Veterans-For-Change Stands up to Defend Veterans are Victims


GARDEN GROVE, CA – Veterans-For-Change is working towards an important mission to improve the service and needs of our Veterans. The primary purpose for this group is to express and educate legislators, and the public about the needs of Veterans. Veterans-For-Change is an organization working to service and express the treatments, needs and rights our veterans and their families deserve. Veterans-For-Change serves as an advocate helping veterans by encouraging them to stand tall and voice their conditions and rights as Veterans.

The Honorable Secretary Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security recently depicted veterans as victims – not perpetrators – of right-wing extremism as she sought to combat the political controversy arising out of an April 14 Homeland Security memo warning that returning soldiers could be ripe for domestic terrorism participation.


“The report is not saying that veterans are extremists. Far from it,” Napolitano said on CNN’s State of the Union. “What it is saying is returning veterans are targets of right-wing extremist groups that are trying to recruit those to commit violent acts within the country. We want to do all we can to prevent that.”

After reviewing additional articles discussing comments made about abortion, federalism, immigration, and veterans as potential national security threats, it is obvious to Veterans-For-Change that Janet Napolitano appears to be unprofessional, rude, unsubstantiated, and downright offensive.

Perhaps the wording of her appearance on several talk show circuits is a great example of how Napolitano expresses her viewpoint by implying that Veterans are a threat to national security.

“To say that Veterans are a threat to national security is absurd, irrational, and irresponsible,” said Jim Davis, founder of Veterans-For-Change. “These men and women chose to answer the call of their country, our President, and Congress to do a job I’m sure you would not dream of doing in your lifetime. Without these fine men and women, you would not be able to have your First Amendment Rights.”

Recently, Janet Napolitano described veterans as victims. Veterans are indeed victims – victims of a Congress who has failed to honor their contractual agreement to service and care for Veterans, their children and families. Veterans are victims – victims of a poorly run, disorganized, miss-managed system commonly addressed as the Veterans Administration. Veterans are victims – victims of medical facilities that prefer to ‘give a drug,’ rather than listen to the voices and concerns of Veterans. Veterans are victims – of a poorly established health care system, designed to fight, deny, and decline any and all benefits and rights promised. Yes, Napolitano, you are correct in that expression – “Veterans are indeed – Victims!”

Napolitano’s report presumes that veterans have a predisposition to become violent extremists because of the difficulties they have ‘reintegrating into their communities.’ This is the latest result to the every ‘Vietnam Vet is a baby killer, powder keg mindset,’ expressed to so many Vietnam Veterans upon their return to ‘the world’ they so passionately loved, fought for and over 58,000 soldiers died for. 

These mindsets of so many Americans would not have occurred if our Congress and the Veterans Administration and medical professionals had provided the benefits promised, as well as the proper medical attention to not only their physical wounds, but their emotional scars implanted forever in the mind. Many of these Veterans suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – not visible physically, but emotionally – seen only by the loved ones who comfort them during flashbacks, or when ‘triggers’ horrify the Veteran to jump, almost out of their own skin.

The naïve comments expressed are not only condescending towards veterans, but they are completely dishonest about the way the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] assessments treat returning combat veterans. The I&A report identifies them as a ‘potential national security threat to the country which they defended on the front lines.’

Veterans-For-Change is an advocate group growing on a daily basis and demands a personal and public apology on national television. Veterans-For-Change demands an immediate resignation based on the esteemed position held by Napolitano and her naïve manner. Veterans-For-Change is sending this release to all of its membership, as well as an additional 135,000 veterans nationwide, Congress, legislators, and President Barack Obama. The inexperienced manner in which Napolitano conducts herself is inexcusable and she should educate herself and the public about the rights of Veterans. Veterans deserve respect, not back lashing.

For additional info on Veterans-For-Change:



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