The Pork Barrel Con Game!!!
by Rick Thorne
Have you ever wondered why our American Government never seems to have enough money for its Veterans? Pork barrel spending is just one of the ways our politicians put the shaft to us. Of course it takes millions of dollars to run a political campaign and the vaulters can’t wait to get their hands on unsuspecting candidates. Like many loan sharks, these sly dogs have loads of money ready to lend with hefty price tags attached. Unfortunately though there’s a catch!
These deceitful riverboat gamblers are known as lobbyist and their employers are none other than corporate America. The lobbyist vicious ploy is nothing more than a ruse as it were. The weary politician assumes the lobbyist is his best friend but it’s not true. Of course, there’s no such thing as something for nothing in this screwed up world now is there? FREE means FREE with a catch! Dealing with the devil the candidate see no other way to be elected other than buy into the vicious con game in the end. Demands usually made include creating custom legislation benefiting one’s constituents or their friends and relatives. This my friend comes with a hefty price tag and the tax payer (YOU!) are left holding the bill in the end…
To add insult to injury, in national elections our American Government provides matching funds for these disconcerting candidates. Of course the money just doesn’t magically appear. Your hard earned tax dollars are freely given out to these less than honest politicians to do with as they please. In the past there’s been instances when the money was used for bribes and kick backs. Think about these things as you contemplate voting for your favorite candidate in the up coming presidential election………
The political machine never misses the mark when it comes to placing their favorite candidate into office. First of all, the popular vote means very little in the election. The electoral college (the 2000 election) and the super delegates have the final decision as far as whose picked to be the next president (remember the 2000 election). Candidates usually come from prime (blue blood) stock and their groomed to think and act in the covert manner the political machine sees fit. Ask yourself this; “Why is it no matter what individual is elected for political office the same old policies are upheld over the years?”
To cover the con or “Spin” game a program is usually given a different name to (cover the con) insure nothing has changed from the previous administration. If a caring legislator creates a bill trying to be the “Good Guy” helping others.
It’s nearly impossible for the original legislation to make it through committees before it’s passed into law. Disconcerting legislators add or detract parts of the bill and in the end helpless citizens usually get screwed. Few individuals have heard of the “BLACK PROJECTS” hidden from view. Billions of tax dollars are funneled into regions like Area 51 and Groom Lake. The military industrial complex custom designs futuristic war projects for the political machine. All at the expense of the unsuspecting tax payers like you and I. Ninety-Nine percent of today’s media spin half truths and won’t reveal what’s really going on in the secret chambers of our government. This sinister program is known as “DUMBING DOWN AMERICA.”
Would you like to know where some of your tax dollars are going? Go to Citizens For A Sound Economy (Source Watch). They keep close tabs on our politicians ridiculous spending habits ( Your precious tax dollars have funded insane programs stemming from private tennis courts, spacious swimming pools, the study of potatoes and the building of private roads for wealthy citizens among other things……
A few years ago I worked for a delivery company in Raleigh, NC. One time I went to the dock to pickup my merchandise and watched as countless flat screen televisions and outdoor grills where loaded into a delivery truck headed for Fort Bragg. Why? Each military installation has a fiscal operating budget. If the commander of the fort doesn’t use up the funds allocated to him the money is reduced the next fiscal quarter.
Unfortunately the tax payer fund these pleasure toys for the upper echelons of our military. Millions of dollars could go to benefit veterans but the military brass keep it for themselves in the end. Our politicians view you and I as weak sheep being led to the slaughter! The last time we really stood up and fought for our rights was in the 1960’s. Sadly many of those weak minded protesters turned into Yuppie’s. Seeing no other way out of the con game they bought into our corrupt Democratic system. We do have a voice in the matter if we choose to exercise our rights. Not by vote but by EXPOSURE! Our true weapon is uncovering the vicious evilness within the system that made us the wealthiest country in the world.
National exposure weakens the firm grip the political machine has over us. John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Vince Foster and a host of others unbeknown to us gave their lives for TRUTH! When you go to the polls this November and cast your vote remember this: “The wheels have already been set into motion.” Our democratic system is just a shell game to hide the real TRUTH! The fact is! You and I are controlled in one degree or another by forces behind the scenes.
Think about this; “Why is it TRUTH is only found on websites like Veteran’s Today? Why isn’t the national media covering important topics found on this website? Do you really want to know why? The bottom line is your government is full of liars! Most of the politicians are brain washed by the lies and evil deceit programmed into them by the political machine. If a politician doesn’t follow the game plan vicious innuendoes are leaked to the media against him or her.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. The political machine wants to destroy the persons character in the end. The skeleton’s in one’s closet is used as a bargaining tool to keep the person under control. This sinister machine deliberately hand picks individuals with skeleton’s in their closet. There’s nothing worse than ripping one’s character apart now is there?. Right or wrong these sick characters destroy the very essence of the person. Of course the sheep herd is quick to condemn the person not knowing if the accusations are true or not in the end. I wonder how many skeletons are in the closets of those seemingly passing judgment on others? There’s nothing more threatening than public exposure don’t you know?
IF AMERICA WOULD WAKUP AND REALIZE WE’RE BEING CONNED WE COULD TAKE BACK THIS COUNTRY BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE! GOD didn’t intend for Veteran’s and the poor of America to suffer in this way. The moral fiber of the United States is quickly eroding! If we don’t do something fast a ONE WORLD ORDER WILL BE DECLARED and you and I won’t have any rights left. Ask yourself this; “Why is it when something bad happens (911) the government passes more laws removing additional freedoms from us? Why is the volatile stock market is gauged on feeling rather than common sense? The next time you confront the government remember this: They’re not looking out for your best interest. These mindless puppeteers are trained to suppress your wants and needs. Ask yourself this; “Why is it you’re forced to pay social security taxes (that’s rightfully yours!) and when you need it the most. You have to go through hell to collect the money if you’re under age of 62? While some of our elected officials want to do the right thing their hands are tied because they have to play the game forced upon them by the political machine. It reminds me of the Pink Floyd song “Welcome To The Machine.”
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Think about this! May 15, 2008 National I’D. cards will be issued to Americans. An R.F.I.D. tracking chip will be embedded into the I.D.card tracking your every move. The political machine is creating a ROBOTIC civilization and something must be done now to stop it before it’s too late. Remember this! It doesn’t matter what political party gets into office they will follow the same old policies as before. Illusion is their game and to imprison us is their aim.
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