Why do Veterans Service Organizations, ALL Veterans’ organizations, need to police OURSELVES?
Honoring ALL Who Served
by Bobby Hanafin
This article was sent to me back in November shortly after Veterans Day, and I played a miner role in getting it resolved by compromise and reasoning with level headed elements leading the overall Veterans Community in California. I had no intent of publishing this experience, because it was sort of resolved out of the spotlight the way it should have been with compromise not conflict, although I recommended both parties involved choose which path to pursue further conflict or compromise.
Honoring ALL Who Served
SOURCE: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PUBLIC DOMAIN CLIP ART (http://publicdomainclip-art.blogspot.com/search/label/Veterans%20Day)
I decided to write an opinion piece on the issue of discrimination against Veterans’ and Military Family organizations being excluded and having their right to the recognition of being Veterans and Military Families taken from them [based on political views and political correctness]. Simply put these Veterans and Military Families are no longer going to tolerate such exclusion in the future. That is a given, more on that to come.
Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Veterans for Peace (VFP), & Military Families Speak Out (MFSO) Denied Access to Veterans Day Parade.
After testimony was given before, and at the request of Congress, exposing what I believe to be mismanagement, not fraud within Veterans Service Organizations. At least I found no reported incidents of fraud in the testimony given, but more testimony may follow on Capital Hill in the future – who knows. This article is not going to focus on that testimony, let us leave that for another story.
The focus of this article is ‘exclusion,’ ‘conflict,’ and ‘compromise.’ The first two are easy ways to go and do. However, compromise given the degree America, and America’s Veterans and Military Families that no longer reflect our society when only 1% of American Citizens serve or have served, and that 1% just like our nation IS NOT UNITED. Now, the collective we can ram our brains into the prairie dog hole and pretend our Nation is United (or else) to give our enemies whomever they may be (real, imagined, and embellished) the illusion WE THE PEOPLE (VETERANS AND FAMILIES) are UNITED, but that does not change THE FACT and REALITY that we are not.
My research into the proliferation of various Veterans and Military Family oriented groups supporting diverse political candidates in 2008; candidates having diverse and divisive issues [even trying to distinguish between Veterans’ and Military family issues] rest my case. We underestimate any enemy who can clearly see just how divided the American people really are thanks to the international exposure of our clean (and dirty) laundry on CNN and a few other media outlets with an ‘international’ media component. Even given censorship and option in the 21st Century information highway hiding the truth is near impossible to do. Only computer illiterate voters could seriously believe censorship by America Support You.mil, and related Pentagon propaganda apparatus can be successful. Before I go off in another direction and another story, here is my opinion, and I am sticking to it.
This concern about discrimination was sent to me by Brother Willie Hager the editor of VetSpeak.org (highlighted link below), and Jan Rhuman who spoke before the City Council involved using reasoning to get them to see and understand healing begins before a war is over, unless a nation prefers not to HEAL. They did not ask me to do anything with it for the story and opinion piece was sent to me in Ohio for info only. However, I had contacts in Jan’s neck of the Woods within the State Veterans Community who would at lease LISTEN to the concerns raised here and COMPROMISE in such a way that all parties with diverse views could live with. It remains to be seen until the next national observance that relates to Veterans, Military Families, and Support Our Troops parades and such. I now turn the floor over to Willie and Jan.
What follows is yet another of those Deja vu flashes that remind us that in spite of so much change since Nixon and his cronies were either imprisoned or chased from the White House in disgrace, not much has changed at all when it comes to this governments treatment of it’s Veterans. Seemingly, all the way down to the city council level. A phenomenon that we have pointed out in several previous articles and pieces on these pages with reference to the Walter Reed debacle, and the growing PTSD crises. A phenomenon that we first recorded on film in Still At War, 1976. We here at VetSpeak.org continue to shine the light of Truth on the likes of these, as long as they continue to disrespect America’s Combat Veterans, and Veterans’ family members and supporters. Deja vu: Jan Rhuman and I, along with many other members and associates of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) from throughout Southern California, were denied access to march in the Long Beach Veterans Day parade, way back in 1973. Jan is the author of the following text that he personally delivered before the Long Beach City Council on 11/13/2007. Willie Hager, Ed.
Jan’s presentation to the Council…
“Good evening, I’m J. Allan Ruhman. I live in San Diego. I am here as an American Citizen deeply concerned over this government body’s decision to uphold the Parade Committee’s unilateral decision to deny American Combat Veterans and Military Family Members their right to March in this years Veterans Day Parade. The theme of which was “A Salute to Those Who Served “One Team…One Mission", honoring all Veterans.
Voltaire said, “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”
That is what America’s Veterans of all wars do. They protect and defend the U. S. Constitution, the bill of rights, our civil liberties, our freedoms. They go into harms way for us prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.
I find it ironic that these young men and women [IVAW] were good enough to fight and die in the streets of Baghdad but are not good enough to march peacefully, silently and reverently in the City streets of Long Beach, California in 2007 America in a Veterans Day Parade. Held to honor the service and sacrifice of all veterans, while carrying their organizational banners and flying old glory. These bonafide Veterans Organizations incorporated, nationally and in the State of California, as 501 (C3’s). How un-American to deny them simply because their organizational names include words like PEACE or Against War.
Former President and Five Star General Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, and its stupidity.” Would he be denied entry [to the parade] as well? Why are these Veterans Organizations seen as political and other Veterans Organizations seen as apolitical when clearly many of them are not?
As a United States Marine Corps Veteran who served two tours in Vietnam, back to back on the ground, from September 1966 through May 1968, I am appalled at the disrespect shown these American Patriots. But most of all I am concerned with the continued precedent that this City first set in 1973, when it denied the Vietnam Veterans Against the War a permit to march in that Veterans Day Parade, that continues to this day.
Let us call it what it is. A clever but blatant attempt to marginalize, to silence thru denial and, by inference, question the motives, impugn the reputation and call into question the Patriotism of an unwelcome, knowledgeable, and experienced citizenry with whom one disagrees politically. A tactic employed all too often in our public discourse, and one that does a disservice to all Americans. This City can ill afford to continue to allow these Patriots to be discriminated against in a City Sponsored event held on city streets, that receives the benefit of tax payer dollars spent for police & fire services, street cleaning, park services, etc. I question whether standing behind the thin veil of a discriminatory 501 (C3) corporation serves this City well. I am confident that put under a microscope, good intentioned or not, those abuses would become quite evident. The eyes of a nation have been focused [on our city].
In Conclusion:
I implore you to seriously give this issue further deliberations. I’m asking you as Elected City Leaders to take a role of moral leadership on this issue, and to use your good Offices to intercede and open a dialog between the Parade Committee and the affected Veterans. In order to address their legitimate concerns about theirs, and [other] Veterans and Military Families’ being denied the right to march, and to right this wrong so that in 2008 these groups are accorded the same rights and respect as [any] other Veterans groups, and so that this outrage is never repeated against another Veteran in this fine City.
Thank You,
Jan Allan Rhuman
P.S. Jan told them what he thought…now, you can too…WH
Long Beach City Council members’ office numbers:
*****************************END OF STORY*************************
I deleted all personal contact info on City Council members, because the right thing was done and a compromise reached. It was similar to that almost reached with Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) over ‘our’ 25th Anniversary observance of the Wall that Heals (the Vietnam Veterans Memorial). It was understood that no Veterans Organization would be excluded as long as they agreed to not make any political statement such as carrying anti or pro Iraq War signs of demonstration or protest to detract from the observance.
I realize now such an expectation was unrealistic, because Veterans, Military Families, and our troops remain too disunited to compromise. Frankly, our troops really have no choice but to support any war they volunteered for. That is both constitutional and federal law under the Hatch Act. However, they would be obligated by the U.S. Constitution and same federal law to stop the war post-2008 depending upon who wins the Presidential election along with desires of Congress of course finally reflecting the majority views of American voters. That also awaits another story.
This disunity will of course once again lead to political circus that will be exploited and enjoyed mostly by those who NEVER served and have no intention of serving in our Armed Forces, voluntarily or otherwise (wink).
In receiving my latest edition of the (VVA) The Veteran magazine knee deep in commercial and patriotic retail sales advertisements to subsidize ‘commendable but expensive improvements’ of the paper (there are two versions of The Veteran BTW, and I get both. The other is published by membership and supporters of VVAW. It may not look as pretty as most VSO magazines and newsletters, but it had only three ads all directly related to the organization. Frankly, my preference is for an organizational message that contains the least commercial advertisement. Point: hardly a commercial ad subsidizes the VVAW Veteran Newsletter, than WE wonder or anger over a Congressional oversight watchdog is now looking into administrative and commercial management of fund raising within VSOs – DAH).
Anyway, I say a compromise was ‘almost’ reached. Because I personally saw the VVA application for participation in the 25th Anniversary, and it clearly showed that ‘all’ Veterans, especially Vietnam Veterans,’ were invited to participate in the event as long as they signed an agreement to not display any ‘so-called’ political statements about the Vietnam War. In addition, this applied to any ‘pro or con’ statements regarding the next generation of Iraq and Afghanistan, Veterans and troops now fighting and dying in their own Iraqinam. (My words and opinion not that of the VVA, VVAW or VT Network.)
It saddens me that as I looked through the photo coverage in (VVA’s) the Veteran, I did not see any Veterans’ organizations with organizational logos and banners that said, “Peace,” or “Against War.” This was not surprising to me, given the fact that I contacted VVA leadership to express my concerns [as a Life Member] that groups discriminated against by intentional exclusion by so-called, self-proclaimed, mainstream VSOs might not only be unconstitutional but illegal. Groups such as those discriminated against in California [VVAW, Veterans for PEACE, and other Veterans], many who did serve in combat in Vietnam, despite ‘Swiftboating’ to the contrary, could be excluded solely because the words PEACE and AGAINST WAR are in the organization’s tax-exempt name and logo even if they are exclude from a Congressional Charter (wink).
Jan Allan Rhuman used the analogy of General Dwight D. Eisenhower to try reasoning with his City Council in southern CA. I take his analogy a respectful step further to make the point on a national-level that if only Jesus were involved in the compromise I advised VVA to accept, that I must accept some blame for not asking the lord through prayer. That aside, then I would have had an ally in compromise who truly understands what “PEACE on Earth – Good Will Towards Man(kind),” and “Against War,” really means even given there are exceptions to how PEACE is achieved and time when just being AGAINST WAR just is not enough to prevent or end one.
If VVA seriously wanted to have an all-encompassing parade, a compromise must include organizations invited to participate that have names that reflect views contrary to TODAYS VVA (PEACE and AGAINST WAR). Frankly, if I had been that passionate about taking part in this PARADE, I would have written a letter, similar to Jan’s, to VVA or heck asked Jan Rhuman to do so. He, and General Ike, said it better than I ever could and with fewer words. Next time I will pray to the lord to make people truly understand the meaning those words.
Frankly, though I took part in trying to reach a compromise that all could tolerate, I myself having lost a child in Iraginam strongly felt that having any parades for any reason while America has troops involved in yet another questionable, controversial, and divisive war was ludicrous. There was no one in the VVA leadership, and others that I talked to about my concerns, who did not know my passionate feelings against parades until our troops in Iraq came home to celebrate and observe with us. As a Veteran of two wars and the Cold War, Military Retiree, and Father, I cannot and will not arrogantly speak for everyone, but I remain offended by VVA’s political statement of a March to the Wall that supposedly heals while our children endure their own Vietnam. Why? Because anyway one tries to define a parade, it will turn into either a demonstration or protest and maybe both unless one or another American citizenry’s views are not ‘excluded.’ Downplayed would be so much preferable to discrimination at least for one day of observance.
Despite feeling passionately against parades, I set those personal feelings over my own loss and tried to assist in a tolerable compromise that really would be a first step in Vietnam Veterans healing much less our nation that has a long, long, long road to go.
That said, I am not going to leave those organizations that have PEACE and AGAINST WAR in their ‘legitimate’ logos off the hook either. If the leadership of your anti-Iraqinam organizations, especially if leaders are combat Vietnam Veterans, unless you felt as strong and passionate as this Army Dad about it being inappropriate to have parades and observances while we have troops committed in combat, then why did you not fight hard enough or work with VVA to reach a compromise. Is it not YOUR Wall too, the Vietnam Memorial belongs to the nation. Don’t you ever forget that!
The Wall ‘that really would heal’ was intended not only to heal Vietnam Veterans but also the nation, or the National Park Service (U.S. taxpayer funded) would never have agreed to take over maintenance responsibilities and assist the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Leaders like Jan (both Jan’s) could possibly have reached a compromise with reason and compromise instead of exclusion.’
Source: White House Public Domain Photo
Any Veterans and Military Family organizations that refused to participate or even respond to VVA’s application process with a proposed work around your organizational logos and banners being proudly displayed give credibility to FALSE claims WE are not patriotic. If you are PROUD of the banners you stand behind (Old Glory being the supreme one), then you do not abandon them to our opposition for political correctness that has nothing to do with THE WALL that heals. WE did just as much to exclude ourselves by not being willing to compromise and reason with VVA just as passionately as our groups did the City Council in Southern, CA. Veterans, WE must come to terms with the fact WE ARE NOT UNITED, and will WE ever be. If all else fails by all means use ‘legal litigation’ as a last resort, that rest assured the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) would take on to the supreme court if necessary. If preferred, WE do not even need the ACLU to proceed with a discrimination law suit and take it as high as it need go. That takes only the expertise of half-decent civil rights and constitutional law lawyers many of which are members of the anti-Iraqinam war movement.
That is what I recommend was the alternatives for all Veterans and Military Families that passionately felt discriminated against. My advise was that if Veterans organizations that do not self-proclaim themselves mainstream so to speak (whatever mainstream really means – wink), if there is a partisan or bipartisan effort to exclude you or take away your RIGHT to recognition as Veterans and Military Families, do not fight it. First, try compromise and reason, then if that does not work form your own Veterans Day parade with or without political authorization from the city, state, or federal government. That form of passive civil disobedience will of course lead to arrests, but opens the door for a Civil Rights case in courts. I guaranteed you THAT will get more state-wide and national media attention where it really counts – to the vast majority of American citizenry that refuses to endure or do what all Veterans and Military Families, all other views aside, WE THE VETERANS and our families are ALL in THAT minority Boat together, if we enjoy each other’s company or not.
Those I spoke with in California (all sides) agreed that reaching a compromise [minus hate mail, phone calls and alleged threats of any kind that resolve NOTHING] that included Veterans and Military Family organizations – ALL such organizations – displaying their organization banners, was better than having diverse parades and observances and a long drawn out disgraceful court battle. California can put on some very entertaining court TV shows; but let us not make America’s Veterans and Military Families disagreements ‘that discriminate’ the next media circus. I passionately say March on YOUR Veterans Day, even if that meant one group, or the other, would have to violate any ban intended to discriminate against you. A ban BTW that could be challenged in state and federal courts eventually by the ACLU if necessary, and I strongly advise should be given all the dollars most VSO do not bring in to support their missions. What would the grounds be – discrimination based on one’s political views, regardless if a group was being discriminated against and excluded for supporting or opposing ‘any’ war.
In closing, this is my standard, long-winded way of saying that it is way past time for all VSOs regardless of political views to be more closely monitored by Congress regardless if a VSO has a Congressional non-profit, tax-exempt charter or not.
THINK about it deeply and seriously, who has more to lose (their tax-exempt status and charters) such congressionally sponsored scrutiny that VSOs just went through publicly in Congress this past week?
My humble advice is to police the leadership of VSOs (all VSOs regardless of views on war) from within, clean house to include canning those leaders and staff that cannot balance your VSOs books BEFORE Congress sends an outside authority to do so for you. This is what the active duty military establishment will do – Not promote leaders who cannot both administratively manage and lead. Be mindful that Congress controls a VSOs ‘congressional’ charter NOT our Chief Executive, so leave foreign policy views out of this. That more than anything would make COMPROMISE a lot easier if VSOs really focused on that which benefits ALL of America’s Veterans and try convincing me how War, any War benefits America’s Veterans? One does not ‘volunteer’ for a long military career (lifer) who loves, enjoys, and prides oneself on War. The true warrior that knows the hell of war is the last to love it above PEACE.
War what is it good for (no pun intended), it only serves to divide and conquer us, and produce more Veterans that just might, I am doubtful today – join those Veterans organizations that are PROUD of Wars to the point they must commercialize on them.
Only those who do not have to fight and die in them (the vast majority of American citizens with a get out of the Draft free card) benefit the most from Wars. That of course includes most members of Congress.
That is my opinion and views, speaking only for myself, and YES, I am sticking to it at whatever cost.
Have a Great VT Day – All Veterans and Military Families – SALUTE!
Robert L. Hanafin
SP/5, U.S. Army (69-76)
Major, U.S. Air Force (77-94)
Compromise is the KEY to seriously achieving UNITED WE STAND!
However, failing COMPROMISE make a SERIOUS effort at DISSENT with legal litigation.
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