We are sowing the seeds of our own destruction to come.


after its burning by IrishIn today’s New York Times there is a lead off article entitled No Firm Plans for a U.S. Exit in Afghanistan in which it is clear that President Obama is prepared to launch a long-haul American incursion against the semi-mythological Taliban in both Afghanistan and to some degree along the Pakistan-Afghan border which could last for up to a decade.

When we use the word "Taliban" that could mean anything from ultra-fundamentalist Wahabist nut-jobs to Afghan and Pakistani goat herders who simply want us out of their country. It is almost certainly much more of the latter than the former.

America’s Patricians need a war to increase profits and as usual, they will wage it by proxy by using America’s Plebes. That would be our families and our neighborhood kids.

Are you ready for the destruction here at home that is about to happen? You had better think about it because the consequences of this unnecessary war will shake this Republic to its foundations.


Is the average American prepared to support this "war" with family members in the Service? with tax revenue?

with the heartbreak of watching neighborhood kids come home in boxes broken into little pieces?

with the sight of hundreds of thousands of TBI wounded veterans who are essentially "goofy" for the rest of their lives?

with the sight of terribly wounded disabled veterans all over the neighborhoods of America?

Are we willing to live with the consequences of the never ending rage we are going to create in an entire generation (or two) of combat-exhausted veterans? They will eventually learn that they have been broken by the mega-wealthy to accumulate more oil and gas and mineral wealth along with access to much more western and central Asian resources than we could ever possibly need if we took "green energy" seriously.

What does this war have to do with the "every day" national security concerns of the average American? I will answer that. Nothing.

We are preparing the basis for a future civil war based on never-ending Patrician manipulation of government at the expense of Plebian lives and quality of life. Within twenty years there will not be a gated-community in America that is not burned to the ground by an enraged population. Mansions all over the country will look like Irish ruins of Norman castles. And they are everywhere over there.

Just wait and see. You will see it here as a direct result of this "war".

When the massively injured start coming home from Obama’s War mild confusion among the people will turn slowly into white-hot rage. The Patricians will suffer personally. Mark my words. Don’t forget what I just said.

Ask the Anglo-Irish what happened to their mansions and their holdings and their property and their futures when the Irish Republican Army mobilized both during the 1916 uprising and during the Irish Civil War of the early 1920s. The Anglo-Irish ascendancy ended in fire-destroyed despair for the overlords. Every wealthy supporter of the British government almost without exception was either thrown out of his home and off his lands or made to watch his mansion burn to the ground. His holdings were usually confiscated by the new Irish government in Dublin.

This is what we have to look forward to seeing if this Patrician backed and very unnecessary war takes hold.

The Irish resented being drafted and thrown into World War I by a proxy government that did not take care of the Irish population in any real way. It was largely Irish soldiers whom poverty had forced to serve in British regiments during WWI that were behind the rebellion and civil war anarchy when they returned home to post-WWI Ireland. We are setting up the same scenario here and now.

When these kids get back from Afghanistan hurt and injured both mentally and physically, the rage that they are going to carry with them will be cosmic. It will be due to the manipulation by the mega-wealthy that has destroyed their lives and this rage will be the flame that ignites the forest fire of social discontent for a generation to come. They will take the law into their own hands and even worse, they will organize into IRA-like cells. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. This coming civil war could very well be the end of this Republic.

From the On This Day section of the Times we read the following:

"On Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese warplanes attacked the home base of the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, drawing the United States into World War II. More than 2,300 Americans were killed."

May they rest in peace.

Get informed and stay informed. It is your duty as a citizen and a veteran.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)









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