Oil Wars, A Mid-East Misadventure

Oil Wars

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Arab and Persian Oil Worth Killing For………

This might be instructive. It was for me. I can’t remember how the contact was made but one day three Arab gentlemen appeared at our office in Carmel. Our business had to do with the vehicle I had designed to survive the detonation of an anti-tank landmine, which has been described elsewhere. The men were a Saudi army colonel named Anwar Eshki, a businessman connected to the Saudi air force named Ghazi al-Hashani and a local Lebanese language instructor named Munir Khalidy. They thought that my partner and I could be useful to them. But they allowed us to make a presentation about the vehicle, which didn’t seem to interest them overmuch. At one point, the colonel remarked, “There are no headlights… how does it operate at night?”

“The crewmen will use night vision equipment.”

Oil WarsNow there was interest. Did we have knowledge of night vision equipment? In 1982, night vision goggles were relatively new. My partner was an army helicopter pilot stationed at Ft. Ord. He had a set of Litton 2nd generation goggles and we demonstrated them to the Arabs that night. We became the agents for what would be a huge purchase by the Saudi military of night vision equipment within the coming year. The three American manufacturers, Litton, ITT and Varo, brought their equipment to us for our appraisal because they knew far better than we did the significance of our position.

My partner and I were persuaded to take a basic course in Arabic from Munir at Monterey Peninsula College. Munir also taught the language at the army’s Defense Language Institute. Over the next months we all became better acquainted and I was a frequent guest. Anwar received a promotion to brigadier general in the Saudi army and he attained a Ph.D. as well. He and I met regularly at the office and would describe our two countries’ political realities to each other. Anwar wanted me to understand that Israel secretly controlled all of the Arab governments. I said, “Even your own?”

“Even my own.”

Anwar dropped by the office one day and said that an Israeli diplomat would be speaking that evening at the World Affairs Council in Monterey. Would we care to go with him? I must say that I had little interest in hearing the dignitary. We had been approached by the Israelis earlier about the vehicle and we had politely turned them down. Thirty years ago I was polite to an Israeli! Hard to believe.

That evening, we were in an audience of several hundred, many wearing yarmulkes, to listen to this Israeli named Meron Gordon criticize the peace plan recently offered by the Saudi crown prince Fahd, which was as follows:

  1. Israel to withdraw from all Arab territory occupied in 1967, including Arab Jerusalem.
  2. Israeli settlements built on Arab land after 1967 to be dismantled, including those in Arab Jerusalem.
  3. A guarantee of freedom of worship for all religions in the Holy Places.
  4. An affirmation of the right of the Palestinian Arab people to return to their homes and compensation for those who do not wish to return.
  5. The West Bank and the Gaza Strip to have a transitional period under the auspices of the United Nations for a period not exceeding several months.
  6. An independent Palestinian State should be set up with Jerusalem as its capital.
  7. All States in the region should be able to live in peace in the region.
  8. The United Nations or Member States of the United Nations to guarantee the carrying out of these provisions.

Thirty years later, these eight points seem hopelessly naïve. But in 1981, when Fahd proposed them, the world did not understand the Jewish mentality, which became clearer the next year, when Beirut was obliterated before our eyes on television, and we saw a couple of refugee camps called Sabra and Shatila.

Meron Gordon himself was interesting. He was introduced as a career diplomat who had been in the Soviet foreign ministry before emigrating to Israel, where he became the consul to San Francisco, where he was currently stationed. Now, I was not fully up to speed on Zionism and Judaism, but I was quite experienced with the comrades, having fought them in Africa not too many years before, and had spent my life studying and hating Communism. So, here I was, listening to a professional Communist diplomat, recently transplanted to Israel, criticizing a reasonable-sounding proposal for fairness in Palestine. His remarks were as you’d expect from a professional liar, but my mind was pre-occupied with his former life as a Soviet agent. His negative and rather insulting comments over, he invited questions. I was the first to be recognized and a microphone was brought to me.

“Mr. Gordon, is Israel an ally of the United States?”

“We are friends.”

“Of course. But officially, is Israel an official ally of the United States?”

Gordon became visibly irritated, and snapped, “We would like to be!” He began to look around for a different questioner. I held on to the microphone.

“Mr. Gordon, if an American ship were attacked in the Mediterranean, would Israel come to our rescue?” He turned his back on me as best he could, looking around the auditorium.

“That depends!” I nodded and handed over the microphone to a very nervous guy. I must say, the effect of this exchange was noticeable in the room. The Jews were uneasy and the non-Jews were thoughtful at the idea that Israel was not in fact an ally of the United States. Quite an official admission. It hit me like a lightning bolt. I’d read in the Spotlight newspaper that Israel was not an official ally, but where else could you find this sort of thing thirty years ago? It just wasn’t discussed. But here was this son of a bitch admitting it in public. All of a sudden, I became really interested in the Jewish Question. Maybe the wild things I’d read about them were true. I was still, in my mind, integrating Meron Gordon’s easy switch from Communism to Zionism. I mean, we Americans were told that Israel was on our side and most of the Arabs were on the Communist side, which was why we needed to support Israel. Could a professional Soviet diplomat move to America and immediately become a professional American diplomat? Of course not. So how could our anti-Communist democratic ally in the Mid-East allow such a thing? Today, in 2011, the answer is easy: the J-factor. In 1981, few of us could believe such a thing possible, that being a Jew is all that matters. Communism, Capitalism, Zionism, NWO – these are superficial labels, brand names of competing products all owned by the same company.

In the course of our business dealings, I came into contact with many Arabs, including Palestinians, Syrians, Egyptians and Iraqis, all of whom were nominally in the Soviet camp. I gradually came to understand that these people were by nature far more anti-Communist than were Americans, but had been maneuvered by our government into military arrangements with the Soviet Union due to our slimy partnership with Israel.

By August, 1982, things were happening. The Israelis were bombarding Beirut with aircraft and artillery. The Paris of the Middle East was exploding spectacularly everyday right in front of our eyes. It was truly incredible. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that US Senator Alan Cranston was receiving money from Israel in his upcoming reelection campaign. By chance, I read that a man I’d admired for some years was considering a run for the Republican nomination for the seat held by the Democrat Cranston. John G. Schmitz was a former congressman and currently a state senator. A former marine combat pilot and professor, he’d good-naturedly agreed to substitute for George Wallace on the American Independent ticket after Wallace was Watergated in ’72. Schmitz was quick-witted and had been kicked out of the John Birch Society for his remarks about Jews and for meeting with Yassir Arafat in 1980. When Nixon went to China, Schmitz famously remarked, “I have no objection to his going to China. I only object to his coming back.” The Arafat meeting gave me an idea…

General Eshki and Mr. Ghazi dropped by the office and I brought up this interesting thing: Since the Israelis were openly giving money to Alan Cranston, one of the top Zionist agents in the US Senate, what did they think about the Saudi government funding a man who was genuinely anti-Israel, the only American politician to go to Beirut to meet with Yassir Arafat? Hmm, possibly, they thought. We’d like to meet him. So I called Schmitz’ office at the capitol in Sacramento and spoke to his aid, Brad Evans. Brad had actually set up the Beirut meeting with Arafat and was a pretty hard-core guy, the father of the novelist Tristan Egolf. I explained my idea and Brad quickly agreed to see us the next day.

We drove up to Sacramento and Brad impressed the hell out of the Saudis with his PLO lapel pin. When he excused himself to get Schmitz, Anwar said to me, “Did you see his pin?” I nodded.

John Schmitz entered and shook hands with everyone. I explained our visit. “John, these men are with the Saudi government. They understand that you want to run against Alan Cranston in November and that he is openly receiving money from the Israeli government. So I proposed that the Saudi government support you. They think it’s possible but they’ve said that you aren’t that well-known. I haven’t discussed my idea with them so I’m going to say it now. I told them that you met with Yassir Arafat a couple of years ago.” Schmitz produced a photo from his desk drawer of him and Arafat. The Saudis examined it.

“So, as we know, the Israelis are closing in on West Beirut. They are threatening to wipe out the PLO that are holed up there, including Arafat. I am proposing that you and Brad and I go into West Beirut together and that you, John Schmitz, put yourself between the Israeli army and the PLO and offer your protection to Arafat and his men.” I looked at Anwar and Ghazi. They nodded. “Would that get John support from your government?” They nodded again. I looked at John and Brad. Brad said, “I’m up for it.” John was thoughtful and raised his eyebrows. “Let’s go down to the restaurant and talk this over.” We repaired to their favorite bistro. After about fifteen minutes of pros and cons, John Schmitz agreed to the trip, which would commence in two days, since the PLO headquarters was about to be attacked. We immediately headed back to Carmel. The next morning, Friday, Anwar bought three round-trip tickets to Damascus, Syria and he arranged for us to be taken by car into West Beirut. We would leave the following Saturday afternoon. Here’s where I made a fatal error in judgment.

A very close friend in those days was the Jewish journalist and radio personality, Alan Stang. Alan was an anti-Communist, a writer for the John Birch Society and a dedicated enemy of the IRS. He would go to prison for his actions against the IRS. And he was a long-time friend of John Schmitz, so I felt I could confide in him about our trip to Lebanon. But I failed to understand the J-factor. Alan Stang was a dedicated Zionist. I should have remembered the pride in his voice as he recounted his interview with Menachem Begin in New York when he was working with Mike Wallace at CBS. I did not properly gauge his hatred of Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization. Stang was aghast that we were making this trip to save Arafat. “Why would you do that?”

“Well, for one thing, the Israelis are going crazy – killing everyone and destroying Beirut. They need to be stopped. Maybe John can help. If he pulls it off, it could help him against Cranston.”

“Look,” said Stang, “this is totally wrong. You could all be killed. Don’t do this!”

We argued back and forth in this manner, neither one caring for the other’s points. I’d never seen the vehement side of Alan Stang before, even when we got arrested in Los Angeles for “unlawful assembly, paramilitary” (target practice). He’d written a laconic and ironic piece about that for American Opinion Magazine that resulted in the DA dropping the charges against us. It was difficult to square the Birch position (“Support Your Local Police”) with the way they treated us. Both of us became quite anti-cop after that.

But he now was hostile, really a stranger. We hung up in a not-friendly way.

The next morning, as I was getting ready for our trip, all hell broke loose. The San Francisco Chronicle blared with a big front-page headline, that State Senator John Schmitz was the father of an illegitimate child! In a late edition, it was then revealed that Schmitz, a devout Catholic, had two illegitimate children by his mistress, a former student of his. And the little boy had a strange wound to his genitals! Upon reading the first edition, of course, I called Brad Evans in Sacramento and said, “What the hell is going on?” He was in the dark. “I have no ******* idea!” Needless to say, our trip was canceled. Arafat and the PLO guys were allowed to leave Beirut to be assassinated another day.

Obviously, the Jews knew all about John Schmitz’ mistress and illegitimate children. The ready-made scandal was being held as a hole card in the event that John Schmitz ever presented a threat to them. There would have been no Senate campaign in any event. Schmitz resigned his state senate seat the next day. I just hurried up the process with my bright idea to help him. I suspect that many politicians have similar skeletons in their closets.

My Mid-East education continued with the night vision project. It turned out that we had it made in the shade. General Eshki’s good pal was Rani Tarabzouni, a general in the Saudi air force and personal pilot of the King, who came over to supervise our project. Tarabzouni’s buddy was the general in charge of the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), the primary branch of the military which would be first in line for night vision equipment, mainly for use in the coming Haj, or Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. The many hundreds of thousands of pilgrims needed to be kept safe from terrorists in darkness with the use of night vision equipment, to be supplied by us. The fix was in with the SANG general. All we had to do was supply two samples of the goggles. My partner and I bought two pairs of the Litton goggles and presented them to General Tarabzouni. But Tarabzouni would not be taking them to Jidda, himself. Instead, he had a trusty Lebanese businessman named Ridda Alywan to take them to Jidda. That’s all he had to do, was to take them to Jidda and present them to the SANG general, who was expecting them. If you ever do business with Arabs you’ll learn the number one rule: There has to be a sample. No sample, no deal. But, we had two samples! (One for SANG and one for the army) And so we accompanied Ridda to SFO and watched him depart for Jidda. The SANG deal alone was worth over 200 million dollars in sales. Our cut was ten percent. That didn’t include the army and air force purchases over the next year.

Ridda would be arriving just as the competition was ending. There were only two contestants, us and the son of some sheik, who was fronting for FN of Belgium. Turned out Mr. Ridda was fronting for the sheik’s son. He never showed up in Jidda. A week went by, the SANG general called General Tarabzouni repeatedly, asking, “Where is Mr. Ridda? I cannot proceed without the sample and I cannot delay the awarding of the contract!” My Saudi partners were in a state of shock that their trusted emissary would betray them thus. When the contract was inevitably awarded to FN, Ridda made it to Jidda. He’d made a better deal with the sheik’s son. When I finally learned about the amounts of money involved, I went into a state of shock.

The partnership pretty much fell apart after that. The night vision deal was the basis. A year or so later, the Spotlight and Liberty Lobby were threatened with extinction by the lawsuit of E. Howard Hunt over a piece written by ex-CIA executive Victor Marchetti which Hunt claimed unfairly suggested his involvement in the JFK assassination, which he finally confessed to his son on his deathbed some years later. But in the ‘80s, the plan was to destroy Willis Carto and Liberty Lobby. Since no one in this world has done as much as Willis Carto to correct the lies of the Jews, the Zionists and the Holocaust racketeers, I suggested to Anwar that the Saudi government pay the multi-hundred thousand dollar judgment and keep the organization and the newspaper going. Anwar agreed that that would be a good plan. So we met with Andrew St. George at Anwar’s new Virginia home and they made arrangements for the rescue. Carto obviated the need for this payment, however, by hiring Mark Lane to handle the appeal of the Hunt award decision. Lane brilliantly elicited admissions from CIA executives that Hunt was indeed involved to the extent that the jury announced that Kennedy was murdered as a result of CIA activity. The award was reversed and E. Howard Hunt became Liberty Lobby’s biggest contributor. What the Saudis wound up doing for Liberty Lobby, if anything, was unknown to me and Anwar and I lost contact after that. I see that he has become quite a prominent figure in Saudi foreign relations in the years since.

No, I am not a supporter of the Saudi oligarchy, which is as greedy as ours, or of the Saudi legal system, which is as barbaric as ours, in a different way. We Americans have no business in the Middle East except as invited guests. We knew more about drilling oil wells than Arabs did and that was a good reason to be invited, but that wasn’t good enough for us. We had to control their politics, too, to control the oil. That’s why all the Russian Jews got jammed into Palestine, to destabilize the Arabs and eventually seize their oil, which is what is going on now. There is the Arab oil and the Persian oil and the Jewish plutocrats are willing to kill everyone in the Middle East to get it all.


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