The Dirty Little Secrets of the Political Machine


dirty secrets

Is America Crumbling in front of our eyes?

The Political Machine Has Dirty Little Secrets

by Rick Thorne

You need to know the deep dark secrets of the political machine. The following information fully explains why America is crumbling right before our very eyes. You may not believe what’s written here but a document surfaced in Russia in the late 1800s providing us with a roadmap of what’s actually taking place right now. The original document focuses its attention on God’s chosen people verses the world. The same comparison could be made in today’s world concerning radical Moslems and the rest of of us.

What is the Political Machine? This label is one of many used by a group of super powerful people controlling the destiny of you and me. They control the ebb and flow of the stock market. Their powerful grip on the international Federal Reserve (a central trust regulating money) determines market fluctuations. The Mafia and Syndicate pale in comparison to this gigantic secret society. Let’s put aside what we’ve been told or heard about this secret monopoly. Instead, think about all the turmoil in the world today and what the document declared in the late 1800’s…


This prophetic document doesn’t really have anything to do with a nationality. It depicts a group of power hungry individuals who will do anything to enslave the masses. It shouldn’t come as any great surprise for you and I. Since the creation of man power hungry individuals have always wanted to dominate the masses. The only difference in today’s world is these individuals are more covert. They’ve hood- winked you and I into believing there will be peace on earth and good will to all humanity.



People are basically evil by nature. The best form of government is one that uses tyranny. The only valid Law is the ‘law of nature’, i.e. the use of force. If you want to win an election it’s good to preach the ideals of freedom, even if you plan to deprive your voters of it. (Think about the last few elections) If your opponent believes in the concept of freedom, like as a ‘Libertarian’, use that against him.  Because if he foolishly believes in freedom he won’t be willing to use the underhanded tactics that you do. 

He will play fair while you fight dirty. Any government that is based on freedom loses control over its people. people are basically bad and the only way to guide them is by force. We can take advantage of that weakness to overpower them and install a new government. GOLD There was a time when religion was the guiding force of mankind. But now, money is more important than religion. (All the world thinks about now is money) Money – especially Gold – is the new guiding force because it gives power and freedom to the common people. Self-governance can be given to the masses, but only long enough for them to form a disorganized mob.  At that point we should intervene to create strife and racial hatred between their different classes and races.  This will cause them to fight and kill each other; hopefully starting a civil war. (We have worldwide social and religious hatred right now)

Once a nation is engaged in civil war it will either destroy itself or be weakened to the point where it can be overtaken by another foreign power. If that nation ends up in bankruptcy we’ll offer to loan them some of our money. (the Federal Reserve/Central Bank-illegal according to the U.S. Constitution) The people who make up society (citizens) are lame-brained numskulls who never achieve anything. 

They spend their time following astrology charts and sports.  They obviously can’t think logically. The only time they agree on anything is when we trick the majority of them into believing something. Politics has nothing to do with morals.  Anyone who tries to govern according to morals is a moron and unsuitable for office.  A true politician must resort to cunning and lies if he expects to get anywhere. (every president has lied to its citizens {by choice or force} at one point or another to hide the TRUTH!) Great qualities such as honesty and integrity are a burden for any ruler.  Anyone in politics who decides to start behaving like this – their career will be over before they know it.  “MIGHT IS RIGHT!” There is only one right: the right of the strong over the weak.  Our method of gaining power is better than any other because it grows invisibly. 

When it has gained enough strength, we can unleash it; and it will be unstoppable (NOW!) because no one will be prepared for it. The end justifies the means. The common people (YOU AND I)are an incoherent mob of blathering idiots who can’t even look after themselves. These people are blind, senseless and have no ability to reason.  In fact, they’ll get suckered in by anyone. While the majority of them are total nincompoops that would follow one another over a cliff-top. Only someone trained from childhood (BLUE BLOOD/ROYAL BLOOD) to serve as a leader can truly understand politics. “WE ARE DESPOTS!” Notice that when people are given freedom, they use it and drink (or drugs) themselves senseless and behave like animals. (thank about how barbaric most Americans thank and act today) The masses are always drinking alcohol, or thinking about doing so. 

We caused this to happen by using our many agents to promote it as part of their culture.  It increases immorality and makes their youth stupid. We have agents placed everywhere, occupying many positions throughout society.  Such as tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others.  We also have a lot of women-agents acting as prostitutes who assist in the corruption process. Our modus operandi is: Force and Make-Believe.  Only force gives you power, especially in the hands of a smooth talker. (politicians/the media etc…)

Violence and deception must be the rule for any politician who wants to remain in power.  This may be considered evil, but remember, evil is justified when it is used to achieve good.  Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery if they help us attain our end goal. In politics we must know how to seize the property of others (right of imitate domain/seize property by right) without hesitation if it allows us to gain full power over them. We may need to wage many wars (Iraq etc…) in order to achieve ultimate peace.  Between wars, we can replace the horrors of war by less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death.  This is necessary to maintain terror in the populace (911/leading to the Patriot Act) which leads to blind submission.

For the sake of our victory, we must stick to the program of violence and make-believe. The principle of balancing accounts (particularly the repayment of debts) is strongly ingrained and one which we will take advantage of.  We will use this principle as a means to bring all governments under the control of our super-government. (ONE WORLD ORDER) “WE SHALL END LIBERTY!” Far back in ancient times we were the first to stand among crowds of people and cry out the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity".  The people fell for our bait.  They picked up those words and started repeating them parrot-like throughout the world.  As a result they have taken away the well-being of the world and the true freedom of the individual, which was formerly well protected from mob pressure. The mob is blind thing, and as such, can only elect leaders that must be as blind as the mob itself.  And even if the mob does manage to find someone intelligent, that person wouldn’t understand politics, as pointed out earlier.

Thanks to dumb-assed libertarians, the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" have spread to all corners of the earth. The concept of freedom has enabled us to convince the people of all countries that their government is a servant of the people, that the people are the true owners of the country and that that servant can be replaced like a worn-out glove. This possibility of replacing the representatives of the people gives us the power to appoint a new government. (the 2000 election)


Whenever we start a war, we shouldn’t do so for the purpose of gaining territory; at least not as a general rule.  Instead we should do it for economic gains.  This way everyone will see how powerful we are; and they will be in fear of our many international spies and agents who roam the earth without limitation. National rights (U.S. Constitution will no longer be valid) will then be wiped out by our international rights, (ONE WORLD ORDER) which are the proper sense of right – the right of force.  We will then rule the nations in the same way that the nations rule their citizens. The people chosen by us to act as rulers of a nation will not be those trained in the art of leadership.  Instead we’ll select them based on their capacity to take orders. 

They’ll be puppets under the control of smart men who will be their advisers: specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world. The masses are not guided by observations of history, but by theories on how the world is supposed to work.  They don’t bother to check whether those theories are true or not.  So don’t trouble yourself with them.  Let them amuse themselves until the final hour strikes, in their utopian beliefs, in entertainments, or on the memories of all they have enjoyed. We are constantly using our media to encourage the masses to have blind confidence in these theories. “DESTRUCTIVE EDUCATION!” Think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. The Media has a great influence on people’s thoughts.  It was previously in the hands of sovereign governments, but is now under our control. (no wonder humanity is fed half truths) Our Media’s role is to convince people that our plans are important, and to allow them to express some dissatisfaction which will help create discontent. 

Through the Media we have gained the power of influence while remaining invisible.  Thanks to the Media we now have the Gold in our hands.  Mind you, we also needed to use an awful lot of violence and underhanded tactics to achieve this.


The Symbolic Snake (symbol of Lucifer) represents the spreading of our people across Europe.  When the Snake closes into a loop, the whole of Europe will be locked in its constricting coils. The rulers owe their power to the terror (Kennedy murder/911/etc…)that has been breathed into their palaces. We have created a rift between the far-sighted Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people, such that both have lost their effectiveness.  For like the blind man and his stick, they are powerless apart. In order to incite those who seek power to misuse that power, we have caused all political forces to turn against one other.  This breaks up their libertarian desires toward seeking independence. To this end we have stirred up every political, social and minority group. 

We have armed all sides.  We have labeled authority as a target for every ambition ,disorders and bankruptcy will be universal. Parliaments and Administrative Boards have been turned into oratorical contests of inexhaustible babblers. (our politicians and the media)  Unscrupulous journalists descend upon executive officials daily. Abuses of power will be the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow.  Everything will then fall to pieces under the attacks of angry mobs. “POVERTY IS OUR WEAPON!” Due to the ever-present threat of poverty, all people have been forced into working endlessly. (many people work 2 jobs to make ends meet in today’s society) They have been chained by slavery and serfdom.

We included some rights for the people into the constitution which are fictitious and not actual rights.  All these so-called "People’s Rights" can exist only as an idea; an idea which can never be realized in practical life. The worker gains nothing from the constitution other than the few pitiful crumbs which we fling at him from our table in exchange for his voting in favor of what we dictate: in favor of the men we place in power, who are the servants of our specialist agents. “WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM!” Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grubbing scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. We appear on the scene as alleged saviors of the worker from this oppression.  Then we propose that he join the ranks of our fighting forces – Socialists, Anarchists, Communists – to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by this he will become our slave.  He will have neither the strength nor the energy to oppose us. 

Hunger surely gives us more authority to rule the worker than the legal authority given to the aristocracy by the rule of kings. We will highlight the differences of wealth between the rich and the poor.  The emotions of envy and hatred which will then arise in the poor, due to their want of the wealth, will be whipped into mob frenzy.  Through their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way. (race war among the poor?) When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord (the anti-christ?) of the entire world to be crowned, it is these same hands which will sweep away everything that might be a hindrance to that. The workers have lost the habit of thinking (they’re led like sheep being led to the slaughter because they believe everything in the media) unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists.  Therefore they do not see the urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt at once. 

Namely that it is essential to teach in national schools one simple, true piece of knowledge, the basis of all knowledge, and the knowledge of the structure of human life, which is that: Social existence requires division of labor, and consequently, the division of men into classes and conditions.
 People will voluntarily submit to authority and accept whatever position is given to them in the State. The people blindly believe what they read in print, and given their present state of ignorance, they possess a sense of blind hatred toward anyone who has more wealth or lives in better condition than themselves.  They have no understanding of the purpose of social classes. “OUR PEOPLE WILL BE SAFE!” This hatred will be still further magnified by the effects of an economic crisis, which will halt trading on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. (CONTRIVED RECESSIONS AND DEPRESSIONS!)

We shall create this crises by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of Gold, which is all in our hands: a universal economic crises (HAPPENING NOW!) whereby we shall throw upon the streets whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the countries of Europe. (throughout the world?) These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from an early age, and whose property they will then be able to loot. "Ours" they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be known to us and we shall take measures to protect our own. Our despotism will be precisely that; for it will know how, by calculated severe measures, to pacify all unrest, and burn liberalism out of all institutions. When the population realizes that the utopia of communism is not ‘as advertised’, and that all those promises of freedom and indulgences of wealth they imagined are not there, they will find themselves stuck like a blind man on a host of stumbling blocks.

They have rushed to find a guide; they never had the sense to return to the former state and they have laid down their full sovereign powers at our feet.  Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave it the prefix of "Great": the secrets of its preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands. And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes.  Thanks to this state of things, the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every turn. Freedom is a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.


It is essential for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the masses and the principle of ‘God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit’, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs. In order to give the masses no time to think and notice what is happening, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade.  Thus, all the nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and, in the race for it, they won’t notice their common enemy. (happening now with people focused on sexual, material pleasures and diverse entertainments)

In order that freedom may once and for all disintegrate, and ruin the communities of the masses, we must put industry on a speculative basis.  The result of this will be that the wealth which is mined from the earth (gold, silver precious gems etc…) will not be invested in productive industry, but will pass to institutions that deal in speculation (finance gambling), which are under our ownership. The intensified struggle for superiority and the shocks delivered to economic life (recessions and depressions) will create, no, have already created, disenchanted, cold and heartless communities. The day of reckoning will come when, not for the sake of righteousness, not even to win wealth, but solely out of hatred towards those privileged, the lower classes of the masses will follow our lead and rise against our rivals for power:


We shall create a strong central government in order to gain a stranglehold on those communities. We shall thoroughly regulate all aspects of the public life of our subjects with new laws. (constantly more and more repressive laws are passed further taking away our God given rights)

These laws will withdraw, one by one, all the privileges and freedoms which have been permitted to the masses; and our kingdom will be distinguished by a despotism of such magnificent proportions that, at any moment and in every place, it will be in a position to wipe out any individuals who dare to oppose us, either in words or by actions. “MASSES LED BY LIES!” The art of directing masses and individuals by means of cleverly manipulated theory and words, by laws, and by all sorts of other odd methods: the masses understand none of this because it belongs to the specialists of our collective governing intelligence. The Roman Catholic Church might have compared with us, but we have conspired to discredit them in the eyes of the unthinking mob since they are an observable organization, while we ourselves have kept our secret organization in the shade the whole time. We have set one against another: the personal and national beliefs of the masses, religious and race hatreds, which we have fostered into a huge growth in the course of the past twenty centuries.

The nations cannot come to even an inconsiderable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in it. “It is through me that Kings reign."  And it was said by the prophets that we were chosen by God Himself to rule over the whole earth.  God has endowed us with genius (Satan) so that we may do this task. All the wheels of the machinery of all States go via the force of the engine, which is in our hands.  And that engine of the machinery of States is – Gold. “MONOPOLY CAPITAL!” Capital, if it is to function without limitations, must be free to establish a monopoly of industry and trade.  This is already being put into place by an unseen hand in all quarters of the world.

This freedom will give political strength to those engaged in industry, and that will help us to oppress the people. Nowadays it is more important to disarm the peoples than to lead them into war.  If those people have a passion that has suddenly ‘burst into flames’, it more important to use it to our advantage than it is to quench it.  Finally, it more important to eradicate them. The principle goal of our directors consists of this: to weaken the public mind by criticism; to lead it away from serious reflections which may arouse calculated resistance; and to distract the forces of the mind towards meaningless fights. (it seems no one can ever agree on anything these days) We shall assume to ourselves to represent the voice of freedom of all parties, of all directions, and we shall make our representative be a voice in orators who will speak so much that they will exhaust the patience of their hearers and bring about a hatred of oratory. (people are sick and tired of all the lies coming from politicians and businessmen)

In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by broadcasting so many contradictory opinions from all sides and for such a long time that it will make the masses lose their heads in a maze of confusion.  They will come to realize that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in political matters, especially when it is intended that the public should not understand the issues being discussed.  In that way the masses will leave the opinions and understanding of the issues to those who guide the public.  We must emphasize the national failings of bad habits, misplaced passions, and troubling conditions of everyday life, to such an extent that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos. 

As a result, the people will fail to understand one another. (this is happening in our society right now!)This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might hinder our affairs in any way.  There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more harm than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord. We must direct the education of the masses communities such that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they throw up their hands in despairing impotence.  The strain which results from lack of achievement saps the spirit when compared side-by-side with the accomplishment of a successful person. From this comparison arises grave moral shocks, disenchantments and failures. 

By all these means we shall so wear down the masses that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the state forces of the world and to form a super-government. In place of the rulers of today we shall set up a monstrosity called the Super-Government Administration.  Its tentacles will reach out in all directions like grappling hooks and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.


We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even large fortunes of the masses will depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the States on the day after the political crash…It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land.  This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property – by loading lands with debts.  These measures will reduce land ownership and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission. “WE SHALL ENSLAVE THE MASSES!” We must intensively promote trade and industry, but, first and foremost, speculation.  The part played by speculation is to suppress industry. 

The absence of speculative industry will multiply capital in private hands and will serve to restore agriculture by freeing the land from the debts of banks. What we want is that industry should drain both labor and capital from the land.  Then by means of speculation, transfer all the money of the world into our hands, and thereby throw all the masses into the ranks of the working class. To complete the ruin of the industry of the masses we shall bring, to the assistance of speculation, the luxury which we have encouraged among the masses: that greedy demand for luxury which is swallowing up everything. We shall raise the rate of wages.  However this will not bring any advantage to the workers, because at the same time, we shall also cause a rise in prices of items that are essential to life.  We shall claim that these increases were caused by a decline in agriculture and cattle breeding.  We shall, craftily and thoroughly, further undermine sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to drunkenness. 

Additionally we shall take all measures to uproot all the educated forces of the masses from the face of the earth. In order that the true meaning of things is not discovered by the masses before the proper time, we shall mask it under an alleged enthusiastic desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of political economy, which our economic theories carry with much energetic propaganda.


The increase in size of the military, police forces, and of their armaments, are all essential for the completion of the above plans. We must create unrest, disagreement and hostility. It will deter countries from acting against us.  For they will know that we have the power to create disorders or to restore order whenever we like.  All these countries will see us as an unavoidable force of authority. “UNIVERSAL WAR!” If any country dares to oppose us, we must be in a position to respond by way of war.  We will do this by teaming up with the neighbors of that country. 

But if those neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must resist with a universal war. The main factor of success in politics is to operate in secrecy.  A diplomat must say one thing but then do another. This ‘opinion’ will be secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called "Great Power" – the media, which, apart from a few unimportant exceptions, is already entirely in our hands. In order to display our system of keeping the governments of the masses in Europe in check, we shall show our strength by committing terrorist attacks against one of them.  If the governments of Europe should collectively rise against us, we shall respond using the military might of America or China or Japan.


The administrators of the masses sign papers without reading them. 

These administrators serve us either for their pay or for personal ambition. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and – the main thing – millionaires. Because for the main part, everything will be settled by the question of large amounts of money.


The words of the libertarian, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", which are really just rallying cries invented by us, will, when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words that are no longer used to rally support, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into "The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood." “THE SUPER-STATE” There is nothing to limit the range of our activities. Our Super-Government exists within special-legal conditions which are commonly referred to by the energetic and forcible word –  Dictatorship. We shall slay and we shall spare.  We, as head of all our troops, are following the lead of our dynamic ruler.  We rule by force of will, because in our hands are the fragments of a once powerful party, now vanquished by us.

The weapons in our hands are limitless ambitions, burning greediness, merciless vengeance, hatreds and malice. It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds.  We have at our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorative monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers of every kind. In order to destroy the educational institutions of the masses while we still can, we have infiltrated them with great cunning, and we have taken hold of their syllabuses. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence. “CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED!” We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the masses by rearing them in principles and theories which are known to us to be false, and we have taught this through repetition. (this is non as dumbing down America through the educational system) We have taken the existing laws and have twisted them into contradictions of interpretations without substantially altering them. 

Doing this has produced wonderful results. (no wonder the legal system protects the guilty and punishes the innocent through non-convictions)These results are that these laws were effectively destroyed, owing to the fact that the interpretations of the law masked the intent of the law.  Eventually these interpretations entirely hid these laws from the eyes of the governments owing to the impossibility of making anything out of the tangled web of legislation.


It is essential for us to arm ourselves and to install in ourselves that absolutely reckless daring and unstoppable motivation which will break down all hindrances on our way. Voting, which we have made the instrument that will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us.

We shall destroy among the masses the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, because the mob majority, who is handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob.  The people will submit to this regime because it knows that it will depend upon these leaders for its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits. “THE POISON OF LIBERALISM!” When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion changed.  States have been seized with a mortal illness – a blood poisoning.  All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.

A constitution, as you well know, is nothing but a system of strife, misunderstandings, quarrels, disagreements, fruitless party agitations, party whims – in a word, a system of everything that serves to destroy the personality of State activity. The tribe of the "talking heads" has, no less effectively than the press, condemned the rulers to inactivity and impotence, and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous, and this is the reason why they have been removed from office in many countries. Soon we shall assign the duties of presidents. (I believe this has been going on for a long time. Why? Policies only change in name and not in context)

In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections (2000 presidential election) in favor of such presidents who have some dark, undiscovered disgrace in their past, some sinister secret – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. “WE SHALL DESTROY!” By these actions we shall obtain the power of destroying the constitutions of the States. 

We shall do this by introducing into those constitutions, little by little, step by step, all those things which we have determined are our rights from the outset.  This will cause an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time will have come to turn every form of government into our despotism. The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall have arranged for – will exclaim of their rulers: "Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders – frontiers, nationalities, religions and State debts – who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives."


The masses are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves.  And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …We shall keep promising to give back all the liberties that we have taken away from them; just as soon as we have defeated what we claim are the enemies of peace and have everyone under control…This has served as the basis for our organization of secret Freemasonry which is not known to, and has aims which are not even so much as suspected by, the masses. 

These masses are cattle attracted by us into the "show" army of Masonic lodges in order feel superior to, and look down upon their fellow humans. God (Satan) has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of spreading ourselves widely throughout the world.  To most people this appears to be our weakness.  But as it happens, this has brought forth our strength and we are now on the threshold of sovereignty over the entire world.


We shall deal with the media in the following way:  What is the role played by the media today? 

It sometimes serves to excite and inflame those passions which are needed for our purpose, and at other times it serves the selfish desires of other parties. It is often bland, unjust, dishonest, and the majority of the public haven’t the slightest idea what purpose the media really serves.  We shall saddle and bridle it with a tight chain.  We shall also do the same with all other productions of the printing press; Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is being achieved by us due to the fact that all news items are received by only a few agencies, and their offices are a focal point for news coming in from all parts of the world. These agencies will already be entirely owned by us and will only publish what we dictate to them.

Every one desirous of being a publisher, librarian, or printer, will be obliged to first acquire a special license for that purpose, which in case of any fault, will be immediately suspended. With such measures the thoughts of the people will be under the control of our government, who will educate them appropriately, and won’t allow the masses to be led along different paths and by fantasies about the blessings of progress. All the so-called libertarians are anarchists, either in thought or in reality.  Every one of them, in hunting for the phantoms of freedom, ends up involved in anarchy, and protests for the sake of protesting…We turn now to the periodical press.  We shall impose on it, and on all printed matter, stamp taxes per sheet and deposits of caution-money. Books of less than 30 sheets will pay double. 

We shall classify them as pamphlets for two reasons: firstly to reduce the number of magazines, because these are the worst form of printed poison, and secondly, to force writers to make such lengthy productions that they will be little read, especially seeing that they will also be costly. (Few if any books have any real content. Most of the are full of ramblings and misunderstandings) If anyone is desirous of writing against us – they will not find any person eager to put their productions in print because the publisher or printer will first have to apply to the authorities for permission to do so. We shall have advanced knowledge of all tricks being preparing against us and shall nullify them by getting in ahead with our explanations on the subject being discussed. Journals published by us will be very opposite, in appearance, tendencies and opinions to our official stance.  This will create confidence in our journals, bringing over to us quite unsuspicious opponents, who will thus fall into our trap and be rendered harmless.

We will divide our media components into three layers or ranks… In the front rank will be publications of an official character.  They will always stand guard over our interests, and therefore their influence will be comparatively insignificant. In the second rank will be the semi-official publications, whose part it will be to normally support us and sometimes criticize us, but only over issues of lukewarm importance. In the third rank we shall set up what looks like our own opposing camp, which, in at least one of its publications, will present what looks like the very enemy of us.  Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will reveal their identities and plans to us. Our newspapers will be of all possible complexions – aristocratic, republican, revolutionary, even anarchical – for only as long, of course, as the constitution exists… 

Like the Indian idol "Vishnu" they will have a hundred hands, and every one of them will have a finger on any one of the public opinions as required. Those fools who will think they are repeating the opinion of a newspaper of their own camp will actually be repeating our opinion or any opinion that seems desirable for us. By superficially discussing and opposing, but without touching the essence of the matter, our appointed people will carry on sham fights and arguments with the official newspapers solely for the purpose of giving us a reason to express ourselves more fully than we could have done from the outset in official announcements, whenever of course that is to our advantage. “ONLY LIES PRINTED!” Not one journalist will venture to betray this secret, for not one of them is ever admitted to practice journalism unless his whole past has some dark and disgraceful secret in it… For if he did, these secrets would be immediately revealed.


No one will dare to demand the cancellation of a law that we’ve put forth, especially since it will be presented as an improvement…  And immediately afterward, the media will distract the current of thought towards new issues. Brainless dispensers of opinions and forecasts will then throw themselves into the discussions of these new issues. 

Even now those people are not able to understand that they don’t have the remotest conception about the matters which they have chosen to discuss.  Political issues are incomprehensible to all except those who have guided it already for many ages; namely, the creators of our philosophy. “WE DECEIVE WORKERS” In order that the masses don’t figure out what they are really doing we will further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, luxury homes…  Via the media, we shall soon begin to propose competitions in art, and in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from asking questions which we would definitely not want to answer. (happening now!) Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same manner as we do because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought…  Of course we will do this through persons who will not be suspected of working alongside us.

The part played by the libertarians and utopian dreamers will be finally come to an end when our government is acknowledged.  Up until that time they will continue to do us good service. Therefore we shall continue to direct their minds to all sorts of vain conceptions of fantastic theories that are new and apparently progressive:  For we have completely and successfully attracted the brainless minds of the masses with the pursuit of progress, to the point where there is not one person mind able to perceive that under this word lies a departure from truth in all cases.  With the exception of material inventions, progress is an illusory idea which serves to obscure truth.  Nobody knows this truth except us, the Chosen of God, (Satan) and we are its guardians.


When we come into our kingdom we don’t want any religion other than ours to exist: our religion of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People, and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief.  If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see today, it will not interfere with our views because it is only a transitional stage. 

But it will serve as a warning for future generations who will listen to our preaching of the religion of Moses, which, by its stable and thoroughly elaborated system, has brought all the peoples of the world into our enslavement. In this we shall emphasize its mystical right, on which we shall say all its educative power is based…  Then at every possible opportunity we shall publish articles in which we shall make comparisons between our beneficent rule and those of past ages. We shall implant such an abhorrence of them that the peoples will prefer tranquility in a state of serfdom to those overemphasized rights of freedom which have tortured humanity and exhausted the very sources of human existence; sources which have been exploited by a mob of rascally adventurers who don’t know what they’re doing… “WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST!” The whole strength of our principles and methods will lie in the fact that we shall present them in great detail as a splendid alternative to the, dead and decomposed, old way of doing things in social life. Our philosophers will discuss all the shortcomings of the various beliefs of the masses, but no one will ever bring our faith from its true point of view under discussion since this will be fully learned only by ourselves and we will never dare to betray its secrets.


We shall come into our kingdom by the aid of a sudden overthrow of a government; done by our small group and carried out everywhere at once and all within a single day.  It may be a while before this takes place, perhaps even a whole century.  But when at last this definitely happens, and has been definitely acknowledged, we shall make it our job to see that things such as plots against us shall no longer exist. With this purpose we shall slay without mercy all who take up arms to oppose our coming into our kingdom.  Every kind of new institution which is anything like a secret society will also be punished with death. 

Those of them which are now in existence are known to us – they serve us and have served us.  We shall dissolve these and send their members into exile to continents far removed from Europe. We shall formally declare a law making all former members of secret societies liable to exile from Europe which will be the center of our rule. The disagreement and Protestantism we planted in the masses societies has now taken deep root.  The only possible way of restoring order is to employ merciless measures that prove the effectiveness of the direct force of authority.  No concern must be given to the victims who fall – they suffer for the well-being of the future. “SECRET SOCIETIES!” Before we come into our kingdom, we shall act in the contrary way: we shall create and multiply Free Masonic lodges in all the countries of the world and bring all types of people into them – people who may become or who are already prominent in public activity.  In these lodges we shall find our principal intelligence office and means of influence.

We shall bring all these lodges under one central administration which known to us alone and absolutely unknown to all others, and which will be composed of our learned elders.  The lodges will have their representatives who will serve to screen the above-mentioned administration of Masonry and who will issue the watchword and program. It is natural that no one else other than us should lead Masonic activities, for we know where we are heading; we know the final goal of every type of activity. 

Whereas the masses have knowledge of nothing; not even of the immediate effect of an action.  They usually only consider the momentary satisfaction which comes from the accomplishment of their thoughts.  They don’t notice that their thoughts didn’t arise from their own initiative but from ideas which we planted in their heads… “THE MASSES ARE STUPID!” Isn’t the fact that we have been able to bring them to such an extent of stupid blindness a proof, and an amazingly clear proof, of the degree to which the mind of the masses is undeveloped in comparison with our own mind?  Yes it is; and this is what mainly guarantees our success. Everyone has to die someday.  So it is better that those who hinder our affairs die much sooner than us since we are the founders of this plan. While preaching liberalism to the masses, at the same time we keep our own people and our agents in a state of unquestioning submission. Under our influence the laws of the masses are rarely followed.  The prestige of the law has been destroyed by the liberal interpretations introduced into this area.

When it comes to the most important and fundamental affairs and questions, judges make the rulings that we tell them to make, (very apparent in today’s world) and we surround them with information that tells them how to view matters so that they can be the administration of the masses.  Of course, we carry out our work via persons who are our tools and these people do not appear to have anything in common with us – e.g. by using newspaper opinions or by other means…Even senators and the higher administration accept our opinions and ideas. 

The undeveloped mind of the masses is incapable of doing analysis and observation, and even less capable of predicting where a certain manner of wording a law may lead. Their eyes are open, but they see nothing before them and do not invent (unless perhaps, material things).  From this it is plain that nature herself has destined us to guide and rule the world. “WE DEMAND SUBMISSION!” When the time comes for our overt rule, the time to manifest its blessing, we shall rewrite all legislation. Subordinates of this highest representative who abuse their power will be so mercilessly punished that no one will be anxious to experiment with their own powers. Concealment of guilt, encouragement of wrongdoing between those in the service of the administration – all this kind of evil will disappear after the very first examples of severe punishment. The aura of our power demands suitable, that is, cruel, punishments for the slightest infringement, and we do this to improve the prestige of our supreme power. Our legal staff will serve not beyond the age of 55, firstly because old men more obstinately hold to prejudiced opinions, and are less capable of submitting to new directions, and secondly because this will give us the possibility of securing flexibility in the changing of staff, who will then more easily bend under our pressure: he who wishes to keep his place will have to give us blind obedience to deserve it.

Our judges will be elected by us and only from among those who thoroughly understand that the part they have to play is to punish and apply laws, and not to dream about the manifestations of liberalism at the expense of the educational scheme of the State, as the masses these days imagine it to be…Nowadays the judges of the masses are tolerant toward every kind of crime. (that’s an under statement) They don’t have a proper understanding of their office because the rulers of today, when appointing judges, take no care to implant a sense of duty and consciousness in them toward the actions which are demanded of them. We shall root out liberalism from all the important strategic posts of our government which are in charge of the training of subordinates of our State structure.  Such posts will be assigned exclusively to those who have been trained by us for administrative rule. “WE SHALL BE CRUEL!” This right will be transferred exclusively to us – to the jurisdiction of the ruler, for we must not ever allow the people to think that there could be such a thing as a decision which is considered wrong in the eyes of the judges who were appointed by us. Everything in the world is in a state of submission, if not to man, then to circumstances or its own inner character. 

In all cases, everything is in submission to what is stronger.  And so shall we be this something stronger for the sake of good. We are obliged, without hesitation, to sacrifice individuals who commit a breach of established order, because the explicit punishment of evil makes a great educational program.


“WE SHALL REWRITE HISTORY!” In order to bring about the destruction of all collective forces except ours, we shall disable the first stage of collectivism – the universities, by reeducating them in a new direction. The occasional genius has always managed, and always will manage, to slip through into other positions in life.  But it is a big mistake to let this rare occasional genius into ranks which are foreign to them.  We shall abolish every kind of freedom of instruction.  These theories will be raised by us to the stage of a dogma of faith, like as a traditional stage towards our faith. Basically, we know from many centuries of experience that people live and are guided by ideas, and that these ideas are absorbed by people only with the aid of education that has equal success for all ages of growth. 

But of course by various methods, we shall swallow up and confiscate the last scintilla of independence of thought.  We have been directing all thoughts towards subjects and ideas that are useful to us, and have been doing so for a long time. The system of bridling thought is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by object lessons; the purpose of which is to turn the masses into unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them…(countless students can’t logically read or write when they enter high school/DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA)


The practice of being a defense attorney produces men who are cold, cruel, persistent and unprincipled; and who take up an impersonal, purely legal standpoint in all cases.  They rarely decline to undertake any defense whatever.  Instead they strive for an acquittal at all costs; raising trivial objections over every nitpicking point of legislation and in this way they demoralize justice. (attorneys are nothing more than snake oil salesmen) Defense attorneys, equally with judges, will be deprived of the right of communication with the litigant. They will receive a fixed payment without regard to the quality of their defense.  This will render them as mere reporters on legal-proceedings in the interests of justice and as a counterbalance to the prosecution lawyer who will be the reporter in the interests of prosecution. This will also remove the current practice of corrupt bargaining between different levels of courts which agrees to only let that side which pays the most, win…(the bible has a low opinion of lawyers) “WE SHALL DESTROY THE CLERGY!”

For a long time in the past, we have taken care to discredit the priesthood of masses, (Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Baker, priests molesting children, embezzled money etc…) and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which might still be a great hindrance to us in the present day. Freedom of thought has been declared everywhere (secular humanism, liberalism, the occult, new age idle worship etc…) and the moment of the complete wrecking of the Christian religion is now only years away. When the time finally comes to destroy the papal court, the finger of an invisible hand will point the nation’s anger toward this court.  When, however, the nations come to attack it, we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. Our king will be the real pope of the universe, the patriarch of the international church [The Anti-christ]. We are reeducating youth in new traditional religions and then afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches, but we shall fight against them using criticism calculated to produce internal disunity…Our contemporary media will continue to condemn State affairs, religions, and imperfections of the masses; always using the most disrespectful expressions in order to lower their prestige by every means and in a manner which can only be done by the genius of our gifted tribe…Our kingdom will be a representation of the Hindu deity Vishnu – our hundred hands will be on the controls of the machinery of social life.  We shall see everything without the aid of official police which, because of the limitations on their powers, hinders governments from seeing properly. Our informers will be selected from all ranks of society: from among the administrative class who spend their time in amusements, editors, printers and publishers, booksellers, clerks, and salesmen, workmen, coachmen, lackeys, etc.


When we need to give more power to our secret police (which are the best form of defense for those in authority) we will arrange for some fake disorders to take place.  We will then arrange for a group of skilled speakers who will cooperate in pretending to be angry citizens crying out about this. (how many times have we’ve seen this in the past?) We have damaged the image of the peoples kings by making frequent assassination attempts on them. (Ford and Reagan to name a few presidents)  We have done this through our agents, some of whom are people who blindly believe and act on what we tell them; providing that we phrase it in a freedom-seeking political manner.

We have forced the rulers to acknowledge their weakness by showing everyone the many secret plots against them.  In this way we shall destroy their authority. “GOVERNMENT BY FEAR!” Our ruler will always be among the people and will be surrounded by a mob of apparently curious men and women. We keep telling the masses that it is better to have a visible defense, even though we know it is best to do the opposite.  But this enables us to see what this type of defense does to them…Criminals within our ranks will be arrested at the first, more or less, well-grounded suspicion.  Even though, out of fear for our defense, we may make a mistake in wrongly accusing someone, we cannot allow that person whom we suspect of a political crime to escape.  So in these matters we shall be literally merciless.


Incitement of a rebellion is nothing more than the yapping of a lap-dog at an elephant.  For a government that is well organized, not from the police but from the public’s point of view, the lap-dog yaps at the elephant without being aware of its strength and importance.


The best kind of taxation will be a progressive tax on property.  In this manner the tax will be paid without overly stressing or ruining anybody because it will be a percentage of the value of their property. “WE SHALL DESTROY CAPITAL!” A tax on capitalists can be used to diminish the growth of wealth in private hands. A tax which increases as a percentage ratio on capital will give a much larger revenue than the present individual or property tax.  The present tax structure is useful to us now for the sole reason that it stirs up trouble and discontent among the different classes of the masses.

In order that taxpayers from the educated classes don’t get too distressed over the new payments they will be provided with full details of where the money is going; with the exception of the money that is required for the needs of our king and the institutions which support the administration of those needs. “WE WILL CAUSE DEPRESSIONS!” On no account should any more than the required reserve (GOLD RESERVES?) be kept in State Treasuries. Economic crises (1929 stock market crash) have been produced by us for the masses by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation.  Huge sums of capital have stagnated by withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals toward the payment of loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the payment of interest and made them the bonded slaves of these capitals… 

The concentration of money invested in industry in the hands of capitalists, who have taken that money out of the hands of small investors, has drained away all the juices of the peoples and also the States alongside them… “PEOPLE/STATES IN BANKRUPTCY!” The reforms proposed by us in the financial institutions and principles of the masses will be disguised in such a way that they won’t alarm anybody.  We shall point out that these reforms are necessary as a result of the disorderly darkness which the masses have plunged the finances into as a result of their accounting irregularities.

The first irregularity, as we shall point out, consists of their drawing up of a single annual budget which grows year after year owing to the following cause:  this budget is consumed within half the year; they then demand a budget to put things right, and they use this up in three months, after which they ask for a supplementary budget.  All this ends with a liquidation budget. As the budget of the following year is drawn up in accordance with the sum total of the previous year’s budgets, the annual departure from the normal reaches as much as 50 per cent in a year, and so the annual budget is trebled in ten years. Thanks to such methods allowed by the carelessness of the masses States, their treasuries are empty.  The period of borrowing which follows has swallowed up what remains, and brought all the people’s States to bankruptcy. (America’s deficit will never be eliminated according to the above evil tactics) Every kind of loan demonstrates a weakness in the State and a lack of understanding of the rights of the State. 

Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers who, instead of taking the desired amount from their subjects by way of a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched palms to our bankers. Foreign loans are leeches and there is no possibility of removing them from the body of the State until they fall off of themselves or the State flings them off.  But the people States do not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish, drained by voluntary blood-letting.  “TYRANNY OF USURY!” If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away a sum equal to the loan borrowed – just as interest; in forty years it is paying double that amount; in sixty – treble: and all the while the capital (principle) portion of the debt remains unpaid. From this calculation it is obvious that, with any form of taxation per head, the State is baling out the last pennies of the poor taxpayers in order to settle accounts with wealthy foreigners. 

The State has borrowed money from these foreigners instead of collecting those pennies for its own needs from the taxpayers without the additional interest. So long as loans were internal the states only shuffled their money from the pockets of the poor to those of the rich.  But when we changed the system in order to transfer loans into the external sphere, all the wealth of States flowed into our cash-boxes and the masses became our subjects.


The process begins by the State announcing that it needs to borrow money from the public.  Interest-bearing paper (bills of exchange) will be printed and offered for sale. the price of them goes up; the alleged reason being that everyone is rushing to buy them.  In a few days the treasury safes are so-to-speak overflowing and there’s more money than they can deal with.  The subscription, it is alleged, covers the issue of the loan total many times over. The comedy has played out, there emerges the fact that a debit (and an exceedingly burdensome debit) has been created.  In order to pay the interest on this debit it becomes necessary to take out new loans, which do not reduce, but only add to the debt owing.

When this credit is exhausted it becomes necessary to introduce new taxes to cover, not the principal of the loan, but only the interest on it.  These taxes are a debit created to cover a debit…(NOW DO YOU SEE WHY THE NATIONAL DEBT WILL NEVER GO AWAY?ONE BIG CON GAME!) Eventually the time comes for converting the interest-bearing paper into cash.  But due to the large debit problems described above, the government announces that it will need to reduce the payment of interest without covering the principal portion of the debt.  And another problem they will claim is that they can’t do this conversion without the consent of the lenders; many of whom are not willing to convert their paper. We shall replace the money markets by grandiose government credit institutions, the purpose of which will be to fix the price of industrial values (stock prices) in accordance with government views.  These institutions will be in a position to fling upon the market hundreds or millions of industrial bonds in one day, or to buy up the same amount.  In this way all industrial undertakings will come to depend on us.


In our hands is the greatest power of our day – gold: in two days we can procure from our storehouses any quantity we may please.


We shall resurrect small business production which will require placing a land-mine under the private capital of large manufactures. Subjects, I repeat once more, give blind obedience only to authority figures that are strong and absolutely independent of them, because they feel that these figures are a defense against social evils…The peo


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