Brentwood School “Bratville USA”




FATCAT PREP SCHOOL USURPS LAND FOR HOMELESS VETS – LOCKED OUT!  Now files appeal to landmark case in ruse to betray America’s heroic vets:

ScreenHunter_2308 Oct. 03 10.10



By Gordon Duff and Robert Rosebrock


Los Angeles (2009) How did the Brentwood School, whose tuition rivals Ivy League universities,  end up with a billion dollars of land designated for the 20,000 homeless vets of Los Angeles?  Simple, a single VA employee turned it over to them.  Why would the VA involve itself in such an obvious “reverse Robin Hood” deal, stealing from the poor and giving to the rich?

VT contacted the Brentwood School, asking them if they offer scholarships for children of disabled veterans or any other preferred scholarship for children of veterans or the military  based on the fact they are located on land largely owned by California’s veterans (not the Department of Veterans Affairs).  They chose not to answer.  Their literature contains no mention whatsoever of such a program or in any way honors the veterans on whose land they have located their campus.

The children of the school aren’t at fault.  None of this is their doing.  The veterans are happy the children have one of the most valuable playfields on Earth.  Children deserve no less.


However there is only one patch of land.  As much as children deserve world class tennis, on courts built on land meant for veterans housing, homeless vets deserve housing, deserve it enough for the US government to decide to spend 3.2 billion dollars to correct this massive injustice



If anyone were to wonder why  so many veterans are homeless and the VA seems to be able to do nothing about it despite the endless millions spent, the VA managers devoted to the Brentwood School, managers who employ police to chase homeless vets away from land meant to house them is the reason.


The Brentwood School is as secretive as Skull and Bones.  We know Governor Schwarzenegger’s children attend.  The alumni and supporter list is unavailable but satellite photos of veterans land no veteran is allowed to walk on, show that the bulk of the West Los Angeles facility deeded for veterans housing and available for development is covered with tennis courts and soccer fields for the children of the rich and famous.


It also seems that the student parking lot is also on land designated for housing homeless vets.


With such distinctive uses for veterans land such as the infamous dog park, a reeking public animal waste site, and the proposed “Veterans Park” referred to by veterans groups as Brentwood Country Club Annex, none would have been possible had it not been for the allocation of the only tract of land with potential for housing development being given to the least deserving people on planet Earth.


When examining the satellite photos of the running tracks and tennis courts, the soccer fields, baseball diamonds and school parking lots, try to picture the housing meant to be there and the veterans who sacrificed so much having their land stolen from them in such an underhanded and despicable manner.



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U.S. Army, 1965-67, Schofield Barracks, Hqs., U.S Army, Hawaii. Director, The Veterans Revolution, Captain, the Old Veterans Guard, and Director, We the Veterans.