Obama to continue with Bush's Secretary of Defense-So Much for CHANGE



Last week our military family received a CALL TO ACTION-ALERT from one of several Peace organizations we belong to – Voters for PEACE. At first when I opened the message, I was sort of puzzeled and even thinking about maybe leaving the organization, because was not PEACE just around the corner? Was PEACE not at least a very small portion of what the Obama team PROMISED as part of their CHANGE slogan?

In all fairness to the Obama transition, I intially felt that, hey Voters for PEACE is one of what hundreds if not thousands of political action committees (PACs) and groups both PRO-War and PRO-PEACE to emerge since less than one percent of the American citizenry invaded Iraq plus the outgrowth of what were perceived as two stolen elections by the Democrats. I was WRONG!

When it comes to a desire for PEACE ON EARTH, Voters for Peace does not just use PEACE as a slogan like CHANGE, nor a catchly line on a Chistmas Card that is really meaningless. They not only mean it, they SHOW those of us with the Missouri SHOW ME attitude, why they are concerned that if you are an American Voter passionately and seriously interested in PEACE ON EARTH this coming Christmas Season, THE COLLECTIVE WE, yes that includes Christians, have a lot of work to do and maybe even more than was done during the last eight failed years of the Bush Administration to END BOTH THE WAR IN IRAQ AND ESCALATION OF WARS OF AGGRESSION anywhere else on earth.
     Escalating the War on Terror in Afghanistan and quite possibly Pakistan in no way ENSURES PEACE ON EARTH this coming Christmas Season or every one until Obama leaves office. Then, who will he and Biden hand both the Iraq and Afghanistan Quaqmires over to – Hillary Clinton? Quite possibly.

For those who are bad at Math, simple cannot count, or connect the dots between THE U.S. ECONOMY and Billions, no Trillions wasted on Iraq, not counting Afghanistan, then maintaining the status quo on War and Peace most likely makes sense to YOU. Those of us with common sense know there IS a relationship, the Democrats are doing their best to divert attention from it as the Republicans unsuccessfully did since we invaded Iraq.

Why am I so passionately down on an Administration that I voted for, yes, that’s right it’s my fault (well, you know what I mean), because it appears that the least of all evils just may be more evil that voting for John McCain. More to the point, I can almost swallow Hillary Clinton at State, but what these IDIOTS did at the Pentagon goes beyond ludicrous to well I’m just pissed and disappointed in myself for who and what I voted for. Lord knows if I’ll ever vote again.

The Associated Press reported this morning that, "Barack Obama’s campaign credo was: Change is good.

HOWEVER, President-elect Barack Obama’s credo: When it comes to war and peace, maybe wisdom (MORE OF THE SAME) is better.

Wisdom (MORE OF THE SAME) is better, so the Obama team continues with Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates to head up Obama’s Iraq War, and escalation in Afghanistan. Take special note Bush Bashers out there, and I am one of YOU, that I highlight Obama’s Iraq War, and Afghanistan War not the BUSH WARS!!! So much for CHANGE!

Robert L. Hanafin, Major, U.S. Air Force-Retired

My apologies for not keeping my pledge to Voters for PEACE to vote only for PEACE candidates. I rarely regret decisions I’ve made even when I am wrong, but this vote will cost WE THE PEOPLE even more in American Blood and American Blood Money for WHAT I still do not understand?

Back on November 12, 2008, Voters for PEACE warned us this was going to happen. I chose a wait and see attitude, hell the Obama Team hasn’t even officially taken office yet, plus Obama is being forced to act like a President now as George W. Bush washes his dirty, bloody hands of the bloody mess he’s created the past eigth years.

Give the Obama Team an opportunity to catch their breath.

However, as President-elect Barack Obama and President George Bush met in the Oval Office as the hand off (or is it Stuckie) process got underway. From a PEACE advocates view, WE have a lot of work ahead of us to urge President-elect Obama to end the Iraq war and occupation, de-escalate the war in Afghanistan, tamper down threats to Iran, Pakistan and others countries as well as begin to cut the immense and bloated defense budget.

Appointing Bush’s Secretary of Defense is not going to make that job any easier, but look at the bright side, at least Obama did not reappoint Donald Rumsfeld (snicker).

For those Veterans and Military Families that sincerely want Peace, it is going to be a big agenda. Because it is becoming blatantly CLEAR that only Veterans and Military Families, but moreso Our Troops in the field ARE the only ones who will be able to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGHT without Natonal Commitment and mobilization for WAR.

I foresee that instead of downplaying or remaining ignorant about Afhghanistan because our loved one’s have not YET spent back to back tours there, the Peace Movement will witness an INCREASE in efforts to pressure the new government for a real PEACE agenda for REAL PEACE ON EARTH not just another slogan like CHANGE. .

During the 2008 campaign the positions of President-elect Obama were, at best, mixed on War and Peace, and now his full attention is on an Economic Crisis that even he fails or intentionally diverts attention away from the real culprit waging a war without raising taxes to pay for it. Now it is too late, because raising taxes or at least making the rich pay for the war the poor are fighting and dying for would go over about as smoothly as implementing THE DRAFT.

Obama promised to immediately begin the reduction of combat troops in Iraq – but he never promised to bring all the troops and mercenaries home. He advocated a bigger U.S. military, increased troops in Afghanistan and kept the military option on the table for Iran. At the same time he promised to increase diplomatic relations with adversaries like Iran and, most importantly, to "end the mindset" that got us into the war.

Since his election we have seen some troubling signals. The selection of Rep. Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff was a bad sign for informed peace advocates. Despite what Rush Limbaugh may say about Emanuel being just another Chicago Thug like Obama (BS) Emanuel, is no friend or sympathizer to those of us who seriously desire PEACE.

Emanuel has been quoted calling the mother of an Iraq War Vet a leftist. When he was head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the 2006 campaign, Emanuel worked to replace peace candidates with candidates who did not advocate withdrawal. Many see him as the chief advocate for the post-2006 election Democratic strategy that kept the war going despite a peace mandate from the voters.

Reports were that president-elect was likely to keep BUSH Defense Secretary Robert Gates in office – peace advocates are wondering, where is the change?

But, Thank God, there are also signs that Obama’s Afghanistan War plan is in flux – how much negotiation with Iran and the Taliban, how many troops vs. economic aid?

This is not the time to give President-elect Obama a honeymoon anymore than the Republicans are going to deny him one or are they, since Obama is so Bush-lite on War. No, we are morally obligated to give President-elect Obama a push – let him know peace advocates (keep in mind one need not be a liberal or leftist to want PEACE ON EARTH, one only needs be HUMANE and PRO-LIFE the most precious gift God can give us. ) want change (write Obama at: http://change.gov/page/s/yourvision), Major Hanafin is going to urge him to:

End the Iraq occupation – bring all U.S. troops and Blackwater-related mercenaries home. The economic crisis adds to the imperative and the Iraqi government and people want the U.S. to leave.

Reduce the military budget – a Pentagon advisory group has urged cuts in the budget saying the current budget is not sustainable. Rep. Barney Frank, Chairman of Banking has urged a 25% cut in the military budget. Economic recovery demands cuts in military spending regardless what Bush’s Secretary of Defense will advise Obama. Personally, I could stomach a shift in defense spending from the Air Force and Navy to better fund the Army and Marines, because those who prosecute the War on Terror (the Terrorists) do not have any Naval or Air Power to speak of.

In fact, if WE THE PEOPLE only focused on funding the Army and Marine corps our ground troops and only to sustain a withdrawal and rebuilding THAT ALONE WOULD SAVE BILLIONS IN DEFENSE DOLLARS allowing significant CUTS. That is not a formal postion of Voters for Peace, that tends to lean a bit more left than I, but it is a reasonable solution to pie in the sky overall Defense Budget Cuts that just are not going to happen – Why? Obama’s Secretary of Defense (Bush appointee) Bob Gates need I say more?

Negotiate with Iran and stop threatening them. The U.S. and Iran have many common interests. Obama can move from an adversarial relationship to a constructive relationship.

Stop the border attacks on Pakistan and Syria. The U.S. does not need a wider war in the region; unless we have the National Commitment including THE DRAFT to back it. That’s not going to happen so we need to shrink military conflict and our exploitation of gallant and patriotic volunteers.

Emphasize economic development and education in Afghanistan NOT thousands of more troops. Increasing the U.S. military presence is counterproductive, and without full National War mobilization it is unsustainable. The piss poor economy may provide a surge of volunteers at first but prolonged war in South West Asia will eventually mean less military recruits outside of those desparately in need of the $$$. That is not a volunteer force, it becomes a U.S. government and tax payer sponsored Blackwater. It that is the kind of All Volunteer Force Americans want, that is what we are going to get.

The financial crisis makes the imperative to reduce military conflict and the military budget a greater imperative. Our parent organization, the Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, is starting a new project – Break the Bailout – which will advocate for stopping bailouts for the big banksters and putting money where it is needed in the economy. What sense does it make to Bail Out Banks, Corporations, and now Auto Makers, when WE THE PEOPLE fail in our duty to Bail Out Our Troops, what kind of Troop Support is that?

We’re announcing this project this week and our first effort is a money bomb that is targeted for December 7, 2008 to build a movement to stop the bailouts. More on this later – but get an advance look at www.BreakTheBailout.com – pledge now to show Washington that the people want an economy for them not for big business interests.

The Obama administration and transitions in Congress present tremendous opportunities for change. The economic crisis, failed war-quagmires and international pressure present opportunities for even more change than Obama promised.

Though I’m disappointed that I voted for Obama, the President elect did ask those of us who voted for him to bring change to Washington and not wait for Washington for change – let’s do as he asked, especially if he lacks the Courage to Resist the Status Quo.


Kevin Zeese
Executive Director
Voters for PEACE

PS: Highlighted in Bold are Major Hanafin’s comments and not necessarily a position of Voters for Peace or any related organization passionate about PEACE ON EARTH – GOOD WILL TOWARD MANKIND!

Take the VotersForPeace Pledge! "I will only vote for or support federal candidates who make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign."

VotersForPeace is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose candidates for office.


Obama picks (Bush) graybeards as wartime Cabinet


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Readers are more than welcome to use the articles I've posted on Veterans Today, I've had to take a break from VT as Veterans Issues and Peace Activism Editor and staff writer due to personal medical reasons in our military family that take away too much time needed to properly express future stories or respond to readers in a timely manner. My association with VT since its founding in 2004 has been a very rewarding experience for me. Retired from both the Air Force and Civil Service. Went in the regular Army at 17 during Vietnam (1968), stayed in the Army Reserve to complete my eight year commitment in 1976. Served in Air Defense Artillery, and a Mechanized Infantry Division (4MID) at Fort Carson, Co. Used the GI Bill to go to college, worked full time at the VA, and non-scholarship Air Force 2-Year ROTC program for prior service military. Commissioned in the Air Force in 1977. Served as a Military Intelligence Officer from 1977 to 1994. Upon retirement I entered retail drugstore management training with Safeway Drugs Stores in California. Retail Sales Management was not my cup of tea, so I applied my former U.S. Civil Service status with the VA to get my foot in the door at the Justice Department, and later Department of the Navy retiring with disability from the Civil Service in 2000. I've been with Veterans Today since the site originated. I'm now on the Editorial Board. I was also on the Editorial Board of Our Troops News Ladder another progressive leaning Veterans and Military Family news clearing house. I remain married for over 45 years. I am both a Vietnam Era and Gulf War Veteran. I served on Okinawa and Fort Carson, Colorado during Vietnam and in the Office of the Air Force Inspector General at Norton AFB, CA during Desert Storm. I retired from the Air Force in 1994 having worked on the Air Staff and Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon.