Even if their mouths remain closed and they say nothing, nevertheless I see it in their eyes every time—
By Philip Tourney STAFF WRITER
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? How can you blame me for anything? I don’t know you and really don’t care who you are or what you believe or think. I work, pay my taxes and take care of my kids. My son and daughter are in the military serving America…What is your problem? What do you mean with “I Don’t Blame You Yet”? Where do you get off telling me anything like that, Mr. Know-It-All whose name I don‘t even know?”That’s usually what I get when I am out and about, wearing my USS LIBERTY jacket and someone asks me what it was all about. I start off with what took place over 40 years ago, move to the present and then end up with the future.
I don’t mean it to sound like a lecture, but I suppose it always does, and for no other reason than I love this country and don’t want to see it destroyed. Every time it happens it makes me think of the lines from that old Beatles song
“The fool on the hill, sees the sun going down, and the eyes in his head see the world spinning ‘round…”
I never really get the chance of answering the questions they didn’t ask, but if I could what I would say to them is this–
“You sound like smart good people. I wonder how smart you really are?..
You pay your taxes, you’ve raised good kids, have a job, love your better half even go to church once a month. That sounds about as good as it gets. You’re just like most Americans, trying to do the very best for family, God, and country. It’s not your fault. You are just the average Joe or average Peggy in America, trying to make life better, be fair with others, teach your children morals, and pay your bills on time. I commend you and may God bless you. But as I said earlier, you are a minor player in a script you did not write.
Here comes the real deal my friend…You’ve been hoodwinked by your city councilman, your preacher, your mom, your dad, your brother, your best friends, the Congress of the United States and, yes, even by your Presidents.
How do I know so much? I know because I was in another scene of this script many years ago and saw things most people don’t. I saw the face of the devil, and in a way up close and personal . The day was June 8, 1967 at two o’clock in the afternoon, and on that day, my own government colluded with the government of another country to murder me, and although they did not succeed they did manage to kill 34 of my friends. After this, I was told never to speak about what I saw that day.
Since that day, I have seen his ugly face continuously…On the TV, in the newspapers, on the radio, and out of the mouths of our elected officials on a daily basis. I have even heard it from the mouth of someone representing that same government that killed 34 of my friends all those years ago that I was going to be murdered for not keeping my mouth shut concerning what I witnessed that day, an act of murder and an act of war against America.
The people behind the hijacking of America can do no wrong no matter what, and not just in this country, but around the world. The country that murdered my friends and got away with it, Israel, spies on us, steals our secrets, sells them to the highest bidder and moves on like nothing ever happened. Murders 34 Americans on the high seas, wounds 174 others and gets off scott-free and pays not a thin dime for her dirty deeds.
We are fighting two wars, losing thousands of American lives, wounding tens of thousands more, spending ourselves into bankruptcy while giving Israel all of our most high-tech munitions on earth, not counting the hundreds of nukes they already possess, courtesy of the theft of American nuclear material and secrets from the NUMEC plant in Pennsylvania.
What has happened to America? It is very simple really. Our politicians are bought and paid for by Israel…Corruption, blackmail, greed, or all of the above, just pick one.
When Israel got by with murdering the crew of the USS LIBERTY on the high seas as former diplomat George Ball said “they can get by with any thing”, and boy are they ever. Thank you Congress, you bought and paid for whores.
So what I am saying to you, my fellow American, when I say “I DON’T BLAME YOU YET” is because 5 minutes ago you could say you were simply an innocent bystander. Now however, having heard just a small part of the ugly truth, I ask you–WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW? Will you go back to before, and look smugly in the mirror everyday at yourself, the “good American” and justify yourself by saying “I work, pay my taxes and take care of my kids. My son and daughter are in the military serving America…?”
Wake up, my dear fellow American, before it is to late, if indeed it isn’t already…We–you, I and others–need to take our country back today, because there may not be any tomorrow…No more aid for Israel no more WARS for Israel. No more nothing. Let the vampire starve to death.
As I said, I do not blame you–NOW. However, now that you know a little, you need to know a lot more, and to act on it. If you go with the status as it is, afraid of making waves, then you are accountable. This country needs you now more than ever, so please don’t let America die for the benefit of Israel.
Stand tall…Cross that frozen Delaware river. Take that chance in making our great land respected around the world as it was before 1948. We owe it to ourselves, our loved ones and our history.
I am not preaching at you, I am begging you, because in the end, when a country dies, no one is blameless.
God Bless America
Phillip F Tourney
Three time Liberty Veterans President

Phil Tourney, past President of the USS Liberty Veterans Association is the author of the recently published “What I Saw That Day…Israel’s June 8 1967 Holocaust of US Servicemen Aboard the USS LIBERTY and its Aftermath“
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