TB Smokescreens Security Breach


wolfinsheep3_400_01TB Smokescreens Security Breach

By Johnny Waltz

Mass hysteria is being promoted because a 31-year-old lawyer named Andrew Speaker recently flew on two transatlantic flights and US domestic flights while infected with TB (tuberculosis). He was eventually placed in federal quarantine in Colorado. His father-in-law is a leading TB researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, the city where Mr. Speaker resides. Both deny any connection between the Center and the infected body of Mr. Speaker.

A female doctor in Atlanta said, "He's had some fairly extensive travel history over the past six years, so at this point in time we don't have an idea where he has contracted this. He has traveled many places around the world." "Tuberculosis infects one-third of the world's population," she added, referring to the presence of any strain of tuberculosis bacteria in dormant form. "This germ is very common." The germ is very common, yet the news media is trying to sell another epidemic as a smokescreen to hide the truth again.

Main news media outlets are treating the incident as if it was a new catastrophic health epidemic similar to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which broke out in the Orient in late 2002 claiming 774 lives worldwide in 8,096 identified cases. The US had only 27 cases and no deaths. The TB carrier was put on a "Do Not Fly" list, but was able to travel without further notice by security people, perhaps because he is a lawyer.     Officials of the federal Centers for Disease Control said they contacted Mr. Speaker while he was on vacation in Italy after they learned that he carried the dangerous strain of the disease, and advised him to turn himself in to Italian health authorities. Instead, he made his way to Prague, flew from there to Montreal, and then drove across the border into New York, to avoid being stranded outside the country by his name appearing on a United States no-fly list. This is yet another widely publicized blueprint for enemies to duplicate with or without diseases.

The real issue in this TB incident is about security, which has been completely ignored on purpose. US citizens are not supposed to notice that the disorganized Homeland Security office is actually Homeland IN-security. The smokescreen now serves as another blueprint for future attacks against America by Islamic extremists. They already know how insecure America actually is. The "TB Case" compliments the wide-open borders that many Muslims have conveniently used to infiltrate America for the past 30 years, undetected.

The budget for the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) in 2007 was $42.7 million but the question is what do Americans get for their tax money? Nothing. In the past six years, America is no safer now than before 9-11-01.

The DHS employees are not adequately trained and neither are airline security personnel. America's borders are wide open to enemies and with an amnesty bill now in Congress, the message is that it is ok to invade America without penalties. The bill does not address measures to secure the border in the future and is blatantly familiar to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Thanks to ignorant politicians such as Ted Kennedy, who said that the amnesty bill in 1986 would be a permanent answer to illegal immigration against porous borders of America. People lie but numbers do not.

While most of America is caught up in the smokescreen of this latest health scare, let us regain our focus. Let us get our heads together and realize that we are not safe. Muslims want America, its freedoms and its civilization destroyed. They have repeatedly said so and it is time we take them for their word instead of the words of those "leaders" who think they are protecting us by pulling the wool over our eyes. We must put aside all bickering and realize that America is already in World War III. We will overcome victoriously only by being united as Americans were during the last two world wars. Look fearlessly beyond the smokescreens.

About the Author: Johnny Waltz is the Chief Communications Director for Iraq War Veterans Organization and is a staff writer for VeteransToday.com



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