It’s Time for a Spanish Thing



 We don’t really feature advertisements here at VT. But as you know, there are always exceptions


… by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor   …with the Valles Symphony Orchestra


These flow by me during the day, and your seeing it now is always a spontaneous decision to click it open and then enjoy the surprise. I pass it on to you for a weekend treat. It’s fun, and in full HD.  Ah…that we had old cities with central squares to enjoy such things.


Flashmob produced by Onidea for the campaign “Som Sabadell” (We are Sabadell). More than 140 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, Choral Lieder, Amics de l’Opera and Choral Belles Arts, performed the Beethoven 9th Symphony, to the surprise of the audience.

[vimeo 43663031] – Som Sabadell




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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.