The Holocaust Witch Hunt (Part I)

“The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum.”


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…by Jonas E. Alexis and Monika Schaefer

Many thanks to Dr. Fredrick Toben for making this possible

Jonas E. Alexis: The late Christopher Hitchens wrote way back in 2001 in the LA Times that “The Holocaust has become a secular religion, with state support in the form of a national museum.”[1] Why has the Holocaust become a secular religion? Why has this issue become so sensitive to the point that one ought not to probe historical and rational questions anymore? How did that come about?

The Holocaust establishment gets to tell people what to think. And if you happen to deviate from the prevailing vision, then you get to be placed behind bars for your unpardonable sin. This has happened to countless people over the years. And Monika Shafer is one of them. This is her story.

Monika Schaefer: Once upon a time I learned there were political prisoners in a far away and distant land, where an evil dictator ruled over the people with an iron fist. Political prisoners – people who were imprisoned merely for the things they said, imprisoned for their dissenting views – these only existed very far away, never in our land – or so I believed.

January 3rd, 2018, they turned me into a political prisoner in a far away land…. they call it… the Federal Republic of Germany. Every school child in Germany is taught about their “Grundgesetz“, their foundational law giving them absolute freedom of speech. Their leader Angela Merkel has declared them to be living in the freest state ever on German soil. So, the arrest, the jail time, the trial, did I imagine it all?

Overnight they turned me into a “heavy hitter”! I have seen myself described that way in group emails or on social media, heavy hitter alongside such prolific authors and videographers such as Michael King, Michael Thomas Goodrich, and Dennis Wise. Now, I am very very small compared with them. Those men have researched, written and created amazing works. They each have contributed so much to our historiography. But certain “powers-that-should-not-be” did it for me, thank you very much! I didn’t have to do much. I just made a simple apology to my mother. They shone the light on that apology. They shone the light on me.

People apologize to their mothers every day, but they don’t become famous (or infamous, depending on whose perspective). I must have been at the right place at the right time. So what was this little apology I made?… [I gave a brief summary] see: “Sorry Mom I was wrong about the holocaust“.

January 3rd 2018:

I had gone to Germany for Christmas to visit my brother Alfred, and then learned that a court date for the speech-crime trial of Sylvia Stolz was coming up. Curious to see what such an inquisition looks like, and wishing to meet this heroic person, we drove to Munich for the day.

Alas, I walked right into the jaws of the beast. How convenient for them, when they spotted me in the public gallery, to keep me in their clutches right then and there. The fair-minded authorities in this the freest state on German soil had not written me a letter in 2016 to tell me they have opened a file on me, nor did my cousins write to me:

“Dear Monika, we have reported you to the authorities, so perhaps you might think twice about entering our land, the land of your ancestors, in future.”

As they were arresting me, I declared that I am a free woman, that I am Canadian, and I challenged them about their authority over me. They said if I had wanted to stay free, I should have thought of that before I came to Germany.

It was my dear and loving relatives who reported Alfred and me. B’Nai BrithCanada likes to “take credit” for our persecution, and we have noticed that when they say “jump” the German regime says “how high”. Yes, but it was our relatives who betrayed us. I am not angry at them, no, they thought they were doing the RIGHT thing. But I am angry at that certain group of people who have “re-educated” them. A certain group of people whom we must not criticize lest we be called “anti-semitic”.

It was the British Black Propaganda Minister Sefton Delmer who infamously said in 1945 to the German Professor Grimm, that

Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.
Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.

My relatives think Alfred and I are making Germany BAD again and they were being GOOD by reporting our activities to the authorities. They think they have total freedom of speech — its in their foundational law, which every school child learns, ah,… but the holocaust is different. They say that is good. Total freedom of speech except the holocaust. That is good so, my relatives said, because Germany is GOOD now. Indeed, they are inviting the world in, inviting the invaders, the last big assault on Germany. And my cousins are participating, by their own misled good intentions. Alfred and I were making Germany BAD again. We’ve all heard that mantra:


Thus began Chapter 2 of Life After Sorry Mom, with my arrest, incarceration and speech-crime trial in Germany. Chapter 1 consisted of becoming an Expert on Ritual Defamation in my home town Jasper Alberta.

That is the part whereby anybody who steps out of line on the prescribed way of thinking or the prescribed behavior, be it on holocaustianity, or perhaps vaccinations, or even one’s stance on sexual deviancy, if you step out of line of what is deemed to be politically correct by the hidden rulers and dictators of what we are supposed to believe, then you must be brought quickly into line. The ferocity with which this is done is simply breathtaking.

The holocaust narrative seems to be a particularly important one to the PTSNB (the powers-that-should-not-be), because without it, their house of cards comes tumbling down. The world is structured on the holocaust lie. Jewish identity is completely wrapped up in their eternal victimhood, and in particular the so-called holocaust, their trademarked holocaust, the 6-million-Lie, as I called it in my video, and am calling it that today.

Briefly, about Ritual Defamation, just to give you background, and explanation of why it is such a big part of their strategy – Jewish strategy.

Ritual Defamation – Subtle Elimination Process

Conspiracy, coincidence, or merely bureaucratic stuff-up?

By Fredrick Töben, 24 September 2002


Throughout my wanderings I met a number of individuals who have impressed me by their candid, fearless and refreshingly honest approach to life. They had constructed for themselves a worldview within which I could breathe easy. There was no envy, no excessive pursuit of any material possessions, but a determined will to see that justice and mercy prevailed. They were no angels either, but they had not lost their humanity, something I find so lacking in those individuals who now attempt to silence me because I seem to pose a threat to their held world-view.

Interestingly, the following Australians all topped that proverbial three score and ten years by another decade at least, and remained mentally alert until they passed on.

Sir Walter Crocker, public servant, diplomat and Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia: 25 March 1902-14 November 2002.

Sir James Darling was an educator who practised what he preached: 18 June 1899-1 November 1995.

Sir Edward Hamilton Esler Barber was a practising legal eagle whose sense of justice and compassion benefited many individuals: 1905-1991. It was Sir Edward who managed to get a small settlement for the then widow of former University of Tasmania philosophy lecturer, S S Orr;

Sir Douglas Wright was a scientist but whose moral and intellectual integrity remained in-tact: 7 August 1907-28 February 1990. When in September 1990, The University of Melbourne Gazette, celebrated its own Sir Douglas, I wrote the following:

“In 1961 Sir Douglas Wright wrote a Prologue to the disturbing W H C Eddy book, Orr. This Prologue has provided many victims of conspiracies with much-needed moral support because it offers a succinct analysis of this subtle elimination process. Sir Douglas identified its elements thus:

  1. Defame the victim’s professional competence, mental balance, truthfulness, etc.
  2. Reward collaborators from the victim’s group.
  3. Weld together the pack of prosecutors.
  4. Proclaim authority of the corporation.
  5. Spread defamation through the victim’s personal links and loyalties.
  6. Isolate the victim by giving him the silent treatment.
  7. Usually this leads to the victim’s resignation which is taken as proof of guilt. Dismissal occurs if the victim refuses to resign.
  8. A strong victim highlights the moral standards of society.
  9. People in authority perpetuate their own types because no one wishes to be shamed by his successor.
  10. Employees are as courageous as their security of livelihood and reputation permits.
  11. A governing body of an institution devoted to truth and justice is corrupt if it obstructs enquiry into its stewardship. Sir Douglas concluded his analysis with a timeless warning: ‘Such state of affairs is the antithesis of democratic processes and places the society in imminent danger.’”

It is in this sense that I personally ask: Where are our present-day Wrights?


 Laird Wilcox augments the Elements of a Ritual Defamation thus:

  1. In a ritual defamation the victim must have violated a particular taboo in some way, usually by expressing or identifying with a forbidden attitude, opinion or belief. It is not necessary that he “do” anything about it or undertake any course of action, only that he engages in some form of communication or expression.
  2. The method of attack in a ritual defamation is to assail the character of the victim, and never to offer more than a perfunctory challenge to the particular attitudes, opinions or beliefs expressed or implied. Character assassination is its primary tool.
  3. An important rule is to avoid engaging in honest debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion on its merit, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal is Censorship and Repression.
  4. The victim is very often someone in the public eye, although perhaps only in a modest way. It could be a school teacher, a writer, a businessman, a minor official, or merely an outspoken citizen. Visibility enhances vulnerability to ritual defamation.
  5. An attempt, often successful, is made to involve others in the defamation. In the case of a public official, other public officials will be urged to denounce the offender. In the case of a student, other students will be called upon, and so on.
  6. In order for a ritual defamation to be effective, the victim must be dehumanized to the extent that he becomes identical with the offending attitude, opinion or belief, and in a manner which distorts it to the point where it appears at its most extreme. For example, a victim who is defamed as a “subversive” will be identified with the worst images of subversion, such as espionage or treason. A victim defamed as a “pervert” will be identified with the worst images of perversion, including child molestation. A victim defamed as a “racist” or “antisemitic” will be identified with the worst images of racism or anti-Semitism, such as lynching’s or gas chambers, and so on.
  7. Also to be successful, a ritual defamation must bring pressure and humiliation from every quarter, including family and friends, who may begin to shun him. If the victim has school children, they may be taunted and ridiculed as a consequence of adverse publicity. If he is employed, he may be fired from his job.
  8. Anyone who defends a victim runs the risk of being associated with him and similarly defamed. Even if their own reputation is beyond question, their judgment or involvement with the victim may become an issue. Often, the victim of a ritual defamation becomes isolated and abandoned.
  9. Any explanation the victim may offer, including the claim of being misunderstood, is considered irrelevant. To claim truth as a defence is interpreted as unrepentance and only compounds the problem. Ritual defamation is not necessarily an offence of being wrong or incorrect, but rather “insensitivity” and failing to observe social taboos.
  10. Many victims succumb early on and go through a “confessional” stage complete with apologies and remorse. They may even denounce friends associated with the forbidden values, opinions and beliefs, or claim that they were “duped”, as was the case with many suspected “subversives” during the McCarthy era. If the charges against them involved “morals”, they may claim stress or mental illness as a defence.
  11. The viciousness of ritual defamation is inspired not merely by revenge, although that is an important factor, but also to create an example so others will know of the savaging they can expect for stepping out of line. Ritual defamation is an important means of social control.
  12. An interesting aspect of ritual defamation is its universality. It is not specific to any particular value, opinion or belief or to any group or subculture. It may be used either for or against any political, ethnic or religious minority and also by any political, ethnic or religious minority.
  13. Ritual defamation often appears in paradoxical forms, as in the case of organizations claiming to oppose defamation itself, even using the term “anti-defamation” in their name. Psychologically, this may represent a projective mechanism, in which the organization attempts to camouflage its own propensities in the form of an official myth, a kind of agreed-upon fiction that perfumes its actual activities, which are often transparently evident from its publications.
  14. The power of ritual defamation lies entirely in its capacity to intimidate. It embraces some elements of primitive superstitious belief, as in a “curse” or “hex”. It also plays on the subconscious fear most people have of being rejected by the “tribe” and being cut off from social and psychological support systems. Only the truly courageous and independent person can withstand the full force of a ritual defamation, and occasionally they may even survive such an attempt relatively unscathed.
  15. The weak points of ritual defamation lie in its tendency towards overkill and in its rather transparent maliciousness. Occasionally, a ritual defamation will fail because of inadequate planning and failure to correctly estimate the vulnerability of the victim. Ritual defamers often exhibit extensive projective mechanisms and delusions of persecution themselves. Although it may appear to be an offensive manoeuvre, it’s actually quite defensive in nature. As Eric Hoffer said: ‘You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you’.
  16. Paradoxically, a ritual defamation often brings about the very values, opinions and beliefs that it condemns, as in a self-fulfilling prophecy. It enhances paranoia and hatred and generally serves to divide and alienate. It hardens positions and polarizes a situation as nothing else can. A person accused of supporting a particular belief may find themselves propelled into that position. Politically, for example, it’s quite effective in creating rebels and dissidents. It has been used in various forms by dictatorships and totalitarian systems all through history. In democratic societies it has become a favourite tool of special interest groups to vilify and neutralize their critics and opponents. It is important to recognize and identify the pattern of a ritual defamation and call attention to it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Ritual defamation is accomplished entirely through the manipulation of language and symbols, and when one understands that then it becomes recognized for the hypocritical, slanderous assault on human dignity that it really is.


There is ostracization, shaming, shunning, character assassination, economic ruination, dehumanization, pressure on friends and family to disassociate themselves from you. All of this is most effective on someone in the public eye, or better said, the “known” person is more vulnerable to Ritual Defamation.

I was a Big Fish in a Small Pond.

When you have worn a few different hats prominently in a small town of 5,000, musician hat, political hat (formerly a green party candidate multiple times), environmental hat, cultural hat, becoming what they called a “community leader”, (that is a label OTHER people have attributed to me), so when you are in the public eye such as I was, then the attack must be particularly swift and hard, for maximum social control.

The purpose is to isolate you, make it look like you are totally alone, insane, and to scare anyone else from doing something similar. Keep people in line!

Well-meaning people in town sometimes said to me — Monika, why do you concern yourself with something that happened so long ago? We have other much more pressing problems now. It is irrelevant what happened so long ago. We should focus on today’s problems. ??? Ah… then why are they persecuting me if it is so irrelevant????

I don’t want to spend too much time on that part of this story, because I want to tell you about the trial, perhaps some prison stories, and Alfred’s situation and our own situation. But just a few short examples of the campaign to bring down Monika Schaefer from her former position of “community leader”.

* Weekly attacks on me in the local newspaper, for which I was not given any meaningful rebuttal opportunity.

* Cat-calls in the streets.


* Spinning tires spraying me with gravel.

* Busking permit denied because of my “non-inclusive beliefs” (in 2018 when I was conveniently tucked away in a jail cell, they relaxed all their rules about getting a busking license).

* Multiple police files were opened on me from miscellaneous and fabricated accusations against me.

Social media ablaze with hatred aimed at me, and total pressure on anyone showing any sign of thinking/supporting/questioning what was going on, whereby those people were instantly attacked too. Local support was silenced and friends were intimidated.

* Expulsion from organizations, expulsion from boards, all public and on the record, serving to demonstrate to the authorities that Monika does not have the support of her community.

The stories are endless, and would fill many pages… BUT … this is important:

I never ever talk about this in an attempt to garner pity, or in self-pity, no — that would be loathsome.

In fact, I am glad, that I have experienced this. Don’t get me wrong, I am not glad that it happens, but I am glad to have gained knowledge & understanding of this thing called Ritual Defamation, because it truly has given me deep insight into this mechanism of social control.

This gives me first hand knowledge, expertise, which I can share and use to our benefit. We are in a war. It is not of our choosing, we did not create this situation in which we find ourselves, but we clearly find ourselves in a war. There are no bombs currently raining down on our heads, so most people do not realize that we are in a war.

In any war, it is necessary to know the enemy’s position and strategy and plans. That is what the intelligence service and spies do.

We need to recognize their weapons, their strategy, their tactics! THIS is a WAR in which their primary method is psychological.

Their weapons are deception, demoralization, the invisible chains of political correctness and utter social control.

It is called Psychological Warfare.

We need to immunize ourselves (and I am not talking about vaccinating ourselves with needles). In order to survive, nay, to win and thrive and rise up again, we need to understand our enemy’s tactics and neutralize them. That is why I talk about Ritual Defamation – it is one of their very powerful weapons. These weapons lose their power when we understand them, because when we understand them, we can turn these weapons to our advantage. Expose them, laugh at them…

[1] Christopher Hitchens, “The Strange Case of David Irving,” LA Times, May 20, 2001.


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Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.