Daily Archives: January 1, 2013

Top 10 Veterans Stories in Today’s News – January 02, 2013

Veterans and others we spoke with say they're hoping something can be done" to avoid "fiscal cliff" cuts.

Coping with Suicide Ideations

Most military veterans have either thought about or attempted suicide. Thoughts of suicide are normal.

Happy New Year From The International Space Station

The space station is a living example of International cooperation which has yet to be achieved on planet Earth ~ where America is still engaged in the longest war in US history in Afghanistan ~ but the human spirit cannot be quenched.

Is Pam Geller America’s Queen of Hate? – Ask Ted Pike

- Pam Geller’s anti-Islamic NYC transit ads say strict Muslim followers of the Quran are savages.

Two new “truther book reviews”: Morocco for morons, Faulkner’s tales of human sacrifice

My New Year's Resolution: I'm going to become the world's leading author of "truther book reviews."