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Tag: Israel Lobby

U.S. Politicians’ Priority is Israel

Actions speak louder than words. The actions of U.S. politicians let us know their number one concern is not their constituents. And it's not America.

John F. Kennedy Opposed Israel’s Power

Tomorrow, November 22, 2011 is the 48th anniversary of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

United Against Cultural Fascism – A Letter To Every Cultured Person...

By bullying British cultural institutions and harassing artists in the name of the Jewish community, Jewish organizations are achieving nothing but the defamation of the whole of British Jewry.

No Tears For Warmonger Fox

The powerful Israel lobby will no doubt be sad to see their man go...

Israeli espionage mole exposed in Britain?

Key funding sources for Werritty were from the Israeli lobby and a rather obscure commercial intelligence agency

Unconditional Support for Israel is Profoundly Damaging to Americans

It is time to end our aid to Israel. For decades the Israel Lobby, the most powerful special interest on behalf of a foreign nation in the United States, has dominated U.S. policy-making in the Middle East.

Israel's Dirty Tricks Against Campus Palestine Activists

The David Project’s dirty tricks -- While name-and-shame tactics can be put to positive effect, they can also easily backfire and do more harm than good. We need to learn the art of being disagreeable in the most agreeable possible fashion. Ali Abunimah

A Walk on the Dark Side of Israel Politics

With his texting bad conduct behind him, Weiner is now free to join the Glenn Beck team. Rod Blogovich let his greed overrule his good judgment. As a result AIPAC has another kept senator at its beck and call.

Transparent Cabal Rejected for Anti-AIPAC Conference

Move Over organizers made a strong effort to showcase Jewish opposition to AIPAC... as if protest is not an obligation of US citizens.” The existence of such an official opposition allows critics to blow off steam without having any real impact; it creates the pretense of freedom without the reality.

Obama Salutes and Follows Israel’s Orders as 2012 Election Looms

President Barack Obama looks to a tough reelection fight in 2012, and his political strategists believe he must jettison what’s left of his modest reform agenda if...

Why is Israeli Spy Jonathon Pollard Back in the News?

Why Is Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard Back in the News? Over the past two months, Benjamin Netanyahu has mentioned the fate of jailed Israeli...

Congressional request for Super-spy Jonathan Pollard pardon: Another example of Israel-first

Those pushing President Obama for a pardon of Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard, ignore the harm Pollard inflicted on the security of the United States....

The Israel Lobbies and Breitbartism: Dirty Tricks, Taboos and the threat...

- If Israel told the truth, the whole cabinet would run screaming into the Mediterranean - By Juan Cole at Informed Comment Phil Weiss notes that another of...

Dual Loyalty Revisited

The U.S.-Israeli relationship has proven itself a consistent threat to our national security. That peril has only worsened with time. The facts confirm a common pro-Israeli source of the phony intelligence that took our military to war in Iraq. Is that why the Israel lobby pressed the Congress for a pledge of allegiance to Israel?

Was Israel Ever Legitimate ?

The history of Israel as a geopolitical fraud will fill entire libraries as those defrauded marvel at how so few deceived so many for so long. Those duped include many naive Jews who—even now—identify their interests with this extremist enclave.