Service Animals for Vets Denied Funding


Service Animals (canines) start up business denied funding by USA per AIRPAC lobbyists


George Lovenguth Lawlor, a new entity start up, “Canine Airport Security of Puerto Rico”, developed by a 170% service connected disabled veteran and his wife, who submitted every required form to the United States government agencies, properly following government instructions for requesting stimulus funding assistance, has never even received a “no” reply.

This small startup company called, Canine Airport Security of Puerto Rico, seeks to have injured service animals sent to them so as to save the injured service dogs from being put down. Caspr will then assist these animals in their recovery, followed by providing local disabled veterans, and senior citizens with a perhaps an unfit for active duty yet healthy former service animal.

An example of such a dog might be one that lost a leg, or an eye while working with a government agency. While information on these injured canines is scarce, the word is they are simply being put down. I find this rather sad as an injured service dog is still a very intelligent dog, and would be a viable resource for a disabled veteran or senior citizen. They would be assisting one another.

No where have I located any information on any other entity doing what my wife and I are trying to establish. Every service animal business is just that, a business to raise, train, and sell off to the government agencies a trained animal which is used until it becomes injured. The information currently available online jumps from the above activity to the Canine memorials honoring them. What happens in between is the sad and ugly activity; dose them, dispose of them, or ship the body to a medical school.

Research shows that those companies who have received government funding to provide service animals may be being selected based on their contributions to elected persons already in office. Although not found in writings online, there appears to be a pattern of “friends and family” who get the funding. Also shown is that most of the service animal companies get funding for raising the service animals and selling these service animals to first, government agencies, and second, to other organizations who are listed as non-profit service animals providers / trainers who appear to be providing service dogs to certain disabled persons; i.e. disabled veterans. Statistics are nearly impossible to locate.

Multiple FOIA request sent in to every government agency requesting information about who did receive government funding for service animal providers have never been sent me.

I suspect this is another example of the “friends and family” mentality which prevails in the USA where if you are not a “Friend, or a Family” member of the political contribution individuals (corporations as defined by the Supreme Court), you will not even be considered for stimulus funding.

A search of online, “whois”, traced back to the origins of the websites indicates AIRPAC may very well decide who gets any funding. There also appears to be a kickback scheme taking place with the public seeing stories in the media regarding this service animal helping disabled veterans when in fact, it isn’t. Millions of dollars are being sent to certain entities with very little actually making it to those not a part of the campaign kickback routine.

It appears a new canine care center start up will probably get the stimulus funding if they are willing to kickback a percentage of the amount provided to the lobby known as AIRPAC. This is who appears to be writing the rules and dispersing the funds via those they have in place in the USA agencies tasked with implementing the Recovery Act, and the ADA mandates in the USA.

A deeper review shows dual citizenship Israeli individuals setting up these service animal companies and websites, and then sub-contracting the services out to African American individuals, leaving Hispanic and White owned companies without even a reply. This government program stinks of corruption from within, and I will continue to do research on this activity until some AIRPAC agent takes me out. We simply wanted to provide a service to save these dogs, rehabilitate them, and assigning them to disabled combat veterans and senior citizens. This effort has now become an investigation into who is really getting millions of dollars using the guise of helping disabled veterans.

This is what they really are doing Gordon. They are the real terrorist in American, not the six year olds or the elderly, and now according to DHS director Janet, the white people. They also have all the airport security (TSA) contracts for the full body scanners and the employment contracts. Soon they will be collecting union dues; Teamsters 2012. We everyday Americans have been taken, lied to, and it is they who set up this security crisis, it is they who tell USA elected representatives how to vote, it is they who decide who gets the funding, and, how much will be kicked backed to them and their favorite candidates. My original mission has gone into the abstract now.

I know American citizens are controlled by a shadow government which is better known as The United States of Israel (to me). The next thing we’ll see is their version of the Jewish Sheppard. It attacks and eats all gentiles, all under the direction of a Rabbi. A graphic might show a scraggly dirty goat, possibly resembling a pig, knocking an old Anglo Saxon woman to the ground, while tearing her – purse from her hands. [just a thought that has nothing to do with my point].

New information: New ADA Service Animal Definition July 23, 2010

(A) “Service animal means any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” and

See 14 CFR 382.7 et seq.; see also Department of Transportation, Guidance Concerning Service Animals in Air Transportation, 68 FR 24874, 24877 (May 9, 2003) (discussing accommodation of service animals and emotional support animals on aircraft).

“Service Animal”

See 28 CFR 35.130(b)(7). The 1991 title III regulation, 28 CFR 36.104, defines a “service animal” as “any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.” Section 36.302(c)(1) of the 1991 title III regulation requires that “[g]enerally, a public accommodation shall modify policies, practices, or procedures to permit the use of a service animal by an individual with a disability.” Section 36.302(c)(2) of the 1991 title III regulation states that “a public accommodation [is not required] to supervise or care for a service animal.”, aka Canine airport Security of Puerto Rico (and) (Caribbean) is clearly being discriminated against by the United States of America and its entities, including every individual in the Dept. of Homeland Security structure. My own application to join the Coast Guard Auxilary on Puerto was shredded once by the San Juan DHS, and misplaced by the CGA Division in Miami. I’m still in a “pending “status.

A side note here: I was educated in Woodbridge, NJ, and Kean University in Union, NJ by teachers, instructors, and professors (BA English literature) who for the most and large part were Jewish. I have read 90 % of everything written and published by DHS and their memos and directives. What I see quite clearly is a style and tone in the writings which is on par with those who taught me my reading and writing lessons. To me, DHS is a Jewish script. I’m speaking about basic linquistic patterns in the writings. It’s New York /New Jersey /Conn. Jewish English.

I have the sense this isn’t what you wanted me to write about, but as the pens flows so do I at this moment. These bastards aren’t going to allow or approve any funding for my idea, and one major reason is because of my own writings, and as I learned way back in the 1950’s – the present. My name is Lovenguth, scares the shit out of them. First saw that reaction in third grade when my young 20 something teacher from NYC told me I needed to write my name using the letter, “I” instead of an “e”. Yeah, been that way all my life. When in my senior year at Kean University, my advisor, a fair minded Jewish professor, kindly advised me to make the same change to my name because as he put it, “they will never allow you to advance educationally”.

I am however not giving up and am drafting up a more positive, Madison Ave, type writing to send you. Not so simple when my mind is flooded by things I know. I think you understand.


George Lovenguth Lawlor

(ME): A Hispanic Native American (Mohawk) – Dutch – German – Irish – French – former USMC (H) 170% service connected Vietnam Veteran.



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