By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/ Senior Editor

In America, terrorism has meant little.  I won’t allow the word “terrorism” to be used to describe 9/11 until real police investigate it without the Whitehouse interfering and spiriting any potential witness out of the country.  If a real cop looked at 9/11 or the “Crotch Bombing” in Detroit, the most powerful motives would be insurance fraud and stock manipulation followed by a sick totalitarian domestic agenda involving Christian Zionist extremists.  Nobody in a cave in Afghanistan gained anything, money, power, fame or support from 9/11.  No motive, no crime.  To prove a crime, you must prove MEANS, MOTIVE AND OPPORTUNITY. 

Monk, Columbo or Psych are unlikely to end up taking poor dead Osama bin Laden away at the end of the show.  Years ago, when now also dead Benazir Bhutto announced on TV that Sheik Omar, who also killed Daniel Pearl, murdered Osama Bin Laden, the phony press spent days trying to convince us that she made a mistake.  Why does our phony news and government or was that phony government and news, I keep getting confused, try to sell us tired TV plots nobody would watch anymore?

Today, in Pakistan, 39 were killed in Lahore, a city on the Indian border, by suicide bombers.  Lahore is large city, more populace than Chicago and impressive, even beautiful.  It is also dangerous.  I was there a week ago.  Heading to briefings and interviews in town, we had two security vehicles, including a SWAT type squad clearing traffic for us.  To me it seemed like it said, “shoot the idiots in the car in the middle” but what do I know.

The people killed weren’t American journalists, they were ordinary people who were shopping.  This happens a couple of times a week in Pakistan.  Anywhere and everywhere you go, you are reminded you can be killed.  Every daily activity can become a bombing or gunfire can ring out.  It doesn’t seem to stop anyone from living their lives, but you can feel it in the air and see it in the massive security forces, perhaps numbering in the many thousands.   Their children’s schools have to be guarded better than our nuclear weapons storage sites and are.

In 2008, India suffered a significant terror attack on  November 26, 2008 when ten gunmen killed dozens in Mumbai.  The crimes were planned, or so it seemed, in Pakistan and arrests were made there, some claiming just to keep peace with India and some claiming the real planners were caught.  In fact, the truth is unlikely to be known about any of these attacks, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or similar attacks in the US, such as the Detroit “Crotch Bombing” or the London attacks of 2005.

India is the probable culprit for the Lahore terror attack that the US papers, mostly controlled by Israel, a close ally of India, claim was done by Islamic terrorists.  In fact, if anything, the newspaper reports provide reason to believe that these continual attacks, almost daily, are done with Israeli complicity.  This is what any “beat cop” could figure out in a minute.  If a suspect lies to you, a stupid lie and is caught, chances are he is guilty.

Fox News reports Muslims attacked Muslims on the border between India and Pakistan, to me it means India did it and Israel is helping, either in preparation or, minimally, in trying to shift the blame.

We know there are Islamic terrorists, people convinced by extremist religious leaders to  murder innocents as part of a sick system of retribution for real or imagined injustice.  These attacks are seldom the efforts of masterminds but more often the cynical manipulations of sociopathic religious types with a sick agenda.  However, the real terrorist attacks are seldom highly complex, involving training, logistics and extensive intelligence planning.

No serious Muslim terrorist would attack any enemy but Israel, no Islamic terrorist, not really.   Problem is, nobody really attacks Israel.  We now know that the biggest threat Israel ever had was the “invasion” they suffered during the 1967 war.  We now know that it was Israel that did the invading and attacked an American ship, the USS Liberty and murdered 33 sailors to cover their tracks.  Oh how the ADL hates to be reminded of this.  They are at war with the aging survivors of the USS Liberty massacre, choosing Israel over America and murderers over veterans and heroes.   From the official record and the cover-up attempt by Admiral McCain:

Declaration of
Ward Boston, Jr.,Captain, JAGC, USN (Ret.)

Counsel to the U.S. Navy Court of Inquiry’s investigation into the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty

I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors, who had ordered the attack, were well aware that the ship was American.

I saw the flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended there be no survivors. 10. Not only did the Israelis attack the ship with napalm, gunfire, and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt by the crew to save the most seriously wounded — a war crime.

Admiral Kidd and I both felt it necessary to travel to Israel to interview the Israelis who took part in the attack. Admiral Kidd telephoned Admiral McCain to discuss making arrangements. Admiral Kidd later told me that Admiral McCain was adamant that we were not to travel to Israel or contact the Israelis concerning this matter.

Can any country that smuggles 16 murderers with phony passports in and out of Dubai, blow up a school in Islamabad or arrange for a ship to be attacked, let’s say, the USS Cole, be called anything but a terrorist state or “evil doer?”  I think we have proven MEANS.  We sure know the motive.  Can anyone disprove OPPORTUNITY? 

How many of the Dubai “hit squad” are hiding among the Jewish community in the United States?  Reports suppressed by the MSM/Corporate news in America indicate several of the killers are here, hiding from justice. 

Every one of those attacks carries a signature, usually of an intelligence service and requires resources, often within the victim country itself, to cover it up.  An integral part of such plots is often the ability to control an investigation, suppress evidence under “national security” and to manage news.  What country controls airport security, can supply passports from any country or can provide terrorists/agents that can appear to be any nationality or religion?  Only one comes to mind.

Another critical part of such attacks is the ability to blame them on others.  It would be irrational to use highly sophisticated  planning and advanced preparation, things only military and intelligence organizations are capable of and then actually accept blame and the retribution that goes with it.  The game has always been, get a “dupe” to get caught and direct the retribution against a third party.  This is the nature of “proxy warfare.” 

It would be a good guess that all sophisticated terror attacks are really proxy warfare.  As with the current war in Afghanistan, the idea of wildly independent groups, tribes and factions banding together, communicating over continents without being penetrated by intelligence agencies or being monitored somehow is an unimaginable farce.  The reason that Pakistan and the US capture endless “leaders” of the Taliban but it has no effect is that there are hundreds of Taliban leaders, most of whom don’t know the others even exist.

What if the same country that built the MRAP vehicles for the United States Marine Corps was closely allied with another country that supplied the technology to build the IED’s the same vehicles were meant to defeat?  Any good cop would think about this, look at the terrorist training camps India is operating inside Afghanistan and wonder if some of the weapons and technology meant to be used against Pakistan is actually being used on Americans.  Too bad we don’t seem to have any cops around anymore, not real ones it seems.


We simply make up or “brand” enemies the way we branded Hitler and Tojo during WW2.  How does America explain that it invaded Afghanistan to catch the Saudi attackers of 9/11 who were trained in the United States, financed thru the FBI, Saudis and secret accounts with a certain major insurance company and performed acts no stunt pilot, magician, acrobat or master spy could in a million years, all managed from inside a cave 9000 miles away? 

If Osama bin Laden dies, first you get a double and put out phony threats.  Then you make up new “bin Ladens” as Sibel Edmonds tells us.  If you have to, you recruit them yourself, furnish them with CIA planes to fly them around, all to keep up the pretense of a war that doesn’t exist.  Yes, this is exactly what was testified to, what is in the FBI documents that were classified by Attorney General John Ashcroft.

We got caught hiring our own terrorists and flying them around, financing it all with drug money.  You don’t know this?  Well, it has been reported.  Find it if you can.  If you can’t, ask why?  A good cop would ask, if we could find a good cop.

We simply “branded” the first person that came to mind, poor Osama bin Laden and immediately invaded the first country available that had oil and was easy to beat.  Even that has turned around and bitten us in the behind.

Means, motive and opportunity.

The Detroit bombing attempt was all spy agencies, security companies and big business.  Billions were made in profits.  The 39 dead in Lahore?  Was it India retaliating or was it real terrorists, a crazy religious freak, a dupe and a bomb maker murdering innocent people out of blind hatred?  Any cop knows when he is looking at a street crime or when it is time to call in detectives for a major case.  Anyone know where we can find a cop?

Trust No One

Means, motive and opportunity.

Everything that happens has to be looked at.  The London attacks in 2005 seemed simple at first.  Then we looked at it a bit longer, one of the busses rerouted, stories not matching up and the convenient timing just when Tony Blair had to have a terrorist attack happen. 

Methodologies of Terrorism

Every aggressive act one country perpetrates against another requires something to justify it and sway public opinion.  Would a country blow up a school to justify invading Lebanon or carpet bombing Gaza?  Do people actually think like this?  Of course they do.  This week I watched an evaluation copy of a TV show on the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.  One American soldier put it quite simply, “If the Army orders me to kill a baby, I kill a baby.  It is not for me to question the army, it is for me to do my duty to my country.  If the Army says a baby is the enemy and I am told to kill the enemy, I will kill a baby.”  A hundred babies were killed that day by Americans, part of 567 civilians murdered, all unresisting, all unarmed.  Getting a cynical intelligence agency to organize a mass murder to establish a “New World Order” but setting on nation on another or pushing thru an agenda to remove “inconvenient” laws thru stirring up hate and fear is nothing in comparison.   With no more cops, real mass murderers are seldom arrested, many are treated as heroes, some even elected to the oval office. 

We never know.

Was Kennedy murdered by the Mossad, mob or FBI?  The idea that Oswald killed Kennedy with an Italian rifle with a Tasco 4×15 scope is insane.  I have this exact same scope sitting on my desk.  You can’t follow a pedestrian walking on a sidewalk 40 feet away, much less put three shots into a moving vehicle.  I compare this to driving a car while looking thru a drinking straw.  Since that time, a dozen TV shows, maybe two dozen have all reenacted the assassination.  None of the rifles had the same scope, one with screws missing from the mount.  Hell, what do I know.  I was a Marine sniper.  I have no experience with such things.  I know I can’t hit a cantaloupe from 25 feet using this scope while at a bench.  Maybe Oswald couldn’t come up with the extra $3 to buy an M1 carbine or $7 for a Garand, a rifle that could have made the shot from 200 yards with no scope at all, a rifle he had been trained on. 

The things some people do to save a buck….

If the people who control Hollywood want me to think something, who am I to question it.  Were both Kennedys killed because they were trying to prevent Israel from getting nuclear weapons?  That I am still seeing this on TV, recently on NCIS, I will say that things point that direction.  What we do know is that it didn’t involve Cuba or Oswald.  No cop would have bought in on the “Fair Play for Cuba” thing, not with Oswald’s history of moving in and out of Russia.  The smell was pure CIA.

Dallas set the stage for everything since.  Anyone could be killed and, eventually, any country could be bombed or invaded on a whim, all that was needed was the right crime and the proper “patsy.”

Why Use Terrorism?

Terrorism is about fear, nothing else.  Terrorism has one purpose, it is a political act meant to bring about a political end.  People who are afraid, powerless, will turn to people they believe will make them safe.  People in fear will give up their freedoms, sacrifice their institutions, their laws and, most of all, will take on a mob mentality, ready to lash out at any enemy put before them.  When Nero burned Rome, he blamed the Christians and started a “counter-terrorist” campaign.  What he actually wanted was to move people so he could build a huge estate in central Rome.  Burning the city and blaming others was a good way of getting what he wanted.  Think of Nero as George Bush and Caligula as Dick Cheney or is it the other way around.  I keep getting confused.

Terrorism is designed to make people change how they think.  It is one tool of many, terrorism followed by an “evil doer” being name, confirmed, as always, by a rigged investigation and newspapers and TV jumping onboard, always following along, accepting any story without question out of a sudden burst of “patriotism” and the fame and money that goes with it.  Terrorism is like a TV show, like Glen Beck only with real dead people.  It can all be a lie, like professional wrestling or it can be real as anything.

We never know and aren’t allowed to ask.  Asking early on is “unpatriotic” and later on becomes “conspiracy theory.”  Never let a cover story be confused by the facts.

All Terrorism is About Israel…Why?

Our news is always tied to Israel and terrorism.  Israel wants to control the land of Palestine with a state controlled by a single religion, or so they tell us, and for over 60 years millions of others who lived there first seem unhappy about it.  We get news stories telling us one side is “terrorist” and the other side uses tanks to kill children and bulldozers to destroy homes and steal land.  The truth is that both sides use terrorism politically, Israel more powerfully and systematically and Palestinians out of frustration.  Back when it was a “gang war” between Israel and the Palestinians, a war we always got only one side of, it was one thing.  Now Israel has made it personal, using military power paid for by the United States to openly kill civilians on a massive scale. 

When Saddam did the same thing, he was repeatedly hit with Cruise missiles.  With Israel, we give them $1.8 billion in replacement ammunition and hide it in Pentagon accounting as “stored items likely to be used.”

Terrorism is a two edged sword.  In the hands of the powerful, those who can manage news, those who own armies, terrorism is a way of herding a population of sheep into an army of fearful and confused that will hate on cue or send their children half way around the world to chase heroin and oil in the name of safety.  Whenever you hear of a terrorist act, be like a cop. 


This is the basis of any criminal case.  If you can prove these three things, you can find who the real criminal is and if, by chance, you have an honest system of  justice, you can jail those responsible unless they are a government, real or “shadow,” themselves. 

Part of any criminal conspiracy is a plan to escape justice.  Only some terrorist acts are done overtly, claiming credit and begging for violent retribution.  Thus, a common plan for any criminal conspiracy is to “brand” a crime as a terrorist act by using either “puppet” spokesman like the “American Taliban,” found to be the grandson of one of the directors of the Anti-defamation  League (ADL) or to “certify”  online “confessions” that are mysteriously located on the internet only by groups like that of Rita Katz, called “Site Intelligence.” 

The goal is always the same, destabilization, fear and chaos in order to bring about some kind of change, cover for an attack, a massive fraud, or some other goal, commercial or geopolitical.  It is always war, war thru deception, war thru proxy and its inexpensive, effective and never exposed as long as control of the media is present.

Only one nation in the world controls the media and that is Israel, thru her surrogate agents around the world.




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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.