George Soros $6.7 billion tax bill
Hedge Fund schemers are the modern version of robber barons. At the top of the list of unscrupulous manipulators is the Nazi collaborator, George...
Government's share of minimum wage increase
The working poor suffer disproportionately from the offshoring of high paying jobs. The upsurge an hour in the minimum wage economy is the net...
The Banksters War on Cash
Once upon a time, the famous criminal Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, and his response was simple, eloquent, and humorous: “Because...
Where is Global Economic Growth?
Remember the stagflation years? Maybe the current world economic environment is just in an enduring lethargy awaiting the bottom to fall out. Seldom has...
Corporate Farms Control of Water
Water and air are the most important resources on the planet. Breathing clean air seems to be accepted as a noble goal and the...
Cost of Negative Bank Rates
So you thought that the unimaginable could not happen. The signal is heard loud and clear. Keeping your money in a fiduciary account will...
Corporatism 101
Regular readers of this Corporatocracy series should have a firm grasp on the concept of Corporatism. However, the uninitiated might presume that a corporation...
Fear of IRS Tax Audits Diminish
The announcement that Federal government’s tax-take hits all-time high as the federal government collected a record amount of taxes in fiscal year 2014, topping...
China wants to have a reserve currency
Common wisdom has China as the future model for the Globalist economy. Also, conventional thinking has the Western financial debt created money system as...
What to Expect from FCC Control of Internet
Now that the split vote on the FCC commission has decided to accept their secret plan to turn the internet into a public utility,...
HSBC Corporate Governance Corruption
When the Negotium essay, Long History of HSBC Money Laundering was written over two years ago, one might think that the Banksters would look...
Why Prevent Labeling of GMO Foods?
Whether to require labeling on GMO foods should be the easiest and simplest of decisions. If health and safety is really a mandate of...
Greek Vote Pushes EU to Limit
The resounding victory of Alexis Tsipras in the Greek election was certainly a referendum that rejected the austerity demands placed on Greece by the...
Carl Menger and the Real Bills Doctrine
In the Daily Bell’s recent interview, Dr. Antal Fekete: Blowing Up Modern Austrian Economics ... in a Good Way, Professor Antal E. Fekete addresses the foundational economic work and understanding of “Real Bill” money by Carl Menger. Reviewing this subject, may be a new experience for most and for mainline economists a topic that is problematic. How is it possible for central banks to use the argument of real bills, when modern academics differ with the mechanics of their cherished monetary theory?
Social Credit Monetary Theory
Few people are familiar with the concept of Social Credit by Clifford Hugh Douglas. In his book, by the same name, his theory is presented.
Russia's SWIFT Settlement Alternative
The SWIFT System is an integral part of a communication process that assists payment and clearing of financial transactions. The Corporate-to-Bank site defines it...
Cracking Down on Corporate Crime
2014 ends with little media attention or criminal prosecutions about corporate violations of laws already on the books. When the ranks of anti-business liberals and radical environmentalists compile their list of the worst offenders, their types of abuses exemplify that the most egregious and reprehensible of company practices do not hit their radar screen.
Euro Crisis Deepens
The alarm warnings are going off in Europe. International markets under pressure, global tensions rising and the financial system stressed to the point of breaking. Europe is ready for a relapse. It may be a very cold winter without Russian gas.
Sun Edison Buying First Wind Scam
Most people know very little about the true economics in the solar and wind industry. Even less understand the cryptic disclosures in an SEC filing of reports from FERC. Yet the financial inventors are brilliant in concealing the simple business model that is supposed to generate earning from real economic activity.
Another Ponzi Roll Over of Treasury Debt
The banksters behind the Federal Reserve have no problem with monetizing the national debt, since the Treasury provides their stamp of guarantee. As the public sector continues their spending spree, few really know the extent and amount of their share of the obligation.
Chinese and Japanese Deflationary Economies
The global economy has just hit the wall. Do not underestimate the significance of the Asian downturn. Japan saw a dramatic rebirth after WWII...
G 20 and BRIC Great Schism
Global trade relationships and agreements are moving in very different directions. The public relations press releases hide the undercurrents that are driving the formations of alternative economic alliances.
Matt Taibbi on JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare
The attention that Taibbi is receiving for the Rolling Stone essay, The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare, may push forward a serious debate on the systemic corruption that is common knowledge among informed observers of the financial structure.
What is Alternative to Keynesian Corporatism?
“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood....
David A. Stockman – The Great Deformation
One sage of economics is mostly ignored because he dares to reject the Keynesian economics doctrine that is so essential to maintain the debt slavery milieu. The last hundred years fostered the dominion of the banksters.
Are International Stocks Safer than U.S. Equities?
Those fall season concerns in market volatility are once again upon us. After so many years of a zero interest rate environment, nervous tension is breaking out. Review the record. For a comparison of International Stock Indexes, Market Data Center statistics from the WSJ is useful. Now evaluate Doug Ramsey’s, chief investment officer at the Leuthold Group, argument in Comparing Valuations: U.S. vs. International Stocks.
Financial Regulators Bend Rules for Banksters
The cozy relationship between financial institutions and their respective regulators has long been known. Concern from reformers and activists comes from all stripes of ideological perspectives.
How stable is the Bond Market?
Seldom does the enormous bond market turn on the fate of a single trader. Well, the news that Bill Gross was leaving Pimco under suspicious circumstances did not go unnoticed. The WSJ writes:
Silicon Valley Corporatists
Remember the days when an entrepreneur would perfect their whiz kid ideas in a garage and bring them to market? Did Steve Wozniak ever...
City of London vs. Scottish Independence
Scotland has a long and noteworthy history of banking. Money, savings and investing is entrenched in the culture and society. Edinburgh is the fourth largest financial centre in Europe (after London, Frankfurt and Paris). Much of this reputation has arisen from its history of innovation over the last three hundred years. The Bank of Scotland, established in 1695, one year after the Bank of England by an Act of the Scottish Parliament, illustrates the prevailing attitude to the creation of money in that era. A list of banking innovations is a useful background of Scottish banking activities.
Economic Reality of a Wealth Tax
Proponents of big government, from both the left and right, share one important trait; namely, both spend their waking hours dreaming up new schemes to tax wealth. Only a blind, deaf and dumb observer of economic imbalance would deny that the massive accumulation of worldly assets into the hands of the smallest number of robber barons in all of history is at the core of most social unrest and global instability. However, adopting a Marxist outlook on the evils of the bourgeoisie simply confuses the nature of the financial magnates, while blaming the hard pressed merchant class for conducting beneficial business. Creation of tangible wealth is the greatest achievement in the uplifting and improvement of the human condition, when that stream of riches flows between and among entrepreneurs and business proprietors.
NCAA College Sports Oligopoly
The obsession over sports, long analyzed as half-crazed, defies logical explanation. Even so, it is undeniable that organized athletics is big business.
The Monopoly of the Government Education Cartel
Learning is a noble pursuit, but the ancient Greek text is one of the few places where the Socratic Method survives. Sanctioned political doctrine of required thinking is the mainstay in today’s august temples of purification. Forget about a classroom, the curriculum core of New Age studies has no room for the classics, much less instructions into the process of thinking itself. Except, of course for the need to electronically check off the loan applications and assign grants to the business office. In the end, university is big business and developing intelligent graduates happens as an afterthought, if at all.
Is the Dollar and Equities Ready to Crash?
As the yearly end of summer doldrums engulf the Hamptons, the uber-wealthy position themselves for a rocky coming storm when the robust fall trading season begins.
Calico Discussed at The Google Camp
When the billionaire tech jet set decides to let down their hair, what do they talk about around the campfire? According to the New Your Times, "Google is sponsoring an elite conference this week at a golf resort in Sicily, with a guest list of chief executives, investors and celebrities, all of whom were invited to bring their families. On the agenda are high-minded discussions of global issues — along with relaxation by the Mediterranean Sea." How quaint! . . . For the real scoop, Here's What Went On At Google's Exclusive Conference For The Rich And Famous In Sicily.
IMF Energy Carbon Tax
Well, the International Monetary Fund is at it again. It looks like controlling entire economy conditions of nations is not enough for the IMF. The IMF urges higher energy taxes to fight climate change and lays out “exactly what it views as appropriate taxes on coal, natural gas, gasoline and diesel in 156 countries to factor in the fuels' overall costs, which include carbon dioxide emissions, air pollution, congestion and traffic accidents.”
Corporatism Stifles Innovation
For an economy to grow and create actual wealth, innovation is a bedrock component in the development of enhanced prosperity. Prosperity is an intriguing concept.
Russian Sanctions Backfire
The belief that calling for and instituting sanctions against Russia is a sound policy, illustrates the economic disconnect of the Obama administration. With the...
Corporatist Lobbying Replaced a Free Market
The practice of a pure free market is so rare that a plausible argument can be made that a free market economy never existed....
Impact of IMF SDRs for Commercial Trade
The global corporatist economy works differently from business transactions at your neighborhood convenience store. Ostensibly, the International Monetary Fund was set up to allow the G20 nations to umpire the ground rules to play nice in macro trade.
Inevitability of Financial Bubbles
Financial instruments are inventions of gnomes from investment houses and exchanges. There is nothing intrinsic about profitability or guarantee that over time such transactions...
Another Secret Trade Agreement – TISA
The significance of the TPP -Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the TTIP - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement has your head spinning already, now...