Mandela and the Mossad – Israeli Archives


Mandela smile_1

JTA Report: Mandela received Mossad training


[Editors Note: Nothing new or surprising here…rabid Zionists playing the South Africans from both ends…courting Mandela on one and then working in the SA joint nuclear and biological weapons programs, the latter being quite nasty. The Zios wanted a bio weapon that would only kill Arabs and the SAs wanted one that would only kill black folks.
Our Intel agencies eventually knew this but of course would never tell the American people, who they worked for. Not telling people things also gives you power over them. What is in the American Intel archives on Israel is shocking beyond belief, and yet not a single warning has ever gone out about the threat as that would make our political class look like they were in the bag, which they were…are.
We have a long running issue of questionable loyalties here. The Intel people of course don’t trust the politicians, even the President sometimes, from whom they hide what they feel is too dangerous to know. So the question is, in that case, who are they working for? Who do they really report in those cases, other than themselves?… Jim W. Dean ]


 December 20, 2013 6:44am


"No one's friend - Everyone's enemy"
“No one’s friend – Everyone’s enemy”

(JTA) — Nelson Mandela received training from Israel’s Mossad in the 1960s, an Israeli government document has revealed.
Mandela, the former South African president and anti-apartheid leader who died earlier this month, was trained by Mossad agents in weaponry and sabotage in 1962, according to a report Thursday in Haaretz that was based on a document in the Israel State Archives labeled “Top Secret.”
The document, a letter sent from the Mossad to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, said Mossad operatives also attempted to encourage Zionist sympathies in Mandela, Haaretz reported.
Mandela led the struggle against apartheid in his country from the 1950s. He was arrested, tried and released a number of times before going underground in the early 1960s. In January 1962, he left South Africa and visited various African countries, including Ethiopia, Algeria, Egypt and Ghana.
Mandela met with the Israelis in Ethiopia, where he arrived under the alias David Mobsari.
The letter noted that Mandela “showed an interest in the methods of the Haganah and other Israeli underground movements “ and that “he greeted our men with ‘Shalom,’ was familiar with the problems of Jewry and of Israel, and gave the impression of being an intellectual. The staff tried to make him into a Zionist,” the Mossad operative wrote.

“In conversations with him, he expressed socialist worldviews and at times created the impression that he leaned toward communism,” the letter continued, noting that the man who called himself David Mobsari was indeed Mandela.

This letter was discovered several years ago by David Fachler, 43, a resident of Alon Shvut, who was researching documents about South Africa for a master’s thesis.



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