The Price of Freedom and President Obama


by Peter Macdonald, Staff Writer

What a school lesson in civics for students to hear from the President of the United States.  Can the fact that he is Black that some want to censor this Man?  Can it be that political ranting would make one deprive students from learning?  Why do kids go to school if not to learn?  How could any teacher, principle or school board question a speech before it is given?  What a price of freedom when the out spoken can deprive the majority of listening and learning. 

President Obama may make mistakes (as we all do) but for God Sake he is the President.  Here is a man that’s family started with less than you and I did and he achieved the impossible.  Dreams can come true.  One only has to imagine the dreams of the servants of the south not so many years ago to know history is being made good or bad.  Can there be any better catalyst to spark dreams in the minds of today’s children of achieving the impossible dream during their life times.
                 The few have become out spoken to achieve power over the majority.  The people are afraid if they speak up the loud mouths of our communities will turn the tied on them.  The power of the local newspaper to defame some one and do it with the truth cannot be stopped.  The truth is a powerful weapon but it can be worded to harm someone even though it was not what really occurred.  The good can be worded to mean something totally different. 

It can be like a citizen speaking up against teaches raises at an open school board meeting.  This person is seen at a school and a teacher calls the police because they perceive a danger.  The man is taken to the police station.  The next day the paper reports so and so was arrested for lurking at the school.  It is true but society now sees this man as a danger because the biased truth was reported.  Ten day later the newspapers on the ninth-page in small print retracts the story.

            Another example is prosecutors taking words and phrases out of opinion letters to prove to the court threatening language.  The New Hampshire Constitution has threatening language if taken out of context.  Moby Dick a famous novel is now banned from some schools because some one saw threatening language in words taken out of context. 

Police and prosecutors now trump up charges to increase the jury finding some one guilty of a lesser charge.  A cop pushes you and you push back that is assault.  What about self defense?   A cop testa lies to get a conviction and the judge will tell the jury that the cop is more believable because he has nothing to gain by lying.  They are all telling the truth but it is biased.  

            Newspapers do not question the truth.  They report a story with the intent to make the readers want more.  As long as it is the truth making the readers believe what is not true is legal but biased?  It is like the papers printing what the president’s speech was about before it was spoken inflamed the public and degraded the United States President’s image. 

The speech was nothing like reported.   It is like the editors have the right to censor or change the people’s opinion letters because they are a private business. What better lesson than for our children to learn from the President of the United States.  

            I am a terrorist because the newspapers insinuated it and the courts took my freedom for it.  Jail is used to scare people into obeying not to write opinion letters that they do not like.

Peter Macdonald Sgt USMC Semper Fi


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