National Rifle Association's Armed "Town Hall" Ploy Backfires





Most people who know that the NRA is a Republican front group that sucks in millions by scaring the hell out of its members with baloney about gun seizures.  The NRA is not above pushing "friendly enemies" to write idiotic and hopelessly incompetent gun laws just to be used in their fright campaigns.

Former President George W. Bush banned weapons of any kind within 2 miles of any public appearance, overruling gun laws in many states.  Anyone with a pocket knife, much less a gun, was arrested and held, and some sentenced to prison for "threatening the president."

Now with the publics ability to carry assault rifles to Presidential appearances, weapons bans in courtrooms, at rock concerts and in shopping malls are no longer under Federal control.  I hardly know what to say.  I love by Browning HiPower with the 30 round clips but my MAC 12 goes so well with my exercise shorts.  The idea of digging an assault rifle out of the closet is tasteless.  Assault rifles are oh so 80’s like big hair and shoulder pads.


If President Obama and the Secret Service don’t give a lick that gun owners are exercising their legal rights which were denied by the Bush Administration, who wins here?  Is it gun owners?  Let’s take a look.

When the NRA organized these events, they hoped that they could bring about a confrontation with the Secret Service.  They hoped to embarass the president while supporting the insurance industry public relations firms that also represent their efforts to bilk undereducated gun owners out of millions with their idiotic and childish fund raising.

If the NRA got what they wanted, concealed carry laws would be overturned and assault rifles would be illegal.  The NRA was trying to prove that gun owners are total ‘horses asses.’

Hey, isn’t that like hiring a lawyer to go into court and yell out, "He did it, hang the SOB."

There was never any upside expected.  Now there is one.  Gun owners win, their rights are supported and now clearly recognized, for the first time, by a President.

Problem is, the president is a democrat and anyone who would send 5 cents to the NRA who screamed bloody murder about Obama deserves to have republicans limit their health care options.

So, NRA members, read your local laws, keep those weapons unloaded unless proper permits, licenses or local laws allow it, but clean em’ up and get them out for everyone to see.

Who needs a damned poodle when you can have a useless POS .223 assault rifle to carry around.  Nothing says "wimp" quite so effectively.

I am thinking of either my NEF, yes, totally AMERICAN made, 45/70 or maybe, in case it rains, my Winchester 1300 Nickel/Stainless Marine Magnum w/pistol grip.

I do think the 45/70 makes a tasteful statement.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran and regular contributor on political and social issues.gduff


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.