A Dangerous Kind of Hate – Colbert King – W.P.


In today’s Washington Post, Op Ed writer Colbert King has penned a piece called A Dangerous Kind of Hate that speaks to some unspeakable things.  Fundamentalist Christian preachers are openly praying with their congregations for the death of President Obama, the uglier the death the better.  I wonder what seminary they graduated from?  What church denomination ordained them?  Who would Jesus pray to death?

Bare and naked hatred directed toward anyone who does not seem "mainstream" is now okay, Representative Joe Wilson just made it okay.  If are a constituent from South Carolina you are now charged with leading the land out of this darkness. 

You were just handed the ball.  Now run down field.  It is your turn to show us all how to leave this horrid darkness and enter the light.  God just gave you that mission.  Now how about that for a Christian take on this debacle?


We are entering a very dangerous time in our nation.  We have 22.9 million veterans alive in the summer of 2009 who are not adequately taken care of relative to health, pension or quality of life issues.  This has now morphed from a veterans issue into a national security concern. 

Veterans from every conceivable place on the political spectrum now openly talk about violence against this Republic due to the lack of support their government has shown them over the past few generations to veterans.  We have an Army National Guard retired Colonel who has four sons serving overseas in the military and who is himself a serving member of Congress publicily on national television shouting volatile insults at the President of the United States from the floor of Congress. 

We have the highest unemployment rates since after World War II.  We have more people entering poverty level lifestyles than we have had since the 1960s.  We have almost 50 million uninsured Americans.  We are fighting two wars in western Asia that do not in any way have the support of the majority of the American opulation.  We have a President who was elected to get us out of those wars who is dragging his feet in doing so for reasons that are still unclear.

We have right wing Republicans who despise for President for doing too much and we have left wing Democrats who now have strong reservations about this President because he is doing too little.

And we have Christian ministers openly praying at services on Sunday for the death of the President.

God bless America.  Please.  And very, very soon.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)



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