Here We Go Again! Top American General Asks For More Troops and More Billions for Afghanistan.


 General Quarters!  Battle Stations! 

 Young Americans who might soon face death in Afghanistan need you to contact your Congress person this weekend. Do not wait. Lives are at stake here.

The top American general in Afghanistan is asking for many more troops and more billions of dollars right now or else we cannot win!  I have a question.  What exactly is it that winning means?  Win what?

American veterans need to get hold of their Congress person immediately to register either support or non support for this idea.  Send an email this weekend to Congress. Don’t wait! Very soon, huge numbers of Americans will be dying in Afghanistan if this goes through. 

      You need to decide if you support this or not.  American lives and American values depend on you contacting your person in Congress now.  This smells a lot like the early days of involvement with Viet Nam to me.  You have to decide now whether we should go there again or not.  Contact Congress with your view this weekend.

Here is the news article from today’s Washington Post.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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Next articleI Sent This E-mail to My Congressman, My Senators and The President This Evening.