Park51: A Zionist PSYOP


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by Jonathan Azaziah

New York (City) is a place that is heavily influenced, and in the majority of instances, utterly controlled by the obscenely wealthy Zionist elite.

The governorship is currently occupied by David Paterson, who replaced the disgraced Zionist Eliot Spitzer. Just two days after Spitzer stepped down, New York’s Zionist leaders fully endorsed Paterson, who had been well known for his charity activities in the Zionist community even prior to becoming governor (1). His lieutenant governor, who controls the state senate, is Richard Ravitch. Though his ascension to the position was ruled unlawful (2), he remains in power. Ravitch is a powerful Zionist whose construction company built Manhattan Plaza and Waterside Plaza and who has been involved in Zionist fund-raising for half of a century (3). The speaker of New York’s State Assembly is Zionist Sheldon Silver, and earlier this year, he made a request that Ravitch, and not Paterson, should take control of New York’s budget crisis (4).

New York’s US Senate members include the junior official, Kirsten Gillibrand, who stated that she will be an ‘unwavering supporter’ of the Zionist entity and ‘continue to assure Israel’s strategic military advantage in the region (5),’ and the senior official, long-familiar Zionist politician Chuck Schumer, who made it known that he thinks it makes sense to strangle Gaza economically (6). New York City’s representatives in the US House are entirely Zionist. Anthony Weiner, Jerrold Nadler, Nita Lowey, Steven Israel, Eliot Engel, and Gary Ackerman all support Israel unabashedly. New York City’s mayor is 9/11 criminal, the Zionist billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who regularly donates to pro-Israel charities (7). New York’s Department of Education is headed by Zionist Joel Klein, selected to serve by Bloomberg. Klein and Bloomberg finalized an agreement with the United Federation of Teachers’ President, Zionist Randi Weingarten, to have total dominion over New York’s school system (8).

The diamond industry in New York has always been a ‘Jewish’ establishment since the city’s inception (9), and once the plot to create Israel was hatched, the diamond district began funneling dollars to the Zionist power brokers. The Diamonds Dealers Club (DDC), the elite ‘club’ within the diamond district that makes all of the important decisions, has a board of directors and an arbitrators’ committee comprised of several Israeli-born Zionists, and is owned and operated by Zionists Moshe Mosbacher, who serves as President, and Martin Hochbaum, who serves as Managing Director (10). The former president of DDC, Jacob Banda, who recently died, was a staunch Zionist who contributed substantial amounts to Hatzalah, a Jews-only ambulance service that is prominent in Israel (11). New York’s diamond district is going through a renovation process that will model it after Israel’s Diamond Exchange (12). All of Israel’s top diamond exporters have offices within the New York diamond district. The transactions being processed represent billions of dollars for the Zionist entity (13).

The most famous, and most influential New York city paper is the New York Times, owned by the Ochs-Sulzberger family, a wealthy Zionist creed that has donated to pro-Israel causes for more than 100 years despite outwardly opposing the usurping entity at times so the family appears ‘non-Zionist’ (14). To this very day, it operates with a strong bias for the Zionist state and reinforces the negative portrayal of Arabs and Muslims in accordance with the other mainstream media outlets (15). The NASDAQ is controlled by Zionist Robert Greifeld, who signed an agreement with Ester Levanon, the CEO of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange to formalize a ‘closer relationship’ between the two markets (16). The Dow Jones is controlled by the CME Group, owned by Christian Zionists Terrence Duffy and Craig Donohue. Duffy and Donohue purchased the stock exchange from News Corp, owned by infamous Zionist Rupert Murdoch. Duffy and Donohue were honored by Hebrew University earlier this year for their ‘strong support of the state of Israel,’ with Duffy receiving the Zionist school’s National Scopus Award (17). Hebrew University is built on illegally occupied land in Jerusalem. Wall Street is crawling with Zionists, and every company involved in the recent criminal bailout of the banking industry had deep loyalties to the illegitimate terror state. Several of the financial giants were also connected to the 9/11 false flag attack (18).

It is perfectly reasonable to hypothesize, considering how much financial clout and political power the Zionists possess, that any project, structure, or event going against their interest in New York wouldn’t be able to come to fruition. The Park51 ‘community center’ is within this realm of discussion, and the hypothesis is in fact, a reality. It was approved by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission to move forward (19). Every official on the board is selected by the New York City mayor (in this case, Zionist Michael Bloomberg). Another official selected by Bloomberg, the New York City comptroller, John Liu, has recently suggested that Park51 should be granted public funding (20). As the evidence that will be uniformly laid out in this article will prove, Park51 is nothing but a Zionist PSYOP designed to mislead and galvanize the masses around a complete non-issue, especially the Muslim masses, and divert their attention from what actually matters: 9/11 truth, worldwide US-Zionist aggression, and the worsening illegal occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine.

Visionary or Stooge?

Feisal Abdul Rauf has been hailed by his supporters as a man who has taken on the complexities of Western-Muslim relations and triumphed by bridging the gap with his scholarly books and numerous lectures which he has delivered around the world. This is a fairy tale. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is a staunch capitalist with numerous connections to the US elite, US intelligence, the Zionist Power Configuration and whose primary concern is making a dollar; not the welfare of his ‘fellow’ Muslims.

The criminal use of usury in the United States, coupled with the use of fiat money, is the sole reason for the ever-growing national debt, and the increasing deterioration of the US economy. The tax dollars collected by the intimidation organization known as the IRS pay the interest on the US debt to the privately-owned, Zionist-infested Federal Reserve Bank, not social programs for the poor, health care for the elderly, superb education for future generations, or research and development into bettering society as a whole (21). Due to the criminality associated with usury throughout history, as well as the erosion of spiritual and moral principles that accompanies it, Islam strictly forbids the charging of interest (22). Feisal Abdul Rauf however, doesn’t concur. He has suggested that the lack of engaging in usury has ‘held the Muslim world back,’ as well as the reason that the Muslim world is ‘lagging behind (23).’ This is an insulting and ludicrous position. Setting morality and honor aside, Islamic banking has proved to be exceedingly profitable and beneficial to the public living under such a financial system, especially in the Islamic Republic of Iran (24). The force that has ‘held the Muslim world back,’ as Rauf so disrespectfully and egregiously expressed, is the United States’ and Zionist entity’s unrelenting aggression that has facilitated countless genocides, occupations, and desecrations of land, as well as subsidizations of brutal, suppressive dictatorial regimes that have developed an uncanny ability to violate human rights.

Feisal Abdul Rauf has taken great pride in his physics degree from Columbia University, his New York Giants fandom, and his niece’s US Army service in occupied Iraq (25). Columbia University is an infamously Zionist institution that has a partnership with the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, a school built on stolen land in occupied Palestine and a key asset to Israel’s nuclear program (26). The New York Giants are co-owned by the powerful Tisch family, which have been active in Zionist causes for as long as the usurping Israeli entity has existed, with the patriarch of the family, Preston Robert Tisch, being honored by the United Jewish Appeal with the George Young Award (27). The US army has heavily contributed to the murder of 1.5 million civilians in occupied Iraq, committing unfathomably gruesome crimes that have terrorized men, women, and children for seven years. Serving in the army isn’t something to be proud of; it is something that should secure life imprisonment for mass murder and crimes against humanity. In his attempts to convince the American public that he is just as ‘American’ as them, he has enforced some of the many things that are wrong with US society: consumerism, support of illegal wars, attending universities contributing to Zionism, and the pointless obsession with entertainment and games that distract the masses from their government’s plethora of evils.

Rauf has attempted to portray himself as someone who stands against injustice, but this too is a carefully orchestrated public relations campaign, catered to Muslims and the anti-war movement to garner support for the Park51 project. If he was in fact a person that believed in the triumph of the just over the unjust, Rauf wouldn’t have assisted the FBI in its ‘counterterrorism’ efforts after the 9/11 false flag attack (28). The FBI has functioned as a terror organization from its inception. Whether it was being involved in the assassination of legendary revolutionary Malcolm X (29), its COINTELPRO program that helped destroy the Black Panther Party (30), its involvement with the 1993 false flag attack on the World Trade Center (31), or its recent raids on anti-war and pro-Palestine solidarity activists (32), FBI policy has never been about ‘countering’ terrorism; it has been about perpetrating it. The US State Department also has a long-standing relationship with Rauf. War criminal George Bush’s administration sent Rauf on speaking tours across the Middle East in 2006 and 2007 (33), including a conference in the US client state of Qatar, which houses the largest wing of the US Airforce on Al-Udeid Air Base, a strategic location vital to US-Zionist occupation operations across the Middle East (34).

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is a powerful New York-based foreign policy think tank that has had an incestuous relationship with the United States government since its creation nearly 90 years ago, with every administration being overrun with CFR members (35), including the administration of Zionist war criminal Barack Obama (36). The CFR was founded as a part of notorious colonialist Cecil Rhodes’ ‘Round Table’ plan, which was designed to spread the principles of globalization throughout the upper echelons of finance and politics using the influence of think tanks (37). Rhodes was heavily financed by Lord Nathan Rothschild, of the vastly powerful Rothschild banking dynasty, the godfathers of Israel (38). It was Lord Nathan Rothschild’s son, Lionel Walter Rothschild, that formulated what is now known as the ‘Balfour Delcaration,’ the infamous document that paved the way for Britain’s criminal partition of Palestinian land and the illegal creation of the Zionist entity.

Feisal Abdul Rauf is a member of this treacherous organization (39); he sits on its Religious Advisory Committee with several influential Zionists including Madeleine Albright, the former Secretary of State who thinks the genocidal sanctions imposed against Iraq, which annihilated 1.5 million people including more than half a million children, were ‘worth it (40);’ Ruth Messinger, the CEO of American Jewish World Service, who blogs for the Maryland chapter of Hillel, the loathsome Zionist student organization whose motto is ‘Wherever we stand, we stand with Israel (41);’ David Saperstein, the director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, an organization that has an international affairs budget that provides ‘assistance’ to Israel, and which believes ‘robust’ foreign assistance is key to achieving ‘peace (42)’ and openly advertises AIPAC on its website; and Rabbi Arthur Schenier, the honorary president of Religious Zionists of America, the honorary chairman of the American section of the World Jewish Congress, a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, and a close associate of the illegitimate regime in Tel Aviv that has helped spread the Zionist entity’s propaganda throughout the world (43).

Another member of the CFR Religious Advisory Committee is Jim Wallis, the founder of Sojourners Magazine. Rauf has an extensive working relationship with Wallis, and they’ve participated in many lectures and conferences together including several for Sojourners itself (44). Though Wallis initially denied any connection, he finally admitted that his magazine receives funding from George Soros (45), the corrosive Zionist billionaire who bankrolls J Street (46), a Zionist organization that portrays itself as peaceful when it supports the illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the apartheid two-state solution and the continued illegal occupation of Jerusalem. Soros is an internationally known financial criminal who was convicted of insider trading in France, who bankrupted the Bank of England (47), and who assaulted Malaysia’s currency to undermine the vehemently anti-Zionist Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad (48).

Another organization that Rauf is connected to is the Aspen Institute, a Zionist think tank advertised by the hawkish Zionist organization, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs under its ‘useful links’ section, and which recently hosted the Zionist entity’s ambassador to America, dual-citizen Michael Oren (49). Rauf has taken part in many ‘working groups’ at the Aspen Institute to promote religious tolerance (50). This is unadulterated hypocrisy. Zionism is the most intolerant ideology on earth; it is against the human rights of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Arabs, Asians, Latinos, Blacks, Caucasians and anyone else who opposes it.

The Aspen Institute is a purveyor of Zionism, as indicated by its Board of Overseers which is comprised of several authoritative Zionists including CEO Walter Isaacson, the chairman of the US-Palestinian Partnership, a Zionist front that lobbies for the apartheid two-state solution and more tourism in Israel (51), and a strong supporter of collaborationist puppet Salam Fayyad (52); Lester Crown, of the massively wealthy Crown family, a high-ranking political consultant on Israeli affairs in the Zionist lobby, a huge financial supporter of Zionist war criminal Obama, and gargantuan contributor to pro-Israel causes (53); Margot Priztker, a staunch supporter of the apartheid wall (54), and whose elite family has donated generously to many Zionist causes, including the Jewish Community Relations Council, a pro-Israel group which advocates the purchase of Zionist products and engages in political sabotage when Israel is condemned (55); and Ranji Nagaswami, who also sits on the Board of Trustees at the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, an organization that routinely purchases bonds from the illegitimate state of Israel (56), and is a former chief investment officer of Alliance Bernstein, a global investment management firm, whose executives have been honored by the aforementioned Hebrew University, built on occupied land in Palestine (57).

If Rauf’s numerous connections to the murderous Bush administration and the elite Zionists in the highest peaks of politics and finance aren’t disturbing enough, then his self-proclaimed support of the terrorist state of Israel should put the proverbial nail in the coffin for anyone who still supports him (58). Rauf isn’t a shimmering visionary who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace, justice, religious unity and tolerance; he is a capitalist slumlord (59) that was tapped by the elite power brokers in America to be a stooge in their latest media fiasco to direct the public’s attention elsewhere, while they continue their raping, pillaging and plundering of ancestral Arab and Muslim lands.

The Usual Suspects

Follow the money. This is the rule of thumb when discussing any major geopolitical occurrence as well as the illusion of a major geopolitical occurrence. Park51 would most certainly fall under the latter category. The money trail leading to the ‘Islamic’ Center, as well as its board of directors are connected to the same sources behind any shake-up that occurs globally. It is the same bloody, corrupt, elitist, Zionist money.

The site where Park51 is supposed to be built was sold to Soho Properties, where Rauf is an investor (60), by the Pomerantz family, a powerful real-estate dynasty in New York connected to the equally powerful Milstein family via their former ownership of a Burlington Coat Factory near Ground Zero (61). The Pomerantz and Milstein families are active in Zionist causes, and the patriarch of the latter, Monroe Milstein, donated a $125,000 ambulance to the Zionist entity last year (62).

The Cordoba Initiative, Rauf’s official sponsor of the Park51 project is overseen by a Board of Advisors. The board includes R. Leslie Deak, a former CIA official, private security contractor and heir to a drug money laundering dynasty (63), Rabbi Joy Levitt, a supporter of the Zionist regime’s apartheid wall and a harsh critic of anti-Zionism, which she equates to anti-Semitism (64), Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, an absurd Zionist apologist who recently blogged about the illegitimate usurping entity building human dignity and securing human rights, along with the typical pro-Israel idiocy regarding it being the only free and democratic ‘country’ in the Middle East (65), and a member of the aforementioned Rothschild-founded CFR, noted globalist, John Edwin Mroz, who also sits on the board with Rauf at the One Voice Movement, a Zionist organization pushing for an apartheid two-state solution with an Honorary Board of Advisors consisting of Mossad officials, Zionist bankers, racist Israeli Knesset members, Fatah collaborationists and agents of the monstrous Rothschild and Bronfman dynasties (66).

The other organization that Rauf is using to promote the Park51 project is the America Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA). ASMA is being funded by a ‘who’s who’ of global elitist ‘charity’ organizations, each one loaded with intelligence officers, CFR members, bankers and Zionist policy makers. The moneymen include the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Global Fund For Women, William and Mary Greve Foundation, The Sister Fund, The Russell Family Foundation, Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Foundation, Graham Charitable Foundation, Deak Family Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, The Elizabeth Foundation, The Ms. Foundation and Hunt Alternatives (67). These are not charitable foundations; these are image-cleaners for the Zionist warmongers and corporate thieves who run them, covering up their genocidal crimes throughout the globe with a pinch of forced ‘good will’ here, and another pinch there. It’s abominable.

If Park51 was anything other than a US-Zionist propaganda operation, why are such revolting organizations habitually funding it? Why did a known Zionist family, who contributes to the destruction of Arab and Muslim lands via their donations to the terrorist state of Israel, sell Rauf and his constituents the property to build Park51 to begin with? And why, if Rauf’s intentions were to build understanding between Islam and the West, as well as to secure the betterment of his fellow Muslims, are there Zionist hatemongers sitting on the boards of his organizations? The answer to all of these questions is a relatively simple one: Rauf is a stooge, and Park51 is exactly what it appears to be, a Zionist PSYOP.

Zionist Control Over Both Sides of the Argument

The Hegelian Dialectic is defined as ‘thesis, antithesis, and synthesis used as analytic tool in order to approach a higher unity or a new thesis.’ In other words: Problem, Reaction, Solution. The Hegelian Dialectic is a common tactic used all over the world by the Zionist criminal network. Create the enemy, fund the opposition to the enemy, then broker a deal between the two factions to appear heroic, democratic, peaceful, etc. The Hegelian Dialectic was used prominently in the Park51 ‘controversy,’ as the Zionist criminal network inserted its agents on both sides of the ‘raging debate,’ with those against the project represented in the media as anti-Islamists and those for the project as ‘Jewish’ voices for religious unity and tolerance. The latter is a fallacy. There was no ‘Jewish’ support; only Zionist control.

Opposition to the community center included influential neo-conservative journalist Stephen Schwartz (68), a hawkish Zionist posing as a Sufi who has defended the genocide in Iraq by the US-Israeli alliance and has accused those seeking 9/11 truth as ‘Jew-haters (69);’ Zionist war criminal Joe Lieberman and his Zionist constituent in the US Congress Peter King (70); Long-time New York politics stalwart Richard Brodsky (71), an active member of the Zionist fund-raising community (72); Defender of the Freedom Flotilla massacre Congressman Steve Israel (73); the criminal ADL (74), the despicable Zionist Organization of America (75), and the ageless, propaganda-spreading Simon Wiesenthal Center (76) which abhorrently concocted a project to build a Zionist museum on a Palestinian cemetery (77); the right-wing extremist Tea Party (78), bankrolled by Zionist billionaires David Koch, Charles Koch and infamous ultra-Zionist Rupert Murdoch (79); and of course, the notoriously vile Islamophobes Pamela Geller (80) and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch (81), both of whom are heavily funded by the Zionist power couple of Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, who have donated to the aforementioned ADL and Zionist Organization of America for decades (82).

Supporters of the community center included 9/11 criminal Mayor Bloomberg himself (83); the American Jewish Committee (84), one of the oldest Zionist organizations in America; the Zionist New York Times, which presented several articles depicting Rauf’s globalist project in a positive light (85); the Zionist New York Representative Jerrold Nadler (86), another defender of the Freedom Flotilla massacre (87); Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer (88), who marched in the ‘Salute to Israel’ festival, a parade honoring the murderous Zionist entity, earlier this summer (89); former Bush speech writer Michael Gerson (90), a sickening defender of the Zionist genocide of Gaza in 2008-09 (91); the aforesaid Soros-funded Zionist lobby organization J Steet (92); Mormon Zionist Utah Senator Orin Hatch (93), who enjoys singing songs for the brutal occupier of Palestine (94); and even the Zionist entity’s mouthpiece Haaretz, which has published a handful of articles supporting Rauf and his project (95).

In addition, every Western television station, exclusively owned by the Zionist criminal network, broadcasted nonstop coverage of the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ controversy, making it the must-see news story every single day for months on end, raking in billions of dollars in the process while simultaneously depriving the public of any real news, as always. Indeed, the only beneficiaries of this project have been Israel, its supporters and its collaborators in spreading worldwide hatred of Islam and covering up its slew of international crimes.

A Note Regarding The Qur’an Burning

Amidst the height of the Park51 controversy, another level of the PSYOP was brought into play: Burning the Holy Qur’an on the ninth anniversary of 9/11. This detestable act was to be carried out by Pastor Terry Jones of the tiny Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.

While the plot was internationally condemned by Muslims and non-Muslims alike from Egypt to occupied Kashmir, occupied Afghanistan to occupied Iraq, Europe to America, the voices speaking up regarding who was behind such a repulsive act were non-existent other than those coming from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad slammed Jones’ plan as a ‘Zionist plot, and against the teachings of all divine prophets (96).’ Leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khameini, called the Qur’an burning a ‘stage in the extending trend of anti-Islamism led by Zionism and the American regime (97).’ Several bloggers and activists chastised the Iranian leaders and insulted them, remarking that ‘not everything is a Zionist plot,’ and even going as far as calling the Resistance leaders ‘idiots.’ However, upon further scrutiny of the evidence, it is clear that the Ayatollah and the Iranian President are correct in their accusations and observations.

Terry Jones is in fact, a self-admitted Zionist who thinks Islam is cursed because Islam cursed Israel (98). It should go without saying, that Islam never cursed Israel; Israel cursed Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Arabs, Hebrews and all of humanity with its very existence. The illegitimate terror state has desecrated holy sites, holy relics, holy books, holy prophets and the righteous people of dignity and faith from occupied Palestine, Lebanon, occupied Kashmir, Syria, Jordan, Pakistan and occupied Iraq since its bastardized creation 62 years ago. The ‘icing on the cake’ regarding the issue of Terry Jones’ Qur’an burning being a Zionist plot is revealed in the publisher of his ‘book.’ Jones threw together a pack of filthy lies, racism, ignorance and xenophobia, bound them together and called it a book, entitled ‘Islam Is Of The Devil.’ The publisher of this vicious drivel is a company called Creation House; Creation House is a subsidiary of Strang Communications, owned by none other than evangelical fanatic, Stephen Strang (99). Stephen Strang is the director of operations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina for Christians United for Israel (100), the parasitic Zionist organization which has donated millions upon millions of dollars to the usurping regime.

It would now appear that the idiots are not President Ahmadinejad and Ayatollah Khameini, but those who closed their minds and eyes to the fact that everything pertaining to Islamophobia and divisions amongst indigenous peoples is connected to the Zionist regime. These persons tend to forget that the entire Western media is owned by Zionists; this in and of itself is evidence that the Qur’an burning was a Zionist plot, excluding the undeniable evidence presented above; it is illogical to believe that a bantam church with a congregation of 50 people could make national headlines without the Zionist media networks making sure it did so. It was broadcasted to achieve a certain purpose; that purpose was to place a schism between Muslims and Christians and drive another dagger into the heart of Islam. This plot though, like so many other plots against Islam, didn’t go according to Zionist plans. Just in Washington D.C. alone, 180 men and women reverted to Islam after seeing its beauty attacked via the depravity of Terry Jones (101).

Conclusion: The Real Issues

Though Rauf and his Park51 project have not been extensively featured in the Zionist-owned media in the past month, its existence will always serve as a weapon for the propagandists to use when a distraction is needed during moments of crisis that have massive geopolitical repercussions. Hate-monger Bill O’Reilly of Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, ranted on The View, of ABC, owned by Zionist Robert Iger, about the Ground Zero Mosque while spewing 9/11 falsehoods on October 16th (102), and the Sulzberger-owned New York Times just featured a piece on Rauf’s wife, Daisy Khan, and the Park51 project on November 14th (103). This ridiculousness isn’t going away; unless Muslims and non-Muslims reject it as the fraud, the sham, the joke and the disgrace that it is. The religious scholars of al-Azhar University in Egypt slammed the Park51 project as a ‘Zionist conspiracy,’ further saying that the community center represents the ‘devious mentality of connecting 9/11 with Islam though Islam is innocent (104).’ The righteous scholars of al-Azhar couldn’t be more correct. The Park51 community center will feature a memorial for the victims murdered in the 9/11 attacks which Park51 attributes to ‘extremism and radicalism (105).’

The issues at hand are not religious freedom and understanding between the Muslims and the West. And even if they were, Park51 does not represent these issues; Park51 represents the Zionist desecration of these issues and the cover-up of Western crimes against Muslims. Park51 represents the mask being placed on the war against Islam and other Godwary persons of the Jewish and Christian faiths living in Arab and Muslim lands under Zionist occupation and oppression. Park51 represents the disgusting idea that the only way Muslims can be ‘American’ is if they assimilate into the American culture of materialism, war, depravity, entertainment, corrupt politics and half-hearted religiousness.

The real issues at hand are the Zionist-designed American and British genocidal occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Zionist occupation of Palestine, the Zionist-assisted Indian occupation of Kashmir, the Tel Aviv occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights, the Israeli occupation of Lebanon’s Ghajar, Kfar Shouba Hills and Shebaa Farms, murderous drone strikes in Pakistan, the US-backed AU-UN occupation of Somalia, the incoming Zionist-requested occupation of Yemen (106), the Zionist-designed ‘war on terror’ which has ruined thousands of Muslim lives across the globe, most notably Omar Khadr and Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, and 9/11 truth, which is supported by overwhelming evidence that shows the attacks were an intricate Mossad false flag attack to justify the aforementioned crimes (107).

As if the concept itself wasn’t deplorable, the Park51 project is going to cost somewhere in the range of $150 million (108). The supporters of Park51, and the Muslim supporters in particular need to ask themselves two simple questions: Was Islamophobia started by everyday Westerners, or is it the product of a Zionist-propaganda campaign that began after the Zionist criminal network attacked the World Trader Center? And is a $150 million ‘Islamic’ community center the most practical remedy for the plight that Muslims are experiencing all over the world? The answer to the former is obviously the product of a Zionist-propaganda campaign, and the answer to the latter is a resounding ‘NO.’

$150 million could be used to rebuild the lives of the 5 million tormented refugees of occupied Iraq or its 5 million orphans left parentless by the systematic US-Zionist destruction of their nation (109).

$150 million could be given to the suffering people of illegally besieged Gaza, where 80% of the population lives below poverty due to the criminal Zionist blockade (110).

$150 million could be used to build rehabilitation centers for the more than 9,000 women raped by the Indian occupier of Kashmir since 1989 (111).

$150 million could be used to give proper shelter to 3.2 million Afghan refugees who have fled to the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan after their lives were destroyed by US-British occupation forces (112).

$150 million could be used to provide extensive medical care to the Lebanese innocents still feeling the devastation of the Zionist entity’s cluster bombs that ravaged their nation in 2006 (113).

$150 million could sure be used to aid the 21 million displaced Pakistanis forced from their homes by HAARP-induced brutal floods that demolished their country earlier this year (114).

$150 million could be used to rebuild the countless neighborhoods in Somalia utterly destroyed by UN and AU mortar attacks which have slaughtered thousands of civilians already (115).

$150 million could be used for anything but a pointless, arrogant, Zionist-supported community center that has about as much to do with Islam as comatose butcher Ariel Sharon has to do with humanity.

Park51 is the latest Zionist PSYOP in a long line of psychological warfare operations forced upon the public by the pro-Israel media. Park51 shouldn’t be supported; it should be boycotted, along with its Zionist backers. Building a ‘mosque’ near Ground Zero, where nearly 3,000 people were murdered by Mossad and CIA, is not a First Amendment victory for Muslims or a triumph of religious freedom; it is an insult to their faith, their intelligence, their innocence and their dignity.

A triumph of religious freedom for Muslims will be the day the fascist armies of Britain and America are driven out of occupied Iraq, and the mosques of Fallujah, The City of Mosques, are rebuilt so Muslims can worship in peace once more; or the shrines and mosques of the holy cities of Najaf and Karbala are no longer disturbed, damaged and ruined by Israeli IEDs and Mossad car bombs. A triumph of religious freedom for Muslims will be the day they can worship at al-Aqsa in occupied al-Quds without repulsive and racist IOF forces occupying the holy site and harassing them, as well as any other mosque throughout occupied Palestine for that matter. A triumph of religious freedom for Muslims will be the day that the Indian occupation of Kashmir ends, and the barbaric Indian military curfew is lifted, so Kashmiris can worship at their mosques and shrines freely. A triumph of religious freedom for Muslims, will be the day that the world knows the ugly truth about 9/11, and Muslim women are no longer glared at for wearing their hijab, Muslim men are no longer jeered for keeping a long beard, and Muslim families are no longer attacked when leaving the mosque after Friday prayers because Westerners think of ‘9/11 terrorists’ when they look at a Muslim.

The only time that Muslims should be mentioned in the same breath as 9/11 is when discussing the numerous malevolent crimes committed against them in its name. 9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with Islam and absolutely everything to do with Israel’s Mossad, its sayanim and its allies in the CIA. May the truth behind the atrocious Park51 operation be an eye-opener for all Muslims, as well as all courageous people fighting for justice around the world. And may it prepare them for any other criminal Zionist buffoonery that is sure to be brought forth in the future.

~ The End ~


(1) Warm Feelings For Spitzer’s Successor by Ben Harris

(2) Richard Ravitch’s Appointment To Lieutenant Governor Ruled Unlawful By Appeals Court by Kenneth Lovett, NY Daily News

(3) The Accidental Lieutenant by David Halbfinger, New York Times

(4) Sheldon Silver Wants Richard Ravitch, Not Gov. Paterson, To Handle Talks On State Budget Crisis by Kenneth Lovett, NY Daily News

(5) Near East Report, November 20, 2006 by AIPAC

(6) Schumer: It Makes Sense To Strangle Gaza by Scott Horton

(7) ‘Giving Pledge’ Could Impact Jewish Philanthropic World by Jacob Berkman, JTA

(8) We Need A Bloomberg by Sever Plocker, Ynet News

(9) Jews And The Diamond Industry by Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

(10) Diamond Industry Appeals To Panama To Promote Trade by National Jeweler Network

(11) Kiryas Joel, NY – Chasidic Diamond Industry, Community Leader Passes Away by Vos Iz Neias

(12) Manhattan’s Diamond District Takes A Shine On Israel by Karin Kloosterman

(13) Leviev Tops List of Israeli Diamond Exporters by National Jeweler Network

(14) A Tragic “Fight in the Family:” The New York Times, Reform Judaism and the Holocaust by Laurel Leff

(15) The Israel Lobby by John Mearshimer and Stephen Walt

(16) NASDAQ And Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Sign MOU by Prime Newswire

(17) Midwest Region Scopus Award Gala Honoring Terrence A. Duffy by American Friends of Hebrew University

(18) The Financial Crisis On Wall Street and The Gang of Zionists Behind 9-11 by Christopher Bollyn

(19) Ground Zero Mosque Plan Moves Forward by Luke Funk

(20) Ground Zero Muslim Center May Get Public Funding by Joan Gralla, Reuters

(21) The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin

(22) The Holy Qur’an, 2:276-2:280, 3:130, 4:161

(23) What’s Right With Islam: A New Vision For Muslims and The West by Feisal Abdul Rauf

(24) Islamic Banking by Mohamed Ariff, University of Malaysia

(25) The Imam Behind The New York Mosque Enjoys His Megaphone by Dana Milbank, Washington Post; Interview with Feisal Abdul Rauf by Larry King Live

(26) Ben-Gurion University Overview by Office Of Global Programs, Columbia University

(27) Preston Robert Tisch: Biography by The National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and Museum; Seinfeld, Midler To Headline Jewish Museum Opening by JTA; The Tisch Family by Anna Schneider-Mayerson, The New York Observer

(28) ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Imam Helped FBI With Counterterrorism Efforts by Sam Stein, Huffington Post

(29) The Undiscovered Malcolm X: Stunning New Info On The Assassination, His Plans To Unite The Civil Rights And Black Nationalist Movements And The 3 ‘Missing’ Chapters From His Autobiography by DemocracyNow!

(30) Art Of The FBI’s COINTELPRO by C. McLaren and Brian Bolning

(31) Who Bombed The World Trade Center? FBI Bomb Builders Exposed by Paul DiRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash

(32) Activists Targeted In FBI Raids by Nicole Colson and Shaun Harkin

(33) ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Imam Was Bush-Era Partner For Mideast Peace by Megan Carpentier

(34) American Al Udeid Air Base In Qatar by Helen Ziegler

(35) Final Warning: A History Of The New World Order by David Rivera

(36) Obama’s Council On Foreign Relations Crew by Steve Watson

(37) Tragedy and Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time by Dr. Carroll Quigley

(38) The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins (rip)

(39) Meet The Globalists Behind The Ground Zero Mosque Imam by Tony Cartalucci

(40) ‘We Think The Price Is Worth It’ by Rahul Mahajan

(41) Ruth Messinger, President Of American Jewish World Service (AJWS) Blogs for Maryland Hillel by Maryland Hillel

(42) Foreign Aid by Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

(43) Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Honorary Director by The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

(44) Fundamentalism And The Modern World by Sojourners Magazine

(45) Sojourners Took George Soros Money, Rev. Jim Wallis Acknowledges by EWTN News

(46) Israel Lobby Lied About George Soros Cash by Jessica Elgot

(47) The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, The Media and Political Power by Cliff Kincaid

(48) George Soros, Scourge of Asia? By Mahathir Mohamad and Neel Chowdhury, Fortune Magazine

(49) In Conversation With Michael Oren by The Aspen Institute

(50) Conservatives Continue To Accuse NYC Islamic Center Imam Of Being ‘Secret Radical’ by Media Matters For America

(51) Mission by US-Palestinian Partnership; Our Focus by US-Palestinian Partnership

(52) Let’s Help The Good Guys In The West Bank By Walter Isaacson

(53) Israel, Big Money And Obama – A Crown And The Chicago Zionists by Margaret Kimberly

(54) Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? By Dinesh D’Souza

(55) Take Action For Israel by Jewish Community Relations Council; Supporters by Jewish Community Relations Council

(56) New York City Reinvests $15 Million In Israel Bonds by Israel Bonds

(57) Alliance Bernstein Executive To Receive Honorary Fellowship From Hebrew University by American Friends of Hebrew University

(58) Parsing The Record Of Feisal Abdul Rauf by Anne Barnard, The New York Times

(59) NJ Mayor: Ground Zero Mosque Imam Is A Slumlord by CBS New York

(60) A New Manhattan Mosque Hopes To Heal by Marc Pitzke

(61) Sellers Invested With El-Gamal by Jennifer Gould Keil, New York Post

(62) Bal Harbour Couple Donates Ambulance To Israel by The Miami Herald

(63) Untangling The Bizarre CIA Links To The Ground Zero Mosque by Mark Ames, The New York Observer

(64) Cordoba House Advisors Include Liberal-Zionist Rabbis by Pulse Media

(65) The Maddening Israel I Love And Admire by Brad Hirschfield, Huffington Post

(66) Honorary Board of Advisors by OneVoice Movement

(67) Ground Zero Mosque II – The Anatomy Of A Globalist Propaganda Operation by Tony Cartalucci

(68) John Esposito, Islamophobia And The Ground Zero Mosque by Stephen Schwartz

(69) Justin Raimondo: An American Neo-Fascist by Stephen Schwartz

(70) Mosque Debate Isn’t Going Away by Devlin Barrett, The Wall Street Journal

(71) Brodsky Remains (Personally) Opposed To Ground Zero Mosque by David Freedlander, The New York Observer

(72) Brodsky Receives Key Endorsements In Race For Attorney General by People For Brodsky

(73) Where LI Pols Stand On The Ground Zero Mosque by Newsday

(74) Jewish Group Opposes Ground Zero Mosque by Associated Press

(75) ZOA: Don’t Increase Pain To Families Of 9/11 Victims Of Islamist Terror By Building Mosque Led by Extremist, Anti-US, Pro-Hamas Imam by Morton A. Klein

(76) Wiesenthal Center Opposes Ground Zero Mosque by Adam Dickter, The Jewish Week

(77) Palestinian Families Appeal To UN Over Israeli Construction Of ‘Museum Of Tolerance’ on Jerusalem’s Historic Mamilla Cemetery by DemocracyNow!

(78) NYC Community Board OKs Ground Zero Mosque Plans by The Boston Globe

(79) The Billionaires Bankrolling The Tea Party by Frank Rich, The New York Times

(80) Giving Thanks by Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

(81) Ground Zero Mosque Is Not A Religious Freedom Issue by Robert Spencer

(82) Major Pro-Israel Giver Funds ‘Jihad Watch’ by The Jerusalem Post

(83) Park51 Gets Bloomberg’s Support, But Not His Money by Michael Howard Saul, The Wall Street Journal

(84) Build The Cordoba Center? by David Harris, The Huffington Post

(85) How The ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Fear Mongering Began by Justin Elliot, Salon

(86) Nadler: Attacks On Mosque ‘Shameful And Divisive’ by Justin Elliot, Salon

(87) Pro-Israel Dems Defend Raid by Jake Sherman, Politico

(88) NYC Pol Stringer Supports Ground Zero Mosque, Calls Tea Party Leader A Bigot by Stefanie Schappert, New York Examiner

(89) Salute To Israel Parade by In A Manhattan Minute

(90) Bush Aide Backs Obama On Mosque by Ben Smith, Politico

(91) Defining Victory For Israel by Michael Gerson, The Washington Post

(92) Statement On Cordoba House Controversy by Amy Spitalnick, J Street

(93) Utah Senator Backs Muslim Mosque by Lisa Wangsness, The Boston Globe

(94) A Very Mormon Chanukah by Ami Eden, JTA

(95) N.Y. Imam: Ground Zero Mosque Debate Is Stirring Islamophobia by Haaretz Service; ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Imam Thanks US Jews For Support by Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz; Ground Zero Mosque Imam To Promote Mideast Tolerance by Jewish Journal, Haaretz

(96) Ahmadinejad: Qur’an Burning Zionist Plot by Press TV

(97) Imam Khameini: US And Zionism, Not Christianity, Responsible For Anti-Islamism by Mohamad Shmaysani, Al-Manar

(98): Terry Jones: A Clear And Present Danger by James Gundun, The Trench

(99): 25 Most Influential Evangelicals In America by TIME Magazine

(100) Directors by Christians United For Israel

(101) 180 Converts To Islam Because Of Qur’an Burning by Ahmed Ibrahem Ibrahem Buray, Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts

(102) Ground Zero Mosque – Bill O’Reilly’s View Keeps Muslim Mosque Controversy Alive by Heather Tooley, Yahoo News!

(103) Daisy Khan, An Eloquent Face Of Islam by Michael M. Gyrnbaum, The New York Times

(104) Top Muslims Condemn Ground Zero Mosque As A ‘Zionist Conspiracy’ by Raymond Ibrahim, Pajamas Media

(105) FAQ by Park51

(106) US To Boost Military Presence In Yemen by Press TV

(107) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah

(108) Giuliani: Ground Zero ‘Wrong Place’ For A Mosque by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily

(109) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah

(110) Doctor On Call In Gaza by Caritas Internationalis

(111) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah

(112) 9th Anniversary Of US Invasion Of Afghanistan: 4.9 Million Afghans Dead by Dr. Gideon Polya, Counter Currents

(113) Israel’s Cluster Bombs Still Devastate Lebanon by Al-Arabiya News

(114) ‘Flood-Hit Pakistan Running Out Of Funds’ by Press TV

(115) UN/AU Continues Somali Slaughter by Thomas C. Mountain, Counter Currents


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