Bizarre News Stemming From Norway and elsewhere


Strange spiral: Residents in northern Norway were left stunned after the lightshow, which almost looked computer-generated, appeared in the skies above themIn today’s Daily Mail from Great Britain, in what has to be one of the strangest mainstream media photo layouts that I have ever seen in my lifetime, the people of Norway saw something in the sky last night that the Norwegian Ministry of Defense believes to be a failed Russian rocket that was test fired from a submarine and failed in its third stage. You have to see these pictures to believe them.

The story, Anyone for some Arctic roll? Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway, really shows how bizarre defense industry weaponry can be.


You have to see these photos. They are unbelievable.

From the True/Slant blog we read a story originially reported in the French paper Le Monde about a Lebanese TV psychic named Ali Sibat who is about to be executed in Saudi Arabia for witchcraft. This is no joke. The story, Saudi Arabia to execute TV psychic , shows us just how serious things can be that would merely be considered oddities here in the West. These are important allies of the US. To some extent, our security depends on these people.  Scarey isn’t it?

In yet another bizarre story, the Associated Press reports that last night in Oslo, Norway the President of the U.S. picked up his Nobel Peace Prize and defended his decision to take his country to war. Odd isn’t it? The story, Obama defends US wars as he accepts peace prize is downright embarrasing.

In an equally disturbing piece of information in a story by the Associated Press, the President told his audience in Norway last night while accepting the prize that U.S. troops would be in Afghanistan for years and that the drawdown would be gradual. The story, Obama: Afghanistan troop drawdown won’t be steep has me wondering why I worked so hard to get this man elected. I am beginning to question my judgment on such matters.

In another A.P. story entitled Defense Secretary Gates arrives in Iraq we learn that the Secretary of Defense is in Iraq to get briefed on what we are doing there. What are we doing there? What have we accomplished that has made us more secure? Can anyone tell me that?

The truth is that in this Republic the armed forces belong to the people, not the Executive Branch of the government.  Somehow, this basic truth has gotten lost in all the war talk.  Half the people of this nation do not want this war escalation and it has not even started yet. 

The casualties are not here yet in the numbers that they most assuredly will tally and the people by half reject this war.  We are begging for social unrest here. Why is Washington not listening to this?

We are going to pay a very bitter price and I am afraid that we are going to pay it fairly soon for our meddling inside of the Muslim Wars of the Reformation.

These religious wars between secularists in the Mulsim world and ultra-fundamentalist, Wahabist inspired, Mahdi-seeking Muslim nut-jobs in the Muslim world will escalate as every month goes by until we get to the point where the one billion Muslims alive on the planet today are going to be indulging in wholesale slaughter of each other and of the allies in the "enemy" camp.

That would be us.

We have made a very bad decision that stretches back at least to the first President Bush relative to our getting involved in these Muslim religious wars. Barak Hussein Obama, an American president with Muslim family members and a Muslim father from North Africa who lived as a child in Muslim Indonesia should understand the danger here more than anyone else. Apparently, he does not.

This completely boggles my mind.

Today truly is a day for bizarre news.  Norway was in a very weird place last night for a lot of reasons.

Get informed and stay informed.  It is your civic duty.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)



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