Old Veterans Who Refuse to Just Fade Away


by Robert L. Rosebrock, Staff Writer

“Save Our Veterans Land!” “No Public Park!” “Shame on the VA!” These are the ringing chants of The Veterans Revolution every Sunday at one of the busiest intersections in West Los Angeles.

With 55 consecutive Sunday Rallies as proof of their unwavering loyalty to their mission of protecting, preserving and defending the Los Angeles National Veterans Home against a public park and other abuse and misuse that the VA has shamelessly facilitated, a spirited team of fellow Veterans in their 70s and 80s staunchly protest and refuse to fade away from this noble duty.     

An Act of Congress
History has recorded that on March 2, 1887, the Forty-Ninth Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, assembled and approved an Act of Congress: ”That the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers are hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to locate, establish, construct, and permanently maintain a branch of said National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers to be by such Board located at such place in the States west of the Rocky Mountains as to said Board shall appear most desirable and advantageous.”

Section 2 of the Congressional Act of 1887 stipulates: “That all honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served in the regular and volunteer forces of the United States, and who are disabled by disease, wounds, or otherwise, and who have no adequate means of support, and by reason of such disability are incapable of earning their living, shall be entitled to be admitted to said home for disabled volunteer soldiers, subject to like regulations as they are now admitted to existing branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.”

Section 3 of the Congressional Act of 1887 stipulates: “That as soon thereafter as practicable from the approval of this act, the said Board of Managers shall secure the necessary lands and commence the erection of suitable buildings for the use of said branch.”

A Legal Deed

On March 3, 1888, in compliance with the Congressional Act of 1887, John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker, deeded and entrusted 300 acres of some of the most desirable and advantageous land in Los Angeles to the United States Government with the restated promise that the land was “to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.”

Land Pillaged, Plundered and Prostituted Away
For over a century, every generation honored the Congressional Act of 1887 by faithfully protecting and preserving the 300 acres of land in West Los Angeles that were deeded as a permanent National Home for America’s Military Veterans to convalesce and rehabilitate from defending our nation’s freedom.

Unfortunately, patriotic priorities and moral responsibilities have changed over recent years as this hallowed land has been pillaged, plundered and prostituted away to the highest commercial bidder and even given away “rent free” to special interest groups, and always with the blessing of devious politicians and VA bureaucrats and at the painful expense of America’s Military Veterans.

Heretofore, America’s citizenry and their elected public servants respected this national trust as a peaceful sanctuary of privacy and quietude for Veterans to heal from war.

Today however, those who have benefited and prospered like no other generation from these heroic sacrifices want to use this hallowed land for their own selfish amusement and entertainment. And they do it audaciously and irreverently under the deceptive guise of "honoring our veterans."

America’s Greatest Land Heist
Veterans Park Conservancy (VPC), which is not a Veterans organization but a special-interest homeowners group in neighboring Brentwood, has manipulated a no-bid, rent-free agreement with the VA to build a public park on 16 acres of Veterans hallowed land.

This parcel of Veterans land at the corner of Wilshire and San Vicente Boulevards is arguably the most valuable on the West Coast and is estimated to be worth nearly a billion dollars. Still, not one penny will go to Veterans or their healthcare services at the largest VA healthcare center in the nation.

VPC’s back room wheeling and dealing in Washington D.C. with VA bureaucrats and complicit politicians “at the highest levels of government,” represents the greatest land heist since the American Indians were given $24 worth of beads and trinkets for Manhattan. At least they were given “something” for their land.

To the contrary, the expropriation of this hallowed land taken by subterfuge as a park “to honor our veterans” was acquired “rent free” at the painful expense of America’s Veterans who will receive absolutely nothing except a noisy onrush of public invasion onto their once exclusive and quiet sanctuary to heal from war.

Hank Papeika, 83 years old - World War II and Korean War

Left: Hank Papeika, 83 years old – World War II and Korean War


The Irony of “Beauty, Honor, Country”
Not since Benedict Arnold tried to surrender West Point to the British has there been such a selfish act for similar hallowed grounds. Tragically, this land has been finagled from the very men and women who have bravely defended America’s freedom and independence and this particularly deprives those who are disabled and need privacy and tranquility during their convalescence.   

Veterans will never forget VPC’s plagiarizing and denigrating “Duty, Honor, Country,” the time-honored creed of West Point and the watchword for all who serve in the military, when the wealthy homeowner group engraved “Beauty, Honor, Country” in stone on the sacred grounds of their revered National Home.

Veterans are grateful to Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, a 1955 graduate of West Point and a distinguished graduate and exemplar of this highest code of service to our nation, as he stepped forward and took swift action with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington D.C. to have the “beauty” degradation removed.  

While Benedict Arnold failed in his traitorous attempt to surrender West Point to the British, it is disgracefully ironic that VPC’s mission to “beautify” the entryway into Brentwood would include denigrating West Point’s credo of “Duty, Honor, Country.” Showing no shame after being forced to remove the insensitive slur, they then exercised their personal wealth and political power to force VA bureaucrats into surrendering 16 acres of Veterans revered land for a public community park.

The Million-Dollar Swindle

America’s Veterans will never forget VPC’s inability to finance their “majestic wrought iron fence” they wanted to build alongside the National Home to beautify the entryway into Brentwood. Shamelessly, the wealthy homeowner group hoodwinked the VA into donating one million dollars of Veteran’s seriously needed healthcare money to help them complete this pretentious project.

The fact that all of this is being infamously done against the defenders of America’s freedom and democracy by so-called "community leaders," will forever represent one of the most dastardly and ungrateful acts of mankind.

20,000 Homeless Veterans

In spite of the fact that the Los Angeles National Veterans Home is backed up by the 1887 Congressional Act and the Deed of 1888 guaranteeing all honorably discharged Veterans “who are disabled by disease, wounds, or otherwise, and who have no adequate means of support, and by reason of such disability are incapable of earning their living, shall be entitled to be admitted to said home for disabled volunteer soldiers.”  

John P. Jones was a U.S. Senator from Nevada and a prominent land owner in Los Angeles who worked with Arcadia B. de Baker, a landowner and a community resident of Los Angeles, to jointly donate 300 pristine acres to the U.S. government to be permanently maintained as a National Home for Disabled Soldiers and to further ensure that there never would be a “homeless” Veteran.

Today, we have members of Congress working with wealthy community residents to take this land away from Veterans and using it for their own selfish gain and benefit.

It is outrageous that neighboring residents who live in multi-million dollar homes are not content with their good fortune that they would covet and scheme to confiscate Veterans sacred land for a community public park and entertainment center, while more than 20,000 Veterans are homeless, even though this is their rightful “Home.”

A New Watchdog on Duty
Over the years, Veterans have always protested against this unrelenting invasion and occupation of their sovereign land, but to no avail. Now, a relentless alliance of fellow Veterans have organized “The Veterans Revolution” to take back this historic land and enforce the Congressional Act and Deed to restore the revered legacy of this 121 year-old national treasure.

Armed with nothing more than their unabashed loyalty, a 15-foot banner that says "Save Our Veterans Land," and a Document titled the "Declaration of Enforcement" to uphold the covenants and promise of the Deed of 1888, they have faithfully gathered every Sunday for the past 55 weeks in front of the Veterans Home in West Los Angeles to defend their sacred land that was a Gift bequeathed by American Patriots, Senator Jones and Lady de Baker.

Plato’s Prophetic Claim
As proud members of America’s Military, these fellow Veterans once pledged their lives to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Today, they’ve pledged their Sundays and sacred honor to protect and defend the Deed of 1888 against the domestic enemy that seeks to occupy this sacred land for profit or personal benefit.

The "Old Guard" proudly serves to protect, preserve and defend “The Home,” not only for the sole purpose of today’s Veterans to heal from war, but for future generations of America’s Military Veterans as well. Plato forewarned more than 2500 years ago that “Only the dead have seen the end of war,” and nobody has been able to refute his prophetic claim.

Consequently, this National Home must always be protected and preserved to care for future Veterans to heal from defending the citizenry of America.

Strength in Numbers
Once laughed at and ridiculed by VA bureaucrats, arrogant land-grabbers and deceitful politicians as being nothing more than "a small minority" and "a handful of dissidents," these modern-day Revolutionaries have already secured supporting Resolutions from the California American Legion’s 150,000 members, the Gathering of Eagles and its 35,000 membership, the 5,500 members of the American G.I. Forum of California, the 3,500 members of the National Veterans Coalition’s, the 1,300 members of Veterans United For Truth, and the Veterans Caucus of the California Democratic Party.

And they recently garnered the support of the powerful Los Angeles County Veterans Advisory Commission that oversees the best interests of more than one million Veterans living within 50 miles of the largest VA in the nation.

The Camaraderie of the “Old Guard”

Leading The Veterans Revolution are dedicated World War II and Korean War Veterans who are in their 70s and 80s, while the younger Revolutionaries are in their 50s and 60s and served during the Vietnam War.

These loyal patriots who once served in separate branches of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard while defending our national homeland, now stand shoulder-to-shoulder defending their National Veterans Home Land.

Members of this “Old Guard,” some who drive from 20-40 miles away, selflessly dedicate every Sunday for the noble cause to "Save Our Veterans Land" at the National Veterans Home in West Los Angeles. The average age of this "Front Line" of the Sunday Revolutionary Rallies is 80 years.

  •      Steve Palmer, 86 years old – World War II
  •      Hank Papeika, 83 years old – World War II and Korean War
  •      Dick Breithaupt, 81 years old – Korean War
  •      Newt Young, 80 years old – Korean War
  •      Larry Cardenas, 78 years old – Korean War
  •      George Jacobs, 76 years old – Korean War
  •      John Stamatiades, 75 years old – Korean and Vietnam War
  •      Bettina Michaels, 81 years old – Widow of World War II Veteran

And there’s Lencha, the loyal "watch dog" of Veteran Larry Cardenas, joining the Sunday Rallies even though she is 91 in dog years and blind in both eyes. Nonetheless, she can still “see” the egregious land grabbing of Veterans property as well as the “Old Guard” that is defending it.


LEFT: Steve Palmer, 86-year old World War II Veteran 

Overwhelming Public Support
At the Sunday Rallies, drivers and passengers in the passing cars show their overwhelming support for the “Old Guard” and their mission with passionate horn-honking, fist-pumping, thumbs-up, “V” for victory signs and returned hand salutes. All of these gestures are positive proof and testimony that “We the People” fully support this noble cause and oppose the elitist few within the neighboring Brentwood community that want to confiscate Veterans land as their own fiefdom and turn it into an amusement park and entertainment center.

Not On Their Watch!
The “Old Guard” knows that their mission to "Save Our Veterans Land" is not an easy assignment. In fact, if this were easy, somebody else would’ve already accomplished it. Nonetheless, these Veterans understand that the job is theirs to do and they are not bashful to remind other Veterans to join in the battle: “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

The “Old Guard” is adamant that there will never be a public park on this sacred land and it will not be abused and misused by the VA, certainly not on their watch.

Silence is For Cowards
A half-century ago when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was first leading the Civil Rights Movement and there was lackluster support, he proclaimed: "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

The Veteran Revolutionaries have heard the words of their enemies who are hell-bent on taking this sacred land and using it for their own pleasure and benefit. And the modern-day Revolutionaries have tired of hearing the selfish mantra of the enemy that this hallowed land should be "preserved as open space" and become a "central park west for the enjoyment of the entire community.” And their hallow verbosity is always cast around under the deceptive guise of “honoring our veterans.”

On the other hand, the “Old Guard” knows that there’s been silence by some of their fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans who will not openly stand up, speak out, and protest against the sleazy VA bureaucrats, corrupt politicians and nefarious land grabbers.

These modern-day Revolutionaries would rather heed the advice of a great American Revolutionary, Thomas Jefferson, who forewarned about the necessity of standing up and speaking out: “To remain silent when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

Refusing to “Just Fade Away”
The “Old Guard” of The Veterans Revolution is anything but silent in this battle to change the assumed attitudes of entitlement toward their sacred land. Mark Twain noted, "In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

Whether or not others join them in this noble cause is irrelevant. These American Patriots are fully committed that there will never be a public park or other abuse or misuse of this sacred land, because they refuse to be silent, nor will “they just fade away.”

"I Will Never Surrender"

Always faithful to the Military’s Code of Conduct that "I will never surrender," these loyal Veterans keep on fighting. And like their soldiering days of old, these old Veterans keep on winning!

The “Old Guard” respectfully likens this cause with the unification of the Thirteen Colonies to defend their new homeland through the Declaration of Independence and the subsequent American Revolution.

Declaration of Enforcement

Correspondingly, The Veterans Revolution is working diligently to unify and solidify other Veterans organizations to join in this noble calling and implement the “Declaration of Enforcement” as the Document that will make the necessary changes to protect, preserve and defend the Deed of 1888 and the National Veterans Home. (The Thirteen Articles of Enforcement follow the ending of this article)

Presidential Executive Order
In addition to the Declaration of Enforcement and all of the supporting Resolutions opposing the public park and other abuse and misuse of Veterans property, The Veterans Revolution have authored a “Resolution to Honor the Congressional Act of 1887 and the Legal Deed of 1888,” which calls for President Barack Obama “to take prompt and necessary action by issuing an Executive Order rescinding all leases and agreements that breach and violate the Congressional Act of 1887 and the legal Deed of 1888, including the same for all other National Veterans Homes across America.”

Join The Veterans Revolution
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans are invited to join The Veterans Revolution by attending the Sunday Rallies and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the “Old Guard.” The Sunday Rally gatherings takes place at the Northeast corner of Wilshire and San Vicente Boulevards in front of the Los Angeles National Veterans Home, which is adjacent to the community of Brentwood.  

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Rosebrock is a U.S. Army Veteran, Vietnam War-era, HQ USARHAW, Schofield Barracks. He is Director of The Veterans Revolution and Co-Director of We the Veterans, and a Member of the American Legion Press Association. [email protected]


     Manifesto of the Veterans, By the Veterans, For the Veterans To Protect, Preserve and Defend The Deed of 1888 and the Los Angeles National Veterans’ Home

     We, the Veterans of the United States Armed Forces, in order to form a more perfect National Home, establish justice, ensure tranquility, provide for the necessary healthcare, promote the general well-being of our fellow Veterans, and secure the blessings of respect for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this “Declaration of Enforcement” for protecting and preserving the Land Grant Deed of 1888 and The Los Angeles National Veterans Home.

          IN ACCORDANCE with the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Land Grant Deed dated March 3, 1888, which was unselfishly bequeathed and faithfully entrusted to the United States Government on behalf of America’s Military Veterans, this “Declaration of Enforcement” shall protect and preserve in perpetuity, their exclusive and inviolable proprietary rights to the Los Angeles National Veterans Home, and said Declaration reconfirms and reestablishes the following:


ARTICLE I.  This Declaration faithfully and honorably protects, preserves and defends all land conveyed under the 1888 Land Grant Deed and guarantees its uncompromising and unconditional preservation in perpetuity. Accordingly, this deeded land shall be permanently maintained under the same guiding principles and patriotic spirit that it was so generously donated by the Grantors, Arcadia B. de Baker and John P. Jones, which is to establish and permanently maintain a National Home to care for America’s Military Veterans.

ARTICLE II.  The Deeded land west of the 405 Freeway and north and south of Wilshire Boulevard shall be officially and respectfully called “The Los Angeles National Veterans Home," hereinafter referred to as the "Home." It is with full and absolute understanding that the Home shall be permanently maintained for the sole, specific, direct and unequivocal benefit of America’s Military Veterans representing all official Branches of the United States Armed Forces.

ARTICLE III.  The United States Department of Veterans Affairs, hereinafter referred to as the “VA,” shall continue to be the authorized steward and fiduciary administrator for the Home. Correspondingly, the VA’s responsibilities shall be to morally and faithfully honor the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888, while simultaneously providing the highest quality of medic al, rehabilitative and preventative healthcare services for America’s Military Veterans, and further maintaining the highest quality of upkeep for the Home and its hallowed grounds.

ARTICLE IV. Specifically, the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888 and the moral purpose for which it was unselfishly bequeathed, are inviolable and non-negotiable. Accordingly, the Deed must be honored in perpetuity without compromise. Consequently, under no circumstances shall the VA, or any other government agency or entity of any nature or kind whatsoever, including but not necessarily limited to, any elected representative(s), hired or appointed employees, agents, consultants or officials of the federal, state or local government, lease, loan, share, exchange, trade, auction, sell, encumber, or otherwise reduce, diminish or dispose of any piece or parcel of this land and its improvements, including but not necessarily limited to, air, mineral and petroleum rights, to any non-Veteran or outside source(s) for any purpose(s) whatsoever. Absolutely no term or condition in this Declaration allows for the Deed of 1888 to be negotiated or infringed upon that would advantage any other parties other than for and toward 100% of the sole, specific, direct and unequivocal benefit of America’s Military Veterans.

ARTICLE V.  Any and all existing leases, sharing agreements, or any other arrangements of any nature or kind whatsoever, including but not necessarily limited to, land, building, air, mineral, petroleum, or any other considerations of any nature or kind whatsoever, which are now in effect or existence, or in the process of negotiation, that does not solely, specifically, directly and unequivocally benefit America’s Military Veterans 100%, are null and void, and in violation of the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888, including the specific purpose for which this land was morally and unselfishly bequeathed. Consequently, any and all such leases, agreements, arrangements or considerations of any nature or kind whatsoever, shall be terminated forthwith and all rights and benefits shall fully and exclusively revert back under the stewardship of the VA and be permanently maintained to serve the healthcare needs, rehabilitative services and general benefits of America’s Military Veterans. Any and all lessees or sharing agreement holders, including services, businesses, non-profit organizations or other occupants of any nature or kind whatsoever, that do not solely, specifically, directly and unequivocally benefit America’s Military Veterans 100%, must unconditionally vacate the deeded property posthaste. This includes, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the Wadsworth and Brentwood Theaters, commercial office space, car and bus storage lots, laundry services, oil drilling and explorations, private school grounds and all public parks of any nature or kind, plus all other occupation and exploitations of the premises that violate the integrity and legacy of the Deed. In keeping with the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888, absolutely no term or condition in this Declaration allows for this hallowed land and appurtenances thereupon to be negotiated with any other parties whatsoever, other than for 100% of the sole, specific, direct and unequivocal benefit of America’s Military Veterans.

ARTICLE VI.  In accordance with the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888, the Home shall be permanently maintained as a safe haven and must always be considered "Home" to all of America’s Military Veterans. Accordingly, The Home must be continuously and readily available at all times for any individual Veteran of America’s Armed Forces to be cordially welcomed with the immediate availability of professional and courteous medical and rehabilitative healthcare services and treatment. Consequently, there shall never be a “homeless Veteran” as this is the rightful Home for any American Military Veteran who is in need of shelter, healthcare or rehabilitation.

ARTICLE VII.  The United States Government and the VA shall never underfund the operating budget for the Home and it must permanently maintain a policy of mandatory funding in order to provide quality medical, rehabilitative and preventative healthcare facilities and services, including, but not necessarily limited to, providing quality upkeep throughout all of the land conveyed under the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed of 1888. It is imperative that the Home be permanently maintained as the finest medical and rehabilitation center in the world, which is a small token of gratitude for the world’s greatest defenders of freedom and democracy.

ARTICLE VIII. Historically, particularly during its formative years and for decades following, the Home had an American Military Veteran who was also a professional Medical Doctor / Physician as its Chief Administrator, and was honorably and respectfully called "Governor.” In keeping with this proud heritage and to ensure that a spirit of understanding, cooperation and camaraderie is always present, the Chief Administrator must, whenever possible, be an American Military Veteran and Medical Doctor / Physician of high moral and professional standards who is devoted to the needs of the Veterans-at-large, and the rank-and-file in particular, and is wholly dedicated to serving their best interests first and foremost. In addition, he or she must never be pre-empted or distracted with the wants and desires of surrounding communities, special interest groups, and/or commercial enterprise, nor bow to the passion and prejudice of political pressure and dictates when it comes to permanently maintaining quality healthcare and rehabilitative services for America’s Military Veterans, and providing quality upkeep of the Home and its hallowed grounds.

ARTICLE IX.  As originally envisioned by the Grantors of the 1888 Land Deed, the legacy of the Home is that after Dutifully and Honorably serving our Country in the Military, disabled Veterans lived on these therapeutical grounds and became independent and self-sufficient while maintaining upkeep of the Home through farming, gardening, carpentry and other skilled trades that made them proud and productive individuals. The guiding model for the medical and rehabilitative services for today’s American Military Veterans convalescing at the Home, where physically and mentally possible, must adhere to a policy that maintains similar self-sufficient programs and self-sustaining activities, that are holistic in nature and wholesome to the degree that patients will have the equal opportunity to learn a rewarding and gainful trade or profession, or how to become self-employed as an entrepreneur, while being respectfully rehabilitated. The VA shall immediately begin providing full therapeutic value by expanding upon, maintaining, and perpetuating the natural environment, the flora and fauna, and, the gainful inclusion of America’s Military Veterans who are patients in any and all restoration and maintenance projects at the Home and throughout the grounds. Whenever and wherever possible, America’s Military Veterans must be hired and contracted over any other considerations of non-Veteran employees or contractors.

ARTICLE X.  As steward for the Home, the VA, along with the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, hereinafter "VAGLAHS," shall work in a cooperative alliance with a Veterans Oversight Board, herein referred to as "VOB," and made up of local Military Veterans that shall be judiciously and evenly selected from independent Veterans-at-large, Veteran advocate organizations, and Veteran Service Organizations. Their responsibilities shall be to oversee, monitor, report and advise on the day-to-day operations at the Home, thereby ensuring that the guiding principles and spirit of the Deed are fully honored, and that the VA and VAGLAHS are providing permanent quality care and services for America’s Military Veterans at the Home. The VOB shall have immediate, full and unencumbered access to the operating budget and its day-to-day expenditures to ensure that there is no waste, neglect, or fraud. In the event of unresolved issues that would upset the sanctity, quietude and general flow of rehabilitative efforts at the Home, the VOB will have direct and immediate reporting access to the offices of the Inspector General, and all Senators and Congresspersons whose responsibilities are extended for the stewardship and oversight of this hallowed land.

ARTICLE XI.  In brief, the sanctity and integrity of the Home must never be compromised. This is historic and revered land with a century-old proud tradition and it must be perpetually honored, protected, preserved and maintained with the highest regard and the utmost of safety, dignity, respect and decorum. Accordingly, all public access and thoroughfares shall be immediately terminated and thereafter prohibited on and throughout the grounds of the Home, and nobody except America’s Military Veterans, VA employees, and those on official Veterans business shall be authorized to enter these hallowed grounds. Correspondingly, a guardhouse shall be erected at each entry into the grounds and a sentinel or federal police shall be posted to monitor and facilitate ingress and egress of the Home.

ARTICLE XII.  The Deeded land east of the 405 freeway shall be officially and respectfully called "The Los Angeles National Veterans Cemetery," herein referred to as the "Cemetery."  Because of its near full capacity, the Cemetery no longer accepts ground burials for America’s Military Veterans. Therefore, in order to continue honoring the remains of America’s Military Veterans, the VA shall design, develop and maintain a Veteran’s Memorial Columbarium for ashes in cremation urns in a location of serenity, dignity and decorum.  At no time shall any land at the Home ever be declared, “excess,” as any such land shall then be converted into Cemetery burial plots. Accordingly, the VA shall diligently seek to expand the Cemetery burial grounds along with mausoleum entombment wherever possible, including all Deeded grounds west of the 405 Freeway, if any portions of that land are no longer occupied, or required for medical, rehabilitative or preventative healthcare services.

ARTICLE XIII. This Declaration of Enforcement shall supersede any and all previous Congressional Documents of Legislation pertaining to the interpretation of, and adherence to, the Deed of 1888. Contrary to previous and ongoing misinterpretations, misconceptions and flagrant violations, the guiding principles and patriotic spirit of the Deed have always been, are now, and shall always remain, morally and patriotically inviolable. Furthermore, there shall be no other Congressional or Senatorial bills or pieces of legislation attached to this Veterans’ Declaration, nor shall this Declaration be attached to any other Congressional or Senatorial bill or document for endorsement and enforcement. More specifically, this Declaration shall stand independent on its own merit with absolutely no conditions, compromises, provisions, modifications or amendments, except for implementing further considerations that will greatly improve and enhance the sole, specific, direct and unequivocal benefit of America’s Military Veterans.

So Declared on this Third Day of the Twelfth Month in the Year Two Thousand Seven
In Honor of This Unified Alliance of Fellow Veterans of the United States Armed Forces:

Robert L. Rosebrock, Co-Director, We the Veterans  

Francisco Juarez, Co-Director, We the Veterans   



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U.S. Army, 1965-67, Schofield Barracks, Hqs., U.S Army, Hawaii. Director, The Veterans Revolution, Captain, the Old Veterans Guard, and Director, We the Veterans.