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Tag: desert storm veterans

C141 Charleston Unit Gulf War Veteran Pilot Makes it Happen

WE at VT are excited that we helped open the door to get this story moving that then went to VA Watchdog and then...

*Action Alert: Help Gulf War Vets* Update on Support in US...

The List is in on who signed on to House side to support Gulf War illness Research for DOD CDMRP funding for Gulf War...

Federal Registry Posts New Rules for VA Presumptions of Service Connections...

The VA has proposed to add 9 infectious diseases to presumptions for service connection for Gulf War Veterans. Nineteen years and the VA...

Institute of Medicine Update Report on Health of Gulf War Veterans...

Part 1 In case you missed it, here is the IOM report, as reported by the federal registry(below), on the update to their study on...

In Memory: Gulf War Illness Researcher Dr Jerry Buccafussco

This past week the gulf war veterans lost a researcher that had one of the earliest studies that brought attention to gulf war illness...

Science Rules The Day For Gulf War Veterans In Their Battle...

The veterans of the Gulf War 1990-91 have mighty support from scientific breakthroughs that have occurred with the backing of Ross Perot that started in the early years after they returned from the Gulf War in 1991. Mr Perot met with a group of Navy Seebees in the early 90's that had returned sick and faced strong opposition from the government that was suppose to support their veterans.

Gulf War Illness Researcher Georgetown University-Seeking Gulf War Veterans Healthy and...

Dr Barinauck and his staff are exceptional!  Dr Barinauck site is full of the information on his current studies.  He has three gulf war...

DOD CDMRP Announces Gulf War Illness Research 09 Awardees

This AM on the DOD-CDMRP website the list of those awarded funding from FY09 for Gulf War Illness Research are announced and they are: Investigator Inititated Research: Lovelace...

IL-10 Cytokine Testing Needed for Veterans of the Gulf War

The research article below from the Clinical Vaccine Immunological Journal discusses chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and sleep disturbances on the measurement of IL-10 Cytokine Testing...

Alert Sounds for the VA Gulf War Task Force to Get...

Gulf War Veterans that have had extensive respiratory changes in basic measurement on lung functions and vital capacity need to remember to assess data...


GULF WAR VETERANS HAVE VISUAL PROBLEMS IMPACTING SAFETY AND QUALITY OF LIFE For 19 years the Gulf War Veterans have suffered.  Back in the 1990s...