Veterans-for-Change Weekly Report


Congress Passes TRICARE Affirmation Act

Springfield, Virginia (4/13/10) – The Senate unanimously passed legislation championed by Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) to fix a flaw in the recently passed health care reform law.  The legislation, called the TRICARE Affirmation Act, passed the Senate without objection last night and follows successful House passage of the bill before the Easter recess.  The bill now heads to the President for signature into law.

The Webb legislation explicitly states that all TRICARE plans are now considered as minimal acceptable coverage under the new health care law. Defining TRICARE under law is important because it exempts its enrollees from the required purchase of additional coverage beyond what they already have.

Unfortunately, the new health care bill, called the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act, did not clarify that the earned coverage of TRICARE programs for servicemembers and military retirees under age 65 provided minimum acceptable coverage. NAUS continued to work toward “explicit protection” and is pleased to see that the NAUS-endorsed Webb bill clarifies these programs and makes sure that they are explicitly included in law under this definition.  

“Senator Webb greatly appreciates the National Association for Uniformed Services’ active engagement and support of the troops and their families on this matter in recent weeks,”  NAUS was told in the Senator’s announcement of the successful passage of this TRICARE protection measure. 

NAUS President Bill Matz said, “The National Association for Uniformed Services congratulates Senator Webb on his success in the passage of legislation that explicitly states in law that TRICARE meets requirements under the new health care bill. The men and women who serve our country in uniform deserve complete assurance that their earned health care benefits are fully protected and this legislation will do just that.


Rules Would Protect VA, Other Benefits From Bank Seizure

Wall Street Journal (4/14, Schultz, 2.08M) In Wednesday’s Federal Register, the Treasury Department will propose new rules that would prevent banks from seizing the Federal benefits, including those paid by the US Department of Veterans Affairs, of customers facing debt collectors. According to the Journal, the rules, which would be jointly issued by Treasury, the US VA, the Social Security Administration, the Office of Management and Budget, and the Railroad Retirement Board, could become law later in 2010.


Congress Votes to Stop 21.2 percent Medicare/TRICARE pay reduction

On Thursday, the Senate voted 59 to 38 to stop the April 1 Medicare/TRICARE pay reduction and delay any further cuts until June 1 — the third such delay this year.  Postponement of the scheduled 21.2 percent reduction in payments to doctors was part of a larger bill that extends expired unemployment compensation benefits and subsidies for health insurance premiums for out-of-work Americans under the COBRA program. 

Following Senate action, the bill was returned to the House, approved and delivered to the President who signed it into law late Thursday evening.

While the approval of H.R. 4851 is welcome, yet another temporary action that requires Congress to revisit again before the June deadline.  Military retirees gave a lifetime of service for the promise of earned benefits like TRICARE.  

While the obligation to keep these promises falls to our elected officials, the responsibility to maintain them is ours.  If we fail to keep Congress and the Administration on track, the benefits of TRICARE, as is often said, will be worth very little when a beneficiary cannot find a doctor when one is needed. 

Veterans need to press Congress to permanently fix the problem and ensure that military retirees and their families have access to quality care. 


Massachusetts Offers Veterans Free Legal Advice

On Thursday April 29, the Massachusetts Bar Association will host a supplement to its Dial-A-Lawyer programming with a two-hour session dedicated solely to veterans’ legal questions.

The free Veterans Dial-A-Lawyer program will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. that day.  The Dial-A-Lawyer phone number is (617) 338-0610.  If callers get a busy signal, they are asked to hang up and try again.  Normal telephone charges will apply and the number is active only for the two-hour window on April 29. For more information, visit the Massachusetts Bar Association Dial-a-Lawyer webpage.


Attempt to kill long overdue Veterans Honor in Ohio

Vietnam Veterans, Jim Rosin and Paul Hauke of Sandusky, motivated their representatives to sponsor legislation to make March 29th “Vietnam Veterans Day” in Ohio, joining more than twenty states who have passed this legislation or have proclamations to that effect. They were guided and encouraged by Dan Dunham of Tennessee, under whose leadership was one of the first states to enact similar legislation.

Everything was moving well until the Ohio American Legion (AL) leadership decided to ambush the process and oppose it, then they tried to stall it by claiming that they will go out to their membership with no sign of reaching out to them for almost a year. Sadly they were not alone in opposing this special day for the VFW, DAV, Marine Corps League and some of other Veterans’ organizations sitting on the Advisory Committee to the Ohio Department of Veterans Services joined in to deprive those who gave their all during Vietnam War, those who served and their respective families of this special day of gratitude and honor.

Upon hearing of the AL rearing its ugly head again, Vietnam Veteran Ray Saikus (Equal Honor For All – shared his and that of fellow Vietnam Veterans in Cleveland experience with the AL in the late 1980’s and early 90’s while in the search for a place to honor Cuyahoga County’s Vietnam War dead. The AL told them that the Vietnam War dead did not deserve the same honor to be remembered at the Fountain of Eternal  Life Memorial where WWII and Korean War dead were at and it would happen over their dead bodies. The Vietnam Veterans, joined by Veterans of other eras overcame the disrespectful bullies and left a tribute at that same site for all who perished while in the service of our country from the Spanish American War to the present (, living up to the Vietnam Veterans motto of “Never Again Will One Generation of Veterans Abandon Another”.

Fortunately the Ohio legislators were shed some light on these long standing tactics, of the Ohio AL as well as those of the other large Veterans organization leadership, to deprive the Vietnam Veterans of the honor they deserve. These legislators are committed to make this legislation come into being.

This long standing antagonistic behavior against Vietnam Veterans by these major veterans organizations leadership begs the question, do their members really know who they elect to lead them and now that they have the knowledge, are they going to do something about it. These organizations have many nice members, how do these leaders sneak through to blemish these organizations is really a mystery to us.

Ray Saikus, President

Direct E-mail:

Equal Honor For All

P.O. Box 32070

Cleveland, OH 44132-0070

Tel. (216) 456-2220



More Veteran’s Claims Need Review

The Pentagon estimates that there are approximately 77,000 veterans eligible to have their separations for medical reasons reexamined.  To date, only 921 veterans have applied to have their cases reviews.  Of those, nearly 60 percent have had their discharges upgraded making them eligible for improved benefits.

Any service member, separated from the Armed Forces between Sept. 11, 2001, and Dec. 31, 2009, due to a physical disability, may have the case reviewed by the Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR).  The member must have a combined disability rating of 20 percent or less and have been found not eligible for retirement. 

You’re encouraged to apply if you are eligible.  It could mean increased disability benefits to help you and your family.  Click here to download an application. 


America Needs To Spend Some Time in Rehab

Harlingen, Texas, April 11, 2010:  The political greed and over indulgences of those who now sit in our nation’s seats of power have created an almost unrecoverable sickness across this land.  It will now require serious pain on the part of its citizenry, if we are to restore the health of America.  The unanswered question at this hour is…are we willing to accept the actions all of us know are the only way we can rebuilt the vitality of the nation?

There are about thirty people in the rehabilitation unit at the hospital.  All of us have suffered what the nurses and other professionals call “a cardiac event”.  In my case, that event brought about multiple bypass surgery.  Why did it happen?  I did it to myself by too much over indulgence.  I ate too much fat, too much sugar, too much salt and too many foods high in cholesterol.  I forgot the life of physical fitness taught me by the Marine Corps and let my body become soft and weak.

I can never truly reverse the damage I have done to myself, but with hard work and sacrifice I can bring things back to a semblance of normalcy.  How will this happen?  The rehab unit has taught me to no longer consume sugars and fats.  The cholesterol numbers are checked on every food item.  The salt content of food is identified and high sodium foods are banished.

At each session those of us in recovery are given educational lessons on the correct way to handle everything from the stress in our lives to proper diet.  Most of all, every muscle in our bodies from the legs to the all-important heart is retrained, reconditioned and strengthened.

Doesn’t that personal recounting about the aftermath of a “cardiac event” sound to you like a metaphor for what needs to take place in America at this very minute?

America is positively in the middle of a major cardiac attack brought on by over indulgence.  The excess fat in every budget; the stinging salt of ever increasing taxation; the excessive sugars used to buy votes and favoritism for the political elite.  They have all combined to seriously damage the heart of America.  Added to that, the softness created in the body of the country by national dependency upon government has weakened us almost to the point of collapse.

The first thing that needs to happen is a major operation to remove all of those elements that have damaged our national heart.  We can do that by voting out of office everyone who has participated in creating this destructive condition.  Then, with fresh blood flowing throughout our national capitol, we can start a program designed to rehabilitate our country.

The unsupportable excessive nature of entitlement programs is at the very core of America’s cardiac problem. From Social Security to the newly created national health care legislation, all are impacting our financial security and must undergo either a major reduction or retooling to reduce the stress on our national treasury.  The sweet sugar of congressional earmarks used to buy votes in members’ states or districts must also be ended to assure national health can be improved.  From the poorly administered national security program, to failed border protection, from bailouts to partisan legislation…all must become footnotes on the pages of our history books.

To return America to a country that honors and abides by the words our founding fathers etched into the Constitution will require the dedication and fortitude of patriots everywhere, along with the reeducation of those who have spent their lives being cared for by nanny government.  We must also understand that any program of rehabilitation is painful and requires hard work and steadfastness on the part of all participants. 

Most of us already understand America needs to spend an extended period in rehab.  They only question remaining is, do we have the backbone, the will to make sure our country is placed in a strong rehabilitation program…and completes it?

Semper Fidelis

Thomas D. Segel


The National Alliance for Caregiving is

Seeking Family Caregivers of Veterans for a New Study

This study will provide an opportunity for family caregivers of Veterans to be heard and to improve services for other caregivers of Veterans now and in the future.

If you are a family caregiver of a Veteran or know of one, and wish to take part in this study, please sign up at:

The National Alliance for Caregiving is a non-profit research organization seeking participants for a new study of family caregivers of Veterans who need help with everyday activities. This study is intended to determine how caregivers of these Veterans are coping, and what community and VA services, resources, and programs would support and assist them with their caregiving activities.

Caregivers are defined as those relatives, friends, and neighbors providing unpaid assistance to Veterans who need help with everyday activities, including personal care—help with bathing, dressing, or feeding—help with medications and other treatments, transportation to doctors’ appointments, arranging for services, and assisting Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Caregivers of Veterans from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and other conflicts through the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan will be included in the study. Veterans are those who have separated or retired from active duty in any branch of the military including the National Guard, and the military Reserves.

The study, funded by United Health Foundation, will collect information through focus groups, telephone interviews, and an Internet survey* of caregivers of Veterans. The National Alliance for Caregiving is recruiting many family caregivers of Veterans from across the United States, and especially caregivers for the focus groups living in or near: San Diego, San Antonio, and Washington, DC.

Cash incentives will be available for study participants and also Veterans who refer them to the study organizers. Information obtained from the focus groups, telephone interviews, and Internet survey will be completely confidential and will not be connected to the individual caregivers participating in the study.  The National Alliance for Caregiving has conducted many national research studies on caregiving, available on

Thank you for considering participating in a study that could make a difference in the lives of caregivers of Veterans. Please contact Kathy Cameron at or 703-585-6607 for more information. Visit  to view a video about the study.

*For caregivers who do not have Internet access, the study sign up form is also available in a paper version to complete and return via regular mail. The Internet survey will also be available as a paper version. 



Title code 38 Section 5301

Protection of Veterans Disability Benefits Under Attack AGAIN!

We need every reader of the Veterans-For-Change newsletter to help us fight the garnishment of a Veterans Disability Benefits in Iowa, and we need to act fast, court date is on Wednesday.  All calls and faxes need to be done on Monday & Tuesday.

We need you to Fax the letter below or call and state your name, city and state and clearly tell the court clerk you support Jerry Bohr and all Veterans Nationwide.

Location of courthouse:            

Winneshiek County Courthouse 

201 W. Main Street  

Decorah, IA  52101                        Courthouse hours:  8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 

If you do not have a fax, please call and tell the clerk that you support Jerry Bohr also let them know what state you are calling from. (Concern is the protection of our Nations Veterans Disability Compensation) Under Title code 38 Section 5301 since 1828 that this was established.

Contact Information:                 

Elizabeth Nuss, Clerk of Court 

Call this number: 563-382-2469  ( Don’t stop calling we need your support )

Use this Fax number: 1-563-382-0603

Don’t stop just keep Faxing, we are firing for effect!

Thank you

Gene D. Simes President VFVC/Nation Chairman OFFE

Veterans For Veteran Connection Inc.

Operation Firing For Effect

With all due respect:  Winneshiek County Courthouse Clerk, on behalf of Veteran Jerry Bohr.

Our founding fathers understood the essence of a strong, deep rooted moral obligation for its Nation’s defenders, so their sacrifices would not have been in vain. Let us be clear in our message that we stand as one, to support the fundamental rights earned by our past defenders who gave their lives and shed their blood to make this Nation as free as it is, today.  Their vision is carried on by every person who has worn an American military uniform.

Only a few answered the call to stand up against our adversaries.  Congressional leaders made it clear that the effort of these defenders’ would be rewarded by giving a small token of a Nation’s gratitude.  What little they gave was given to them wholly and protected against any reassignments under any legal process, whatever.  This is such a small endeavor for such a huge sacrifice.  The American people benefited by the blood spilled all over the world by our veterans for the sake of one single virtue, democracy.  Disabled veterans only ask that the judicial process honor the wishes of the American people, who are represented by its Congressional leaders.

Title 38 U.S.C. §5301 is a progressive idealism which has its grassroots beginning with the birth of our Nation.  The initial intent of Congress is clear, however misunderstood by those who dishonor the value of the veterans’ service.  It was their bravery that allows us to indulge in the sweetness of freedom in our life. These earned benefits are the sole property of the disabled veteran, exclusively as concurred by our Congressional leaders.

The future of our American freedom is being threatened, as our young do not share the same values as before.  They see the plight of veterans struggling with medical care, homelessness, and the miscarriage of justice in laws, which steal the basic principles of a veteran’s disability compensation.  The deep rooted moral obligations of the Nation have been eroded.  It no longer represents a concept that was intended to promote a stable national defense through its promotions of pensions and retention for its defenders.  Retrospectively, this is not a new concept, but one that goes back hundreds of years in the history of our country.

Our intention is not for the courts to violate or give leniency to veterans, but to apply the federal laws when it comes to allowing the veterans to keep their dignity by not taking away their only source of support and using it was an attachable income.  These laws were enacted by our Congressional leaders who felt that they were reasonable and fair, but did not consider the needs of any divorced spouse.  Contrary to the belief of some, a veteran’s disability compensation, through logical and common sense fall under the, “ONE Person Rule”, basically, one person and one payment, whether single or married.  In the Compensation and Pension Process (C&P) there is no marital distinction in the outcomes of the rating.  A veteran receives benefits for injuries during military service and the Department of Veterans Affairs does not consider the needs of anyone else, unless it is a widow or an orphan.  There is a provision under Title 38: Chapter 11 – Section §1115: Additional Benefits to Dependents, needless to say the amount is mediocre.  Nevertheless, if a veteran divorces any additional payment to the spouse is terminated.  Congress did not see fit to make any payments to divorced spouses, only veterans, widows or orphans.

Allowing payments to former spouses would only disable the veteran again, leaving the veterans economically disadvantaged. In addition, the former spouse would be receiving payment based upon an injury and sacrifice of a disabled veteran.  Punishing the veterans by taking away any part of their VA disability would be exposing them to cruel and unusual treatment.

Support decisions by the courts are having a devastating effect on our disabled veterans’ population and their eroding quality of life.  Nevertheless, the American people through the legislative process have helped pass laws in states that re-enforces the initial intent of Congress to protect veterans’ disability compensation against the use as an attachable income.  While the spirit of the federal law, Title 38: U.S.C. §5301 remains vibrant, state courts are condemning veterans a second time, consequently disabling them again in a more harsh matter.  Homelessness, suicide and economic hardships are the end results of the lethal pursuit by support collection agencies.  The most disturbing issue is that the states’ judicial systems are ignoring and refusing to comply with Title 38:  U.S.C. §5301.   The laws of Congress are set forth to provide equity in the benefits of veterans, widows or orphans.

We pray that the Court considers the hardships of our disabled veterans and honor the deep rooted moral obligations to protect those benefits earned in the battlefield or in the line of duty in the defense of our Nation.






_________-______________ (Phone Number)


Disabled Veterans SCUBA Project helps disabled Veterans

overcome challenges through scuba diving

The DVSP to Graduate First Class of Certified SCUBA Divers on May 2, 2010

April 09, 2010

LOS ALAMITOS, Calif. – With a mission to serve disabled veterans by helping them experience the camaraderie of scuba diving and the wonders of the underwater world, a handful of volunteer staff of the Disabled Veterans SCUBA Project have started training disabled veterans to become certified scuba divers since Jan. 17, as part of a VA-approved adaptive recreational therapy program. The training is held at the Joint Forces Training Base swimming pool nearly every week, usually on Sunday evenings.

Using an all-volunteer staff, DVSP currently has approval to teach SCUBA diving to disabled veterans at Long Beach, West Los Angeles and Loma Linda Veterans Administration hospitals, and Camp Pendleton Wounded Warrior Battalion.  The DVSP provides scuba diving instruction and free equipment use to disabled veterans, including paraplegics, quadriplegics, those diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and multiple traumas, as well as blind and amputee veterans.  The Disabled Veterans SCUBA Project is currently accepting applications for Loma Linda and Camp Pendleton classes.  DVSP program will begin accepting applications for the Long Beach and West Los Angeles on April 18, 2010. 

For more information please contact Melvin K. Pasley at 562-421-3094 or e-mail

Contact:  Michelle Shortencarrier, 562-608-8751

The DVSP will graduate its first class of certified SCUBA Divers on May 2, 2010. 


TRICARE-26, Extend Health Coverage for Military Families with Children

With passage of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), individuals with private health insurance can now provide coverage to their dependent children up to age 26 under a family policy.  This change does not apply to TRICARE, which presently covers eligible dependent children up to the age of 21, or 23 if they are enrolled at an accredited educational institution, and rely on the parent for more than 50 percent of their financial support.

Congress could follow the precedent set by the new law and require the military healthcare system to follow suit through separate legislation or provide for it in the upcoming National Defense Authorization Bill.  According to the defense Comptroller, the additional costs associated with such a change would be in excess of $600 million per year.

Last week, Rep. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) introduced a bill (H.R. 4923) called the TRICARE Dependent Coverage Extension Act to allow unmarried military and retiree dependents, who do not have access to employer-sponsored coverage, to remain insured under TRICARE through the age of 26. 

On Wednesday, the Senate followed suit with the introduction of a similar piece of legislation to extend health care under TRICARE to young adults of military families.  The bill would provide insurance to those dependents who have not been able to find healthcare insurance through an employer for a reasonable premium under their parents plan.  Since introduced by Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO), the Senate companion bill (S. 3201) has gained 21 cosponsors.


IOM Update on Gulf War Study

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recently published “Gulf War and Health: Volume 8. Health Effects of Serving in the Gulf War.”  In 2008, the IOM began an update to look at existing health problems and identify possible new ones, considering evidence collected since the initial summary in 2006. 

In this report, the IOM determines that Gulf War service causes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and that service is associated with multi-symptom illness; gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome; alcohol and other substance abuse; and anxiety disorders and other psychiatric disorders. 

“It is clear that a significant portion of the soldiers deployed to the Gulf War have experienced troubling constellations of symptoms that are difficult to categorize,” according to neuroscientist Stephen L. Hauser of the University of California, San Francisco, chairman of the IOM committee that issued the new report.  The new report argues that medicine’s trouble in defining the nature or precise cause(s) of Gulf War Syndrome does not negate its existence.  To view the report, click here.


Ohio Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Park

Clinton, Ohio – Over the past few months VFC has brought to the attention of it’s readers what’s been felt to be problem areas and areas of sincere concern with the Board of the OVVMP.

The park, a memorial to those who served in Vietnam and who lost their lives in service to this great nation of ours.

VFC was advised not long ago that they’d hired an attorney and were working with the State Attorney General’s office on claims against the OVVMP, yet an outspoken “trustee” Mr. Ken Noon, who also is the largest vendor for the park seems to either not know or show very little concern in regard to the image he projects acting on behalf of the OVVMP.

Approximately three weeks ago, OVVMP’s President Mr. Frank Sasz telephoned Mr. Gene Simes, President of OFFE (Operation Firing for Effect) to discuss the “issues” as to why the OVVMP is being “attacked!”

Mr. Simes stated to Mr. Sasz that if the OVVMP had nothing to hide had suggested all board members take a simple polygraph, then come on the air with him to table all the issues and discuss openly and publicly.

To date this has not happened, however, VFC as a courtesy began to promote the Ohio Run to the Wall event which will occur in July to which the OVVMP reacted by implementing “new rules” which became effective April 16, 2010 as per Mr. Noon’s E-Mail dated the same date which are as follows:

To Whom It May Concern,

There has been an increased interest and increase in the number of visitors to the Ohio Veterans Memorial Park.

In order to comply with the terms and conditions of our liability policy and lease, the OVMP Board has implemented the following Park Rules:

SKATEBOARDS, SKATES, ROLLER BLADES and SCOOTERS are not permitted in the park.

MOTORIZED VEHICLES to assist the disabled are permitted.

MOTORIZED VEHICLES and BICYCLES must park in designated areas.

NO BICYCLES on walkways




All Pets must be on a leash. You must clean up after your pet.

GROUPS in excess of 250 people must be APPROVED by the OVMP Board 30 days prior to the planned event and provide proof of appropriate insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 liability and name the OVMP Board as an additional insured.

To schedule an event please contact the OVMP Board at

The above Rules are designed to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all visitors to the Park. Additionally, these rules will assist the Board by reducing liability, thereby reducing the operating costs of the Park. As you are no doubt aware, the OVMP is completely funded by donations and as stewards of the land and the donated funds the Board has a responsibility to every person who has donated to the construction and operation of the Park to expend funds efficiently and effectively. Going further, the implementation of these rules will ensure the continued construction and operation of the Park.

Please distribute these rules to the members of your organization to ensure compliance. It is expected that all visitors to the park will conduct themselves appropriately to preserve the reverent and solemn nature of the Park.

Thank you in advance for your expected cooperation in enforcing and following the above Rules.


The OVMP Board

Frank Sasz, President; Charles Olminsky, Vice President; Debbie Rorrer, Treasurer; Julie Kline, Secretary; Richard Elvin, Trustee; Charles Nicholes, Trustee; Ken Noon, Trustee; Roger Scritchfield, Trustee; Maryann Smith, Trustee; Mike Smith, Trustee; Richard Williams, Trustee; Kitty Phillips, Trustee

Prior to this a decorated Vietnam Veteran attended a board meeting of the OVVMP to see for himself just how the board was being run and to ask several questions, one of which was, “in the event of my passing, will my family be able to add my name to the wall?”  To which there was no discussion and the Veteran was NOT addressed by the OVVMP President, but a “trustee”, Mr. Ken Noon who very boldly stated NO!

On February 19, 2010 Luke Patrino had sent a letter to the Clinton Cemetery Association specifically requesting a permit be granted for the Ohio Run to the Wall, along with any new regulations that might be in effect at the time and also requesting if there were fees to be paid so they could take care of business professionally and swiftly to ensure compliance.  To date the Cemetery Board has not responded.

This is well in advance of the Run which will occur in July.

OVVMP had attended Run to the Wall meetings and at the December 9th, 2009 meeting which was recorded and attended by OVVMP Vice President Olminsky, Mr. Olminsky stated that “the Park is in favor of the run!”

Recently it’s been discovered a “trustee” to the OVVMP had contacted Rally for Troops a support of the Ohio Run to the Wall to inform them that Run to the Wall had not “complied” with an application or liability insurance.  So the response from Rally for Troops was to back out completely and to remove a speaker from their list and prevent them from passing out or displaying flyers for the Run.

To my knowledge there isn’t a single Veteran Memorial any where in the United States which requires a permit, authorization or liability insurance regardless of the numbers of people visiting, and in all the events I’ve attended personally I’ve never seen any Veteran, family member or friend of a Veteran cause any damage, leave trash, or be in the least disrespectful.

This begs to ask, would the actions of the OVVMP say Veteran’s can visit only if we approve you in advance?  Or that they distrust Veterans so much that they felt the need to install a new fence surrounding the small parcel of land and develop new rules to visit?

It would seem to me that the Run to the Wall event would not only bring in between 2,500-4,000 visitors, but also potential donations to the Park for further development to which their funding has dropped off.

We now repeat the offer originally made by OFFE President Gene Simes, show that you have nothing to hide as requested to Mr. Sasz, come on the air and table it for all to discuss openly and honestly.


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Jim Davis is the son of USMC MGySgt. Lesley Davis (Ret.) who passed away on April 24, 2006, from ALS caused by Agent Orange. His dad’s mission before he passed on was to ensure all veterans, spouses, children, and widows all received the benefits, medical care and attention, and proper facilities from the VA. Because of the promise made to his dad to carry on the mission, in May 2006 Davis began as a one-man show sending out 535 letters every single week to all members of Congress requesting and politely demanding the fulfill their promises made over the past decades to care for life those who wore the uniform and their families. Veterans-For-Change was born in August 2006 with a very small membership of 25 people composed of veterans, spouses, widows, family members, and friends and to date continues to grow.