48 Hours of Obama’s “War Denial Syndrome”

Syrian Army, Allies Gain More Territories in Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army alongside the country’s National Defense Forces (NDF), backed up by the Russian fighter jets, won two more regions in the Northern part of the coastal province of Lattakia, battlefield sources announced on Friday.

The sources said that the Syrian army, the NDF fighters and the Russian air force conducted joint anti-terrorist operations near the strategic regions of Rweiset Khandaq and Ketf al-Hamidah and forced the militant groups to retreat forces from the mentioned battlefields after leaving dozens of dead and wounded members.

The pro-government forces are now in full control of the above-mentioned regions.

The Syrian force also inflicted heavy losses on the militant groups on Tuesday, and seized full control over four more strategic villages after hours of fierce clashes with the militants.

The pro-government forces pushed back the militants from the villages of Arafat al-Tahta and Arafat al-Fawqa in the Jub al-Ahmar of the Prophet Jonah Mountains and restored full security to the village and its surroundings.

Meantime, the Syrian army troops and the NDF fighters took back the villages of Raweesat Sheikhou and Katf Al-Salat in the Prophet Jonah Mountains, after killing several militants in their raid.

Field sources said on Thursday, Scores of Takfiri militants fled their positions in Lattakia province as the Syrian forces launched large-scale offensives to capture vast territories.

The Syrian army and its allies began a large-scale offensive on the Takfiri terrorists in Lattakia, and forced tens of militants to flee their positions in the province, sources said.

Syrian warplanes also targeted militants’ positions in Salma and Nubia in Lattakia, killing a large group of Takfiri terrorists and destroying their strongholds, vehicles and weapons.

ISIS Suffers Heavy Losses near Quaryatayn Town in Syria’s Homs Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and the country’s popular forces Friday raided ISIL strongholds near Quaryatayn, killed scores of the terrorists and destroyed their 15-vehicle-long military column.

The ISIL gatherings and a military convoy in Quaryatayn mountains and the area surrounding al-Madina al-Tamthylia in the Eastern side of Homs province were massively attacked by the pro-government forces.

The pro-government forces’ attack ended in destruction of at least 15 vehicle loaded with weapons and ammunition. The ISIL also sustained a heavy death toll in the Syrian forces’ offensive.

The ISIL terrorists have been under continued attacks of the Syrian forces in the recent days.The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces, backed by the country’s warplanes, resumed their military operations against ISIL terrorists in the Central Province of Homs on Thursday, inflicting heavy losses on them.

On Wednesday, scores of Takfiri militants were killed in Homs as the Russian and Syrian airstrikes hit their strongholds across the Central province. The militants’ vehicles and weapons were also destroyed in the air attacks.

On Monday, the Syrian warplanes targeted ISIL’s fortified positions to the Southwest of Al-Quaryatayn city and the farms surrounding it in the countryside of Homs. The air raids destroyed ISIL positions, and killed all the terrorists who were inside them and destroyed their vehicles and weapons.

The Syrian fighter jets also destroyed ISIL gathering centers in the vicinity of al-Shaer gas field and al-Biarat area in the countryside of Palmyra (Tadmour), killing tens of Takfiri terrorists and destroying their vehicles and weapons.

Meanwhile, Syrian jets destroyed terrorists’ positions in Tir Ma’ala village to the South of Homs city on Monday.

Syrian Fighter Jets Hit Nusra Militants’ Centers Heavily in Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes carried out several combat sorties over the defense lines of al-Nusra Front in Northeastern Lattakia province, inflicting heavy damage on terrorists positions, army sources announced on Friday.

The al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front’ gathering centers and military camps in Bouz al-Kherbeh, Akko and Kabanai were massively targeted by heavy bombardments of the Syrian fighter jets, which left many of the militants dead or wounded, the sources said.

They further said the Syrian air attacks also inflicted heavy damage on the militants’ military equipment.

The Syrian forces conducted more successful operations in other battlefields of the province earlier today, when the army alongside the country’s National Defense Forces (NDF), backed up by the Russian fighter jets, won two more regions in the Northern part of the coastal province of Lattakia.

The sources said that the Syrian army, the NDF fighters and the Russian air force conducted joint anti-terrorist operations near the strategic regions of Rweiset Khandaq and Ketf al-Hamidah and forced the militant groups to retreat forces from the mentioned battlefields after leaving dozens of dead and wounded members.

Hezbollah, Syrian Forces Win More Land South of Aleppo Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The pro-government forces, in a fresh round of joint operations in the Southern territories of Aleppo province on Friday, pushed back the militant groups from their positions and restored security to new territories.

The Syrian army’s 4th Mechanized Division, Hezbollah, the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Aleppo City, Kata’eb Hezbollah and Harakat Al-Nujaba struck back against the Ahrar Al-Sham and Harakat Nouriddeen Al-Zinki, capturing the hilltop village of Tal Al-Baraqa.

Following the capture of the aforementioned village, the Syrian Armed Forces launched an assault on Tal ‘Arba’een, seizing this hilltop village after a brief firefight with the so-called Jeish al-Islam and Liwaa Suqour Al-Sham.

With Hezbollah’s back up in Southern Aleppo, the Syrian Armed Forces are poised to make a push to capture the strategic region of ICARDA agricultural facility that is located along the Aleppo-Damascus Highway; if seized, the militants will have their primary supply line cut.

The Syrian forces won the battles against their foreign-backed enemies in the Southern side of Aleppo province on Thursday too, and seized full control over another key hilltop to the South of Dadin hills that were also captured in the same day.

Following the destruction of the last remaining positions of the terrorists, the Syrian forces won back Ja’eiri hill to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern part of Aleppo.

Sources said earlier today that the Syrian army, the NDF fighters and Hezbollah combatants continued to hunt the terrorists in the Southern part of the province, which not only inflicted heavy death toll on the militants but also destroyed a number of their military vehicles.

Early reports said at least 14 militants were killed and tens of other were wounded on Friday.

Syrian Forces Storm ISIL Positions in Deir Ezzur Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army targeted the ISIL’s concentration centers in different regions in the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur, killed tens of them and destroyed their military hardware on Friday.

The ISIL strongholds in al-Hweikah, Hamidya, Old Airport and workers’ neighborhood came under heavy attacks of the Syrian forces, which claimed the lives of dozens of the terrorists and inflicted large damage on their military equipment.

The Syrian forces have thus far fended off many attacks by the ISIL terrorists on Deir Ezzur military airbase and have killed scores of them in their counter-attacks, for instance, on Sunday the Syrian army troops repelled the ISIL terrorists’ large-scale assault on the strategic Deir Ezzur airbase and killed scores of the militants in a heavy counter-attack.

The sources said that the ISIL massive offensive to break through the Syrian soldiers’ defense lines near Deir Ezzur airbase failed and the militants left behind many dead or wounded members and fled the battlefield after the army carried out a counter-assault against them.

Also on Saturday, a large group of ISIL Terrorists were killed and injured in clashes with the Syrian army in al-Huweika and Jebila neighborhoods in Deir Ezzur.

Ahrar Al-Sham Terrorists Sustain Heavy Casualties in Syria’s Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Friday that its forces stormed the positions of Ahrar al-Sham in two key regions in Hama province and killed at least 29 of the terrorists.

The army said that concentration centers of Ahrar al-Sham in Kafr Zeita and Korek came under offensives of the pro-government forces, which ended in the killing of at least 29 militants and wounding of many others.

The source also said that several military vehicles of the militant group were destroyed by the army.

The Syrian army troops had also good records of victories in Hama province on Thursday, when the government troops are advanced in the al-Ghab Plain and killed dozens of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the first hours of clashes.

The Syrian army advanced in the West of Tal Zajram village in al-Ghab Plain West of Hama city, informed sources said.

The army also shelled terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of al-Qahera and al-Safa, killing and injuring scores of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Continues Mop-Up Operations Countrywide
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army continued hunting down the Takfiri terrorists across Syria, and razed down their strongholds and positions over the last 24 hours.

The army units carried out massive military operations in Homs, Aleppo, Hama, Dara’a and Damascus.


The Syrian army foiled an ISIL car bomb attack against its troops in the Central Province of Homs on Thursday.

Field sources said the army destroyed an ISIL terrorists’ BMB vehicle bomb as the terrorists were targeting the army troops who are advancing towards Al-Quaryatayn city, 85 km Southeast of Homs city.

The army also killed the suicide bomber who was driving the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces, backed by the country’s warplanes, resumed their military operations against ISIL terrorists in the Central Province of Homs on Thursday, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The Syrian forces targeted the terrorists supply routes and positions in the vicinity of Al-Quaryatayn town, destroying over 15 militants’ vehicles.

All the terrorists on board were also killed.


The Syrian army and its allies seized full control over a key hilltop to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern parts of Aleppo province that were also captured earlier on Thursday.

Following the destruction of the last remaining positions of the terrorists, the Syrian forces won back Ja’eiri hill to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

The Syrian army won back the strategic Dadin hilltops in Aleppo province in a new setback to the Takfiri militants.

The Syrian forces killed and wounded scores of Takfiri terrorists during the liberating operation.

Terrorists are retreating from strategic areas in the Northern Province of Aleppo following the Syrian army attacks on Thursday.

The Syrian troops struck the terrorists heavily and forced them to retreat from the vicinity of (Tall Dadin) Dadin hill in the al-Hader district to the South of Aleppo city and (Tall al-Bakare) al-Bakare hill in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

The news came as the Syrian army and its allies are advancing from the two hills and destroyed militants’ vehicles.


Government troops advanced in the al-Ghab Plain in Hama province. Dozens of Jeish al-Fath terrorists were killed in the first hours of the clashes.

The Syrian army advanced in the West of Tal Zajram village in al-Ghab Plain West of Hama city.

The army also shelled terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of al-Qahera and al-Safa, killing and injuring scores of Jeish al-Fath terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles.

The Syrian army killed at least 14 terrorists, including a senior commander, in military operations in Hama province, where it has expanded the combat zone and lines of engagement.

The army destroyed positions of the so-called “al-Izza Battalions and Brigades Coalition” in Al-Lataminah town to the North of Hama city.

At least 14 terrorists were killed during the attack.

Mohamed Ali al-Raadoun, a ringleader of a terrorist group, was identified among the dead.

The army also destroyed four vehicles in the operation.


The Takfiri terrorist groups acknowledged that over a dozen of their members have been killed in clashes with the Syrian army in Dara’a province on Thursday.

Terrorist groups said on their social media pages that 13 terrorists were killed in several areas in Dara’a countryside.

The groups also published the names of a number of the dead terrorists, including Yousef al-Salmouni, Hayyan al-Zaarour and Shamel Hamoud.


The Syrian army inflicted large casualties on the terrorists as it resumed operations to tighten noose around the Takfiri militants in Damascus province.

The army killed a large group of terrorists, including Ziad Hassoun, in military attacks on their positions in Hamorya town.

Meanwhile, the army fired artillery shells at terrorists in Douma, and killed the terrorists, Adnan al-Nakhar, Ahmad Shihab and Basel al-Za’aem.

Syrian Army, Allies Advancing against Militants at Hama Border with Lattakia
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army alongside the country’s popular forces continued to advance in al-Ghab plains in Hama province towards the villages of Al-Ziyarah, Tal Wassit, and Al-Mansoura near the border with Lattakia, battlefield sources said Friday.

The Syrian army’s 45th Regiment of the 1st Armored Division, in coordination with the National Defense Forces (NDF) of Masyaf and the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), shifted their attention to the villages of Al-Ziyarah, Tal Wassit, and Al-Mansoura in the Al-Ghaab Plains, striking the enemy combatants at several battle zones in an attempt to advance their positions, sources said.

The government troops also advanced in the al-Ghab Plain on Thursday and killed dozens of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the first hours of clashes.

The Syrian army advanced in the West of Tal Zajram village in al-Ghab Plain West of Hama city, informed sources said.

The army also shelled terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of al-Qahera and al-Safa, killing and injuring scores of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles.

Reports said also earlier today that concentration centers of Ahrar al-Sham in Kafr Zeita and Korek in Hama province came under offensives of the pro-government forces, which ended in the killing of at least 29 militants and wounding of many others.

The source also said that several military vehicles of the militant group were destroyed by the army.

Ahrar Al-Sham Terrorists Sustain Heavy Casualties in Syria’s Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army announced on Friday that its forces stormed the positions of Ahrar al-Sham in two key regions in Hama province and killed at least 29 of the terrorists.

The army said that concentration centers of Ahrar al-Sham in Kafr Zeita and Korek came under offensives of the pro-government forces, which ended in the killing of at least 29 militants and wounding of many others.

The source also said that several military vehicles of the militant group were destroyed by the army.

The Syrian army troops had also good records of victories in Hama province on Thursday, when the government troops are advanced in the al-Ghab Plain and killed dozens of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists in the first hours of clashes.

The Syrian army advanced in the West of Tal Zajram village in al-Ghab Plain West of Hama city, informed sources said.

The army also shelled terrorists’ concentration centers in the towns of al-Qahera and al-Safa, killing and injuring scores of Jeish al-Fatah terrorists and destroying a number of their vehicles.

Senior Terrorist Commander Killed in Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army killed at least 14 terrorists, including a senior commander, in military operations in Hama province, where it has expanded the combat zone and lines of engagement.

The army destroyed positions of the so-called “al-Izza Battalions and Brigades Coalition” in Al-Lataminah town to the North of Hama city. At least 14 terrorists were killed during the attack.

Mohamed Ali al-Raadoun, a ringleader of a terrorist group, was identified among the dead. The army also destroyed four vehicles in the operation.

Also on Wednesday, the Russian warplanes conducted 5 air raids on ISIL training camp on Bil’as Mountain East of Hama, killing at least 15 Takfiri militants. Six vehicles of the terrorists were also destroyed.

The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces also killed and wounded a group of Jeish al-Fateh members as they stormed the terrorists’ positions near Morek in Hama province on Wednesday. Militants’ tank and weapons were also seized by the Syrian forces.

Syrian Forces Hit ISIL Hard in Homs
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army and the National Defense Forces, backed by the country’s warplanes, resumed their military operations against ISIL terrorists in the Central Province of Homs on Thursday, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The Syrian forces targeted the terrorists supply routes and positions in the vicinity of Al-Quaryatayn city, destroying over 15 militants’ vehicles.

All the terrorists on board were also killed.

On Wednesday, scores of Takfiri militants were killed in Homs as the Russian and Syrian airstrikes hit their strongholds across the Central province.

The militants’ vehicles and weapons were also destroyed in the air attacks.

On Monday, the Syrian warplanes targeted ISIL’s fortified positions to the Southwest of Al-Quaryatayn city and the farms surrounding it in the countryside of Homs.

The air raids destroyed ISIL positions, and killed all the terrorists who were inside them and destroyed their vehicles and weapons.

The Syrian fighter jets also destroyed ISIL gathering centers in the vicinity of al-Shaer gas field and al-Biarat area in the countryside of Palmyra (Tadmour), killing tens of Takfiri terrorists and destroying their vehicles and weapons.

Meanwhile, Syrian jets destroyed terrorists’ positions in Tir Ma’ala village to the South of Homs city on Monday.

Terrorists Retreating from Key Areas in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorists are retreating from strategic areas in the Northern Province of Aleppo following the Syrian army attacks on Thursday.

The Syrian troops struck the terrorists heavily and forced them to retreat from the vicinity of (Tall Dadin) Dadin hill in the al-Hader district to the South of Aleppo city and (Tall al-Bakare) al-Bakare hill in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

The news came as the Syrian army and its allies are advancing from the two hills and destroyed militants’ vehicles.

On Wednesday, the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) also gained the upper hand in their combat against the ISIL terrorists in the Eastern parts of Aleppo province and made remarkable advance in the Deir Hafer region.

The army and the NDF destroyed ISIL’s military positions and heavy military equipment in Deir Hafer plains and in areas near the Kuweires Military Airport.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured during the Syrian forces’ raids on their strongholds.

Terrorists’ Tunnel Destroyed by Syrian Army in Damascus Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian government forces on Friday detected and destroyed a tunnel used by the foreign-backed militants in the Northeastern part of Damascus province, and killed all militants inside the tunnel.

The army destroyed a tunnel of the terrorists in Harasta in the Eastern Ghouta.

The Syrian soldiers trapped the militants inside the tunnel and all them after hours of clashes.

The pro-government forces have discovered several tunnels of militants in the recent weeks.

On Monday, The Syrian army explored another tunnel used by the Takfiri terrorists in Harasta.

As the Syrian army engineering units were combing the areas near Harasta Highway, they detected a tunnel that extends from the Eastern side of the highway towards Douma farms.

The tunnel is linked to a number of basements and trenches in the area.

A number of explosive devises were found inside the tunnel.

The army also destroyed a tunnel of the Jeish al-Islam terrorists with the length of over 350 meters in Jobar neighborhood in the same province.

25 Militants Killed in Syrian Forces’ Counter-Attack in Dara’a Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and popular forces fended off a large-scale attack of terrorist groups in Northwest of Dara’a province, and killed at least 25 of them in their counter-assault, provincial officials said on Friday.

The sources said that the massive offensive of the terrorist groups on the government forces’ positions near the town of Jadiyah was repelled by the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF).

The army and the NDF fighter conducted a heavy counter-attack and pushed the terrorists back and inflicted a heavy death toll on them.

Four armored vehicles of the militant groups, mounted with a variety of anti-aircraft machineguns, were destroyed by the army.

The militant groups also failed battles against the government forces on Thursday, and acknowledged that over a dozen of their members were killed in clashes with the Syrian army in Dara’a province.

Terrorist groups said on their social media pages that 13 terrorists were killed in several areas in Dara’a countryside.

The groups also published the names of a number of the dead terrorists, including Yousef al-Salmouni, Hayyan al-Zaarour and Shamel Hamoud.

Syria: Takfiris Confirm Casualties in Dara’a
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Takfiri terrorist groups acknowledged that over a dozen of their members have been killed in clashes with the Syrian army in Dara’a province on Thursday.

Terrorist groups said on their social media pages that 13 terrorists were killed in several areas in Dara’a countryside.

The groups also published the names of a number of the dead terrorists, including Yousef al-Salmouni, Hayyan al-Zaarour and Shamel Hamoud.

On Tuesday, the Takfiri terrorist groups also acknowledged the death of a number of their members in military operations in the province of Dara’a.

They said they have identified notorious terrorists Adnan Mustafa al-Hilal and Mohammad Abdel-Rahman al-Saadi among the dead.

Army Capturing More Strategic Heights in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army and its allies seized full control over another key hilltop to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern parts of Aleppo province that were also captured earlier on Thursday.

Following the destruction of the last remaining positions of the terrorists, the Syrian forces won back Ja’eiri hill to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

The Syrian army captured the strategic Dadin hilltops only a few hours ago. The Syrian forces killed and wounded scores of Takfiri terrorists during the operation.

Reports had informed earlier today that terrorists were retreating from strategic areas in Aleppo province following the Syrian army attacks that started at dawn on Thursday.

The Syrian troops struck the terrorists heavily and forced them to retreat from the vicinity of (Tall Dadin) Dadin hill in the al-Hader district to the South of Aleppo city and (Tall al-Bakare) al-Bakare hill in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

Syrian Army Marching on Nusra Center across Aleppo Neighborhoods
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army launched a series of offensives against the al-Nusra Front’s gathering centers in at least four neighborhoods of the Northern city of Aleppo on Friday, claiming the lives of many militants.

The Syrian army troops stormed the concentration centers of the al-Qaeda-affiliate Nusra Front in al-Rashidin, al-Lairamoun, al-Zahraa and Bani Zaid neighborhoods, and inflicted a heavy death toll on them.

Al-Nusra Front’s military equipment, including mortar launchers and machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed in the army attack on their positions.

The Syrian army and it allies have won almost all the battles against the militant groups across the Northern province of Aleppo in recent weeks.

Reports said earlier that he Syrian Army, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah combatants continued to hunt the terrorists in the Southern part of the province, which not only inflicted heavy death toll on the militants but also destroyed a number of their military vehicles.

Early reports said at least 14 militants were killed and tens of other were wounded on Friday. Some members of the pro-government forces also sustained injuries in the battles.

14 Terrorists Killed by Gov’t Forces South of Syria’s Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Southern territories of Aleppo province were the scenes of fierce clashes between the Takfiri terrorists and the united front of the Syrian Army, National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah on Friday.

The Syrian Army, the NDF fighters and Hezbollah combatants continued to hunt the terrorists in the Southern part of the province, which not only inflicted heavy death toll on the militants but also destroyed a number of their military vehicles.

Early reports said at least 14 militants were killed and tens of other were wounded on Friday

Some members of the pro-government forces also sustained injuries in the battles.

The Syrian forces won the battles against their foreign-backed enemies in the Southern side of Aleppo province on Thursday too, and seized full control over another key hilltop to the South of Dadin hills that were also captured in the same day.

Following the destruction of the last remaining positions of the terrorists, the Syrian forces won back Ja’eiri hill to the South of Dadin hills in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

The Syrian forces killed and wounded scores of Takfiri terrorists during the operation.

Reports said on Thursday that the terrorists were retreating from strategic areas in Aleppo province following the Syrian army attacks at the time.

The Syrian troops struck the terrorists heavily and forced them to retreat from the vicinity of (Tall Dadin) Dadin hill in the al-Hader district to the South of Aleppo city and (Tall al-Bakare) al-Bakare hill in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

Aleppo: Dadin Hills Purged of Terrorists
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army won back the strategic Dadin hilltops in the Northern Province of Aleppo on Thursday in a new setback to the Takfiri militants.

The Syrian forces killed and wounded scores of Takfiri terrorists during the liberating operation.

Earlier reports said terrorists are retreating from strategic areas in the province of Aleppo following the Syrian army attacks on Thursday.

The Syrian troops struck the terrorists heavily and forced them to retreat from the vicinity of (Tall Dadin) Dadin hill in the al-Hader district to the South of Aleppo city and (Tall al-Bakare) al-Bakare hill in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

Syria: Terrorists in Hama Pinned Down under Army’s Massive Artillery Fire
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army has been pounding terrorists since Wednesday to cut off their line of supply in Hama, sources said, adding that several trucks loaded with arms supplies were targeted during the shelling.

The source said one of the trucks that was targeted and destroyed during the shelling was carrying large amounts of weapons and ammunition on the road between Doir al-Akrad and Jub al-Za’arour in Hama countryside on Wednesday.

All the terrorists on board were killed in the blast.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces killed and wounded a group of Jeish al-Fateh members as they stormed the terrorists’ positions near Morek in Hama province.

At least 18 terrorists of Jeish al-Fateh terrorists were killed and injured near Morek in Hama, informed sources said.

Militants’ tank and weapons were also seized by the Syrian forces, the sources added.

Syrian Warplanes Target ISIL Centers near Ancient Palmyra
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian fighter jets on Friday targeted the ISIL strongholds across the Central Homs province with heavy strikes, including their concentration centers near the ancient city of Palmyra (Tadmur).

The ISIL strongholds in al-Sukhneh, the area surrounding Palmyra, al-Sawaneh and Khneifis near Homs city were bombed by the Syrian fighter jets, which claimed the lives of many terrorists and destroyed their military grid.

The Syrian and Russian fighter jets have jointly conducted many combat sorties over the ISIL position in Homs province, mainly near Palmyra to weaken the group’s defense lines to pave the ground for the liberating operation of the city by the ground forces.

The Russian strikers pounded the defense lines of the ISIL terrorist group around Palmyra on Tuesday morning in preparation for a large-scale attack to take back the ancient city.

Reports said the ISIL terrorists sustained a heavy death toll in the Russian airstrikes on their positions in the surrounding areas of Palmyra.

Damage assessment reports said the militant sites’ infrastructure suffered heavy damage in the air raids.



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