Senate confirms health secretary nominee


Lawmakers approve Sebelius for the job as country deals with swine flu

WASHINGTON – Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius won Senate confirmation Tuesday to serve as the nation’s health and human services secretary.

She already has a public health emergency on her hands with the swine flu sickening dozens of Americans.

The 65-31 vote came after Democrats urged quick action so that Sebelius could get to work leading the federal response to the flu outbreak. Sixty votes in the 100-seat Senate were necessary for approval


Republican opponents cited Sebelius’ pro-abortion stances and raised concerns about whether Obama administration plans to overhaul the nation’s health system would lead to rationing of care.

Final pick awaiting confirmation
Sebelius was the final Obama Cabinet pick awaiting confirmation.

"It is essential for the health of the nation that President Obama has in place, and the nation has in place, a strong secretary of HHS to make sure our federal efforts on this potential pandemic are able to coordinate," said Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va.

Anti-abortion groups had been lobbying Republican senators to vote against Sebelius, criticizing her support for abortion rights and her ties to a late-term abortion doctor who donated to her campaigns. Sebelius initially underreported to senators the size of those donations, though she apologized and said it was an inadvertent error.

Republican Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma said Sebelius’ position on abortion amounted to a "critical flaw" and he would vote against her nomination.

With her confirmation, Sebelius faces an immediate challenge with the spread of swine flu. Prior to her appointment, the White House has turned to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to help lead its response, even while insisting that vacancies at the top of HHS were not a problem.

Overhaul of U.S. health care system
Senators also wanted to get Sebelius in place to help shepherd Obama’s overhaul of the nation’s $2.5 trillion health care system to reduce costs and cover some 50 million uninsured Americans.

Sebelius is the first of 20 HHS officials requiring Senate approval, and will head to work without much of a team. The Senate hasn’t acted on Obama’s nominees for deputy HHS secretary or commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, and Obama hasn’t even nominated people for other key jobs, including surgeon general and assistant secretary for preparedness and response.

The process suffered a setback when Obama’s first pick for HHS secretary, former Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota, withdrew in February over unpaid taxes. Sebelius was the last of Obama’s Cabinet nominees awaiting confirmation.

Kan. gets new gov after Sebelius goes to HHS…

Lt. Gov. Mark Parkinson, wooed from the Republican Party three years ago by Democratic Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to become her running mate.

 Group made a run at derailing obama cabinet pick.




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