anywhere except in the Jewish State, because the victory of anti-Semitism is inevitable everywhere. Let the Jews of America rejoice in their freedom and prosperity – sooner or later that will come to an end. They are doomed like Jews everywhere outside Israel.

The new outrage in Paris only confirms this basic belief. There was very little real commiseration in Israel. Rather, a secret sense of triumph. The gut reaction of ordinary Israelis is: “We told you so!” and also: “Come quickly, before it is too late!”

Jews were not "driven" to Palestine, but often recruited to invade. In the post WWII refugee camps Zionists shanghai'd Jews to go to Israel that had needed skills...(from US Intel files)
Jews were not “driven” to Palestine, but often recruited to invade by Jabotinsky. In the post WWII refugee camps, Zionists shanghai’d Jews who had needed skills to go to Israel… (from US Intel files)

I have often tried to explain to my Arab friends: the anti-Semites are the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people. The anti-Semites have helped drive the Jews to Palestine, and now they are doing so again.

And some of the new immigrants will certainly settle beyond the Green Line in the occupied Palestinian territories on stolen Arab land.

The fact that Israel benefits from the Paris attack has led some Arab media to believe that the whole affair is really a “false flag” operation.

Ergo, in this case, the Arab perpetrators were really manipulated by the Israeli Mossad. After a crime, the first question is “cui bono”, who benefits? Obviously, the only winner from this outrage is Israel.

But to draw the conclusion that Israel is hiding behind the Jihadists is utter nonsense. The simple fact is that all Islamic Jihadism on European soil hurts only the Muslims. Fanatics of all stripes generally help their worst enemies.

The three Muslim men who committed the outrages in Paris certainly did Binyamin Netanyahu a great favor.


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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.