We have seen, during the last couple of days, the extremists of our powerful Zionist lobby, the most powerful lobby next to big oil, go after Charles Freeman, Obama appointee to our National Intelligence Council.  During our last administration, amateurs, oil buddies and big donators got on this group.

9/11 and the intelligence lies that followed weren’t the only sign that our intelligence organizations were either totally blind or working for the other side.  The CIA never saw the attempted coup in Russia against “Gorby” during the Reagan era.  This was the biggest threat in our history and we knew and saw nothing.

Worse than this, we have found that had there been a war with Reagan was pushing so hard for one, we would have lost.  Our Russian enemies had so infiltrated Washington, that the Russians knew more about what went on than Reagan.

Aldrich Ames totally destroyed the Reagan/Bush CIA, putting them to work for Russia and the Walker spy family gave all of our nuclear plans and European defense documents to the Russians years before.  Russia knew everything, had all our codes, our moves and could have taken us out quickly.  The CIA, FBI and our other intelligence agencies were, during the Cold War, total failures, filled with spies from the other side, and a waste of money.

Now we find they aren’t just spies but everything they tell us is likely a lie and half of them are open war criminals.  We spend billions for liars who are very likely working for our enemies.  How many Chinese, Russian and Israeli agents do you think are in our intelligence agencies?  Estimates are in the hundreds.  Thank Reagan and Bush (the Greater) for starting this and hope Obama plans to clean house.

Our relationship with Israel is a complex one.  They are a real democracy and in many cases one of our best friends.  However, they have, for years, spied on the US, stolen military secrets and have sold these to Russia, China, Iran and others for economic or security reasons so complex that it is almost impossible to describe.

Israel, through their powerful lobby, maneuvers the US around like a puppet and when the Islamic world gets enraged about this, nobody in the US will say a world, nobody except maybe Charles Freeman.  Any American who speaks up is crushed.  Watch what is going on now.

Look into the war in Georgia.  Nothing our news reported was accurate.  Hell, you get much better news in Israel, a much freer country than this one.  Check out www.debka.com.  Get your news there.  The Israelis may use us like puppets but they don’t show disrespect to their own people like we do.  We should still admire them but not always agree with them.

The recent talk about the Saudi’s is a good debate, but needs to come from Americans loyal to our country, not Israeli spies writing in our papers.  Yes, the Saudis give money to terrorists and many members of the royal family are not friends of the US.

Saudi Arabia was created by the “west” and is a bizarre country.  We have wonderful friends there but it is also not a free country, it does support religious extremism yet it is a good ally also.  Do we need balance?  Yes.

What we get instead are constant lies about everything, what Israel does, coverups of the Saudis, lies about the war in Georgia, and everything ever said about anything during the entire “W” regime was nothing but utter manure.

As for our spy agencies:

  • Domestic spying must be stopped.  The NSA and others need to comply with the law.  They are only hurting America.  Why spy when the information is leaked to our enemies anyway.
  • The FBI has to stop working as thugs for a certain political party and those who committed crimes doing so have to go away.  This is a HUGE problem.
  • The CIA has totally failed in every way.  It has to be either eliminated or totally rebuilt.  The destruction of the 9/11 tapes is an indication they had alot to hide.  You don’t want to imagine what that might have been.
  • Our endless “other” agencies, who are supposedly coordinated under the executive branch but who have, for years, reported to “political commissars” like Cheney and Rove or that moron Bush have been a waste of time and money.
  • Imagine, if our security and intel services are little better than our police, how drug traffickers who already control our southern border are influencing our actions in Afghanistan?
  • With tens, maybe hundreds of billions openly stolen in Iraq, not one arrest has been made in all these years.  We depend on people like this?  Oh come now!
  • Years ago, under Reagan, we gave weapons to our enemies and filled CIA planes with cocaine.  Now we run a huge secret air force moving prisoners to be tortured.  What else do you think they carry?  Drugs?  Diamonds?  Gold?  Secrets?

We only needed protection from these idiots, not terrorists.  We wouldn’t have had terrorists if we ran our own government and Washington wasn’t a sewer of Russian, Israeli and Chinese agents fighting for power with crooked lawyers representing “clean coal” and “big oil.”

For 8 years, we accumulated the worst people in America in Washington DC, working for our enemies with our own government looking the other way.

Everything you have seen tells you this.  Believing anything else requires “faith,” the kind of faith that nearly got us all killed when the Russians took over our top agencies under Reagan.

Freeman is one of the very few who is not a foreign spy or scumbag and I’m not entirely sure about him.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.gduff


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.