Clinton threatens Iran with ‘every’ option on table



Clinton threatens Iran with ‘every’ option on table

Top Daily Story   …   Press TV, Tehran


Shilling for the Zionists
Shilling for the Zionists

[ Editors Note:  Let us be clear Miss Hillary, you are a national security risk for America, something many of us out here consider a conflict of interest of sorts, those who care about things like that.  And yes, I know what you are going to say, that it doesn’t make any difference as no one can be elected president without pledging allegiance to Israel.

You are forgetting that even if Obama did, he changed his mind. Israel, and certainly the Likud gangsters thought so, as they moved heaven and earth to knock him out of the box for Romney who had promised them an attack on Iran. He was…is…a traitor himself. But he has had a long time to get used to it, as have you.

As for your recent Putin-Hitler barb, Americans don’t like to see presidential candidates pandering quite that much. And yes, I understand that pandering is a big part of your job, but frankly we out here in the heartland are a bit punch drunk from it all. If we must have to endure it at least give us some new faces and maybe we would not feel so bad.

But there is one thing I must thank you for, and that is volunteering to be the poster girl for why we need a serious political revolution in this country to get rid of a whole generation of politico-gangsters.

We need to eliminate them from the pool of presidential contenders where we are damned if we get this one, or damned with the other. This would set my people free, wouldn’t you agree?… Jim W. Dean ]


–  First published March 21,  2014  –


Hillary competing with Romney's pledge to bomb Iran. Is this treason?
Hillary competing with Romney’s pledge to bomb Iran. Is this treason?

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said that every option against Iran will be on the table if a comprehensive agreement over Tehran’s nuclear energy program is not reached.

Speaking before a pro-Israel group in New York Wednesday night, Clinton said she does not believe a “comprehensive agreement” will be reached between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Britain, China, France, Russia, and the US – plus Germany over Iran’s nuclear energy program.

“The odds of reaching that comprehensive agreement are not good,” she said before the American Jewish Congress in New York, adding that if talks over a final deal fail, Washington will not take any options off the table.

“Let’s be clear,” Clinton said, “every other option does remain on the table.”

Clinton made the remarks the same day Iran and the P5+1 group wrapped up a second round of negotiations in Vienna, Austria, with both sides describing the talks as useful and constructive.

The two sides reached an interim agreement on November 24, 2013, in the Swiss city of Geneva to set the stage for the full resolution of the West’s decade-old dispute with Iran over its nuclear energy program.

Under the Geneva agreement, the Sextet agreed to provide Iran with some sanctions relief in exchange for Tehran agreeing to limit certain aspects of its nuclear activities during a six-month period.

Clinton’s threat against Iran also comes as US President Barack Obama said in a videotaped message to Iranians on the occasion of the Persian New Year, Nowruz,  that he is “committed to diplomacy” in resolving differences between Washington and Tehran over Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Editing:  Jim W. Dean

" This is my 'patrician look' ... plus I get to look down on you! "
” This is my ‘patrician look’ … plus I get to look down on you! “



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.