A Note to the Phony Money Pundits


Just a note for the phonies and idiots who have been bilking Americans with “pump and dump” scares for years.  America’s economy is currently booming.  The “dollar” is the world’s strongest currency, solid as the hot air and toilet paper it is printed on.
Gas is below $2 a gallon.  The stock market, floating at 6000 when Obama took office is now over 18,000.  Investments here in the US are booming, both bonds and equities.  Mortgage rates are low and jobs, albeit poor paying jobs, are plentiful.
No American died in a war last week. (I think, I hope)
The US is recognizing Cuba, reassessing its relationship with Syria and Iran and struggling to break the neocon stranglehold and close Gitmo.  As to whether America will be able to stop the privatized banditry of the CIA from running drugs and secret prisons, from rigging American elections and murdering patriots, I am not so sure.
Yes, the CIA rigs America’s elections and many of those around the world as well.  Yes, the Republican Party controls the CIA through private contractors and they rig voting machines, use police to intimidate voters and spread propaganda through controlled media.  Yes, the CIA should be disbanded, a pack of thieves, drug runners and liars but at least they are better than Britain’s intelligence services.
Real Americans are fighting for financial justice, to end the corruption and thievery rampant from the Bush years, to restore a collapsed standard of living and are trying to do so between the false flag terror attacks, phony race war politics and made up news.
I was talking with Mike Chester today.  He received a fraudulent telemarketing call claiming the IRS was suing him and advised him to send money to a nameless account somewhere.
I tend to call good friends at the FBI when I get such calls.  However, it is almost impossible to prosecute such frauds.  You see, “conservatives” think defrauding the public is a joke and that those stupid enough to be frightened into paying cash to criminals deserve to be cheated.
The nature of “conservatism” is to exalt rats and vermin above all others, seeing them as naturally superior.
Did we just define Jeb Bush?


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.


  1. Mr. Dean, please just can this comment system. It does us no good to know whether or not our comments just go into a black hole or not. If we cannot get some kind of immediate response (even that our comments are being moderated), why comment? We just can’t keep refreshing and coming back to see if we posted successfully or not.
    I could use my FB pluggin. At least it is immediate. But I have heard of late, that FB is of the Devil. Why would I want to abuse myself in such a manner? Sometimes I think VT is a contradiction in terms.
    Editor’s note–editor4–
    This comment was edited for appropriateness, as it was unnecessarily derogatory to the writer and readers. Please read again VT’s comment policy at this URL–
    “Do not harass, stalk, bully, or otherwise abuse any user on VeteransToday.com.”

  2. Not your best work Gordon. Wayne Jett is words right out of my own mouth. Why repeat his words, when his are superior to mine on this matter. Why don’t you just go offer your services to Barry Soetoro as his press chief? This is some of the best spin I have ever read.
    I’ll give you my short success story thus far this year. Today I worked. A good 8 hours. A decent rate (at that magical $15/hr you pine for minimum wage.) I’ll do the same tomorrow and the next day. The thing is, I’m off the next 2 days, and without pay. So, my total for this week, is less than 30 hours. Last week, I only worked 2 days (at same rate and hours), so that was less than 20 hours. That was just my holiday bonus. Next week, I’ll probably be back to my regular schedule, of 3 days @ 3 hours/day. That is no more than 10 hours/week. The rate is decent, but not enough of it. (My “marketable rate” I’m told, is $25 – $30/hr for my skill set and experience)
    To top this all off, today I saw $1.85 at the pump. I plan to take advantage of that tomorrow. The last I paid at same pump, a week ago, was $2.10. Then I go to Sonic for lunch today, and order a small “jumbo popcorn chicken” (spicy), a mini mozzarella stick, and a small limeaid. Grand total? $6.78! Nice SNACK, huh? Boy is that progress.