The Rise of the American Taliban


Rush Limbaugh and Ann CoulterToday’s New York Times is chilling in some respects. It shows the emergence of a potential candidate for the title of American Taliban. It seems that in upstate New York, the Republican National Committee (RNC) supported candidate for an open Congressional seat, Dede Scozzafava, was forced to pull out of the race because the ultra right wing of the GOP refused to support her because of her liberal views on abortion rights and gay rights. She was deemed too liberal to be a GOP candidate.

So, the RNC changed its support to the Conservative Party’s candidate and Ms. Scozzafava was forced by lack of funding to retire from the congressional race. She is out and the Republican National Committee is supporting a hard right Conservative Party candidate. The story is here.


What this actually shows is an unprecedented move on the part of a major American political party. The national committee of the GOP refuses to support a moderate conservative that they had previously supported because of overwhelming hard right opposition.

So the RNC switches its’ support to a third party candidate. This marks the end of the GOP as a truly representative people’s party and the rise of a hard right Conservative American Party that represents….exactly…..who? I am not really sure.

This is a lot more deadly to our way of life than the Taliban could ever be.  Welcome to the New Amerika.

Here is a quote from the article.

"The Republican National Committee, which had strongly backed Ms. Scozzafava’s candidacy, issued a statement applauding her decision and announcing it was now supporting Mr. Hoffman.

"Effective immediately, the R.N.C. will endorse and support the Conservative candidate in the race, Doug Hoffman," the party’s national chairman, Michael Steele

, said. "Doug’s campaign will receive the financial backing of the R.N.C. and get-out-the-vote efforts to defeat Bill Owens on Tuesday." But other prominent Republicans expressed concern that Ms. Scozzafava’s decision seemed likely to unsettle the party going into next year’s midterm elections, raising the prospect of more primaries against Republican candidates that they deem too moderate. Party leaders — including Mr. Steele and Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker — had argued that local parties should be permitted to pick candidates that most closely mirror the sentiments of the district, even if those candidates vary from Republican orthodoxy on some issues.

"This makes life more complicated from the standpoint of this: If we get into a cycle where every time one side loses, they run a third-party candidate, we’ll make Pelosi speaker for life and guarantee Obama’s re-election," said Mr. Gingrich, who had endorsed Ms. Scozzafava."

So tell me, is Mao Tse Tung dead?  Hardly.

He is alive and well and controlling huge slices of the population in India! Here is the article.  It seems that Maoism is growing stronger in an ever splintering India and it is now at the point where these rebels have set up a counter government to the one in Delhi in huge swaths of the land. Wow. This cannot be good for American interests.

The Afghani National Intelligence agency is claiming that Al Qaeda had a role in the U.N. bombings which killed many U.N. and Afghan employees last week. That story is here. Please do not misunderstand, I mean no disrespect here. But this story is a little too convenient for my belief meter to peg out into the red zone.

Just two weeks ago the Afghanis were claiming that essentially there were no Qaeda left in Afghanistan. Now this massive bombing is their doing?  I am sorry. We have been down this road before with manipulated intelligence.

Intelligence is too easy to manipulate when our government is not getting what it wants. We have all seen this before.  I have to tell you. I do not believe this is accurate.

In this article, we have women with combat induced PTSD returning home to the U.S. from Iraq and Afghanistan and attempting to be mothers and wives again. The problems are massive. The story is here.

In an Op Ed piece by Maureen Dowd, she laments the growing realization that Obama cannot deliver on any promises he made or inferred in his campaign as long as two expensive wars are going on. His hands are tied.

There is no money left to fulfill any of his promises to the American people.  The war industry captains have it all. That story is here. Somehow or other, I think we all realize this.

In another Op Ed piece by Frank Rich entitled "GOP Stalinists Invade Upstate New York", well….the title says it all. The story is here. 

The subtitle and lead-in line for the story is "The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy President Obama."  Wow.  WOW!

This story really shows the depth of despair that our Democratic Candidate for Governor, Creigh Deeds, is showing. He is a native Virginian running for office here in Virginia and the election is on Tuesday.  Things ain’t good here for him.

With so many transplants like me living here (I am from Pennsylvania originally), a native Virginian in public office is a rarity. Our congressman was born and raised in Massachusetts. This guy is probably going to lose turning the myth of a Democratic Virginia into dust. Here is the story.

And here is another opinion of Obama’s salute at Dover AFB last week. It is from Carey Winfrey the editor of the Smithsonian Magazine and a former marine. I stand corrected on my opinion of salutes out of uniform, at least to honor the dead. The article is here.

Get informed and stay informed.  An informed veteran is a comfort to his friends and a danger to his adversaries.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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