Veterans for Change News


A Voice of the Veterans

By Jim Davis at Veterans for Change

Take the Hill

Come November 2nd there will be 30 members of the Senate and 435 members of the House up for re-election!  Of the 435 in the House, 32 will be retiring!

 Many Americans will sit back, complain, gripe and moan about the economy, world trade, gas prices, contamination by various chemical agents and molds, care and treatment of veterans, jobs, illegal aliens, amnesty, imported foreign workers, the ever growing national deficit, you name it.

Have you tracked how your elected members of Congress have voted and on which bills that you feel are important?  Did they vote for any or all veteran bills?  Do you know their attendance records in Congress?

These are all very important issues, and it’s the responsibility of every single American Citizen to pay attention, learn, and decide is the person in office doing the job they promised to fulfill?  Are they meeting your expectations?  Are they voting for, against, or abstaining from important issues?

Veteran’s one and all, we are asking you to please think carefully before casting your vote this coming November.  We need to rid ourselves of all career politicians, bring in fresh blood, fresh perspectives, and at the end of their term if they too cannot perform, vote them out too. 

We voted them into office; we can vote them out of office!  It’s that simple!

Veterans make up 8-9% of the voting population in any state or county, and that number, small as it is can mean the difference between winning or losing a re-election campaign, and it’s time we show those in office now that WE DO COUNTWE the people are in control!

Please be wise, don’t just vote for name sake, or re-elect someone just because they’ve been there forever, be strong, be courageous, be bold!

When you cast your vote on November 2nd make it mean something, show those in Congress now WE ARE BACK IN CHARGE and put a new body in the seat who just might be the better person!

This is a Country of the People, by the People and for the People!  And in case you’d forgotten WE ARE THE PEOPLE!  So I urge you to please vote smart, lets not have two more years of the same House members or six more years of the Senate members who have only disappointed us beyond belief!

We need to show them in the strongest possible way WE ARE IN CHARGE, not them!  If WE want change, then we must VOTE change!  WE can show them they work for US, we do NOT work for them!

On-Line Auction

 We currently have 19 items on-line to auction off to the highest bidder.

  •        Greg Rowles (Emcee at Alabama Theatre in Myrtle Beach, Sc) 2 Christmas CD’s and a t-shirt
  •        Grant Turner (Comedy at Alabama Theatre) T-shirt
  •        Gail Bliss ( Did tribute to Patsy Cline and played Patsy in a traveling Play of Pasty Cline) 2 t-shirts and autographed 8×10
  •        Tammy Cochran (country music singer) t-shirt
  •        Rockie Lynne (country music artist)
  •        David Phelps (Contemporary Christian Music Artist he is also with the Gaither Vocal Band ) 2 t-shirts and a CD
  •        A t-shirt with the flag on the front
  •        Randy Houser (Country Music Artist) t-shirt, CD “Anything Goes” and  8×10 both are autographed
  •        Lady Antebellum t-shirt and autographed 8×10
  •        More to be listed soon

 So everyone go to Wensy and check out the auction items and help support Veterans-For-Change and our brand new program “Homeless Heroes”.

 Case of VA Malpractice


VA malpractice is common, if my experience is reflective.  Upon moving to Florida and becoming enrolled at Bay Pines VAMC, it was discovered I had a brain tumor and kidney cancer, the symptoms of which had been present for a long time.  Doctors at the Stokes VAMC said nothing was wrong, and did no in-depth testing.  The brain tumor was removed at James Haley VAMC and kidney cancer was successfully treated at Bay Pines with cutting-edge Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA).  Follow-up testing indicates minimal problems from brain surgery, and with a No Evidence Found (NEF) diagnosis at (hopefully) last, January, 2011 CT scan, I can consider myself cancer free.

Getting into the system was a nightmare in and of itself.  I had the opportunity to participate in an open-door complaint session hosted by then VA Deputy Secretary Hershal Gober, investigating why Cleveland had the most complaints in the VA system.  Sharing my denial of services experience finally got me into the system.  While the medical treatment I received in Cleveland was mediocre at best, it was still marginally better than many civilians receive, for which I am grateful.

Mental health treatment in Cleveland was no better.  A VA psychiatrist told me that even though I had symptoms of PTSD, he was not going to enter the diagnosis, as it would make the government liable, and he wasn’t going to do that.  Fortunately for me, Bay Pines CSTS has been able to help me.

In summation, I’ve probably been at both ends of the VA participation spectrum.  My experience at Bay Pines has been equal to the treatment I have received at the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals at Case Western Reserve University.  Feel free to reply if you like.

Jack Power

 Make Your Voice Heard on Election Day

 Election Day, November 2, is just around the corner.  Voting is the most basic means by which you make your voice heard in our government.  By casting your vote, you determine who will represent you, your family, and your neighbors in your community, your State, and your country.  All service members, and all our Members, to exercise this most important citizen’s right:  Get out and vote!

 Veterans-For-Change Says

Giving to Others Can Change Lives

 To feel the concept of how giving to others in little ways can change the world in larger ways, consider watching the movie Pay It Forward.  Like the movie Pay it Forward, Veterans-For-Change will lift your spirits, break your heart, make you look at the world in a new way, and just perhaps change your life.

 Sometimes in life, people want to give help to others, but don’t have large amounts of money or know how to donate. Other times, one just needs a little lift to get back on their feet but doesn’t know how or where to get help. Everyone else’s problems may seem bigger or more worthy. It can feel embarrassing to ask for a handout. But with Veterans-For-Change, people can offer help when they are strong, and ask for assistance when life seems overwhelming. What a wonderful trade-off.

 We request your support by considering a donation to Veterans-For-Change and help us make magic for those who need us most!

 In order to meet the needs of those who come to Veterans-For-Change every month, we need 100 regular monthly donors of $20 each and 100 regular monthly donors of $50.  With every dollar we receive $0.93 will go directly to Veterans and their families in need of a one time assistance grant to help get them over a rough patch in life.

 Even if you’re not able to commit to a monthly donation, a one time or annual donation is very much appreciated.  And if you’ve been blessed to never have problems, please consider the movie “Pay it Forward!”

 If you’re able to contribute $25, $50, $100 or more, please click HERE to be taken direct to the PayPal site!

 If you’d prefer to send a check or money order, please send an E-Mail to:  Jim Davis for instructions.

 You can also help by book marking and visiting Newsvine frequently:

 VFC earns money on every article a comment and vote that is posted.  So visit frequently for things not always in the newsletter, comment and click on comment & vote.  (See more stories Links below)

 Veterans-For-Change operates under National Faith Based Coalition Disabled Veterans Enterprises

Tax ID #84-1285120

 If Veteran’s don’t help Veteran’s, who will?

 Tell us about your favorite Veteran!

 Veterans Day is coming to honor the military men and women who have bravely served our country.  We’re asking you to tell us about your favorite veteran. Share their story with us and send us a photo and we’ll salute them in our weekly newsletter.

 Please e-mail photos and stories about your favorite veteran to JDAVIS92840@SBCGLOBAL.NET.  Captions and write-ups should include information about each veteran, their rank, branch of military, during which war they served and time of service.  Please also include the town the veteran is from.

Welcome Aboard Mike Hall

Mike Hall has come aboard the Veterans-For-Change team as our new Director of Communication for the organization!

Mike will be working closely with Nissa LaPointe, Debbie McCormick and Phil Steward on press releases and articles on various programs, events and news.

Welcome aboard Mike, glad you’ve joined our dedicated team of volunteers!

VA Launches Ad Campaign

The VA recently began a campaign to encourage veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan to take advantage of available VA benefits and services.  VA is broadcasting a series of paid multimedia advertisements in six major U.S. markets as part of its National Veterans Awareness Campaign.  The video can be viewed on YouTube. For more information on VA benefits, visit the MyVA Web page.

Buddy Search

Have you been looking for a buddy you served with?  Gone to all the privately owned websites, had no luck?

Look no more!

Veterans-For-Change has databases with more than 175,000 former military listed.

If you’re looking for a buddy, send an E-Mail to JDAVIS92840@SBCGLOBAL.NET with the First and Last Name and Branch of Service and we’ll respond with all those listed within 7-10 days.

This is another FREE service of Veterans-For-Change!

New Website to Aid Veterans

Warrior Gateway is a new website that matches veterans with resources.  The Warrior Gateway website serves as a resource for the military community to quickly locate service organizations that satisfy their needs, identify academic programs they are interested in and easily find employers seeking their skills.  Warrior Gateway is free to the military community. For more information, visit the Warrior Gateway website.

Firebase Network’s Veterans Hour 

Sunday,  7:00~ 8:00 PM Eastern

 Number to join in 


5 Most common errors from Veterans leaving the military!

1. Does not complain about their current condition, in order to get back home sooner.

2. Does not pay attention to all pre-discharge briefings.

3. Does not request a copy of their; personnel file or their service medical records.

4. Does not sign up with their local VAMC.

5. Does not file a claim with the VA, because they are not sure if it’s compensable.

Remember Veterans-For-Change has over 2,900 Veteran Service Officers Nationwide that can help you with the claims process for free. If you have any question please feel free to call or send us an email, we will address your needs in timely manner.

Flu Shot Options are Many for TRICARE For Life Beneficiaries

FALLS CHURCH, VA – TRICARE For Life (TFL) beneficiaries have a wealth of options when it comes to staying protected during the fall and winter flu season.

Influenza vaccines are covered by Medicare at no cost to TFL beneficiaries as long as they are administered by a Medicare provider who agrees to accept the Medicare-approved amount as full payment.

Flu shots are also covered by TRICARE if obtained at participating TRICARE network pharmacies in the U.S. Beneficiaries should call ahead to their pharmacy to determine if it participates in the TRICARE program and has vaccine available. To find a participating pharmacy, go to or call Express Scripts at 1-877-363-1303.

Many military clinics or hospitals also offer flu shots to military retirees, often in conjunction with military retiree appreciation days. Other options may include local health departments and Veterans Administration medical centers. Always check ahead for availability before making the trip.

TFL beneficiaries who live in U.S. territories overseas may access either Medicare providers or TRICARE retail pharmacies to get an influenza vaccination within the territory. Medicare will not pay for care outside the U.S. and its territories. 

Those who live overseas outside of U.S. territories should make an appointment with a local provider. Beneficiaries may have to pay the provider at the time of service and file a claim for the office visit.

In the Philippines, TFL beneficiaries must see a certified provider. A certified provider list is available at

This year’s influenza vaccine provides protection from three strains of influenza, including the 2009 H1N1 virus in one shot. TRICARE covers all age-appropriate doses of vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For more information about seasonal vaccines and TRICARE visit the flu page at


Veterans-For-Change hits Facebook & Twitter

You can now track us, meet fellow vets and their families and friends on our new FACEBOOK page!

Come join us, follow us and friends, make new friends, share useful information and more!

Follow our all new Homeless Heroes Program on Face Book too!

Follow us on Twitter too:  @VeteransForChng

Congress Remains in Recess for Elections

The House remains adjourned until November 15, and the Senate stands in recess until November 12.  The Senate, as it has in the past, will conduct pro forma sessions twice a week during the period in order to prevent the President from making any recess appointments.  No legislative business will be under consideration during this time.

Veterans Benefits Talk Radio

Helping Veterans understand and access the benefits they have earned.

Call the show at 877-474-3302

Listen at

Thursday 10am-11am PST


A Veterans Advocacy and Assistance Organization

The purpose of Veterans-For-Change is to make major changes in the treatment and rights for all veterans.  In benefits claims, appeals, medical care and treatment, VA Facilities, PTSD, Agent Orange issues (including Toxic Dioxin resulting in Diabetes, Cancers and numerous other health problems), POW MIA recoveries,  TBI and dioxin poisoning during current and past Combat Operations in the Persian Gulf region.

Members combine their talents, information, ideas and suggestions and contribute to a monthly letter that’s sent to all 535 members of Congress expressing the concerns over various issues and offers possible solutions.

This is in an effort to make change within the VA system, to streamline, expedite and insure claims are honored to the best possible rating, to insure all medical facilities are using the best equipment in the most modernized facilities with a properly trained and fully licensed and compassionate medical staff.

Additionally we circulate petitions for various pieces of legislation to promote their being presented on the floor and voted on.

We conduct research, develop ideas, solutions, and programs and do our best to make sure they’re put into action. We also provide guidance and assistance to veterans, spouses, their children and widows with their claims and appeals and the support of all veterans who seek assistance.

We must guarantee the rights of every single veteran and gain the rights and benefits promised!

If you can volunteer 30-60 minutes per month, from the comfort of your own home and computer, please join us in this tremendous fight and make your voice heard loud and clear.

Veterans-For-Change Advocacy Group:

From the Editor

Homeless Heroes has begun a few weeks back to put together an outreach program which will hit in Virginia and Georgia by passing out 100 backpacks with all sorts of necessities.

T-Shirts, Socks, Boxers, toiletries, non-perishable foods, etc., and we’ve already started receiving requests for Christmas Gift Baskets for low income Veteran’s.

Our Fundraising, Coordinator Debbie McCormick, and our Director of Homeless Heroes Program, Nissa LaPointe both have been working their fingers to the bone and raised donations for many of the products they are packing into these backpacks.

She even found a sock company to donate 100 pair of socks we just need to cover the $30.00 shipping costs.

We’re still trying to estimate the costs of Christmas gift baskets, but still need the help in raising the funds to cover those as well.

Over the past year we did have someone come forward and donate web hosting services, and before we had the funds to buy the domain, both were offered and donated.

Then as many of you know in early April we were hacked three times in one week and the entire site was destroyed.

I began to rebuild the site in mid to late April, and after six months of hard work had it ready to go on-line, then the site was demolished by the previous webmaster who also never did transfer the domain which was to have been donated to Veterans-For-Change and even continues to display our logo.

We’ve now investigated several hosting companies to be able to provide us the same type of system to handle the capacity of more than 5 million pages of documents and we now need your help here too.

We need 12 individuals who each can sponsor $40 to cover the 12 months of web hosting site so we can again rebuild and open up to all Veterans and regain the 1200 hits per day knowing we were providing a much needed service.

If you’re able to contribute $25, $50, $100 or more, please click HERE to be taken direct to the PayPal site!

We’ve contracted a company based out of Tennessee who is now formalizing our Incorporation papers which we anticipate having in our hands within the next 10-14 days and will forward on the to California Secretary of State for recording, at which time we will from that day forward be known as Veterans-For-Change Incorporated.

In the meantime we continue to operate under the umbrella of Chaplain Mary’s Faith Based Ministries.

This Board is dedicated to helping VFC grow to the next level and to insure we continue in perpetuity.

Our country has asked a tremendous amount of the brave men and women serving our country from the beaches in Normandy to the sands in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them have been deployed on tour after tour, away from their homes and families and their service has taken a toll.  Now, as our brave men and women come home from war, we owe them as much support and guidance as we can provide to make their transition back into civilian life is as smooth as possible.  While we can’t begin to repay the debt we owe our veterans for their brave service, we can certainly take steps to ease the physical, psychological and financial hardships they may be experiencing.

Some of the many programs we have already in motion and those to come are listed here:

  • Buddy Search Database (NEW)
  • Claims & Appeals Assistance
  • College Scholarship Fund for Children of Veterans
  • Emergency Financial Assistance
  • Homeless Heroes Project  (NEW)
  • Nationwide Stand-down Programs (Coming soon)
  • Service Recognition Program
  • Veteran Outreach Program (NEW)
  • Veteran Service Officer Referral Program

 There is no greater call to service than that of our brave men and women who serve our country in combat across the globe.  It’s imperative that we remember to pay honor to their bravery and make their transition to civilian life upon their return from combat as smooth and successful as possible.  It’s the least we should do for those who have suffered injury or financial hardship as a result of serving our nation.

On behalf of myself, our directors and volunteers all over the country, I thank you for your continued support and all your donations we’ve received over the past year.

Jim Davis


Arlington Cemetery Names New Superintendent

On Tuesday, Secretary of the Army John McHugh announced the permanent appointment of Patrick K. Hallinan as superintendant of Arlington National Cemetery (ANC).  Mr. Hallinan, a 30-year VA National Cemetery Administration (NCA) employee on loan to the Army, has been serving as temporary head of ANC since the previous leadership was dismissed in June over concerns with gravesite accountability and general mismanagement.   

Updating Arlington’s archaic paper burial records and fixing any discrepancies are Mr. Hallinan’s top two priorities and neither is likely to be an easy task.  The June Army Inspector General report that led to the firing of the previous superintendant highlighted a faulty record-keeping system that allowed hundreds of occupied gravesites to be improperly marked or often not marked at all.  Mr. Hallinan acknowledges fixing these matters won’t be easy, but he believes they are headed in the right direction to do so.    

Secretary McHugh also announced on Tuesday that the Army and VA have entered into a formal agreement that allows Arlington employees to receive training through the VA’s National Cemetery Administration Training Center.  VA has operated the center since 2004, providing training and professional development to employees who manage and operate national cemeteries.

“Both VA and the Army share an obligation to honor all who have served and sacrificed for their country,” Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric K. Shinseki said.  “VA will continue to assist the Army and provide access to our expertise in cemetery operations and systems.”

CDC Launches National ALS Registry

 Federal Health Update – In a groundbreaking step to learn more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has launched the National ALS Registry.  The registry is a national database that provides an opportunity to better understand one of the most common neuromuscular diseases worldwide, affecting people of all races and ethnic backgrounds — especially between the ages of 55 and 75.

The registry will gather and organize information about potential and known risk factors and symptoms of ALS.  This information can help researchers evaluate shared risk factors common among patients, such as heredity or possible environmental exposures, and help estimate the number of ALS cases diagnosed each year.

ALS causes human nerve cells to stop functioning and eventually die.  A diagnosis of the disease usually is followed by muscle weakness, paralysis, and eventually death.  Scientists estimate 30,000 people in the United States have the disease.  Each entry in the registry includes a patient health history, work experiences, and family medical histories.  Individual patient information in the registry will be confidential and will not be publicly released.  Patients choosing to participate can click on the link in the opening paragraph to register.

Note:  VA added ALS to the list of presumptive conditions related to military service in September 2008.  VA based its decision on medical studies showing a higher than expected incidence of ALS among veterans.  One study, conducted by Harvard University in 2004, found service members had a nearly 60 percent greater risk of the disease than their civilian counter parts.  To read the official announcement, click here.

Diabetes Top Claim

Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam and subsequent contraction of Type II Diabetes is now the most prevalent disability claim for all Vietnam veterans.  Recent data indicates that around 270,000 Vietnam veterans are receiving disability compensation for Diabetes.  That is over one quarter of the roughly one million veterans receiving disability payments.  

The VA is set to begin payments to many more veterans due to the three newly approved Agent Orange exposure connected conditions of Parkinson’s Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease and B-Cell Leukemias.  Payments will start after the 60-day mandatory hold on VA regulations expires on October 30.

Links to other Stories

Please keep in mind each of these stories, if you comment and vote MSNBC pays Veterans-For-Change 3-4 cents per comment.  The more comments, the better the chances we have at being on front page and the more opportunity we have of MSNBC picking up the story for national.

Medical Malpractice & Poor Medical Care in VAMC’s

I’m sure at one point or another you’ve either heard of a case of malpractice or poor medical care or been on the receiving end of either.

Veterans-For-Change is still documenting as much as we can to present cases to Congress to address these issues.

If you or someone you know has endured these experiences, and would be willing to share your stories, please contact me direct at:

Toxic Chemicals CONUS

As most are aware, seen on TV, in the newspapers, and from veteran sites across the country, TCE/PCE is a major issue.

TCE a chemical degreaser used on all bases and board ships is a carcinogenic chemical, and on the many military bases nationwide was disposed of into the ground behind buildings eventually contaminating the ground water and getting into the drinking wells.

Same thing with PCE which is a dry cleaning chemical used both on bases and off base nationwide, also being disposed of into the ground and eventually contaminating the ground water and getting into the drinking wells.

Most recently CNN did a broadcast show highlighting the male breast cancer cluster surrounding Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.

Personally I feel the anchor didn’t bother to do his homework very well, didn’t bring to light all the other medical issues or the families harmed by these chemicals.

Veterans-For-Change has a bill which was drafted back in February 2009 along with a petition to which we’re trying to collect at least 40,000 signatures in order to get either a Senator or Congressman to sign off and present the bill to the floor which will not only address TCE but PCE as well, and opens it up to all military, veterans and family members who served at any base where these chemicals were used and disposed of improperly thereby contaminating all who drank the water or who used the chemicals in their daily jobs.

Veterans-For-Change needs your support desperately to meet the number of signers on the petition.  This is NOT an electronic petition, but a hard copy petition.  We ask that everyone interesting in signing the petition and able to gather 8-10 more please click HERE and send us an E-Mail requesting the petition, be sure to put in the subject line TCE Petition.

Sign and try to obtain at least 10 more signatures and mail the complete form into our California office ASAP.

Should you have any questions, please click HERE and send us an E-Mail and we’ll be more than happy to reply!


As of October 16, 2010 

Service Name Rank Date
of Death
Age Gender Home of Record City  Home of
Record State 
Air Force Johnson, Daniel James SRA 10/05/10 23 M SCHILLER PARK IL
Army Harley, Willie James Jr SSG 10/01/10 48 M AIKEN SC
Army Rabon, Luther Willard Jr SGT 10/01/10 32 M LEXINGTON SC
Army Vogeler, Lance Herman SFC 10/01/10 29 M FREDERICK MD
Army Pedro, Brian Joseph SGT 10/03/10 27 M ROSAMOND CA
Army Board, Cody Allen PFC 10/04/10 19 M MCKINNEY TX
Army Campbell, Karl Andrew SGT 10/04/10 34 M CHIEFLAND FL
Army Clark, Ryane Glenn PFC 10/04/10 22 M NEW LONDON MN
Army Prentler, Joseph Thomas SPC 10/04/10 20 M FENWICK MI
Army Hess, David Alan SPC 10/10/10 25 M RUSKIN FL
Army Weigle, David Jee SSG 10/10/10 29 M PHILADELPHIA PA
Army Powell, Matthew Christopher SPC 10/12/10 20 M SLIDELL LA
Army Byrd, Jordan Matthew PFC 10/13/10 19 M GRANTSVILLE UT
Army Benitez, Carlos Alonzo SSG 10/14/10 24 M CARROLLTON TX
Army Billingsley, Tramaine Jamal PFC 10/14/10 20 M PORTSMOUTH VA
Army Martinez, Rafael Jr SGT 10/14/10 36 M SPRING VALLEY CA
Army Newman, Eric Colby SGT 10/14/10 30 M WAYNESBORO MS
Marines Matteoni, Anthony Dennis SGT 10/01/10 22 M UNION CITY MI
Marines Lynch, Scott Albert LCPL 10/06/10 22 M GREENWOOD LAKE NY
Marines Sockalosky, Stephen Coty CPL 10/06/10 21 M CORDELE GA
Marines Sparks, John Travis LCPL 10/08/10 23 M CHICAGO IL
Marines Zaehringer, Frank Riddell III SGT 10/11/10 23 M RENO NV
Marines Cain, Justin James CPL 10/13/10 22 M MANITOWOC WI
Marines Dew, Victor Anthony PFC 10/13/10 20 M GRANITE BAY CA
Marines Johnson, Raymon Lee Allen LCPL 10/13/10 22 M MIDLAND GA
Marines Rodewald, Joseph Earl LCPL 10/13/10 21 M ALBANY OR
Marines Vinnedge, Phillip David LCPL 10/13/10 19 M SAINT CHARLES MO
Marines Catherwood, Alec Ernst LCPL 10/14/10 19 M BYRON IL
Marines Ceniceros, Irvin Martin LCPL 10/14/10 21 M CLARKSVILLE AR
Marines Lopez, Joseph Charles LCPL 10/14/10 26 M ROSAMOND CA
Marines Boelk, James David LCPL 10/15/10 24 M OCEANSIDE CA
Marines Tawney, Ian Matthew SGT 10/16/10 25 M DALLAS OR
Marines Villarreal, Jorge Jr CPL 10/17/10 22 M SAN ANTONIO TX
Navy Gonzalez, Edwin HN 10/08/10 21 M NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL


It is with great sadness I come to you with the names of our soldiers who gave their all in defense of our Country!  Please remember those who have served and are serving still, and pray for these families in their time of need!

Veterans who served in Korea & along the DMZ: Your help is needed!

The research questionnaire response so far has been good, but we still need more veterans who served in Korea to participate.

Veterans-For-Change is distributing a questionnaire to veterans pertaining to service in Korea to help us gather statistical information in our ongoing efforts to correct the wrongs and to assist in declassifying many missions in Korea so that veterans such as you will be able to gain the benefits and services needed from the VA System.

This questionnaire is anonymous, you do not need to provide personal contact information if you’re not comfortable with this.

However, if you do provide personal contact information it will be kept 100% confidential, will not be given to any member of Congress, the VA or the DoD, nor will it be sold to any company for any reason what-so-ever.

Statistical information will be used to compile a report to submit to various members of Congress in our efforts to declassify all missions 25 or more years ago so that all veterans can apply for and gain the much needed benefits and medical care/services needed and long over due.

If you’re interested in participating, please click HERE and request a copy.  In the Subject put Korean Service.

If you receive this newsletter via a forward, and would like to opt-in direct, please click OPT-IN.

If you’d rather not receive this newsletter and would like to Opt-out, reply and in the subject line enter REMOVE.

With your help, Veterans-For-Change and you can make a difference!

We Can Win!

Better benefits, care, facilities, medical professionals and equipment!

Unite with Veterans-For-Change today!

Veterans-For-Change Newsletter is a once weekly publication deadline for submission is 5:00 PM PST on Friday!

Distribution: 13,383

 “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

– Abraham Lincoln  (VA Motto 1959)

 Veteran’s News Sources:


11901 Samuel
Garden Grove, CA  92840-2546

Serving those who served!

 Please pass to all your Veteran friends and family! 

Veterans-For-Change Directors & Coordinators  
CEO: Jim Davis
President, Director of Korean Research : Phil Steward
Vice President, Director of Homeless Programs: Nissa LaPointe
Secretary, Fund Raising Coordinator: Debbie McCormick
Treasurer: Vacant
Webmaster: Vacant
Director of Communications: Mike Hall
Director of Forums & Advocacy Moderator: Vacant
Director of Housing, HUD Assistance: Carol Long
Director of Research: Vacant
Emergency Funds Coordinator: Vacant
Grant Writer: Vacant
Special Projects Coordinator: Vacant


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Next article“War Does This to Your Mind”
Jim Davis is the son of USMC MGySgt. Lesley Davis (Ret.) who passed away on April 24, 2006, from ALS caused by Agent Orange. His dad’s mission before he passed on was to ensure all veterans, spouses, children, and widows all received the benefits, medical care and attention, and proper facilities from the VA. Because of the promise made to his dad to carry on the mission, in May 2006 Davis began as a one-man show sending out 535 letters every single week to all members of Congress requesting and politely demanding the fulfill their promises made over the past decades to care for life those who wore the uniform and their families. Veterans-For-Change was born in August 2006 with a very small membership of 25 people composed of veterans, spouses, widows, family members, and friends and to date continues to grow.