Gold And Silver – Elite's Game Of Jenga In Place. Your Move.


Saturday  16 May 2016
Last week, we addressed how China’s growing leadership and economic dominance is raising more questions than answers.  A Part II, of some sort was planned, but instead, the focus is on the ultimate reptilian society builders, aka the New World Order.  By reptilian, we mean cold-bloodedly treacherous, a rather apt description of the stealth and essentially invisible movers of the world.
There was a disturbing comment made by NWO-sycophant Harlan K Ullman, a high-level advisor to major Western world policy makers.  In his myopic but upper echelon pervasive point of view [POV], it is not rising powers like China and Russia that pose the biggest threat to the NWO [New World order], but “non-actors” like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning.  We will add Julian Assange, among the better known, and include all other anonymous “hackers” who actually pose a more direct threat to the Westphalian system because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered, eviscerating state control.
Do you get that?  Individualism, self-thinkers, those opposed to the Orwellian-minded, fascist-type of government rule is the biggest threat.  Guess what?  He is absolutely right!  A thinking mind is the Achilles Heel of the NWO, and it is why dissent of any kind is put down immediately by community-leader-turned fascist-protectorate-type, such as corporate federal leader Barack Hussein Obama.  Why do you think Occupy Wall Street [OWS], was crushed into non-relevance?  In New York, OWS protesters were mercilessly maced, beaten, and arrested at will by New York city cops, acting as a private security force for Wall Street bankers.  Isn’t that right, then-mayor Bloomberg and NWO leader wanna-be?
The “Yes we can!” president fooled the public into thinking his slogan applied to them when he was really addressing the Wall Street powers of influence.  Obama, he who stated as a candidate that Wall Street had him to fear, once elected.  Once elected, Obama went on to include only Wall Street executives to lead, like Timothy Franz Geithner, former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the head organization for the NWO reptilian moneychangers, along with a slew of others from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, the typical Wall Street elite from which the government is unable to find any other resource for hiring those who control the flow of faux money in this country.
This, folks, is what you have posing as “your” government, when in fact, you are not represented in any way shape or form, except to shape and form your mind to believe otherwise.  We are way past the notion of trying to get people to believe the federal corporate government is a government of the people, by the people, for the people, and anyone who believes in that form of rhetoric is an uninformed fool, by choice.
Did you elect anyone to represent you as the most dangerous government on the planet that is waging countless wars, directly, and mostly indirectly, that is destroying one small defenseless nation after another?  Did you elect anyone to establish the NSA [National Security Agency], to become the mother of all Stasi-like spy agencies that intercepts every single telephone call and e-mail transmission, not just of Americans, but world-wide?  These are really softball questions with hardball implications and answers that few are willing to address, and those that do, the Snowdens, Mannings, Assanges, are seen as the greatest threat to NWO stability, obviously where truth cannot be tolerated.
What is Harlan K Ullman’s solution?  “Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance,” from an article he wrote for the Atlantic Council, an influential “think tank” based in the federal corporate center Washington D C.  [For the uninformed, Washington D C was never a part of the original states of the Union, ever, yet under its corporate charter, it  dominates everything in this country, absolutely everything.]
What might an “extraordinary crises” mean?  How about 9/11?  As an aside, there is mounting evidence that 9/11 was a coordinated effort by the elites in their sinister problem-reaction-solution devise to rule the world.  They intentionally, but covertly, create a problem that will prompt a horrified reaction, and then rush in with a “solution.”  Anyone can spend some time doing searches on the fallacy of 9/11 as a bin Laden attack on the US.
The “problem” created was a purported ‘terrorist” threat to the United States.  After all, the two World Trade Centers were just destroyed by jumbo jets flying into them.  Although no jets flew into building 7, somehow, it, too, collapsed under mysterious circumstances. “Problem:” America and her “freedom” were under attack.  This created a unified nationalist reaction, probably not seen since the end of WWII.
What to do to protect the country from more terrorist attacks?  [Create a “Reaction” of horror and threat, a heightened sense of insecurity amongst the masses.]  Next comes the “Solution,” the Patriot Act, a direct attack on American freedoms that “need to be given up in order to be more secure.”  Homeland Security came into being, but almost no one asks,
whose “Homeland” is being secured?  For sure, it has not been for the American population, but assuredly for the corporate federal “homeland.”
The TSA was formed, [Transportation and Security Agency], to protect all Americans from an outside terrorist attack, although there has never been a single credible instance or even threat of one, but hey, now Americans have become accustomed to being searched and groped by the government, including the elderly and small children.  You never know from where the next terror attack will come!
Three buildings, [which happened to contain massive gold holdings, {disappeared}, and an even more massive amount of bonds, {conveniently destroyed}] about 3,000 lost lives, [incredibly sad for those and their families].  From the elite’s perspective, it was pretty small damage control for the gains made against further eroding the American way of life and the giving up of more freedoms, along with much, much greater government control of the people, along with growing militarization of all local police forces, who now just shoot to kill for the slightest infraction.  Not a bad day’s work.
If Harlan K Ullman, and others of his ilk, to include Heinz Alfred Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and those from the Council of Foreign Relations, et al, have their way, what this country needs is “another extraordinary crises to preserve the new world order.”  The elites and their underling lackeys, like those just mentioned, believe it essential to get rid of those unwanted “newly empowered non-state actors.”
What kind of threat is Edward Snowden?  None, that we can tell.  Did he compromise the US in any way?  Not a single instance has been cited by anyone in the military or Obama’s federal corporate entity.  Note: not a single instance, just a lot of posturing and blustering by a few select lackeys singing the praise of the Orwellian State in this country.  We repeat the question, What kind of threat is Edward Snowden?  What he did was shed light on the utterly corrupt ways of a secretive government spying on each and every citizen.
We need more so-called “non-state actors,” and they do not have to be such Herculean acts as those of Assange, Snowden and Manning.  We need more “non-state actors” who choose to think for themselves and not swallow the mainstream propaganda in television and news print.  It is now close to where individual acts are viewed as acts of terrorism.  It may seem unrelated, but there is now a war on cash being waged, another loss of individual freedom and greater control of the Orwellian State.  Look up Agenda 21, Operation Jade Helm 15, the disastrous TPP.  It is all right here in your own back yard.
What do the likes of Harlan K Ullman and thousands of other like him have to do with you?  They, aided and abetted by the corporate federal government, are out to destroy your individual and family freedom[s].  What does this have to do with Special Drawing Rights, China, AIIB, gold and silver?  Life, today, is one giant Jenga game.  The seemingly disparate pieces are all a part of this massive world tower, and the pieces have become more and more inter-related in support where it is expected no connection is supposed to be made by any “non-state actor.”  This has not been working well for the elites, lately.
The window for individual freedom is inexorably closing.  The internet is the last stand people have to keep themselves informed and empowered, and it is such a vital forum for all to take an active voice and participate, at the very least in becoming more informed. Otherwise, like in Oregon, the state actors, [your opposition] will stop you from collecting rain water or runoff water from melting snow.  Why?  You must remain dependent upon the State.   [One simple example with thousands of other equally as revealing how the state interferes in everyone’s life.  Opposition is not an option.
Will gold and silver ever reach the once highly touted $5,000 -$10,000 and $400 – $1,000
respective ounce levels?  Perhaps a more pertinent question is, in what kind of environment will you find yourself as an owner of physical metal, regardless of price?
If you let the Harlan K Ullmans of the world dominate your life, or go through life in an unexamined manner, the elite’s unfolding game of Jenga, unseen but visible to the curious eye seeking to be informed, will destroy you.  None of those in control want you to own gold or silver.  It is an act of individualism, a non-state action, but if you do not have or own either gold/silver, you are playing totally into the hands of those state-actors bent on making you subject to their whims.
Life is always about making choices.
Last week’s rally notwithstanding, the trend remains down in the metals, and there are insufficient signs to indicate any change, yet.  The dollar broke support, but there are signs the break may be challenged, and even that needs to be confirmed.
The EDM [Ease of Downward Movement] does not show any sign of ending.  It is now retesting a strong rally bar, 3rd week of January.
DX W 16 May 15
Price is holding above mid-range in the down channel, and the smaller range on increased volume indicates potential support.  Thursday’s bar bears watching, should it hold next week.  Still, for right now, the daily trend has turned down.
DX D 16 May 15
Last week’s rally may encourage a slew of PM optimism, but there has been no change in the down trend.  Silver is outperforming gold over the past few weeks.  More work needs to develop before any meaningful move upwards can be sustained.
SI W 16 May 15
Price is trading just above resistance, but he overall trend must still be respected.
SI D 16 May 15
While there are more encouraging signs of a possible bottoming process, the trend has not changed, and that is what matters more than opinions that gold is headed higher.
GC W 16 May 15
It has not paid to buy apparent strength in PMs, for the past few years.  An important sign will be how the next correction lower develops.  If price is bottoming, the 1170-1180 area should offer support.
GC D 16 May 15


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