Stand with Woman Warriors


From the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) – My name is Cara Hammer. I served in Iraq from 2004-2005 with the First Infantry Division, and I am proud of my service.


I know firsthand that women face a unique set of challenges when it comes to serving in the military, and getting care at the VA afterward. But most Americans are unaware of what Women Warriors like me are facing.


That’s why IAVA is proud to announce the release of our latest Issue Report – "Women Warriors: Supporting She ‘Who Has Borne the Battle.’"

The report is for everyone from journalists to researchers to concerned citizens. We want all Americans to better understand the service and sacrifice of women like me. And this month, we’re bringing it specifically to lawmakers in Washington.

Will you help us gain momentum by signing our letter to members of Congress, urging them to make the issues facing female veterans a priority? In the coming weeks, we’ll hand deliver your signatures to Capitol Hill, along with copies of the new report.

This new Issue Report includes an overview of the challenges facing our Women Warriors, including barriers to VA healthcare, mental health injuries, and economic challenges, like homelessness and unemployment. Women make up 11% of the forces that have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and our numbers are growing. That’s why the report also features concrete recommendations for what the Veterans Administration and Department of Defense can do to overcome those challenges.

This is just one of the ways IAVA is working to improve care for our troops and veterans – by offering constructive solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing our community.

So please stand with us, and add your name today. Help us get the report into the hands of the people that need to see it most.

Thank you for your support.


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