Gay Fla Gov-Senate Candidate May Flee GOP


Update: CQ Politics reports a spokeswoman for Florida Gov. Charlie Crist’s U.S. Senate campaign says reports are “patently false” that Crist will to drop out of GOP to run as an independent in the generalelection. No confirmation on whether Christ has cured his gayness.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is going to run as an independent for the Florida U.S. Senate seat, according to a report by Jack Funari in the Sun-Sentinel, fleeing the GOP primary because Crist is way down in the polling, and perhaps other reasons apparent to the gay equity press in Florida.

Not mentioned by Funari is the fact that Charlie Crist has been long outed as gay, and Florida Republicans like their gays in the closet, no matter that Crist demands that Florida remain the only state in the union banning gay adoption and other anti-gay positons. Sorry Charlie, bigotry will only get you so far in this man’s Republican Party; you can’t be one of them and still expect GOP support for the August 31 primary election for the seat held by outgoing Sen. Mel Martinez (R).

Writes Funari:

Two highly placed and independent sources, speaking strictly on background, tell me that Gov. Charlie Crist is preparing to leave the Republican Party and run as an independent in the race for the U.S. Senate.

With Crist trailing Marco Rubio by 18 points in the latest polls, the Crist campaign has been in panic mode, launching attack after attack on the conservative Rubio.

The development, if confirmed, will likely throw the Florida race into the toss-up territory at a politically volatile time when every Republican and Democratic seat in contention counts more than ever. It would be funny if anti-gay bigotry delivers this seat to the Democratic Party, but perhaps God doth have a sense of humor.


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