Government Approval Polls Plummeting


US Capitol Building

NBC/WSJ poll:  Obama approval sinks to new low

…from  Press TV,  Tehran


All thumbs down
All thumbs down

[ Editors Note: No big surprise here. Most folks just want to vote people in who make the best promises to make the problems go away.
But once they get in they have a choice of raising taxes for more revenue to do what folks want,  deficit spending, or austerity measures. So any of those is going to get you a lot of flack…and two of them, oh well, it’s impeachment time.
Despite our broken government most all incumbents are returned to office as successful crooks are highly treasured by their districts and states. Real Joe citizen types usually get eaten alive in the primaries, and those who do make it get a big dose of reality when they get to DC. It’s worse than they ever imagined.

Are we going to have a ‘mini-Syria’ here…where factions keep fighting each other to their political deaths and take the country with them? I see a lot of signs of that, minus the tank shelling and chemical weapons attacks, and oh…no Israeli air attacks or cruise missiles…yet.

The opposition know that any major success by the administration puts a lot of wind in their sales for maintaining control, so they do every thing they can to undermine their initiatives. They put a partisan spin on it, of course, but they would oppose anyway because if they don’t there is not way to ask people to put them back in charge.
Have we become a nation of ‘cutters’, like the high school kids to when the walls are closing in on them…slice themselves up? I really worry…and more then sometimes...Jim W. Dean ]


… from Press TV


Obama under the guy - with the rest of Congress
Obama under the gun – with the rest of Congress
US President Barack Obama’s approval rating has declined to an all-time low, amid deep and widespread dissatisfaction with US political system and the nation’s direction, a new poll shows.
For the first time since Obama emerged as a national political candidate, more Americans now view him negatively than positively, according to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
Just 42 percent of Americans approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month, while 51 percent disapprove of his job in office, an all-time high.
And for the first time in the survey, even Obama’s personal ratings are upside-down, with 45% viewing him negatively and 41% viewing him favorably.

“Personally and politically, the public’s assessment is two thumbs down,” says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff.

Obama’s lower poll standing are attributed to a number of setbacks since the summer, including allegations of spying by the National Security Agency, the debate over military action in Syria, the government shutdown and now intense scrutiny over the problems with the federal healthcare law.

“Americans are voicing their frustration at a Congress that cannot keep the government open for business and an administration that cannot get healthcare open for enrollment,” Mr. Hart said.

Really unhappy - is the word
Really unhappy – is the word

The findings are a “shock wave” that showed the depth of “anger and frustration with everybody in Washington,” McInturff said.
In all, the poll of 800 Americans captured an extraordinarily deep and widespread public disapproval for the two major political parties, the parties’ leaders and the state of politics in the nation’s capital.
A majority of Americans also said they belonged to neither party, a rarity in decades of Journal/NBC polling, while 30 percent said they would prefer an independent or third-party candidate for Congress.
Optimism about the US system of government is at 30 percent, the lowest in 40 years.
Just 29 percent said their congressional representative deserved re-election-a new low, while nearly three-quarters said Congress was contributing to the problems in Washington instead of working to solve them.



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