JB Campbell: Dam of Lies


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Dam of Lies


Reeling slightly from Gordon Duff’s November 25 piece on American war-mongering lies, which I only read this morning (two days later), I believe we now have a chance at redeeming ourselves. Hard truth is a real elixir, once you get your heart going again.

Disgrace and redemption. The disgrace is of course our acceptance of Jewish domination of our lives, thanks entirely to the mind control system of tax-exempt Christianity in which we are all immersed regardless of our piety, our agnosticism or our hard, heathen rejection. America is a Christian nation and that means that we have not been allowed to defend ourselves against Jews. Christianity protects Jews from being killed, which is its main purpose. That’s why it is tax-exempt.

American lies are Jewish lies. Since Jews control every important aspect of our lives through banking, finance, law, war, food & drugs and entertainment, we are literally floating on a reservoir of truth blocked by a dam of lies that keeps us from understanding anything about those several subjects, among many others. But now I’m thinking that we can break the dam that contains this reservoir, let out the truth and produce tremendous energy, which we would see in the form of anger. Anti-Jewish anger. When dams break we all need to get to high ground or be swept away. Big dams are impressive things but I think rivers are supposed to run. Truth also is meant to flow, not be dammed up by lies.

There was an old war movie I saw as a kid, in which the noble Brits figured out how to wreck a Nazi dam with an airplane dropping and skipping a bomb across the water and bouncing it to hit the critical point. Much practice and a lot of bad bounces finally produced the right formula of speed, altitude and when to drop it. I’m going by memory since I saw it in 1955. It was quite a challenge but the Brits (and Americans) love blowing up other people’s property, so naturally they finally got it right, wrecked the dam, drowning lots of enemies of the Jews, besides damaging the Nazi war effort in some important way.

But we can’t bust this dam of lies if we’re using bad equipment. For example, it has not proven possible for Christians to defend themselves from Jewish aggression, beginning with the Jewish genocide of Christians in 1917, in Russia. Some say 20 million Christians were slaughtered by Bolshevik Jews in just a few years, some say a lot more. It was a lot, whatever the actual number. What could be the reason the Jews wanted to kill so many people?

At the other end of the Christian control scale, we see more and more Jews infiltrating Christian churches, pretending to be converts, welcomed with open arms by the faithful. Do the Christians suspect that their new friends are there to observe and perhaps suppress anti-Jewish sentiments? My wife and I reluctantly attended services at a church in Carmel, California at the invitation of a new friend. We were startled to be introduced to a member of the flock who quickly identified himself as a Jewish convert to Christianity. He had overheard my wife’s mild remarks about human rights after the sermon, was obviously determined to prevent any talk about the Palestinians and he interrupted with, “I suppose you’re against the war, as well!” He was referring to Bush’s invasion of Iraq (this was in 2006). My wife replied, “Well, naturally – aren’t you?” Here we were in a Presbyterian church, a place of peace, with an aggressive Jewish “convert” suppressing a guest’s humanitarian remarks that he knew could become criticism of Israel. I piped up and asked, “What about Jesus? Would Jesus support war?” His assignment: to prevent criticism of Israel.

It’s not as extreme as the Bolshevik version, but it’s the way American Christians have been controlled for decades and it’s worked very well. By keeping American Christians tame, the Jews have ruled Russia, England, America and Palestine and much of Europe. I’m not counting the destruction of Europe by the Jewish allies of World Wars I and II – just their passive-aggressive method in “peacetime.” We only think it’s peacetime because the Jews are always at war, as they explained in the Jewish Protocols. You don’t need to read all twenty-four of them – just one. Any one. See if you think it’s “a forgery.”

Jewish mind control isn’t limited to Christians, of course. It’s just based on Christianity, which is the necessary ingredient. If it weren’t for Christian gullibility there could be no Holocaust guilt and extortion racket. That is, if it weren’t for the Old Testament there could be no New Testament. Are we really expected to believe the crazy whoppers in the Old Testament? They’re as wild as the Holocaust whopper. The New Testament people are told to love the Old Testament people, whom the Jews pretend to be, even to themselves. This is the schizophrenic nature of Judeo-Christianity. Old Testament-New Testament. Netanyahu can say that Israel’s Christian supporters are “scum” and even the Christians who heard him say it can pretend he didn’t mean it. It’s called Cognitive Dissonance, or holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. In other words, your mind’s messed up.

The Holocaust has been their main modern weapon; their license to kill. It’s what puts the sting in “anti-Semitism.” Criticism of anything Jewish is the same as the Holocaust, just to shut us up. As a Jew said to me one time – “You just want to gas us all!” The Jews claim they were killed in great numbers and so now have the right to kill in great numbers. Only President Ahmadinejad has had the sense to say, “Whatever happened or didn’t happen in Europe had nothing to do with the Palestinians.” It was after he started saying such things and questioning the Holocaust itself that Jews demanded Iran be nuked.

So far, there has been only one modern country that has tried to remove Jews from power. We know what happened to the Germans. Or do we? I doubt that most Americans will ever know what was done to them in our name. Millions killed during the war but many more millions killed by us after the war.

There was a guy in my home town, Richard Criley, who was interviewed in our local paper, the Monterey Peninsula Herald, back in the ‘80s. Criley was the son of rich parents and made some big admissions, such as that he was both a member of the Communist Party and an officer in the US Army during World War II. And, he said it was no secret. As a Party member he’d actually been recruited by the army. In fact, he admitted that Dwight Eisenhower had personally appointed him to supervise the reorganization of the Italian labor movement in the aftermath of the war. This probably helps to explain why Italian Communists were able to take over the labor unions. Like today’s opium fields in Afghanistan, they were protected by the US Army.

I wrote a letter to the editor, pointing out that Senator Joe McCarthy was ruined for trying to expose the promotion of Communist Party members as officers in the US Army but here was a local man admitting this very thing and that he had been so promoted by the Supreme Allied Commander and later President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The editor declined to run the letter, claiming Criley might sue for libel. So I called Criley at home. I told him the editor feared he’d probably sue me for libel and could I read the letter to him over the phone? He agreed to listen. When I was finished, I asked him what he thought?

“Well, it’s a very stupid letter but I wouldn’t sue over it.”

“Great. I’ll tell him.”

“You have the right to write stupid letters.”

“Uh, huh. You know, you guys really had it made back then, during the war.”

“How do you mean?”

“You know, being able to kill all those people, Eisenhower giving you the green light to run wild. He even put you in charge of Italian labor! An American Communist!”

“I suppose you think we were on the wrong side.”

“Well… yeah.”

“Well, there you have it.”

That conversation always bothered me. If you resented siding with the Communists you must be a Nazi. I probably could have handled it better. But here’s the point: we were on the wrong side in World War II. Or rather, we were the wrong side, the Capitalist-Communist side. We destroyed a country and a people that were only trying to defend themselves from the most horrific, beastly war criminals in human history: Us and our Soviet partners.

Germany was the good side. That’s the big bitter pill that Americans will someday have to swallow. Now that the vicious fairy tale known as the Holocaust has been shown to be a complete fabrication of the Jewish Allies (America, England and the Soviet Union) at Nuremberg, what exactly is there to dislike about Germany’s behavior before, during and after World War II? Those snappy uniforms? Hitler’s mustache? Rounding up Jewish declared enemies and trying to deport them?

Okay, Germany was wrong to send Khazar Jews to Palestine. Very wrong. They should have sent them to New York, where they belong. FDR wouldn’t have taken them, however.

So, it was definitely a problem.

I bring all this up so that you can feel free to criticize Jews and feel absolutely no guilt at being compared with the Nazis. As I have written, Conservatives and Libertarians are never comfortable or confident enough to criticize Jews without first presenting their “anti-Nazi credentials.” They do this hoping that they won’t be called “anti-Semites” or Nazis for their critical statements. This is always futile. Jews are certain that we hate them for the simple and unchangeable reason that they hate us. If we even refer to them as “Jews,” they know that we know.

Most people seem to sense that Jews demand total self-censorship from Gentiles and that Jews mainly want us to shut up and let them do all the talking and complaining. They see a major threat in our talking about just about anything. The fear is that we may start talking amongst ourselves about them. So, they monitor us very carefully. They can’t help doing this. It’s a compulsion with them. If a group of three or more Gentiles meets regularly for any reason, a Jew must insinuate himself/herself into the group and eventually take control of it, which wrecks whatever the Gentiles were interested in, even if they had no plan to complain about Jews.

Breaking the dam of lies. Letting the truth flow, bringing life back to the river and the land. I’m interested in the truth about all important things, because I hate being lied to, hustled or tricked. But the truth can be very dangerous – even deadly. It can put you in the nuthouse, in prison and it can get you killed. Liars have to watch out, too, because the truth can also get them killed.

Truth is breaking out in ways unintended by our government liars and their stooges in the prostitute press. After nine years of JFK-type lies about 9/11, suddenly the enormity of those lies has cracked the dam of lies. 9/11 truth is reaching the third, or “self-evident,” phase much more quickly than we could have expected. This is happening for one main reason, which is of course the Internet, and for a secondary reason, which is rising suspicion of Jews and Jewish involvement in the massacre.

Is there any sight more stomach-turning than watching Larry Silverstein’s blasé rendition of his order to demolish Building 7? This is an example of the J-factor at work. Silverstein made billions after insuring his new WTC lease a few weeks before the massacre. He had it made but couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. He had to admit – perversely – that he’d OK’d the demo job. What was he thinking? He wasn’t thinking. He was just showing off for the cameras, feeling perhaps invincible in the Jewish nationalistic fervor that sanctified anything and everything that was done that day. 9/11, if not for Larry Silverstein, would have eventually become the most important Jewish holiday (all Jewish holidays are celebrations of military victories) because it marked the day that Jews, referring to themselves as “neo-cons,” took control of the US government, openly and without any attempt at stealth, and herded the Gentiles into two Jewish wars of extermination against hated Islam.

Never have we seen such a spectacle of Jewish braggadocio as seen in the months following the massacre, beginning with Netanyahu’s gloating that evening on national television that the massacre was “Very good! Well… not very good, but it shows that we share the same enemies.” This was also the J-factor at work. The J-factor wrecks everything the Jews try to do, sooner or later. Like the Mossad agents dancing around in plain view of human beings, delirious with Jewish joy while about two hundred other humans were deliberately jumping out of the towers to be splattered like watermelons.

Most 9/11 truthers are uneasy discussing Silverstein’s J-gaff. It is too shocking for words, if one is not used to using words to describe Jewish treachery. The architects and engineers and pilots for 9/11 truth have done great work but we can bet that most of them were shocked silly watching Silverstein’s confession. Shocked into investigating the whole rotten mess. The professionals, probably good Christians, tactfully skip over the Jewish aspect of the operation and occupy themselves with the technical details, which is fine. But is there any doubt that it is well-understood all around the world that “the Jews did 9/11?” Israeli Jews and “American neo-cons.”

9/11 will be the eventual Waterloo, the bridge too far, for Jews everywhere. It will prove that the Nazis were right about the Jews, which millions of people around the world already suspect. Millions know that the gas chambers are filthy Jewish Nuremberg lies, thanks to Ernst Zundel, Robert Faurisson and other injured Revisionists, but millions more wish they weren’t.

To break the dam of lies, these things have to be thought about and talked about.

We must not try to be Nazis, of course. We couldn’t if we tried. Even Hitler said that German National Socialism was not for export; it was strictly a German response to Jewish financial crime, Jewish Communism and German suffering. But we must learn to laugh at being called Nazis. A Jewish curse which is actually a Jewish compliment – if undeserved.

No, we must be something new, something never seen before in the struggle against Jewish Aggression. Thanks to the Internet this is written for anyone in the world to read. But Jewish Aggression is based on American indulgence, American finance and the American military and American taxes, so it is really on us American men to accept responsibility for Jewish crimes, most of which have been done in our names and with our tacit endorsement.

The dam buster, the explosive that will break the dam of lies, is 9/11 truth. The most ghastly truth is that the buildings were hit by Jewish-controlled airplanes and demolished with Jewish explosives. This was made crystal-clear with the video-taped confession of Larry Silverstein, that greedy, grinning wolf, when he admitted that he ordered the demolition of Building 7, and of course, those dancing Israelis and their matter-of-fact admission on Israeli television that they were there to document the event.

Our first job is to tie 9/11 to the Jews. It’s already happening but we have to focus American attention on this gruesome fact of life. When it is generally clear to a good minority of Americans that 9/11 was a Jewish atrocity, then we can begin the second phase of Defense Against Jewish Aggression.

This phase will be the creation of a political party called DAJA. Party DAJA or the DAJA Party. It won’t have candidates for office or elect anyone or send anyone to Washington. It will be something to give us strength in numbers and a means to identify and communicate with others who know the score. Anyone can join the Defense Against Jewish Aggression and doing so speaks for itself. The requirements are to work for or speak for and/or support the party as one is able. Dilettantes, thrill-seekers and spectators won’t be allowed. Police, feds and Jewish spies would be dealt with as spies have always been dealt with, because we’re doing this to avoid being starved to death in the Halliburton Hilton.

DAJA would operate on three levels: education, security and action. Members would be encouraged to do what they do best. Action would be the third phase, the actual defense against Jewish aggression. That is a matter for a separate essay.

You’re thinking, this guy is a one-note Charlie, always on about the Jews. This is true. We have a serious Jewish Problem and together we must develop a means to solve this problem, which is really the only important problem that threatens us. I have proposed the basic framework of the solution, which is the elimination of the rabbinical class and its entire support system, both Jewish and Gentile. Almost anything is possible but first it has to be proposed. We have to know what we want.

The Jews have poisoned our minds for a long time, certainly for all the time that we’ve been alive. Everything we think we know, we older Americans, has been passed through a Jewish filter before it got to us. But now the filter is being by-passed and truth is available from the Internet. There is much truth on the Internet among all the garbage. You found this, right?

The rabbinical class is going to shrink as this proposal gains currency. For example, I persuaded the local rabbi in Carmel, California to leave town, back in the ‘80s. He was the former chief rabbi of East Germany and he moved to Carmel and took over the Synagogue Beth Israel. He foolishly gave an interview in the Herald, bragging how he’d celebrated Passover in one of the camps by trading bottles of wine for unleavened matzo dough which he baked in “the delousing ovens.” That was a new one on me – delousing ovens. So I wrote a letter to the editor and to him, congratulating him for bringing bottles of wine into the camp and baking matzo in a delousing oven, which undoubtedly had never been done before. A delousing oven had never even been seen before! As a gesture of friendship, I went to the synagogue and presented him with a box of matzo crackers, which I told him in a very friendly way to save for a rainy day. The dignitary quite unexpectedly left town a few days later, and never returned. His parishioners were very unhappy with me, naturally. They were not accustomed to such demonstrations of friendship, and probably misinterpreted my gift and letter.

I relate this not as a guide for future action, because it was not “action.” It was just something to do, a silly response to the unmitigated gall of a professional alien parasite coming into a town where he had no business, telling lies in the local paper to put us all on the defensive. So, I got defensive. And this was twenty-one years ago.

Defense Against Jewish Aggression is not about dicking around with rabbis, but the only means of survival available to us as the Jews increase their stranglehold on our throats through the Federal Reserve and the US Army. The rabbinical class is just the breeding ground of our Jewish Problem. They are the “party theoreticians” who give license to the more visible agents of our destruction in the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations and in the Pentagon.

I leave you with a name to consider. It’s the name of a rabbi who was also in the Pentagon. He was in fact the comptroller of the Defense Department in the Pentagon. As such he could not account for over Two and a Half Trillion Dollars in 2001, which was admitted by Rumsfeld to Congress the day before 9/11. He also owned a “defense contracting company” (Systems Planning Corporation) that designed and produced remote control equipment for airliners, equipment which would allow the flying and landing of, say, hijacked airliners. With this equipment, a person on the ground or in another airplane could take control of an airliner from the pilots and guide it exactly where he wanted it to go. The name to consider is Rabbi Dov Zackheim, comptroller of the Pentagon, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a citizen of Israel.

The dam of lies will be broken by 9/11 truth. Then, when the truth starts flowing, we can begin to go about our business.


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