Zionist Whore Pamela Geller? Oh, Boy!


…by Jonas E. Alexis


If you do not think that Pamela Geller is not “the queen of hate,” as Jim W. Dean and Ted Pike argued in 2013, or does not work “for the corrupt criminal wing of the intelligence services,” as Kevin Barrett has recently put it,  then think again. Even the Southern Poverty Law Center—of all places—seems to have put a price on her head by saying that Geller is too wild.

According to the same Jewish organization, Geller, who co-founded the Freedom Defense Initiative with Robert Spencer, is in the “extremist files” because she is a “flamboyant figurehead.”

In a similar vein, Charles Johnson, a former colleague of Geller who is part of the “anti-jihad movement,” laments that Geller “makes everyone [on Johnson’s side] look crazy.”[1] The Jewish Week did not help Geller’s cause by arguing that she was making her own perilous bed.[2] Jeffrey Goldberg—yes, Goldberg!—declared that Geller is “clinical paranoid,” and she “makes me resent the Internet.”[3]

Pike made the point that Geller “is a very active front lady, with her hair, prominently displayed breasts and plastic surgery, for the Israeli Lobby.” In layman’s term, she is a Zionist whore. As we shall see in a moment, these accusations are not without evidence.

But let us see what Geller has produced over the years first. She put out an ad in 2012 which read: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage [Muslims], support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.” She paid for similar “ads in San Francisco, Detroit and Washington.” Geller has never missed her opportunity to present herself as a flaming zionist. In 2008, she wrote unambiguously:

“So I say to Israel, stand loud and proud. Give up nothing. Turn over not a pebble. For every rocket fired, drop a MOAB. Take back Gaza. Secure Judea and Samaria. Stop buying Haaretz. Throw leftists bums out. Stand straight and walk on. Be worthy of your ancestors…

“So I say to our enemies, we shall be proudly standing long after you have disappeared, footnotes of history.”[4]

Geller is not just a “flamboyant figurehead.” She thinks that she is a superstar and deserves to be recognized. As the Jewish Week put it a few years ago, you can usually see Geller “on the Internet frolicking in a bikini and posing in a skin-tight Superwoman outfit.”[5]

But we all know that being a superstar is not really synonymous with following logic and rational arguments. You can actually detect this in Geller’s own writing, and it shouldn’t take a serious person two minutes to realize this woman is out of touch with reality. In 2010, she perhaps didn’t realize that the Zionist gun was loaded when she put the barrel in her mouth and pulled the trigger. Here is the bullet that politically killed her:

I don’t think that many Westernized Muslims know when they pray five times a day that they’re cursing Christians and Jews five times a day.”[6]

Muslim intellectuals should ask the superstar to have coffee with them and accept her challenge. They should walk on Geller’s own turf and use her own principles to disarm her. They should take Geller to a college library and pick up copies of scholarly studies such as Israel Jacob Yuval’s Two Nations in Your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Ruth Langer’s Cursing the Christians?: A History of the Birkat HaMinim, and Elliott Horowitz’s Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence—published by the University of California, Oxford University, and Princeton University, respectively.

These books would almost certainly blow her head off. The Jewish tendency to curse Christians and other perceived enemies of the Jews is found in a prayer (the Kaddish prayer) that was usually recited in the synagogue, which reads,

“And thus we pray yitgadal ve-yitkadash, meaning: Let it be the will of He through whose word the world was created that He redeem us from among the nations and destroy the memory of Amalek and His name will be hallowed to be complete.”[7]

The noted rabbi Rashi was very aware of this. His students picked up where he left off and announced that God “swore by His right hand and by His throne that His name would not be complete…until He avenged Himself against Amalek.”[8]  Amalek, of course, are Christians and other perceived enemies of the Jewish people.

Noted Jewish scholar Elliott Horowitz of Bar-Illan University made the case that this teaching “made its way southwest to the Jewish communities of Provence and Christian Spain, who also saw themselves living among the descendants of Esau.”[9]

Horowitz continues,

“In the fourteenth century two influential Spanish authors, R. David Abudarham and R. Jacob b. Asher, included similar interpretations of the Kaddish in their works…

“By stressing Amalek’s ancestry, Abudarham, like R. Abraham ha-Yarhi before him, evidently sought to signal to his co-religionists that the Kaddish should be seen (and experienced) as part of the cosmic struggle between their God and the evil empire of Esau/Edom.

“After the ‘Amalek-oriented’ interpretation of the Kaddish spread from Franco-Germany to the Hispano-Provencal world, there were thousands of Jews across late medieval Europe who prayed several times daily for God to avenge Himself against the archenemy whose continued existence kept His name sundered—and thus painfully postponed their own redemption.”[10]

Israel Jacob Yuval, another Jewish scholar, provides similar historical accounts for the heated tensions between Christianity and the implications of Rabbinic literature in the Middle Ages. After sifting through many historical and Rabbinic accounts, Yuval finds that

“The desire for vengeance may also be found in Eleazar Ha-Kallir’s lamentations for Tish b’Av. He asks that the evil of the Gentiles be revealed, so that God may take vengeance on Edom. In a recently published siluq for Tisha b’Av by Ha-Kallir, the editor noted ‘a veritable outburst of curse and hatred’ against the Christians.”[11]

As a supplement to this vengeance, a unique ritual of cursing non-Jews was quite “widespread in Ashkenaz during the Middle Ages,” most specifically against Christians.[12] As Yuval writes,

“Birkat ha-Minim (Malediction Against the Heretics) was well-known, and its origin may perhaps be traced back to the curses of the Judaean Sect against those who did not abide by the laws of the sect.”[13]

The prayer says in part that “the community will gather and curse all those ‘who veer right or left from the Torah.’”[14]

Jewish historian Ruth Langer declares the same thing in her recent work Cursing the Christians?: A History of the Birkat HaMinim. She went so far as to say that “every single European Jewish community” in the Middle Ages “adopts the basic form” of the “birkat haminim,” which is “fully a curse of Christians.”[15] In many countries this was done explicitly, where in many cases it became a cultural phenomenon among the Jews.[16] Other curses

“are attributed to Rabbi Kalonymus the Elder and include sharp condemnations of and curses against the Gentiles and a plea to God to bring destruction upon them. Surprisingly, historical scholarship, which openly discusses all aspects of anti-Jewish hatred, has passed over these poems [which specifically discuss the curses against Christians and Gentiles] in almost total silence.

“These are texts that demonstrate the abyss of hostility and hatred felt by medieval Jews toward Christians. And we have here not only hatred, but an appeal to God to kill indiscriminately and ruthlessly, alongside a vivid description of the anticipated horrors to be brought down upon the Gentiles.

“These pleas are formulated in a series of verbs—‘swallow them, shoot them, lop them off, make them bleed, crush them, strike them, curse them, and ban them…destroy them, kill them, smite them…abandon them, parch them.””[17]

For Daniel Goldschmidt and others, all of this is a reaction to Jewish persecution![18] Yuval, in response, argues that these curses not only predate anti-Jewish reactions, but were widespread among rabbis, going all the way back to the tenth century.[19]

Yuval concludes,

“These and similar liturgical poems were used by those who sought vengeance as having active messianic significance and should not be seen solely as a spontaneous emotional response. We are dealing here with a comprehensive religious ideology that sees vengeance as a central compo- nent in its messianic doctrine.”[20]

This hostility toward Christians and Gentiles is indeed “part of an entire messianic teaching,” spread from many rabbis in the Middle Ages.[21] This “messianic teaching” has its ideological basis in Rabbinic Judaism, which over the centuries progressively became the nuts and bolts of Jewish ideology.

Moreover, for many rabbis of the same era, “killing the Gentiles is part of the uprooting of evil in messianic time” and the Gentiles who will be saved are “those who convert to Judaism.”[22] We find this attitude in a somewhat similar fashion in 1806 France.

So, if Geller wants to be consistent, she has to tell us what those historical accounts mean. I particularly contacted her to get her reaction. I never got a reply. I personally do not blame her. As John Adams put it:

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”[23]

Femen member at a church

Geller, as a member of the Dreadful Few, has done some work that would probably stun some of her supporters.   Geller unambiguously said of the radical feminist group Femen,

“It’s not what I would do but I loved the moxie and in-your-face action to call worldwide attention to misogyny under Muslim rule. These feminist activists held ‘International Topless Jihad Day’ in major European cities including Berlin, Kiev and Paris. They painted their bodies with slogans such as, ‘bare breasts against Islamism,’ and they protested outside of mosques in various cities.”[24]

Geller moved on to propound that

“FEMEN were not demanding Muslimahs remove their cloth coffins or head pieces.  They were trying to help the oppressed.”[25]

Right! Femen was definitely “trying to help the oppressed”! Geller has been bamboozled by the neoconservative ideology for so long that she cannot string two rational thoughts together. Just in case you don’t know much about Femen, let us delve into the story just a little.

Inna Shevchenko, the leader of the group, was asked the point-blank question in an interview with Russia Today: “Why breasts?” She responded:

“Why breasts? Why we are naked? Why are we using sexuality as our weapon? Because this society, this patriarchal system, left us with only one function: sexual function. That’s why we said our sexual is political.”[26]

Shevchenko moved on to say that millions of women are “totally controlled by family tradition and by men,” and the job of Femen is to sexually and politically liberate those people from the shackles of patriarchal society. In order to do that, members of the group have to use their boobs.

The interviewer again asked her,

“Let me go back to the question of breasts. You said that this is the best way of actually attracting attention to your cause. You tried many different tactics but nothing worked as flashing your breasts.”

Again Shevchenko put the equation in revolutionary terms:

“Definitely I cannot deny that this is something that gives us the possibility to provoke, to bring attention, to let everyone turn their heads and look at us—and listen to us after.”[27]

The interviewer moved on to ask her a very intriguing question, which again goes at the heart of sexual liberation:

“Your movement places a lot of emphasis on female beauty.  And if you claim to represent female cause, why don’t you represent it through women of all shapes, sizes, and ages because at your projects we don’t really see larger [fat], older women or women who had double mastectomy and we only see pretty young and pretty shapely bodies.”

Shevchenko’s answer was quite puzzling:

“Again this is something that the world wants to see…What we are doing right now is collecting women’s army from all over the world. We are going to move to our main goal: to destroy patriarchy. . .

“Our goal is to bring up all the shit that has created by men’s domination….Femen is political nudity, and by this understanding we are crushing all other understanding of nudity.”

Here the 24-year old Shevchenko was quickly slipping into the deep world irrationality, which sometimes promises liberty but delivers intellectual suicide and moral mumbo jumbo. If Shevchenko’s goal is to “destroy patriarchy,” how is that congruent or compatible with the “democracy” that she was desperately and hopelessly trying to propose? Didn’t the vast majority of Russians voluntarily vote for Putin?

In other words, the vast majority of Russians would like to keep this so-called “patriarchal society.” Why would she want to destroy that society when the people enjoy it? What kind of world is this young and promising radical living in?

Last year, Shevchenko declared, “As a woman, you usually have to beg to speak. We don’t beg. We force them to hear us.”[28] How is force congruent with a democratic society? Or could it be that Shevchenko is redefining democracy by defining it away?

Well, as it turns out, the problem is not “democracy” but the destruction of the moral order, which is always at the heart of feminism and the Neoconservative/Neo-Bolshevik ideology. Shevchenko, like the Pussy Riot, which got its revolutionary ideology in the spirit of Leon Trotsky, wants to destroy the sexual or moral order. In fact, Femen put out a video in which members of the group shouted, “Fuck your morals”:

 What both Femen and the Pussy Riot have common is that they are a function of Jewish movements and that they want to literally obliterate whatever they see as a threat to their weltanschauung. When asked the question “What does Pussy Riot hope to achieve?,” one of the articulate members, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, then only twenty-three years old, responded,

A revolution in Russia…  I want to destroy the things I consider the greatest evils. And I’m doing this by putting my ideas of freedom and feminism into practice…”[29]

Now, does anyone see the connection here? Geller, who got “nearly $4 million” from a divorce settlement in 2007, was actually defending a group of people who wanted to “destroy the things” that they consider “the greatest evils.” And one of those things is, well, the moral order, which they bless with slogans such as “fu$k your morals.”

Which brings us to an important point in our discussion here. If you support terrorism, what are you? An angel? A saint? A philanthropist? Well, let us cite one of the legal documents of the United States:

Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offence against the United States, is punishable as a principle.”

According to this principle, Geller is just as guilty as Femen, and this is why we have accused him of being a Zionist whore.[30] In other words, Femen and Geller are two concentric circles. Femen says “Fuck your morals” in Europe, and Geller is implicitly saying the same thing when it comes to the political and moral order in America and attacking Muslims.

Finally, Geller’s entire Zionist project has sunk so low that Jeffrey Goldberg himself could not stand her vacuous logic:

PAMELA GELLER: …Oh, I believe in the idea of a moderate Muslim. I do not believe in the idea of a moderate Islam.

ANNE BARNARD [of the New York Times]: What would be a moderate Muslim then?

PAMELA GELLER: I think a moderate Muslim is a secular Muslim.

Goldberg himself commented:

“Geller is a stunning ignoramus. Substitute the word ‘Jew’ for Muslim and see how ridiculous her assertion sounds.”[31]

If thought police Jeffrey Goldberg can dump Geller, then Geller is making a lot of noise out there just to get attention.  This woman is so out of touch with reality that she once “suggested [that] the State Department was run by ‘Islamic supremacists’”![32]

How dumb can it get? “I gotta be me,”[33] said Geller. Well, if she wants to look like a fool, she has my blessings. We already have enough of those foolish women walking around: Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter, Tammy Bruce, Kirsten Powers, etc. I was reading Deneen Borelli’s book earlier and I instantly threw my hands up in the air as soon as I read that “The NAACP is a liberal front group.” Complete balderdash.

[1] Quoted in Taylor Wofford, “Who is Pamela Geller?,” Newsweek, May 4, 2015.

[2] Doug Chandler, “The Passion (and Perils) of Pamela Geller,” Jewish Week, September 1, 2009.

[3] Quoted in Jeffrey Goldberg, “Pamela Geller, Clinical Paranoid,” Atlantic, October 11, 2010.

[4] Pamela Geller, “Indomitable Israel,” Arutz Sheva, May 11, 2008.

[5] Doug Chandler, “The Passion (and Perils) of Pamela Geller,” Jewish Week, September 1, 2010.

[6] Quoted in Jeffrey Goldberg, “Pamela Geller, Clinical Paranoid,” Atlantic, October 11, 2010.

[7] Elliot Horowitz, Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006), 128.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid., 128-129.

[10] Ibid., 129.

[11] Jacob Israel Yuval, Two Nations in your Womb: Perceptions of Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2006), 101.

[12] Ibid., 115.

[13] Ibid., 115-116.

[14] Ibid., 116.

[15] Langer, Cursing the Christians?: A History of the Birkat HaMinim (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 66.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Yuval, Two Nations in your Womb, 120.

[18] Ibid., 121.

[19] Ibid., 122-123.

[20] Ibid., 123.

[21] Ibid., 102, 103-109.

[22] Ibid., 111.

[23] Quoted in David McCullough, John Adams (New York: Touchtone, 2001), 68.

[24]  Pamela Geller, “Muslimah Misogyny: ‘Muslim Women Against Femen,’” Jewish Press, April 17, 2013.

[25] Ibid.

[26] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbIzgVxPSpg.

[27] Ibid.

[28] Claire Suddath, “Inna Shevchenko’s Femen: Shock, Irritate, Frighten, Inspire,” Bloomberg, April 24, 2014.

[29] “Interview with Pussy Riot Leader: ‘I Love Russia, But I Hate Putin,’” Spiegel International, September 3, 2013.

[30] We will come back to Femen in the future.

[31] Goldberg, “Pamela Geller, Clinical Paranoid,” Atlantic, October 11, 2010.

[32] Anne Barnard and Alan Feuer, “Outrageous, and Outrageous,” NY Times, October 8, 2010.

[33] Ibid.


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Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.