In a recent news story about Korean War Veteran Jim Taylor being awarded 100% VA Disability and a retroactive check for $264,000, Tampa based WFTS ABC Action News and their Consumer Reporter Jackie Callaway falsified from what source they received the news story and thereby plagiarizing, exploiting, and slighting Terry Richards, a 60-year old Vietnam Era Disabled Veteran and well-known Veterans Rights Advocate (ME) who wrote the original story on his Veterans Corner website which “GOT THE BALL ROLLING” in Taylor’s claim, and then provided WFTS with the story, all for promotional considerations and financial gain from selling TV commercial advertising for higher dollars… 

So I feel that the viewing audience of WFTS ABC Action News in Tampa, Florida, and Veterans, and the General Public everywhere, have a right to know the full story and the full truth about this matter.


During the 11:00 p.m., Broadcast of ABC Action News of Tampa, Florida on Friday, August 28, 2009 about Korean War Veteran Jim Taylor, Consumer Reporter Jackie Callaway made a FALSE STATEMENT by stating that “A FRIEND OF JIM TAYLOR’S SENT ME SOME OF HIS PAPERWORK BACK IN 2006.”  Simply put, this is not only a BIG FAT LIE and a completely FABRICATED & FALSE STATEMENT made by Jackie Callaway as well as UNETHICAL PLAGERISM & UNPROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM & MISCONDUCT due to fact that to date I have never met Jim Taylor and never knew him until he called me. 

The way I remember it was that Jim’s sister visited my Veterans Corner website in 2006 and gave him my telephone number.  And WFTS’ wrongful actions & omissions in totally and completely excluding me from the story have not only caused me to feel SLIGHTED, HUMILIATED, & EXPLOITED, but also to feel mental anguish and physical and emotional pain and suffering because I was proud of what I did for Jim Taylor and told just about everyone I know, especially hundreds of Veterans Advocate colleagues Nationwide to watch the story or that I would be sending a copy of WFTS’ website video and written story about it. 

If you have not already read it, when you finish reading the Jim Taylor Story #98 on my Veterans Corner website or click onto the link below you will probably be as “VICARIOUSLY” UPSET as I am, and wonder as to why Consumer Reporter Jack Callaway would totally ignore and omit the substantial part I played in helping Jim Taylor win his claim because of how hard and with such heart-felt effort and emotion I worked on proving Jim’s claim and getting it to the news media to help him win his claim and that I – “GOT THE BALL ROLLING” (per Jackie Callaway in an e-mail she sent me)…  Moreover, I vicariously commiserated with Jim by telephone for over 3-years after that checking up on him to see if he was alright, and to give him emotional support, and also so he could vent his anger and frustrations he had for the VA because they were denying him his claim… 

I thanked and gave recognition to Jackie Callaway and ABC Action News and John Roche the other Veterans Advocate who helped Jim, and giving them full recognition several times in my August 28, 2008 UPDATE of the Jim Taylor Story, after all that Jackie Callaway does not even recognize my existence in the story.  Reasonable minds could come to only one conclusion as to why this occurred, and that conclusion is “GREED,” putting financial gain ahead of “THE RIGHT THING TO DO.”

After 19½  years of assisting Disable Homeless and otherwise financially disadvantaged Disabled Vets on his own dime, and after  I spent over 20 hours writing The Jim Taylor Story (not the John Roche Story) piecing together the chronological and supporting evidence to incontrovertibly prove Jim’s case to the VA and the News Media, and countless hours commiserating with Jim Taylor by phone 7 or 8 times a year for over 3 years, now ABC Action News want to treat my contribution as unimportant compared to John Roche’s contribution  and saying in another e-mail: "This one will be more about John Roche and his expertise at battling the VA." 

While ABC Action News & Consumer Reporter Jackie Callaway are always calling people “on the carpet” and holding them responsible for their wrongful actions and omissions, because of this, ABC Action News SHOULD HOLD THEMSELVES TO A “HIGHER STANDARD” RATHER THEN THE “LOWER STANDARD” they have shown in this story.

 Jackie Callaway and her Boss Doug Culver, the News Director need to learn that “LOYALTY” IS A TWO-WAY STREET…  But right now it appears that the only things they know is how to be “TWO-FACED” which is further evidenced by the information set forth below…



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