Who’s Crazy, Us or the Psychiatrists?


by J. Speer-Williams –  Jsw4@mac.com

The unholy alliance between Big Pharma and the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has played a most ruinous role in devitalizing, demoralizing, and dehumanizing our entire nation. The various pharmaceutical combines manufacture the psychotropics and the APA invents the disorders meant for those drugs.Scientology_psychiatry_kills
You may be interested to know that the APA has been instrumental in abetting American intelligence agencies in their torture tactics of human life, but they have now hurled their prestige and credibility into dangerously uncharted waters.
In an ignominious move to destigmatize pedophilia, the APA has once more proven just how anti-life they are.  In their updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the APA now states that adults who secretly wish to have sex with children will no longer be classified as having a severe psychiatric condition. In other words, the APA has suddenly claimed that pedophilia is merely one’s sexual orientation, sexual preference, if you will.
Could this reclassification have occurred because so many APA members are crazed pedophiles?
In any case, expect the mainstream media to eventually join the chorus of those who make excuses for sexual child abuse with notables telling us that pedophilia is merely a personal preference. And who are we to condemn it?
The APA’s manual of disorders makes up for losing one psychosis by classifying over one-quarter of all Americans as having serious psychiatric disorders. Listed among these “afflictions” are premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and pain disorder.
Disliking pain is a psychiatric condition? Who would have guessed it? The bizarre, however, is routine with the APA.
Federal laws, military policies, mainstream media newscasts, government schooling, in fact, almost all American institutions attempt to formulate, direct, and solidify US public opinion. This is exactly what the American Psychiatric Association ventured to do by labeling the crime of pedophilia as merely a sexual orientation.
But that bit of ridiculousness proved to be too much, too quickly. Segments of the American public rose up in outrage and let the APA know about it. Realizing they had moved too swiftly in the grand plan of their hierarchy to further degrade America, the APA backed off claiming an error had been made in their DSM.
Yes, the APA had made an error, but it was not of the typographical nature spokesmen for the association alluded to. Many critics of psychiatry have long predicted that the APA would sooner or later reclassify pedophilia as merely being of a sexual orientation much like homosexuality. But today is not that day. Will tomorrow be that day? It depends on how many Americans wake up to the realities the power structure is trying to effect.
A person, however, who would put their life in the hands of an APA psychiatrist does need help, but obviously not from a member of the American Psychiatric Association and their vast array of deadly prescription drugs – all approved by our less than helpful Federal Drug Administration.
In short, anyone who would take the advice or deadly drugs given by a common garden variety psychiatrist should have their head examined by someone qualified to do so.


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Former Hollywood producer of live stage shows that featured various movie and TV stars. In Los Angeles for almost a quarter of a century, Jack had a front-row seat in observing the disintegration of the foundations of American society before he retreated to the woods of New Hampshire. A graduate of the University of Florida, where he studied economics, Jack was also a running back on the Gator scout team, a member of the ATO social fraternity, Cadet Commander of the school's ROTC unit, and president of the military honorary society, Scabbard, and Blade. After serving honorably in the US Army, where Jack earned his paratrooper wings, he began to see the folly and crimes attendant to the unilateral wars of American aggression. It was then that Jack embarked on a spiritual path; one he has walked for over 40 years. Content with his sylvan seclusion, Jack began writing of how to spot media propaganda; something he meant to be his legacy to his three grown children. Today, however, Jack invites all others to read his non-partisan observations of national and international events. According to Jack... Those of us stuck deeply into the engineered left-right paradigm have no desire to be objective, and are thus blinded to all truth that does not reinforce biased opinions. Remedial work in geo-politics will not open the minds of such people, as they are badly in need of spiritual remedies; nevertheless, facts are facts, and some are available to truth-seekers, the subject matter of my writings."