America Is Dying!



By Rick Thorne

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana, philosopher, and poet. VETERANS YOU HAD BETTER WAKE UP!

Obama is not the messiah!
“He can’t walk on water, raise the dead or make fire come down from heaven”


“In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communist, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant. Finally, they came for me, but there was no one left to speak up to.”
-Martin Niemoeller, a Lutheran Pastor who was sent to the Dachau Concentration Camp in 1938

2 Thessalonians 2:11
God “shall send them strong delusion,” God is the ultimate source of this “strong delusion,” God rarely does anything to people that they themselves do not have some part in. In the case of this delusion surrounding the man of sin, the people who “believe the lie” will be predisposed to do so because they do not have “the love of the truth” (verse 10). The “strong delusion” works because the people have set themselves up for the “GREAT FALL.” As so it is with humanity! They think they know more than God so they continue to arm for war in the final destruction of the world as we now know it. LOOK AROUND YOU! If you can’t see the world is falling apart then you have your head in the sand!


You may not agree with BIBLE PROPHECY but, many ancient civilizations declared there would be an “END TIME” regarding our civilization as we now know it. With nations arming themselves and the economy tanking America is decaying! I predict a dramatic increase in CRIME in the months to come. All of us must repent and pray to the Lord for our SALVATION. Obama won’t get us out of this tragic mess! No one can help us except Yahshua-Jesus!!

Presidential Decision Directives (PDDs) are issued by the president sketching broad changes in future policies. PDDs-25 (formerly PDD-13) is an example of Clinton’s broad policy changes without congressional approval.  PDDs-25 created the framework for moving the U.S. military under the United Nations command and is the basis for U.S.  military participation in U.S. peacekeeping operations.

Presidential Executive Orders which can threaten American’s Freedoms:

EO 10995- All communications media seized by the federal government: Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, CB, HAM, short wave, telephones, satellites, and the internet. The First Amendment would be suspended.
EO 10997- Seizure of: all electrical power: fuels, including gasoline, and minerals.
EO 10998- Seizure of: all food resources: farms, and farm equipment. Anti-food hoarding will go into effect.
EO 10999- Seizure of: all kinds of: highways, seaports, waterways, rail ways, airports, and public storage facilitates. The government can seize any vehicle.
EO 11000-  Seizure of: all civilians for work under federal supervision.
EO 11001-  Federal takeover of: all health, education and welfare, including hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and schools.
EO 11002- Postmaster General empowered to: register everyman, woman, and child in the U.S.A.
EO 11003- Seizure of: all aircraft and airports by the Federal Government.
EO 11004- Housing and finance authority: may shift populations from one locality to another. Hosing may be seized.
EO 11005-  Seizure of: railroads, inland waterways, and storage facilities.
EO 11051- The director of the Office of Emergency Planning authorized: to put Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tension or “financial crisis.” He is also to perform such additional functions as the president may direct.
EO- 11490- Presidential control: over all U.S. citizens and businesses (including churches) in time of emergency.
EO- 11921- The government would seize control: over education, welfare, mechanisms of production and distribution, energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions and impose total censorship.
EO 12919- Directs various cabinets’ officials to be constantly ready to take over: virtually all aspects of the U.S. economy during a State of Emergency- at the direction of the president.
EO 13010- Directs FEMA to take control over all government agencies in time of emergency. [Note: FEMA is now directly under the control of the president a his National Security Council]
EO 13011- Creates a national information system, a massive new bureaucracy with authority to manage “Federal Information Technology” (signed by President Clinton on July 16, 1998) It links the data gathered by the health, Education, and Labor Departments to the data assessable to the FBI,CIA,EPA, and other federal agencies. CHECK OUT THE SOCIALIST PATRIOT ACT further taking away our precious FREEDOMS!


You may not always agree with me but! I have HISTORY and GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTATION to back up what I’m writing about. DON’T ATTACK ME BUT RESEARCH HISTORY FOR YOURSELF! by the way, I’m an INDEPENDENT

About the Author: Rick Thorne is a Staff Writer for He’s a professional photographer. For 35 years Rick has traveled much of the U.S. recording nature and many other unique subjects along the way. His work isn’t for sale but he uses it to help others in times of depression and despair. Photography has been his lifeblood for many years now. Rick is on Social Security Disability and was discharged from the Navy in 1968 for a nervous breakdown. The VA is currently treating him for his mental and physical injuries.  


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