Guantánamo Must Be Closed – New York Times


at Guantanamo Bay,The New York Times today has posted an editorial entitled Guantánamo Must Be Closed that is worth a slow read.  I have to tell you; something is odd.  The editorial board of this fine old paper comes out in support of the ramping up of warfare in Afghanistan and then chides the Obama Administration for not closing down the Guantanamo Detention Center based on moral reasons?  What am I missing here? This is downright goofy!

Its okay to indiscriminately continue to kill Afghani goat-herders that could not locate the USA on a ten foot wide map but it is not okay to hold suspected terrorists in Cuba on a U.S. Naval Base?  What am I missing here?


Actually, I agree with the Times on this issue, but they need to go back to square one and figure out where they stand on Americans denying life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to foreigners.  Their stand is not consistent. And frankly, they need to re-think their stand on the war in general. It is not the moral position.

One can only hope that they see this contradiction more clearly as every day goes by and more confusion sets in among their readers relative to the position their editorial board has taken on the war.

CWO3 Tom Barnes, USCG (Ret.)


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